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  1. #101
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    I rather think Tax should get himself a CT. scan of his brain. I can well understand the lower class English stupid and deluded talking such utter drivel but from a well nourished, well educated, white, professional chap allegedly in full possession of his faculties it is, frankly, quite shocking.

    Tax, you may well have had a brain bleed or they missed some malignancy or other hidden away within your frontal lobe.

    ” Didn’t take full advantage of BRexit” …………

  2. #102
    Thailand Expat helge's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by harrybarracuda View Post
    Eric Blair
    Horror !

    Harry once opened a book

  3. #103
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    In the EU
    Is tax falling for the Farage excuses? Tories too left and failing to take advantage of Brexit...what codswallop!
    There were no advantages to leaving the EU, only disadvantages as the collapse of the Tory party and the UK has shown.
    The only party worth voting for is one that brings the UK swiftly back into the EU.

  4. #104
    . Neverna's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Troy View Post
    The only party worth voting for is one that brings the UK swiftly back into the EU.
    Is there a party with that in its manifesto, Troy?

  5. #105
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    Quote Originally Posted by Neverna View Post
    Is there a party with that in its manifesto, Troy?
    Both the Lib Dems and the Green Party are pro EU and would establish improved relations. However, it woll take time to repair the damage caused by Brexit and the Tories.

    I don't think enough media attention is given to the Green Party or indeed the Lib Dems. It appears there is not enough contention to provide the clickbait modern journalism dictates.
    I am not fond of the Green Party, but prefer their policies over the likes of Reform UK.
    I look at youtube and the media and all I see is Farage, Farage, Farage. The man is the most destructive politician in my lifetime. He has caused untold damage to the UK already.

  6. #106
    Thailand Expat Pragmatic's Avatar
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    Last but who gives a shit.
    Quote Originally Posted by Neverna View Post
    Is there a party with that in its manifesto, Troy?
    Not sure but I think the SNP has?

  7. #107
    Hangin' Around cyrille's Avatar
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    You're correct.

    Rejoin the EU, reverse the damage of Brexit and re-enter the single market – restoring free movement for EU citizens.
    With the euro they could get shot of Westminster.

    SNP 2024 Manifesto: A Future Made in Scotland — Scottish National Party

  8. #108
    Thailand Expat taxexile's Avatar
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    Farages plan for the NHS are pure common sense, and could be easily implemented. His comments on Ukraine and Putin have some relevance, but were very poorly expounded, and the last yhing the UK needs to do is to become further aligned with the car crash that is the EU these days.

  9. #109
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    ^ You will have to elaborate. Which of the empty promises do you believe are common sense. Which pf his NHS policies do you think are realistic and achievable. How will he increase NHS staff but still maintain net zero immigration?

    He's nothing but the idiot down the pub providing unworkable solutions to make himself look good.

  10. #110
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    It promises to exempt two million front-line healthcare and social care workers from the basic rate of income tax for three years as part of a push to retain existing staff and ensure the return of former staff.

    NHS patients would receive a voucher for fully-funded private treatment if they could not see a GP within three days, a consultant within three weeks, or have an operation in nine weeks.

    Tax relief of 20 per cent would be introduced on all private healthcare and insurance, with more private healthcare providers used by the NHS to drive waiting list numbers down.

  11. #111
    Thailand Expat harrybarracuda's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by taxexile View Post
    His comments on Ukraine and Putin have some relevance, but were very poorly expounded
    His comments on Ukraine and Putin were barely short of the sycophantic nonsense spewed by his bald orange hero across the pond.

    He's a cretinous fucking carnival barker to white van man and angry Daily Mail and Express-reading pensioners.

  12. #112
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    Quote Originally Posted by Neverna View Post
    Is there a party with that in its manifesto, Troy?
    The LibDems, and it is of course a shadow policy of Labour which will be implemented when they gain the expected majority.

    Getting back to free trade and free movement is crucial to regaining lost GDP.

