1. #4276
    The Fool on the Hill bowie's Avatar
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    Well, we can offer any and all forms of reasoning concerning Covid - for the most part, the experts all agree, we do not have enough information to make any reasonable projection of how to address this problem.

    Saw an interview with Bill Gates concerning The Gates Foundation - now, on the basis of his foundation he is probably the best informed person concerning what is going on concerning remediation of the Pandemic. Dozens of top notch medical and chemical professionals are working on the vaccine and fast track testing is occurring.

    Similar concerning Test Kits.

    The biggest problem is we (humankind) do not have a method of treating the disease, we are treating the symptoms. We do not have a "curative" method that works. Again top notch professionals are trying dozens, if not hundreds, or regimes trying to find a curative drug. Keying on producing antibodies or a catalyst for the production of antibodies.

    The Gates Foundation is working on vaccine "production facilities". That is primarily where their money is going (I believe I heard a figure of USD $125M/month) I could be wrong on the figure.

    Bill Gates statements concerning this is once a working vaccine is available - it needs to be mass-produced and the worlds population needs to be inoculated - so, mass-production of the vaccine is the biggest hurdle. How long will it take to inoculate the worlds population? Well, that all depends upon how long it will take to produce enough vaccine doses to inoculate the worlds population - distribution isn't a problem, support personnel isn't a problem - production is the problem - and the Gates Foundation is concentrating its efforts on constructing vaccine production facilities and retrofitting existing factories.

    The interview was quite informative and covered much ground and area.

    On side layers of the onion. It is an old age disease, yes, many young folk contact it but for the most part they recover, and quickly. Of course, those with compromised immune systems have problems. And Gates emphasized that vaccines as a whole, tend not to help the elderly. Also touched on the Corona Virus what we know now is long term/life long immunity is a long shot. More than likely the vaccine will require boosters - possibly annual, like the flu shots.

  2. #4277
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    03-10-2022 @ 11:24 AM
    Quote Originally Posted by sabang View Post

    Yesterday saw one of the worst traffic snarls Pattaya has ever experienced as residents spent hours stuck in their cars waiting to present their papers to the authorities to get permission to enter Pattaya where they live and work. A majority of the people did not even have the necessary papers nor knew what it was about.

    The 5 checkpoints were meant to control the flow of people in and out of Pattaya so as to prevent the spread of the coronavirus (COVID-19) amongst the residents and tourists.

    Having seen that the blockade plan was not going as smoothly as expected, Banglamung District Chief Amnart Charoensri and Pattaya Mayor Sonthaya Khunplome convened an urgent meeting at 7 p.m. last night to discuss the serious matter.


    Operation Clusterfukc deemed a resounding success.

  3. #4278
    Thailand Expat harrybarracuda's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by OhOh View Post
    Science journal Nature issues apology for associating China, Wuhan, COVID-19
    Fucking pussies. No doubt the chinkies threatened them with pulling adverts or something.

    Mind you they've grovelled to the chinkies before when they got in a snit about someone pointing out the dirty cheating chinky athletic doping.

    The COVID-2019 Thread-corona_virus_1580208404-jpg

  4. #4279
    Thailand Expat harrybarracuda's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by OhOh View Post
    I agree, the number of infected/number of a country's citizens+ registered foreigners, would be the best and showing the most efficient management.
    It makes no difference when they are out of sync.

    You have to factor in the date when the chinky virus first hit them and the rate at which it is increasing. It is pointless comparing US figures with Italy for example, until the thing is over and you have a full picture.

  5. #4280
    Thailand Expat harrybarracuda's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jabir View Post
    Too technical for me, though general premise appears to be that the CV was created in a lab, not in a market.
    No it doesn't. The science proves that it almost certainly came from the wild animal population that the chinkies eat, the most likely culprit being the Horseshoe Bat.

