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  1. #26
    Thailand Expat
    beazalbob69's Avatar
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    Between here and nowhere.
    I have seen a husky in Thailand. The poor thing looked like it was about to die from heat exaustion at any moment. Thing pants 24 hours a day 7 days a week 365.

  2. #27
    Gipsy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by david44 View Post
    My wife wants a "golden" any idea on price or place to get a healthy puppy up North?

    If Chiang Mai is north enough, here's your man and his beautiful dogs. / Lanna Goldens Golden Retriever ??? ?? §.. The owner, Mr. Chatchawan, speaks good English.

  3. #28
    moose65's Avatar
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    by the seaside.
    had two, still got one.
    the male is an excellent dog and i have found him both intelligent and easy to train.
    i have had malamute's before and the bangkeow is nowhere near as stubborn as a malamute.
    both dogs were independent but responded exceptionally well to training as long as i made it clear i was the boss.

    as they do not seem to understand the western idea of dog training !
    my wife lets him walk all over her, however he responds to me perfectly.

    thoroughly recommend this breed of dog


  4. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by koman
    Thai family out in the sticks where she promptly drown in their pond.
    That's strange. I was told by a Thai who had a couple of BK's that they were used for catching fish and had webbed feet.

    Another pub myth busted

  5. #30
    Thailand Expat Boon Mee's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by beazalbob69 View Post
    I have seen a husky in Thailand. The poor thing looked like it was about to die from heat exaustion at any moment. Thing pants 24 hours a day 7 days a week 365.
    I've seen a St. Bernard at a home in Bangkok too. Cruel beyond belief to keep a dog like that in this climate.

    The Bangkaew can take the heat as they are originally bred here. Mine dive into their 'pool' several times throughout the day.

  6. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by Boon Mee View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by beazalbob69 View Post
    I have seen a husky in Thailand. The poor thing looked like it was about to die from heat exaustion at any moment. Thing pants 24 hours a day 7 days a week 365.
    I've seen a St. Bernard at a home in Bangkok too. Cruel beyond belief to keep a dog like that in this climate.

    The Bangkaew can take the heat as they are originally bred here. Mine dive into their 'pool' several times throughout the day.
    Gotta have something to rescue the skiers that get caught in the frequent avalanche's we have here in the great white north east of Thailand.
    I'm not saying it was Aliens, but it was Aliens!

  7. #32
    On a walkabout Loy Toy's Avatar
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    I was offered a pup of this breed for free and when I went to look at the dog it bit the maid and had a go at me when I went to touch it.

    I'll stick with my gentle little pug.

  8. #33
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    Quote Originally Posted by Boon Mee View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by beazalbob69 View Post
    I have seen a husky in Thailand. The poor thing looked like it was about to die from heat exaustion at any moment. Thing pants 24 hours a day 7 days a week 365.
    I've seen a St. Bernard at a home in Bangkok too. Cruel beyond belief to keep a dog like that in this climate.

    The Bangkaew can take the heat as they are originally bred here. Mine dive into their 'pool' several times throughout the day.
    That's nonsense, dogs can climatise just as well as humans. I agree it would be cruel to bring one of these dogs to Thailand from say Scotland but most I have seen in LOS have been bred there and get along just fine.

    I have a friend that breeds German Shepherds near to KL. He is a German ex-police dog handler and takes his dogs to competitions around the world. He breeds on his farm but sometimes buys new dogs from Germany. He has a series of kennels kept at different temperatures and he puts them gradually through the stages to climatise them. You can buy a puppy or you can buy a fully trained guard dog. Hopefully his next visa run to Thailand coincides with my time off.
    Lang may yer lum reek...

  9. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kurgen View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by koman
    Thai family out in the sticks where she promptly drown in their pond.
    That's strange. I was told by a Thai who had a couple of BK's that they were used for catching fish and had webbed feet.

    Another pub myth busted
    I'm sure they swim just as any other dog but the pond had very steep sides and was only about half full. She must have decided to go for a dip and could not climb back out. They were very upset about it because she was adapting nicely to the new family and had lots of room to dig holes, and do all that other Bangkaew stuff.

  10. #35

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    The breed originated from a village dog crossing with a forest jackal
    We bought ours from a dog breeder in Phuket, the pups he thinks will be bad tempered he sells at the weekend market in Phuket town at a discount price
    We paid 7500 baht for ours when 7 weeks old
    If you train them from a young age you have no problems with them and they will obey your commands most of the time
    Very protective of owners and property and good with friends, not the type of dog you can pat unless they want you to, let them come to you if they want to before patting
    Best most loyal and intelligent dog i have ever had, best dog i have had before was a border collie
    Dogs sweat from their tongue not their skin and the long hair protects them from the sun
    Our dog will threaten people she does not like but has never bitten anyone and she is 10 months old, Thai people know not to attempt to pat them if they are not wagging their tail
    A fearless dog, dogs who picked on her when young now keep well clear of her, dogs she is friendly with she still plays with like a puppy

