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  1. #51
    Harbinger of Doom

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    Quote Originally Posted by YourDaddy View Post

    Did you ever post under initials AA?
    Me? No. Why do you ask? Who is AA?

  2. #52
    Thailand Expat YourDaddy's Avatar
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    Council flat. Thanks suckers!

  3. #53

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    youre too old for kids, enjoy your life

  4. #54
    Thailand Expat David48atTD's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Passing Through View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by YourDaddy View Post

    Did you ever post under initials AA?
    Me? No. Why do you ask? Who is AA?
    I got it.


    Quote Originally Posted by YourDaddy View Post
    Wife 36 years old no kids,
    I don't mean to be perceived as negative, but, a @ 36 your wife's odds of becoming pregnant are less the 50%, and decline every year going forward.
    IVF changes that equation.
    Age is the most important factor affecting a woman's chance to conceive and have a healthy child. As women age their fertility declines. A woman's fertility starts to decline in her early 30s, with the decline speeding up after 35. At 40 a woman only has a 5% chance of becoming pregnant in any month.

    As an aside, I'm a 'mature' Dad and I'm loving it ... never been happier in my life. But that's me.
    Someone is sitting in the shade today because someone planted a tree a long time ago ...

  5. #55
    I am not a cat
    nidhogg's Avatar
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    ^ Odds of downs syndrome starts kicking in as well.

  6. #56
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    Downs can always be detected by amniocentesis. But yes, the odds do increase with age.

  7. #57
    CCBW Stumpy's Avatar
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    Quick, go get a Vasectomy. It ends the child discussion and shooting blanks is OUTSTANDING....

  8. #58
    Hangin' Around cyrille's Avatar
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    I think the variable here is you, bud.

    You don't seem to know what you want from one hour to the next. That's probably why you've been sweating over a plan for the future that, in typical buddahas style, was suggested by you in the first place.

    It seems like you need to decide if you can live with education and life 'thai style' for your kid/s. And then once you've decided move forward on that basis without constantly being racked by doubts and thoughts/comments to your wife about how things might be done better elsewhere.

    As far as I know, noon seems to be doing with his two by reconciling himself to this and looking at it positively.

    It's good that you've moved on from the bs about being a property magnate and highly successful entrepreneur btw.

  9. #59
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    I don't know, those generic pictures from the balconies of many excellent properties seemed pretty convincing.

  10. #60
    Hangin' Around cyrille's Avatar
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    Yeah, do you remember the photo from 'his' apartment where the (rather empty) sitting room was about the size of a tennis court?

    And it turns out it just has one bedroom?

    Seems like poor use of the available space.

  11. #61
    Thailand Expat Pragmatic's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by David48atTD
    I don't mean to be perceived as negative, but, a @ 36 your wife's odds of becoming pregnant are less the 50%,
    Quote Originally Posted by David48atTD
    IVF changes that equation.
    IVF only carries a 30% success rate. Natural conception at 36 y.o gives one better odds.

  12. #62
    Thailand Expat armstrong's Avatar
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    i spent friday evening playing shop and a great deal of saturday building a fort and stopping arguments.

    right now i'd day even if you could afford it i probably wouldnt fucking bother.

  13. #63
    . Neverna's Avatar
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    Have you tried building a zoo with blocks and filling it with plastic animals? That's fun.

    And for those on a tight budget, not expensive.

  14. #64
    Harbinger of Doom

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    right now i'd day even if you could afford it i probably wouldnt fucking bother.

    Too late for you armstrong, but vasectomy is a quick and relatively painless operation. I recommend it.

  15. #65
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    It may well notionally disburse 6% of GDP on the education sector but the corruption endemic in the system means that that figure is not necessarily the sum actually expended on teaching children and the training of teachers equipped with the resources to educate according to a meaningful curriculum.

    But that is an aside to the main issue seemingly under debate which is how much money is needed to raise a child responsibly in Thailand.

    All depends on what you want for the child. If a chance at developing potential and launching them into the world where they can compete with their peers on a level playing field, then clearly a decent international private school for primary and secondary education is critical and will involve an inevitable average minimum expenditure of at least 600,000 baht annually. If they are to take their chances as Thai with access to the better Thai schools and aim to become graduates albeit working as competent receptionists and/or trainee junior managers in international hotels or a bank, insurance, tech company etc., then less than half that sum allowing for actual disbursements in addition to bribery/ extortion demands.

    If the child is academically inclined and motivated then they might shine even within the mainstream education system in which case expenditure would be quite incidental to other living expenses.

