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    Thailand Expat harrybarracuda's Avatar
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    Brexit - It's Still On!

    The mods wish is my command.

    So, what's happening?

  2. #2
    Thailand Expat HermantheGerman's Avatar
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    25-05-2024 @ 12:43 PM
    Strong eurozone data drags pound to fresh eight-year low against the euro

  3. #3
    Thailand Expat harrybarracuda's Avatar
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    Low pound: Great for Exports, great for tourism.

    Germany's biggest lender wants to increase the number of its rich UK customers by expanding its asset management business in London.

    The financial giant is adding a number of customer advisors in the hope of also attracting people from China and Middle East based in Britain's capital.

    Deustche Bank believes many of these potential clients will still be in London after Brexit and doesn't want to miss out on lucrative deals.

    Manager, Peter Hinder said: "There are many advantages that will not disappear with Brexit.

    "Great Britain or the London region are attracting assets like a magnet."
    Deutsche Bank news: Lender to target London's rich after Brexit | City & Business | Finance |

  4. #4
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    Yesterday @ 06:46 PM
    Err, GDP has not strengthened in the past year but has contracted, exports have not increased markedly by any significant indicator and certainly not commensurate with the devaluation of the currency.
    Purchasing power of the consumer is to be hit in a triple whammy of higher taxes, higher inflation and enforced wage restraint.

    The pain is increasing, day by day, but of course where there is no sense there is no feeling and we all know the British are fucking stupid and quite insensate to most anything except the need to get drunk, get another tattoo and have a two weeks all inclusive holiday in Grotos.

    Being the bargain basement tourist tat destination of choice by the masses is in fact a measure of just how low you fallen in the scheme of things.

  5. #5
    Thailand Expat harrybarracuda's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Seekingasylum View Post
    Err, GDP has not strengthened in the past year but has contracted, exports have not increased markedly by any significant indicator and certainly not commensurate with the devaluation of the currency.
    Purchasing power of the consumer is to be hit in a triple whammy of higher taxes, higher inflation and enforced wage restraint.

    The pain is increasing, day by day, but of course where there is no sense there is no feeling and we all know the British are fucking stupid and quite insensate to most anything except the need to get drunk, get another tattoo and have a two weeks all inclusive holiday in Grotos.

    Being the bargain basement tourist tat destination of choice by the masses is in fact a measure of just how low you fallen in the scheme of things.
    Tell me, do you just make shit up because you think it makes you sound clever?

    UK manufacturers have reported rising demand driven by a rebound in export orders on the back of a weaker pound.

    The latest Confederation of British Industry (CBI) industrial trends survey showed that 30% of manufacturers said their total order books were above normal in August, compared to 17% that experienced lower levels over the same period, resulting in a balance of plus 13%.

    That is above the long-run average of minus 14%, and July's balance of 10%. Those figures were driven by stronger export order books, as a rounded balance of 11% of manufacturers reported above-normal overseas demand in August, compared to 2% in July.

    Anna Leach, the CBI's head of economic intelligence, said the Brexit-hit pound - which has made UK goods cheaper for overseas buyers - is to thank for the rise. "There are further signs that exporters are feeling the benefit from the lower pound," she said.
    UK exports continue to rise on back of a weaker pound -

    UK tourism soars 20% as weak pound sterling makes Britain more attractive despite terror attacks
    More people made trips to the UK between April and June than in any other quarter since records began in 1980
    UK tourism soars 20% as weak pound sterling makes Britain more attractive despite terror attacks | The Independent

  6. #6
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    i know as a mere lay person you lap this simplistic stuff up unquestioningly but the reality is that in terms of economic betterment the impact on our manufacturing base is minimal given its relative insignificance, only 8% of gross value, and the value of topical tourism to the overall economy is again incidental and not systemic in any significant sense.
    The problem you people face because you are quite stupid is that you neglect to factor into the equation the not inconsequential fact that we haven't left the fucking EU yet and the devaluation of the £ has meant that some products have now become more attractive to our EU neighbours with whom we currently have unfettered trade.
    In 1 year and 120 days that will no longer apply because the Bresxshit fuckwits will have destroyed Britain's status and it will therefore have to compete like any coon state of incidental worth.
    Doubt these British manufacturers will be all chirpy-chirpy- cheep-cheep then, will they, once they pay extra for the factoring and customs clearance agency work and of course the additional duty of 10%-30% will probably make the end users a bit chary of buying British shit.
    Also, the Brexshit retards keep ignoring the fact that in order to sell to far flung markets you have to pay for the fucking transportation - no more cheap EU lorry transport but heck, why should second rate deluded political has-beens concern themselves with mere detail when the dumb British untermesnch are so fucking stupid they'll believe any bullsit rhetoric thrown at them.
    Hard Brexshit, no customs deals, no single market means fucking misery but some will win, the trade in third world contract labour will mushroom exponentially and the big players will be getting into human-trafficking in a big, big way.
    If i was younger I would look to get into Manpower services and contract a deal with the Home Office as a preferred contractor to recruit, house and repatriate third world units for the agricultural/food processing/ market-garden industries.
    Remember when Fox said the British and that piece of shit Duterte shared common values? Yep, money-grubbing immoral scum sucking each other's cock dry.
    Brexshit heaven!