    Britain simply hasn’t got the ingoing investment, either from foreign sources or from within, necessary to restore lost output and the collapse of the agriculture industry will only be averted if they stop this stupid lack of intervention into the sector, other than the fucking theme park holistic bollocks, and return to our continental markets. Similarly, the food processing sector has been crippled by Brexit with millions lost monthly by the erection of the stupid British trade barriers after May confirmed we would leave the single market and common tariff zone.

  13. #113
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    Quote Originally Posted by taxexile View Post
    Farages plan for the NHS are pure common sense, and could be easily implemented. His comments on Ukraine and Putin have some relevance, but were very poorly expounded, and the last yhing the UK needs to do is to become further aligned with the car crash that is the EU these days.
    Farage is a spiv peddling cheap rhetoric and snake oil charlatanism but in international terms he is merely regurgitating the semen he swallowed after going down on the Orange Trump whose own fascination with the Pig Putin is already well known.

    Farage is also stupid without any capacity for detail or management. He evidently cannot understand the word ‘ pretext’ in connection with Putin’s invasion of Ukraine.

    His proposal for the NHS is of course whimsical nonsense.

    there are simply not enough trained personnel available and Brexit alone saw the exodus of 60,000 EU nationals from the NHS and a further million from the wider labour markets.

    Tax relief on private health care? Tax, you silly old duffer, that’s simply a charter for the insurance companies to print money.

    Honestly, Tax, are you on some mind altering drug or other?

  14. #114
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    Quote Originally Posted by cyrille View Post
    You're correct.

    With the euro they could get shot of Westminster.

    SNP 2024 Manifesto: A Future Made in Scotland — Scottish National Party
    The SNP would still overspend even if it was in Euros.

  15. #115
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    The Brexitory governments have now run up a current debt of 100% of GDP.

    Labour will have as much work to do recovering the economy as they did post war.

    But over ten years of neglect of the country’s infrastructure, from health to transport, from education to the environment, means the task will be Sisyphean but at least one hopes the Tory corrupt and their shills will suffer.

  16. #116
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    Quote Originally Posted by Seekingasylum View Post
    The Brexitory governments have now run up a current debt of 100% of GDP.
    Not only that but the cost for Brexit now exceeds 47 years of Britains net EU contribution.

  17. #117
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    Quote Originally Posted by Seekingasylum View Post
    The Brexitory governments have now run up a current debt of 100% of GDP.

    Labour will have as much work to do recovering the economy as they did post war.
    Well since they're an inept bunch of c u n t s that's the country down the shitter then.

  18. #118
    Thailand Expat harrybarracuda's Avatar
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    Reform are really just angry tories, aren't they.

    Reform UK bills itself as the party "for the left behind" but its flagship tax policy disproportionately benefits those on higher incomes, analysis for Sky News shows.
    Nigel Farage hailed the plan to raise the threshold at which workers start paying tax to from £12,571 to £20,000, saying it would lift millions of low-paid workers out of paying tax altogether.
    However, Reform's plan to raise the higher rate threshold from £50,271 to £70,000 would amount to a tax cut worth almost £6,000 for the top 10% of earners, vastly overshadowing the benefit to the lowest earners.

  19. #119
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    Three weeks ago there wasn't enough time for Farage to run an effective campaign, and it was more important to him to help Trump.

    Two weeks ago there presumably was enough time for him to run an effective campaign, and last week he started playing a violin for Putin.

    Well, surely it's not difficult to join the dots.

    The Trump teat matters a whole lot to him.

    Like Truss, he sees dollar signs and likes them.

    'That's the nature of progress, isn' t it. It always goes on longer than it's needed'. - JCC

  20. #120
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    With a majority large enough to do what they want it'll interesting to see what Labour does over the next few years; please get rid of the Lords in favour of an elected second chamber, lets have a proper energy strategy, privatiise water, rail and lets have a food security strategy.