    RaTG13 is the name, rank and serial number of an individual horseshoe bat of the species Rhinolophus affinis, or rather of a sample of its feces collected in 2013 in a cave in Yunnan, China. The sample was collected by hazmat-clad scientists from the Institute of Virology in Wuhan that year. Stored away and forgotten until January this year, the sample from the horseshoe bat contains the virus that causes Covid-19…

    Coronavirus Study: SARS-CoV-2 Human Version Is Closer to the One in Bats than the One in Pangolins | National Review
    However, the virus has mutated twice, either in an interim host or after it passed to humans (well, chinkies), both mutations leading to what we have now.

    N.B. That doesn't rule out it being accidentally released from the lab in Wuhan. If they were using chinky equipment, anything is possible, that stuff is shit.

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    Malaysian MCO extended til April 28th.

    Ramadan is April 23rd til May 23rd, surely they'll have to keep it locked down til thats finished.

  7. #4282
    I Amn't In Jail PlanK's Avatar
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    The COVID-2019 Thread-legohands-jpg

  8. #4283
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    Border Closes Between China, Russia as Fears Linger Over a Second Wave

    The land border between China and Russia has been closed, China's foreign ministry said on Thursday, while state-run media reported a border city in Heilongjiang province went into lockdown after it reported 40 new cases on Wednesday, all Chinese nationals who returned from the Russian side.

    The temporary border closure came as the Chinese city of Suifenhe in Heilongjiang province on the border with Russia was put on lockdown after it reported 40 new cases on Wednesday, all Chinese nationals who returned from the Russian side of the frontier, according to several state media reports.

    On Tuesday, Russia's TASS news agency reported 20 new coronavirus cases among Chinese citizens all of whom arrived Vladivostok on an Aeroflot flight on April 3, then crossed the Russian-Chinese land border the following day at Suifenhe.

    In Beijing, foreign ministry spokesman Zhao Lijian told a regular news conference unknown number of Chinese nationals stranded on the Russian side of the border

    "The Chinese embassy in Russia recently learned from the relevant authorities of both China and Russia that all land passenger crossings between China and Russia have been temporarily closed," in Beijing.

    He said the embassy had told Chinese citizens in Russia to "pay close attention to the above information, abide by the relevant Russian rules, conduct self-isolation, strengthen self-protection, avoid long-distance travel, and respond scientifically to the outbreak."

    Zhao was unable to confirm whether goods traffic was still being allowed across the border, however. State media reports carrying the Moscow embassy's statement did not say when the checkpoints would be reopened along the nearly 2,700 mile-long border.

    TASS reported on Thursday that the country had 10,131 confirmed coronavirus cases--two thirds of them in Moscow--with 76 COVID-19 deaths.

    Meanwhile, the easing of lockdown restrictions in a number of Chinese provinces and cities has led to conflicting advice about facial masks, prompting fears of a resurgence in coronavirus cases as China goes back to work.

    Authorities in Guangzhou, Anhui, Hainan, Sichuan, Jiangxi, Hunan and Liaoning have all issued guidelines suggesting that it is unnecessary to wear masks when nobody else is around.

    In the eastern city of Hangzhou, the authorities have stopped compulsory body temperature checks in public places.

    Concern about relaxing guard too soon

    Chen Bingzhong, former director of the China Institute of Health Education under the ministry of health, said he is concerned that making such advice official could be dangerous, as asymptomatic individuals can't be identified, but can still transmit the coronavirus to others without a mask.

    "There is quite a high proportion of people infected with the virus who experience no symptoms or mild symptoms -- about 60 percent," Chen said.

    "Yet they are all carriers, and they are all capable of transmitting it to other people," he said.

    "People may relax their guard if they think there is no disease around, no outbreak," he said. "But they shouldn't do that, because it is there but still hidden."

    "Wearing masks is absolutely necessary," Chen said, adding that the ruling Chinese Communist Party is playing down the severity of the threat because they want to keep the numbers low.

    In the central province of Hunan, which borders worst-hit Hubei, rights activist Ou Biaofeng said he will continue to steer clear of large gatherings of people, in spite of official assurances that the epidemic is under control.

    "I don't think the Chinese official reports of [coronavirus] cases are very credible, so if I go out I always drive alone and go to places where there won't be too many people," Ou told RFA.