    Personally speaking, unless the OP is independently wealthy or in receipt of a decent expat worker's package, I would be more likely to eat my left testicle than let the little fucker languish in Thai society much past mid-junior school.

  16. #66
    Mike Watson's Avatar
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    Tad harsh Seeking.

  17. #67
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    Quote Originally Posted by Seekingasylum
    Personally speaking, unless the OP is independently wealthy or in receipt of a decent expat worker's package, I would be more likely to eat my left testicle than let the little fucker languish in Thai society much past mid-junior school.
    Monied Thais conclude same. High school at a Thai international school followed by uni abroad. We're talking serious money.

  18. #68
    Mike Watson's Avatar
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    I know some kids that have been educated well here through the system and then abroad for further education.

    It's always about correct parenting full stop.

  19. #69
    Thailand Expat Pragmatic's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mike Watson
    It's always about correct parenting full stop.
    I disagree. It all boils down to the child. Parents can throw whatever money they have at the child's education but if the child doesn't want to learn it's all a total waste.

  20. #70
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    I did not mention that they are all Christians.

  21. #71
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    From what i've read and heard in Thailand it's a gamble, however i do know off a few luk krueng who have excelled in Thai schools mainly down to the sacrifice, perseverance of their parents and mostly their father.

    I know it's a hot potato of a subject that many have had to deal with, the choice to live in the west or Thailand purely for the children's education.

    I chose the West and am happy that mine are all top of their classes in outstanding schools.

    It requires a lot of dedication and love to raise a child properly, something that can not be taught, only learnt from other peoples mistakes.

    It's good that you are asking the question because it shows a level of maturity and commitment that is needed to be a parent.

  22. #72
    Isle of discombobulation Joe 90's Avatar
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    How much does it cost to raise a child?

    You might not be able to put a price on family, but you can see how much they’ll cost you. New MoneySuperMarket research reveals the hefty costs of raising a child and how much more parents will pay for their daughter than their son.
    The total figures come to £79,176 to raise a boy and £108,884 for a girl, a difference of £29,708. To put that in perspective, a full-price university degree costs £27,750, and a dog costs only £18,700.

    Just a moment...

    Findings show that the total cost of raising the child (age 0-14) were at around 1.57 million Baht (in real value).
    This study aims to estimate cost of raising a child (age 0-14) in Thailand and examine
    inequalities of that cost by household quintiles. The cost of raising a child is measured by the
    summation of age-specific per capita consumption expenditure of the population age 0-14
    analyzed from Thailand’s 2017 Intergenerational Economic Transfer Study by Institute for
    Population Social Research, Mahidol University. The consumption expenditure comprises of
    public consumption expenditure (considered as subsidies from the government to the
    household) and private consumption expenditure (considered as the household’s burdens)
    which were spent on education, health and other expenses.

    Findings show that the total cost of raising the child (age 0-14) were at around 1.57 million
    Baht (in real value). Nearly half of the cost is “private consumption expenditure” and the other
    half is “public consumption expenditure”. Education consumption accounts for about 32% of
    the total cost (private: Public/28:4), health consumption 7% (private: Public/4:3) and other
    consumption 61% (private: Public/41:20). By household quintiles, the total cost of raising a
    child from Q5 household is 2.5 times of that of the child from Q1 household (ratio between
    Q5/Q1: private education consumption 35 times, private health consumption 14 times, public
    education consumption 0.56 times, public health consumption 2.07 times). By using the
    Kakwani Index, the household’s burden of raising a child is progressive while subsidies from
    the government is regressive, or inequality reducing, to household’s socioeconomic status.

    (PDF) Cost of raising a child (age 0-14) in Thailand.


  23. #73
    Thailand Expat Backspin's Avatar
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    Did you get roped into the kid thing YD ? Kids are for boomers or rich people. All you had to do to live comfortably without large debts as a boomer was show up. It's all different now. You need to go into debt to breath now. Why bring kids into this hopeless debtors prison hellscape ?

  24. #74
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    Quote Originally Posted by Backspin View Post
    Why bring kids into this hopeless debtors prison hellscape ?
    Looks like we won't be seeing any baby "backspinners" - There is a God after all.

  25. #75
    Thailand Expat AntRobertson's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Backspin View Post
    Did you get roped into the kid thing YD ? Kids are for boomers or rich people. All you had to do to live comfortably without large debts as a boomer was show up. It's all different now. You need to go into debt to breath now. Why bring kids into this hopeless debtors prison hellscape ?
    Is being a whiny snowflake hereditary?

    Regardless, I encourage you to not breed.

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