  11. #36

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    Bang Keaw

    I've had German Shepherds, Collies, Dobermans, Silky Terriers, and a few more. Now I will only keep a BK - most faithful, loving dog ever. bit difficult to train, but the basic obedience - no problems at all. Proper and timely vaccinations are a must, or they die within the first four to 6 months. They love playing in water; great for chasing the snakes and rats. Pups are usually available during the cold season (I managed to buy two in consecutive years, between december to February - had difficulty finding a pup outside of this period). Excellent dog - i swear by it now! Bought mine female for 2500 baht and male at 3000 baht from private breeder in Udon Thani

  12. #37
    Thailand Expat Boon Mee's Avatar
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    Well, after having my male for >2 years now and the two Bitches just over a year I have re-thinked my attitude to Bangkaews. All three dogs are fiercely loyal and excellent watchdogs. Definitely don't need an alarm system.

    The down side is their propensity to dig. They also have a mind of their own and even with regular training when young, they don't always come when called.

    The property is big enough to handle the 'dog holes' but it's sometimes a pain to have to keep filling them in.
    A Deplorable Bitter Clinger

  13. #38
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    I have one, got it as stray, good nature d and playful. Its the gold and white good watch dog, its a biggish dog tho, Thais shit them selves until they see my 10 year daughters handling it with out a problem. It used to great friends with my mates Alsatian until the Alsatian made the mistake of barking at my daughter. the friend ship was off, for a while. Protecting the family is very important to them.
    There can’t be good living where there is not good drinking

  14. #39
    Thailand Expat Boon Mee's Avatar
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    I have to cage mine whenever someone comes on the property.

    Extremely protective these dogs...

  15. #40
    bankao dreamer's Avatar
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    We found some pups a couple of months 2 males we gave away and kept 3 bitches. The one is the runt of the litter but the other 2 as they get bigger everyone is saying they are mixed Bangkoew.
    Great little dogs but I have to be very firm with them. I have a Shepherd so know what behaviour to watch out for.


    Honey (or little git )


  16. #41
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    Quote Originally Posted by david44 View Post
    My wife wants a "golden" any idea on price or place to get a healthy puppy up North?
    I had a Golden for 10 years. he was 4500 baht from a little shop outside Big C in Khon Kaen.

    Thinking of getting a BangKaew now.

  17. #42

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    My Brothers got two, a male and female. I stayed at his place for a month and they still wouldn't take to me.
    Even though I was feeding and walking them every day.
    Extremely protective of owners, especially the females.
    Still got a scar on my knee from when I was trying to pull the male of another dog by its lead and the female bit me.
    Shocked me how strong the male was when in 'attack mode'.
    Brother and family love the pair of them.
    Not for me though.

    Bengaues not Huskies.
    Last edited by tj916; 24-01-2017 at 04:14 PM.

  18. #43
    Thailand Expat Pragmatic's Avatar
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    Last but who gives a shit.
    There's a few Huskies in the village. Seems to be the fashion. None are allowed to roam free and are continually kept in cages or on a long lines.

  19. #44
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pragmatic View Post
    There's a few Huskies in the village. Seems to be the fashion. None are allowed to roam free and are continually kept in cages or on a long lines.
    That's appalling. Bastard owners should be chained or caged.

  20. #45
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pragmatic View Post
    There's a few Huskies in the village. Seems to be the fashion. None are allowed to roam free and are continually kept in cages or on a long lines.
    they are probably hitched to a sleigh and taken for a daily exercise run

  21. #46
    Thailand Expat Pragmatic's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by wasabi
    they are probably hitched to a sleigh and taken for a daily exercise run
    I know your joking and I wish it were true. The woman nearby takes hers with her when she goes anywhere. She puts it in the foot-well of her motorcycle, just a matter of time before the tail goes under the rear wheel. When at the house she keeps it in a large icebox that is tipped on its side.

  22. #47
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    by the seaside.
    i have just had a litter of bangkeows hit the ground, 5 female and 1 male,
    parents are wonderful dogs, wife runs a guesthouse and the dogs sometimes mix with guests.
    the only problem i have with them is the male does not like Thai men, he is very wary and suspicious of them but i attribute that to him being raised in a village and the local school kids teasing him, we lived by a school they used to hit the fence and tease him.
    he learnt from a pup to ride on my scooter and has been known to stop people in our old soi and getting on their scooter and being difficult to dislodge.
    Another problem is the Vet is scared stupid of the male and unless i am with him will not even approach the dog, i have asked why and been told "very dangerous dog".
    in a former life i had a 65 kilo male malamute that would have eaten my two bangeows for breakfast and nobody was scared of him.

    i believe a dog is a good reflection of the owner, good man good dog !

    if i ever live in Australia again i would like to take one over there as they really are a great dog.


  23. #48
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    And a fine Welcome to the Buffalo Board to you, maemae1...

  24. #49
    Hangin' Around cyrille's Avatar
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    ^^Can it sniff out copy pastes?

    Edit: That was a reference to a now deleted spam post, moose65, not your post.
    Last edited by cyrille; 03-03-2017 at 02:47 PM.

  25. #50

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    Any local places near BKK to look at this breed? Looking to get a good dog.

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