    Wuhan reopens

    In Wuhan, which saw 2,574 of the deaths reported by the National Health Commission, representing 80 percent of China’s total of 3,215, auto factories and other key economic players reopened following the lockdown that began in late January.

    Thousands of people were once more on the street, albeit the majority of them wearing face masks.

    Wuhan accounted for 2,574 of the deaths reported by the National Health Commission as of Thursday, or 80% of China’s total of 3,215. It had 50,008 of the mainland’s 67,803 confirmed cases.

    The ruling Communist Party started easing controls in early March to try to revive the world’s second-largest economy after declaring victory over the virus as daily numbers of newly reported cases declined.

    Auto factories and other businesses deemed essential for the national economy or that produced daily necessities reopened. Some businesses including real estate agencies are still closed.

    But Zhang Dingyu, director of the city's Jinyintan Hospital, said the virus is far from being eradicated.

    “The virus will survive with human beings in the future, so we have to think about how to deploy the next step,” Zhang told the Associated Press. “We used to focus on flu, AIDS and hand-foot-mouth disease, but now we need to have a ward or an area to deal with this disease (COVID-19)."

    The UN Security Council was scheduled to meet on Thursday to discuss the coronavirus pandemic for the first time.

    Secretary-General Antonio Guterres is expected to focus on efforts to fight the pandemic, peacekeeping missions and fostering unity between the non-permanent members and the five permanent ones in the teleconferenced meeting.

    Border Closes Between China, Russia as Fears Linger Over a Second Wave

  9. #4284
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    Quote Originally Posted by harrybarracuda View Post
    No it doesn't. The science proves that it almost certainly came from the wild animal population that the chinkies eat, the most likely culprit being the Horseshoe Bat.

    However, the virus has mutated twice, either in an interim host or after it passed to humans (well, chinkies), both mutations leading to what we have now.

    N.B. That doesn't rule out it being accidentally released from the lab in Wuhan. If they were using chinky equipment, anything is possible, that stuff is shit.
    Let me rephrase that in context, as it seems needed; "Too technical for me, though the general premise - of the documentary this post refers to - appears to be that the CV was created in a lab, not in a market."

  10. #4285
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    Quote Originally Posted by Plan B View Post
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  11. #4286
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    There is some hope for optimism, although this should be tempered by the spread of the virus into countries where testing may be nearly non-existent.

    When it went over 100,000 new cases a day it was looking grim, but it seems to have stabilised which is good news.

    Let's hope this trend continues.

    The COVID-2019 Thread-dailynewcases-jpg

  12. #4287
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    Quote Originally Posted by jabir View Post
    Let me rephrase that in context, as it seems needed; "Too technical for me, though the general premise - of the documentary this post refers to - appears to be that the CV was created in a lab, not in a market."
    And let me rephrase it in English.


    It was created by mother nature, in bats and other animals.

    There are fuck knows how many other coronaviruses out there in the wild animal kingdom, and not eating the fucking things is a good way of making them stay there.

    Added: I've just noticed your Youtube "documentary" is from the "Epoch Times", a site so full of whackjobbery even HoHo would give pause.

  13. #4288
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    Quote Originally Posted by sabang View Post

    Yesterday saw one of the worst traffic snarls Pattaya has ever experienced as residents spent hours stuck in their cars waiting to present their papers to the authorities to get permission to enter Pattaya where they live and work. A majority of the people did not even have the necessary papers nor knew what it was about.

    The 5 checkpoints were meant to control the flow of people in and out of Pattaya so as to prevent the spread of the coronavirus (COVID-19) amongst the residents and tourists.

    Having seen that the blockade plan was not going as smoothly as expected, Banglamung District Chief Amnart Charoensri and Pattaya Mayor Sonthaya Khunplome convened an urgent meeting at 7 p.m. last night to discuss the serious matter.



    Truly, the stupidest folk on the planet.

