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  1. #1
    Thailand Expat
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    Why Did Someone Poison My Dogs??

    I called my wife yesterday to receive the news that both of our dogs were dead in the drive from an apparent poisoning. The neighbor across from the house also had two dogs poisoned, so it was not just pointed at us and it was not something the dogs found to eat only on our property. It was obvious that they were poisoned by someone.

    Here is Tuk-Tik. A very loving and fun dog that never bit anyone. We had him for 7 years and was my wife's favorite. She was pretty upset that anyone would poison our dogs.

    Here is my 15 month old Pit Bull. Alpha was a very mellow dog and didn't bother to bark at most people and was a good mannered Pit Bull. We got two as puppies and the female died about 2 months ago from "something she ate?"

    Why would somebody do this? I have two theories and they may both be wrong. First, in the village there are a number of young men on motorbikes that used to play pool across the street and get drunk. They were busted for drugs on several occasions and finally shut down. We would see large groups of young men congregating at the street corner late at night and probably up to no good. I left it alone, being the outsider, but knew they just wanted to get into trouble. The first theory is that one of these or a group of young men did this for "kicks."

    My second theory is more bothersome. It involves older men poisoning any dogs in the area of a future theft. Getting rid of the alarm is the first step of any theft. Luckily, I have build a block wall with a locking steel gate around the front of the house and it would be more difficult to steal anything from us than from the neighbors.

    If anyone has any other theories, I would be interested in hearing them. I used to think our village was a good place to live, but now I am having second thoughts. I am both angry and upset and hope I never hear who it was that did this terrible act. I just don't understand people sometimes.

    I know these poisonings happen fairly often in Thailand and it is something I struggle with.

  2. #2
    Nokturnal's Avatar
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    02-04-2016 @ 05:16 PM
    Someone either thought them a nuisance or a roadblock (to breaking into to your place to rob you). Or they were just being nasty cnuts.. If we were in the states my money would be on them being nasty teenaged cnuts... Since we're in Thailand I fear that the dogs either irritated some locals or got in the way of some thieving bastards.

    Sorry to hear that at any rate, Mate.

    RIP to your pups.

  3. #3
    Thailand Expat
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    Quote Originally Posted by rickschoppers
    My second theory is more bothersome. It involves older men poisoning any dogs in the area of a future theft. Getting rid of the alarm is the first step of any theft. Luckily, I have build a block wall with a locking steel gate around the front of the house and it would be more difficult to steal anything from us than from the neighbors.
    That seems to be the normal reason for something like that.

    Very sorry to hear of your losses.

  4. #4
    Thailand Expat
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    Nok, you are right about if it happened in the States. Too many assholes running around with nothing to do. Unfortunately, the same dynamic seems to exist in Thailand. The police are never seen in the village unless there is something serious and it might help if they patrolled for young men out and about late at night.

    Marmite, you may be right. I just don't understand since I can just go out and get another 10 dogs to guard the property. I know you live in my area and am wondering if you see this where you live? I am still struggling with the whole thing.

    Thank you both for your thoughts.

  5. #5

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    19-08-2015 @ 12:10 PM
    Were they barking all day and night ?

  6. #6
    Thailand Expat
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    Quote Originally Posted by rickschoppers
    Marmite, you may be right. I just don't understand since I can just go out and get another 10 dogs to guard the property. I know you live in my area and am wondering if you see this where you live? I am still struggling with the whole thing.
    I would get your wife to talk to the village head man. People power is the best way to get things like this dealt with.

    My brother in law is working in Israel and a few thugs gut the power to the SiL's house thinking she would come out and they could nick her stuff. Luckily she had enough sense to phone dad who only lives about 50 metres away. I wanted to booby trap the leccy pole, but common sense prevailed.

  7. #7
    Thailand Expat
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    Not really. The Pit Bull was pretty quiet. The smaller dog barked if someone came around. Across the street is where most of the barking happened, and up the street.

  8. #8
    WilliamBlake's Avatar
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  9. #9
    Nokturnal's Avatar
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    I tend to beleive it was more of a "fok that farang" type of crime, Rather than a "lets kill his dogs and rob him up.. Kind of thing. I can't see many Thais who would kill them just to be nasty fokers... My thoughts anyways. I often worry about the rotties outside all night watching the yards.. And that's in the heart of bangkok... Never had a dog killed by anything other than snakes.

  10. #10
    Thailand Expat
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    Marmite, my BIL has talked to some elders and I told him that if he finds out who did it, call the police or deal with it locally. The lady across the street used to have a police boyfriend, so I am sure my wife will be having a conversation with her as well.

    Eliminating the alarm system should happen just before the theft, but you never know about the thought process, or lack of, here in the LOS.

  11. #11
    Thailand Expat
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    Nok, the lady across the street has no "farang" connection. According to my BIL, there were a couple of other dogs down the road poisoned as well (not farang). He told me that this happened about 5 years ago before some thefts took place which is why I told him to alert the police (not that they would do anything about it).

  12. #12
    nigelandjan's Avatar
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    Sorry to hear about this Rick ,, I guess your just have to go out and get some really nasty dogs

  13. #13
    Thailand Expat
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    Thanks Nige. I was originally going to get a rot, but could not find one at a reasonable price. Since I have the 3 year old, I was also a little hesitant to get something too mean. Sometimes a soy dog will be just as mean. I have probably spent too much money on the dogs I have had, but now I will just see about a Thai dog.