  7. #7
    Harbinger of Doom

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    Meanwhile, wage growth is below inflation so the standard of living is actually falling, though no doubt in a year and a half's time, David Davis, our very own Moses, will deliver us unto the promised land where we will all be eating milk and honey.

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    Explaining stagflation to these morons is akin to teaching macrame to blind retarded thalidomide victims with no arms.

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    16-07-2021 @ 10:31 PM
    in the meantime, silly May has been releasing working papers explaining her vision of Brexit, which everyone agrees is nothing but a pipe dream

    apparently the ambiance at No.10 is quite gloomy, with everyone frustrated how slow the whole process is and how unprepared anyone is

    Mr Barnier has been quite strict with the whole thing, not moving a bit on any silly requests by the UK.

    it's going to be a Brexitcrash, hard landing style

  10. #10
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    One truly does wonder at what point these sclerotic Brexshit Tory dullards will finally understand that if you want some of the benefits of club membership you will have tp pay for them. If you don't then fuck off and sort yourself out when your membership expires.

    How fucking difficult can it be? Duty free trade and unfettered access to a single market including the City stuff? Fine, accept free movement, primacy of the ECJ and pay your fucking dues without whining and in return the EU will let you trade with whomsoever in the world provided the goods are not dumped or re-sold within the EU.

    If you don't agree and you want a hard brexshit, then any deal that you might negotiate will be vetoed by the Irish and any six other EU members.

    So, fuck you.

    The £ will be shredded by then, 15 million Brits will be strapped for cash and baying for blood, and the Tories will be out on their fucking ear......and they know it.

    But the truly shaming thing for the Brits, and for anyone who observes and understands the negotiating process, is the apparent reality the British are a bumbling bunch of buffoons, without a strategy or indeed a coherent brief, whereas the EU team are the quintessential professionals who give every indication that they know what they are doing, that they know the legal implications of what they are doing and that they know precisely what the effect will be in respect of any policy decision that may be agreed.
    Last edited by Seekingasylum; 26-08-2017 at 05:13 PM.

  11. #11
    Thailand Expat harrybarracuda's Avatar
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    A simple "Sorry, I was wrong" would have done.

  12. #12
    Thailand Expat taxexile's Avatar
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    Well, here's some much needed light eu-relief after yet another one of the gents interminable and repetitive rants.

    Macron keeps up appearances with €26,000 makeup bill since May.

    Aides to French president acknowledge bill is high but say artist had been called in as ‘matter of urgency’

    Emmanuel Macron

    Kim Willsher in Paris
    Friday 25 August 2017 11.32 BST First published on Friday 25 August 2017 11.03 BST

    His wife Brigitte lamented her wrinkles compared with his “freshness” over the breakfast table, but Emmanuel Macron’s youthful looks come at a price: €26,000 in three months.

    The French president returned to work this week after perhaps the shortest presidential holiday in modern French history to find himself under fire not only for his controversial plans to reform France’s complicated labour law, but for spending a small fortune on makeup.

    Since entering the Elysée Palace in May, the 39-year-old president has settled two bills from a personal makeup artist called Natacha M; one for €10,000 and another for €16,000.

    After the report in Le Point, presidential aides insisted there was no cover-up and that the makeup artist had been called in as “a matter of urgency”. Future cosmetic bills would be “significantly reduced”, they insisted.

    “The sum covers various services including press conferences and foreign trips where the person concerned has to travel with him,” one Elysée official told journalists. The official admitted the bill was “high … but less than his predecessor’s”.

    Macron, nicknamed Jupiter after the all-powerful Roman god, is not the first French president to pay handsomely for keeping up appearances.