    With no practical notice, no forethought, no contingency planning or even an agreed policy these idiots decided on closing all access to a city populated by a million inhabitants using it as not only their home, but as a place of business, as a place of employment and as a dormitory centre for those commuting to industrial complexes in the hinterland in every direction encompassing the port of Laem Chabang , the huge refinery complex at Maptaphut and the myriad automobile and manufacturing plants in Rayong.

    And the buffoons hadn't anticipated the traffic jams..........????????????

    The cognitive impairment is frightening.
    Last edited by Seekingasylum; 10-04-2020 at 06:12 PM.

  14. #4289
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    Dr. Anthony Fauci Unveils A Mask That Could Save Millions Of Lives

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  17. #4292
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    ^ US has been in the black a while now. I think the UK is due to enter it soon

  18. #4293
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    Quote Originally Posted by harrybarracuda View Post
    HoHo would give pause.
    Quote Originally Posted by OhOh View Post
    To summarise the "movie", the first 5 minutes and the last 5 minutes are all one needs to watch. 'arry will love it.
    Different thread but it has been identified, tested and is currently awaiting a non-Cinese ventilator to become available. Currently 132, 678 ahead in the queue.

    There are a few Japanese ventilators but they squeak every time one inhales.

  19. #4294
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    25-02-2024 @ 11:45 PM
    Lets hope these fellas don't become victims to this also, there's few enough of them left.

    Coronavirus: Great apes on lockdown over threat of disease

    The COVID-2019 Thread-_111418340_gorilla_rwanda_getty-1-jpg

    Great apes have been put on lockdown against the threat of coronavirus.

    Gorilla tourism in Africa has been suspended, while sanctuaries for other apes, such as orangutans, have closed to the public.

    It's not known if great apes can contract the virus, but there are growing fears that our closest living relatives might be equally at risk.

    This week a tiger at Bronx Zoo tested positive for coronavirus.

    New measures have been put in place to protect big cats and their caregivers.

    Dr Kirsten Gilardi is chief veterinary officer for Gorilla Doctors, which provides veterinary care to gorillas in the forests of Rwanda, Uganda and the Democratic Republic of Congo.

    "We don't know if it's infected mountain gorillas; we have not seen any evidence of that," she said. "But because mountain gorillas are susceptible to human pathogens, we know that they can develop respiratory illness."

    more here


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    ^ Also small cats and ferrets.
    We could lose a few members here...

    Cats can catch coronavirus, study finds, prompting WHO probe | News | Al Jazeera

  21. #4296
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    Two-Thirds of Severe Covid-19 Improved on Gilead’s Remdesivir

    By Michelle Fay Cortez and Robert Langreth Bloomberg/technology
    April 11, 2020, 4:22 AM GMT+7

    • Patients got experimental drug on a compassionate use basis
    • Definitive evidence of safety will require clinical trials

    Gilead Sciences Inc.’s experimental drug for patients with severe Covid-19 infections showed promise in an early analysis, raising tentative hope that the first treatment for the novel virus may be on the horizon.

    The report published in the New England Journal of Medicine tracked 53 people in the U.S., Europe and Canada who needed respiratory support, with about half receiving mechanical ventilation and four on a heart-lung by-pass machine. Eight additional patients were left out of the analysis: one due to a dosing error and seven because no information was available on how they fared.

    All received remdesivir for up to 10 days on a compassionate use basis, a program that allows people to use unapproved medicines when no other treatment options are available. Over a period of 18 days, 68% of the patients improved, with 17 of the 30 patients on mechanical ventilation being able to get off the breathing support device. Almost half of the patients studied were ultimately discharged, while 13% died. Mortality was highest among those who were on a ventilator, with 18% of them dying.

    “We cannot draw definitive conclusions from these data, but the observations from this group of hospitalized patients who received remdesivir are hopeful,” said lead author Jonathan Grein, director of hospital epidemiology at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles, in a statement from Gilead, which provided the drug and also helped analyze the results.

