1. #16726
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    2020 is the year the UK will fall, quite easy to remember for history books

  2. #16727
    Thailand Expat David48atTD's Avatar
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    I found this a reasonable BREXIT guide.

    I's interactive so can't reproduce it here.

    We're going to run through the basics of Brexit.
    For anything more, tap any text that's underlined to do some deeper reading on that topic.

  3. #16728
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    The problem is, the EU is designed for civilised member states who see a future bound together in common interest while meeting the needs of each member state's population who comprehend that their power combined with other likeminded states make them stronger and more secure in a world that is increasingly polarised between evil, stupidity and greed.

    The UK has now become a third country state and is no longer a civilised member of the union of likeminded countries.

    It is now a coon state governed by a neo-fascist party led by a narcissistic sociopath without a single scruple to his name who cannot keep his dick in his pants.

    And there it is.

  4. #16729
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    Quote Originally Posted by Seekingasylum View Post
    The problem is, the EU is designed for civilised member states who see a future bound together in common interest while meeting the needs of each member state's population who comprehend that their power combined with other likeminded states make them stronger and more secure in a world that is increasingly polarised between evil, stupidity and greed.

    The UK has now become a third country state and is no longer a civilised member of the union of likeminded countries.

    It is now a coon state governed by a neo-fascist party led by a narcissistic sociopath without a single scruple to his name who cannot keep his dick in his pants.

    And there it is.
    Stop right there, where the highlighted section stops. Delete the word "is" and insert the word "was". And there it is.
    Once the grand socialist vision stepped over that line, all was lost. There is far too much interference in individual peoples lives. All the EU has become is an autonomous, self regarding system of flagellation for the individual, who no longer has to think about life, because Brussels has sorted, ruled and stored it the way that bureaucrats do.
    That is not civilisation, that is dictatorial hegemony, determined by socially engineered political policy. It is an unwanted and unnecessary intrusion into individual lives.
    The divisive problems that the EU suffers from today, are all of their own making. The system they have adopted, and developed is not fit for purpose, either for individuals or nations.

  5. #16730
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    In the EU
    ^ Examples? Come up with some to back up your case instead of spouting bollocks...

  6. #16731
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    Quote Originally Posted by Troy View Post
    ^ Examples? Come up with some to back up your case instead of spouting bollocks...
    FFS Troy. Get over yerself. Fröhliche Weihnachten

  7. #16732
    Hangin' Around cyrille's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Switch View Post
    for the individual, who no longer has to think about life
    Well if you won't back anything up that only leaves the possibility of reflecting on just how much, how often and how deeply the average BREXITer 'thinks about life'.

  8. #16733
    last farang standing
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    The problem is, the EU is designed for civilised member states who see a future bound together in common interest

    E.G. Romania that cant even put child traffickers in Jail. Cant wait for Albania to join.

  9. #16734
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hugh Cow View Post
    Romania that cant even put child traffickers in Jail.
    Not yet well developed to have it organized by clergy channels (or some hedge fund moguls)...
    Last edited by Klondyke; 25-12-2019 at 11:05 AM.

  10. #16735
    Hangin' Around cyrille's Avatar
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    Your time would be so much better spent communicating in a language you can actually use.

  11. #16736
    I'm in Jail

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    Why Syb types so much, no one understands a Brummie.

  12. #16737
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    Quote Originally Posted by cyrille View Post
    Your time would be so much better spent communicating in a language you can actually use.
    How wonderful when we can learn a lot from your communication language...

  13. #16738
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    Historically poor GDP growth and employment falling.

    The effects of BREXIT uncertainty continue to mount.

    But straight bananas will get the green light!

  14. #16739
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    Well, the forecasts are indeed sobering now the ERG nazi froth has been blown off BoJo the Clown's post-election celebratory cup of frenzied self-congratulation and approbation from his sycophantic minions.

