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  1. #101
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    Quote Originally Posted by BLD View Post
    She's been posting up on Facebook while in there don't drinkntap water there's a virus in it a few people that know her have said wtf

    Break down / paranoid schizophrenic episode, just hang in there and try to let the kids know mum will come back. They just need to find the trigger but firstly get her calmed down.

  2. #102
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    @BLD - maybe it's also a delayed reaction to the transfer to Oz? Does she have many friends there? People that she can speak her language with, eat their type of food, etc.

    Mental health problems have significantly increased during/ after this pandemic.

  3. #103
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    Quote Originally Posted by katie23 View Post
    @BLD - will it help if a monk comes to pray and bless your house? You may not believe in those things (spirits/ ghosts) but she does.

    Does she have an open (or partially open) 3rd eye?

    Btw, I've dreamed of my dad several times already - he passed 8 years ago.

    I've "seen" some weird things. On one occasion, both a male colleague and I saw the same "thing". Thar colleague also has a history of seeing stuff. I think some people are more sensitive/ attuned to these things than others.
    Pretty sure your correct. Having lived in the Philippines and Laos for long periods of time I think I have a bit of an understanding of the cultural quirks or beliefs. The difference is 1 culture is catholic with a spattering of anamists, same same gods just different devils. Her Buddhist culture shares a lot of the same beliefs. Her mum called me tonight and is of to the Temple to pray for her . All her friends are super worried. Except one arsehole who she thought was a friend thinks it's just a consequence of Buddha day and her idiosyncrasies, that's alright she said we are all a little bit crazy but we love her slight nuttiness. Great friend eh? I asked her if SHE put the garden hose to the curtains , carpet mattress every Buddha day.
    Last edited by BLD; 12-09-2022 at 07:47 PM.

  4. #104
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    Quote Originally Posted by katie23 View Post
    @BLD - maybe it's also a delayed reaction to the transfer to Oz? Does she have many friends there? People that she can speak her language with, eat their type of food, etc.

    Mental health problems have significantly increased during/ after this pandemic.
    Yeah it's not been easy. My mum died 3 years ago 2 hours before we arrived back in oz she loved my mum . We got on with it both of us didn't really want to be hear but it was a decision made by both of us for the sake of the kids education. She has made some friends Filipino and Lao covid kicked in 2 or 3 months after we got here. It's a big factor in anyones mental health. She's also very close to her mum and when we get back it will be 3 years without the family. She did seem happy at her work and was enjoying being independent and having a reasonable salary. She's not scared to work hard. Maybe it's just tough being married to me?

  5. #105
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    Quote Originally Posted by katie23 View Post
    @BLD - will it help if a monk comes to pray and bless your house? You may not believe in those things (spirits/ ghosts) but she does.

    Does she have an open (or partially open) 3rd eye?

    Btw, I've dreamed of my dad several times already - he passed 8 years ago.

    I've "seen" some weird things. On one occasion, both a male colleague and I saw the same "thing". That colleague also has a history of seeing stuff. I think some people are more sensitive/ attuned to these things than others. I also have some friends/ colleagues in a former workplace who saw/ heard/ experienced stuff, usually when they worked late/ overtime. That area was a place where they threw dead bodies during WW2, then it was converted to offices.
    I better not say to much about her 3rd eye

  6. #106
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    Ok, I said enough and thanks for the well wishes . I just wanted to get it of my chest, I have no idea if her condition will improve or get worse? I'm worried

  7. #107
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    Hope for the best, but be prepared to spend a lot of time comforting the kids. All the best to all of you.

  8. #108
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    Shit man.
    Sounds really worrying, the docs will know best and its just gonna take time I guess.
    Have they not sent a consultant to talk to you yet?

  9. #109
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    Best of luck with it BLD, it's good for you to get it all out too, whether it be online with a bunch of delinquents + Katie, or with yer mates.

    Did she see yer mate Fishlocker's number and give him a call or something a few days ago?

  10. #110
    Isle of discombobulation Joe 90's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BLD View Post
    She's been posting up on Facebook while in there don't drinkntap water there's a virus in it a few people that know her have said wtf
    I don't think the phone is helping her and night have been the trigger.

    When someone is sectioned in the UK its initially for a 30 day period for observation and medication.

    Generally most make a full recovery with the correct medication.

    Stay strong for your kids mate.