    Of course what is guaranteed is they will try to increase tax on the rich and middle classes, spectacularly fail to raise anything from the rich so the middle classes will get well and truely shafted to pay for all the economically inactive. They will fuk up the North Sea and not make any difference to net zero, they'll just leave the UK further exposed to enery imports.

  21. #121
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    Oh i forgot to add, i hope Rachel Reeves rips up the OBR model which basically works against investment in favour of austerity, and have a bonfire of qangos and make ministers responsible for running things as opposed to qangos and regulators who are useful idiots to blame and acheive nothing they are set up to deliver

  22. #122
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    Quote Originally Posted by cyrille View Post

    Like Truss, he sees dollar signs and likes them.

    so tell us again why you left the uk after qualifying at the taxpayers expense to work tax free in the gulf.

    surely not the $$$$$$$$$ ???

    two faced ? .... and how!

  23. #123
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    Tories fall to new low in latest poll as Reform closes gap to three points

    It is the third ballot in a row in which Nigel Farage’s party has achieved its highest share since the party’s official creation

    22 June 2024 • 6:30pm

    The Conservatives have dropped to a new polling low, with Reform UK closing the gap to just three points.

    Having already hit a five-year low last week with the pollster Savanta, the share of people planning to vote for the Conservative Party has slumped by a further two points amid warnings of a “collapse” in support.

    The exclusive poll for The Telegraph showed Labour on 42 per cent (up two points), the Tories on 19 per cent and Reform on 16 per cent (up two).

    It is the third poll in a row in which Reform has achieved its highest share in a Savanta poll since the party’s official creation in January 2021.

    The Liberal Democrats were on 9 per cent (down two points) with the Green Party on 5 per cent (down one) and the Scottish National Party on 3 per cent (no change).

    Savanta interviewed 2,103 UK adults aged 18 and over between June 19 and 21.

    Tories fall to new low in latest poll as Reform closes gap to three points

  24. #124
    Thailand Expat taxexile's Avatar
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    bloody hell!

    nevs a telegraph reader.


  25. #125
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    FarageÂ’s demographic is the old BNF/ UKIP crowd who mostly comprised the stupid, credulous and deluded lower classes, poorly educated and prone to racism, who ebbed and flowed from the Tory right wing ranging from the Essex dross and the mature working white classes, the Stan and MabelÂ’s, who yearned to migrate from the dirtier parts of the Home Counties and South East London to the idyllic West Country where coons and Pakis never trod.

    Some pollsters estimated they comprised four million Brits, mostly English. Cameron wooed them all back in his 2015 election with the Brexit referendum promise and won his overall majority as a consequence but he didnÂ’t realise that they also represented the reality they were merely the iceberg of English stupidity i.e. that they numbered far more and were all thick as shit.

    Johnson, the ERG wing, the shills, the fellow travellers, the Murdoch press nazis and the Torygraph delusionals all thought it was a simple matter that they could con these morons into thinking Brexit alone was going to make them all rich and “levelled” up. Well, it was of course nothing more than cheap rhetoric and the reality is that they are poor because they are stupid, dull witted, lower class eejits who simply have no part to play in society other than as consumers. And they’re angry.

    But then guess who rides back with another neo nazi millionaire bankrolling his doctrine of the white ubermenschen being held back by coons and socialists. Yep itÂ’s the Reform Party, flying the banners of Nazi racism and fascist wealth merchants preaching their credo of English supremacy that was betrayed by the Tories who failed to exploit Brexit properly, a belief our resident loon dentist actually subscribes to.

    The Tories are about to learn just how fucking stupid the average lower end English sack of food truly is.

    If Hitler had invaded in 1940/41 as he should have done, rather than embarking on the madness of Barbarossa, he would have found a supine population only too content to fall in with his national socialism.

    For me, I no longer give a fuck. Brexit killed this country and weakened Europe for Putin and the fascist wings. We are to reap the whirlwind of The Stupid, and there it is.

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