    The £ is already back again to sub 39 baht on the transfer rate and still trading at a low $1.30 US, but as news trickles out that the ERG/Cummings desired Brexit plan is a barebones EU trade deal the market outlook is becoming gloomier with employment and investment expected to fall in the new year. Details of the full extent of the effects of budgetary deprivation experienced by education, healthcare and our transport system over the past decade, and concealed by successive Tory governments, are now seeping out and portray a near calamitous picture of impending collapse. The demands on the the Exchequer will be prodigious indeed and against the background of a certain and imminent Brexit trading deficit of at least £60 billions, in addition to the payment of post EU settlement of debts etc of £40 billions, it is now clear that taxes must rise in order to fund the necessary expenditure to fix the country and restore the balance that had been achieved over a decade ago, an expenditure of at least £400 billions.

    Deficits are obviously going to widen and the devaluation of £ is now even more of a certainty. The economic philosophy of this new ERG/Nazi regime is unclear and we still have not moved from the fluff of vacuous rhetoric and propagandising piffle waffle. Ordinarily, the Treasury has been traditionally bound by borrowing rules and a commitment to a maximum inflation rate of 2% but it sounds as if the piffle waffle meister is going into full Churchill mode and will do the equivalent of restoring the gold standard which of course collapsed the economy back in the 30s.

    Huge debt to GDP ratio increases and a £ = to the US$ is almost a certainty since raising taxes is anathema to a BoJo protecting his hedge fund tax evaders and carpetbaggers.

    Either way, it's going to be a tough ride for the ordinary Joe.

  15. #16740
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    But there will be a bridge between N. Ireland and Scotland, which the EU will pay for.

    Remind you of anyone?

  16. #16741
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    This is of course the daftest thing yet to emerge from The Clown's piffle waffle tube but what is even more amusing is that Leo Varadkar has impishly enjoined the debate by encouraging the Clown whilst making it clear the English will pay. Of course he knows it will never be built and that there is no economic case, or indeed, an engineering one, to support such a stupefyingly stupid venture. What on earth is the point of linking a fucking economic desert, dependent on subsidy to survive, to the provincial backwater of a state that is soon to become independent?

    It couldn't be a road bridge, the weather would prevent traversing it in winter and driver anxiety would inhibit many from even undertaking such a crossing, and a rail bridge would be as challenging not least because of the North Channel's depth.
    A tunnel is perhaps the better option but in order to make sense of the venture there would have to be a new motorway linking Stranraer to the motorway system to the South. And what would be the point? Why would Irish truckers drive from Dublin to the tunnel and then another 12hours from Stranraer to the Channel ports etc.

    The Dublin to Holyhead ferry is a mere two hours or so and then a 90 minute journey to past Wrexham into the heart of England and the M6 junction.

    Fucking daft but trust The Clown to support it. Maybe he will call it The Flower Bridge to remind himself of the one he couldn't even build over the fucking Thames.
    Last edited by Seekingasylum; 27-12-2019 at 02:28 PM.

  17. #16742
    I'm in Jail

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    No what is funny is you two taking it seriously, hilarious.Of course the objective is divestment not bridge building.

  18. #16743
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    Who is taking it seriously?

    I'll tell you, the same fucking idiots who voted for Brexit and swallowed Kipper/Tory ERG shite hook, line and fucking sinker.

  19. #16744
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    Quote Originally Posted by NamPikToot View Post
    you two taking it seriously

    That's good coming from someone who believes the future should be put in the hands of boris fucking johnson.

  20. #16745
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    History will judge, its already judged your mate Corbyn. At least none of this affects you or Sausages

  21. #16746
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    looking forward to the complete collapse of the British

    the prayers from the French have been answered

  22. #16747
    Thailand Expat taxexile's Avatar
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    Deficits are obviously going to widen and the devaluation of £ is now even more of a certainty. The economic philosophy of this new ERG/Nazi regime is unclear and we still have not moved from the fluff of vacuous rhetoric and grey skies doom and gloom nazi stormtroopers northern retards provincial backwater figures and blaah blaah fucking blaah ad infinitum
    i need antidepressants after reading your miserable posts. over 3 years now. the same stuff. move on and
    change the fucking record you miserable pile ridden git.

    ive told you, it will all be ok after a hiccough or two. a couple of years three at the most and the uk will be thriving, and with any luck the scrounging jocks may even have fucked off, whilst the eu will be stumbling along just as it has for the fast few years, so do listen and for gods fucking sake. cheer up.

