Thai Freshwater Fish

Science Name : Barbus orphoides
General Characteristics : Red-cheek barb is a freshwater fish that belongs to the same family with Common Silver Barb. Its body is quite long with a flat side of body. It has small head and quite small mouth at the end. It has 4 short and small barbels. The scales are quite big. The body and head are silver white, the back is light brown and the bulges of the cheek are red in color. The back of gill slits has black stripes. Dorsal fin, pelvic fin and anal fin are red in color, while caudal fin has black stripe.
Habitat / Food : It is usually found in running water, standing water, rivers, canals, swamps and whatever it is called.It eats insects and rotten dead leaves or animals.
Behavior / Mating : It is peaceful and easy to be frightened. It likes to hide quietly and rarely swim except during feeding time.