    Several large scale clinical trials are underway to evaluate the benefit of remdesivir for Covid-19, the disease caused by the novel coronavirus that has infected more than 1.65 million people worldwide and killed 100,000. One that was conducted in China could report results this month. Another, sponsored by the U.S. National Institutes of Health, has enrolled patients rapidly as the virus spread throughout the U.S. It could also report results in the coming weeks. Gilead itself is sponsoring an additional two trials.

    There are currently no treatments available for the condition. The company, based in Foster City, California, has provided the medicine to more than 1,800 patients on a compassionate use basis.

    Results controlled studies of remdesivir are highly anticipated because they will be some of the first rigorous large scale studies completed on potential anti-coronavirus drugs. President Donald Trump and others have touted the potential of hydroxychloroquine, an old malaria and lupus drug, for treating Covid-19. But that drug hasn’t yet been carefully studied in a large trial to see if it prevents severe complications. Most of the excitement stems from relentless social media promotion of a tiny French study whose methodology has been heavily criticized by many U.S. medical experts.

    Remdesivir, a broad-spectrum antiviral, is viewed by researchers and doctors as one of the most promising anti-viral agents against Covid-19 to enter human trials to date. In lab studies conducted prior to the Covid-19 outbreak on numerous compounds, researchers at the University of North Carolina and Vanderbilt University found the drug had potent activity against against a wide variety of coronaviruses similar to the new coronavirus.
    Because it had already been tested in patients with Ebola, where it was shown to be safe but ineffective, researchers were able to quickly begin studying it human trials when the Covid-19 pandemic hit.

    About one in four patients on the medicine experienced severe side effects, including multiple-organ dysfunction syndrome, septic shock, acute kidney injury and low blood pressure. Another 23% showed signs of liver damage on laboratory tests. Four patients had to stop receiving infusions of the drug entirely.

    A World Health Organization panel said in January that remdesivir was considered to be the most promising therapeutic candidate based on its broad antiviral spectrum, and existing data based on human and animal studies. The medication was developed initially for Ebola and studied in patients in Eastern Congo.

    If it works well, one issue will be whether there is enough of a supply of the drug, especially if the epidemic is still raging. Gilead has been working all-out to bolster supply of the hard-to-make medicine. It said earlier this month that it hopes to to have 500,000 treatment courses by October, and to more than 1 million by the end the year. Production time has also been accelerated to six months from one year.
    Majestically enthroned amid the vulgar herd

  22. #4297
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    In the absence of any control analyses over a prolonged period it is somewhat speculative to tout a drug that has the potential to kill over 25% of its recipients.

  23. #4298
    I'm in Jail

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    The numbers of deaths and people who have the virus doesn't really add up considering the virus supposedly started in China.

    Coronavirus Update (Live): 1,699,631 Cases and 102,734 Deaths from COVID-19 Virus Pandemic - Worldometer

  24. #4299
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chico View Post
    The numbers of deaths and people who have the virus doesn't really add up considering the virus supposedly started in China.
    In what way?

  25. #4300
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chico View Post
    The numbers of deaths and people who have the virus doesn't really add up
    Praised highly by an ameristani institution:

    "Worldometer was voted as one of the best free reference websites by the American Library Association (ALA), the oldest and largest library association in the world."

    During the Centennial Exposition in Philadelphia in 1876, 103 librarians, 90 men and 13 women, responded to a call for a "Convention of Librarians" to be held October 4-6 at the Historical Society of Pennsylvania. At the end of the meeting, according to Ed Holley in his essay "ALA at 100," "the register was passed around for all to sign who wished to become charter members," making October 6, 1876 the birthday of the American Library Association."

    History | About ALA

    “We are not to be hypocritical judges, yet we must be able to discern the swine, lest we cast our pearls before them.”

    The COVID-2019 Thread-jesus-authority-questioned-1138449-wallpaper-jpg

    Some guy executed soon afterwards, for spreading an idealogical "virus" and disobeying the following "rules":

    1. Not wearing an approved hat or mask.
    2. Not obeying social distancing
    3. Supplying alcohol

    Bloody sand dwellers.
    Last edited by OhOh; 11-04-2020 at 10:57 AM.
    A tray full of GOLD is not worth a moment in time.

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