    His predecessor, the Socialist François Hollande, was accused of “shampoo socialism” after reportedly forking out €30,000 for makeup, topped off with a monthly €9,895 bill for a personal barber to cut and dry his thinning hair, according to the satirical newspaper Le Canard Enchainé. The Elysée justified the cost by saying the hairdresser had to “get up early and fix the president’s hair every morning … and as many times during the day as necessary”.

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    16-07-2021 @ 10:31 PM
    how is that related to Brexit ?

    running out of silly pro-Brexit arguments, maybe ?

  14. #14
    Thailand Expat taxexile's Avatar
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    the opinions and influence of the self important popinjay are very much related to the brexit negotiations.

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    It's all part of the deal, he must retain his youthful looks or his oedipal mistress will dump him for another Adonis. She sucks the life out of them and spits out the husk of their relationship. In truth, she is Ayesha and around 2,200 years old.

  16. #16
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    01-06-2024 @ 10:11 PM
    In the EU
    Nothing much is happening. The Government has written some grey papers and some blue papers but they are content free. The EU have read them and explained that they are content free. The UK will go back to the negotiating table on Monday to argue their case, which has no details and requires the EU to use their imagination...

    Meanwhile, it's getting cheaper to visit the UK. However, I did notice one oddity on my last visit; a can of G&T in the UK was the same price as in Germany but is only 5% alc c.f. 10% alc. It isn't just Brexit where UK citizens are being diddled.

  17. #17
    Thailand Expat harrybarracuda's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Troy View Post
    Nothing much is happening. The Government has written some grey papers and some blue papers but they are content free. The EU have read them and explained that they are content free. The UK will go back to the negotiating table on Monday to argue their case, which has no details and requires the EU to use their imagination...

    Meanwhile, it's getting cheaper to visit the UK. However, I did notice one oddity on my last visit; a can of G&T in the UK was the same price as in Germany but is only 5% alc c.f. 10% alc. It isn't just Brexit where UK citizens are being diddled.
    A..... WHAT?

    You philistine.

  18. #18
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    16-07-2021 @ 10:31 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by Troy
    Nothing much is happening.
    and nothing will happen until the deadline, they simply do not have the staff or the skills to create such an agreement

    if May can't even draft an agreement for Brexit because she doesn't have the staff for it, how is she going to manage all those bi-lateral agreements with the rest of the world ?

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dragonfly View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Troy
    Nothing much is happening.
    and nothing will happen until the deadline, they simply do not have the staff or the skills to create such an agreement

    if May can't even draft an agreement for Brexit because she doesn't have the staff for it, how is she going to manage all those bi-lateral agreements with the rest of the world ?

    Easily as the rest of the world know their place and aren't full of self importance like the EU. I really do hope we just away with no deal.

  20. #20
    Hangin' Around cyrille's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by buriramboy View Post
    the rest of the world know their place and aren't full of self importance

  21. #21
    Hangin' Around cyrille's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by harrybarracuda View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Troy View Post
    I did notice one oddity on my last visit; a can of G&T in the UK was the same price as in Germany but is only 5% alc c.f. 10% alc. It isn't just Brexit where UK citizens are being diddled.
    A..... WHAT?

    You philistine.
    I must admit...I'm going to have to recalibrate a bit on Troy's posts after reading that.

  22. #22
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    16-07-2021 @ 10:31 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by buriramboy
    Easily as the rest of the world know their place and aren't full of self importance like the EU

    you certainly have an ironic sense of humor, are you related to Harry by any chance

    Quote Originally Posted by buriramboy
    I really do hope we just away with no deal.
    sounds like it's no longer an option, but the only possible outcome

  23. #23
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    Negotiating with the EU is like debating with Mr Earl. There is a brick wall with dark conspiracies beyond it. Thou shall not pass.
    Its so pointless, no wonder Davis and co seem so half hearted about it.

  24. #24
    Thailand Expat lom's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by chassamui View Post
    Negotiating with the EU is like debating with Mr Earl. There is a brick wall with dark conspiracies beyond it. Thou shall not pass.
    Its so pointless, no wonder Davis and co seem so half hearted about it.
    If it is so then why did it take Britain 40 years to realize that?
    No need to reply, the question is rhetoric.

  25. #25
    Thailand Expat Pragmatic's Avatar
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    Last but who gives a shit.
    Quote Originally Posted by lom
    If it is so then why did it take Britain 40 years to realize that?
    It didn't. We only got a chance to vote exit after 40 odd years. I'm sure given the opportunity before, we'd have voted to leave.

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