    I am not sure if my wife wants to try again, but she does like animals. My BIL has had to bury 6 of our dogs in the last 4 years, which is more than I have done in 20 years.

    1. Tuk-Tik's sister probably poisoned 4 years ago.
    2. My Thai dog that was watching our new house was hit by a speeding car.
    3. The family dog that was about 12 years old died last year.
    4. Tuk-Tik poisoned.
    5. Beta (pit bull) died this year from "something she ate."
    6. Alpha (pit bull) poisoned.

    So, do I get another dog or two?

  14. #14
    Thailand Expat
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    Sorry to hear about that Rick.

  15. #15
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    Thanks Kingwilly.

  16. #16
    On a walkabout Loy Toy's Avatar
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    Bloody terrible news Rick. Your wife must devastated.

    So much for the Buddhist pledge..........thou shall not kill...............

    I hope these mongrels experience some bad karma for what they did.

  17. #17
    Thailand Expat
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    Thanks Loy Toy. I also hope bad karma pays a visit to the guilty party(s) as well.

  18. #18
    I'm in Jail

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    I would install an alarm system with battery backup solar charged would be nice to keep up batteries. Lights and sirens if power is cut. Motion sensers ect. cameras are not too high priced. I had a shed a long time ago that I put a 12 v car motorcycle battery in. One limit switch on the door trigering an old car horn and one toggle to open the circuit. It went off every time the door opened till i hit the switch. Every one knew it was armed no one messed with it. Good luck and keep safe. Too many crazies on yaba with with baw sumung.

  19. #19
    Thailand Expat Boon Mee's Avatar
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    13-09-2019 @ 04:18 PM
    That's really a foul thing to do to your dogs, Rick! Got to be some real evil bastard to poison them - hopefully, karma will get them. I'd get a replacement dog or two pretty quick though. Best alarm system you can have - or a mean goose.

  20. #20
    Thailand Expat
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    I agree and will probably be calling the wife back with that exact bit of advice. She may still be shell shocked, but I think it would be best to show whoever is watching that we will not give in to their evil.

    I will keep all posted on what she decides. Since we have a 3 year old son, she may be a little picky about what kind of dog she will get. She likes small dogs and I prefer the larger breeds.

  21. #21
    splendid and tremendous
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    Hi Rick. It's par for the course unfortunately in a country which seems to be a hotbed of heartless fucking cretins. It does however seem you got a particularly shitty end of the stick in terms of your location and the dogs to poisoning ratio, and I know from experience that it's far from pleasant living with such pitiless scum on your doorstep.

    When four pups I took in some years ago ran up to me one evening with their tails frozen between their legs, shaking almost uncontrollably and whimpering in obvious excruciating pain, I did all I could to elicit vomit from all four of them which came in floods, but they still all died in front of my eyes - my Western sensibilities quickly overode any Thainess I may have inadvertently slipped into, and I quickly activated 'FROTHING-AT-THE-MOUTH-FARANG' mode, bellowed deafening obscenities into the night, directed at any Thai in ear-shot, and fucked OFF out of that house the next day.

    This was the fourth or so poisoning I'd witnessed, and this, above any other faults the country and its people may have, takes the fucking cake in my opinion. It is fucking disgusting, cowardly, inhumane behaviour, and if I thought that anyone in my current location in Thailand would pull a similar stunt, I'd be out of there before I did a spell in the slammer.

    Sorry about your dogs, mate, it's tough.

    Your pit and mine were peas in a pod...

  22. #22
    Thailand Expat
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    I agree with every word and do not understand the mentality of anyone doing such a thing to a defenseless creature such as a dog. It really makes my blood boil and am very tempted to go out and get about 5 pit bulls to guard my property. A shotgun would be better, but law does not allow that.

    Your pit bull looks just like mine when he filled out. They are great animals with a bad reputation from ignorant people. I have owned dogs since I was young and have always found them to be caring and would protect my family to the end, as my last two did.
    Last edited by rickschoppers; 26-08-2013 at 07:16 AM.

  23. #23
    Thailand Expat
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    Quote Originally Posted by somtamslap
    and this, above any other faults the country and its people may have, takes the fucking cake in my opinion. It is fucking disgusting, cowardly, inhumane behaviour,

  24. #24
    Thailand Expat

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    Pit bulls are not dogs that anyone should keep IMO, should not have been poisoned though. What should be dealt with are soi dogs these can be a real menace, when it comes to this though Thais are suddenly all good budhists.

  25. #25
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    24-11-2023 @ 10:30 AM
    If you can illicit vomiting and get them to a vet (pronto) they can be saved.
    I'd sooner they shot the dog than poison it.
    I've seen it first hand here and it's not a thing you would want to ever see.

    Due to circumstances beyond my control, I'd taken the car to play golf and had lost my cell phone the previous evening. I got back from golf and saw my missus
    and a couple of her friends across the road from our house.
    She came running up the drive with tears in her eyes...

    RIP Tiger.

    Unable to contact me and with no transport to take him to the vet.

    Evil fuckers!
    Last edited by charleyboy; 26-08-2013 at 08:26 AM. Reason: Picture.

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