  11. #111
    Isle of discombobulation Joe 90's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by malmomike77 View Post
    The kids came with me post divorce and she, well lets say she wasn't the ideal mum in the run up or post split - no blame from me, shit just sometimes happens but when the dust settled she turned in on herself and wouldn't speak to anyone, for weeks. Then began the odd behaviour, and cleaning the flat she got repeatedly, daily top to bottom. She went shopping with he kids and bought all the same stuff she'd already and threw out the stuff she'd bought, rinse and repeat. This went on for 2 months on and off until the kids starts getting scared. Oldest was 10 at the time and youngest 3. It worried the fook out of me and them, thought they were losing their mum....again but worse this time.
    Was she British or Thai?

    My ex talks to her plants more than her own children.

    She had a psychotic episode at the start of lockdown and started self medicating.

    I've seen her a couple of times in the last 18 months for 5minutes, she gets scarier every time.

  12. #112
    A Cockless Wonder
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    Sorry to hear about the strife's troubles Lao

    I am sure with you and the boys' support she will be back in the game after some rest and recuperation

  13. #113
    Thailand Expat DrWilly's Avatar
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    Bloody heck, that is a worry mate. Glad the docs got her. Hope she gets well soon.

  14. #114
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    Shocker. Sorry BLD, hope you can get this sorted.

  15. #115
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    A big improvement in her yesterday, not talking about snakes or ghosts she's had a lot of calls and friends and I think that has really helped her a lot
    Also they enlisted a lao translater to assist with the assessment, we've both also found out who our real friends are, I Think a lot of this could of been nipped in the bud when I called a supposed friend to get him to put his wife on the phone and see what the issue was, instead I was told I simply didn't understand Lao culture and it was a Buddha thing best to let her get on with it. Yeah right. Does these 2 numptys ( him in particular) think it's traditional to put the garden hose in the house

  16. #116
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    She's still an involuntary patient however. I will talk to her doc again today when I go see her. Meanwhile the house clean up continues , ripped the carpet out of 2 rooms yesterday and will do the 3rd room today those carpets pong. The TV was also a casualty that's fucked as well. Kept the kids at home on Monday mainly because they hadn't slept much and also because I couldn't find there shoes or school stuff in the debris on the lawn.

  17. #117
    Isle of discombobulation Joe 90's Avatar
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    Ruddy hell bld!
    Glad theres an improvement!
    Get the house sorted asap, the boys back in school and normal service resumed.
    Those so called friends that have done more harm than good need telling in no uncertain terms to fvck off in the future and keep away.
    No need to break it to them diplomatically, they won't understand!

    All the best.

  18. #118
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    20-06-2024 @ 08:39 PM
    Sorry to hear BLD. Do you think she needs to go home? Maybe she has been stressed about living here and needs to be back in her own culture. Lady Cow will not live here and only comes to spend time with me while I am organising my Thai retirement. It just doesnt work here for some.

  19. #119
    Thailand Expat misskit's Avatar
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    ^^^ I reckon most people in Asia wouldn’t recognize mental illness even when it is glaringly obvious. They just don’t know to get help for someone.

  20. #120
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    It’s seems everything is about your other half at the moment?

    I hope you are ok, and get some looking after too mate. Lucky for others, you have a very laid back, but caring side to you.

    I hope it all works out for you and the family.

  21. #121
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    Just took a peek into the spare room.

    You'd never send her over?

    Only kidding bud. Too soon?

  22. #122
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    Quote Originally Posted by misskit View Post
    I reckon most people in Asia wouldn’t recognize mental illness even when it is glaringly obvious.
    For the more country folk it's surely spirits or whatever passing through.

  23. #123
    Thailand Expat misskit's Avatar
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    ^ For the city ​people is the same!

  24. #124
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    She's still in there me and a filipina friend of ours visited her about lunchtime . She requested sushi and fresh fruit shampoo , nail trimmers and a comb but she was medicated when we got there and couldn't keep her eyes open spoke to the doc at length and he said it's the first time to medicate and thst shevhad been exhibiting some unusual behaviours. she was trying to clean her hospital room . Another friend called and asked if there was anything she could do. I told her to call her and talk because that seems to be helping her when friends call. She called back and said she had a long talk and felt she was just overwhelmed at work and at home . I'm still getting the gaff sorted so she doesn't see the carnage.getting there

  25. #125
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    Doc said tomorrow I can take her out of the ward for a coffee in the cafeteria and maybe Sunday take her home for a trial to see how she goes. But bring her straight back if anything not looking right.

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