    Brexit talks: how each side stacks up

    Oliver Wright, Bruno Waterfield

    December 27 2019, 12:01am,
    The Times

    Fishing France, Belgium, Denmark and the Netherlands have powerful fishing lobbies and will want to secure access to UK waters as part of a trade deal. This was not covered in the withdrawal agreement and how much access such lobbies get in the talks will depend on what Britain is prepared to offer. Ministers see this as a vital negotiating card to win concessions from the EU in other areas, although giving too much could alienate the British fishing lobby.

    Divide and rule In the first stage of the Brexit negotiations the 27 EU member states stayed united, mainly because the withdrawal agreement did not raise issues where different countries had different interests.
    Talks on the future relationship will be different. Germany, for example, will not want to lose access to the lucrative UK market for cars. France will not want too many restrictions on agricultural exports and the Dutch will not want to forfeit Rotterdam’s position as Europe’s pre-eminent port for imports, many of which end up in Britain. Played smartly the government could use these competing interests to win greater market access than the commission might want to offer, especially as Britain imports more goods from the EU than it exports.

    Geographical indicators This may be something many people have not heard about — even if they have heard of Parma ham and champagne. In essence they are EU rules that allow products known for coming from a certain area to be made only there. After Brexit the UK will no longer be bound by them and could, for example, make English champagne. The Americans in particular do not like the rules as they effectively ban certain US imports and want the government to abandon them. It is unlikely that it will but Britain will want a concession from Brussels to keep the status quo.


    Size Although the UK is the world’s sixth biggest economy, it is still significantly smaller than the EU as a whole. The proportion of the EU’s exports going to Britain is 6.2 per cent. British exports account for 2.3 per cent of the EU27’s GDP. Therefore, if there were disruption to trade as a result of failing to reach a deal it would hurt Britain in the short term a great deal more than it would hurt the EU.

    Services While Britain might have a goods trade deficit with the EU, it has a surplus on services owing to its strong banking, insurance and IT sectors. This makes the UK vulnerable to unilateral changes in EU or national rules designed to exclude British competition. For example, after Brexit the ability of the British financial services sector to trade in the EU will be covered by a process known as equivalence. In effect this is an EU ruling that British companies abide by the same rules as European competitors. However, it is a unilateral decision with no right of appeal and at present can be withdrawn with only a month’s notice.

    Unilateral power The EU has the power to unilaterally take vital decisions, such as on financial services and data flows, that can be linked to political demands in the trade talks and afterwards if Britain does not concede to demands. Decision-making powers are centralised at the EU level, avoiding the need for long negotiations between the member states. A restrictive decision on allowing the City of London access to EU markets or to permit data transfers by the wider service industries could strike at the heart of the economy and outgun any British moves in response, such as blocking European fishing boats.

    Political unity The political implications of Brexit are existential for the EU and there is a high degree of unity. If the European side concedes too much in negotiations then a message will be sent that leaving the EU is painless or even beneficial. In a world dominated by a hostile President Trump, an aggressive Russia and the rise of China, the EU knows that its rivals are watching to see if European leaders blink in the talks with Britain. Rather than show weakness, the EU is ready to hold the line to protect the European project.

    Storms on the horizon The EU’s economic and political clout is much greater than Britain’s. As storm clouds gather over the global economy with trade wars and a recession looming, European countries will be sheltered behind the EU’s single market and customs union. In contrast, an isolated Britain, already facing an investment slowdown, will be much more exposed to global turbulence. The prospect of uncertain times to come and the protection from the EU’s single market clout will shore up European political unity.

    North-south divide European unity will be tested. During talks on the withdrawal agreement EU unity was easy to maintain as no European governments had differing interests on rights for their citizens, Britain paying the financial obligations incurred by membership or the question of the Irish border. Keeping European governments united on trade talks will, as with all EU negotiations, be much more difficult as different economic and political interests come into play. EU divisions on trade between the liberal north and protectionist south will be in play as each government assesses the potential damage that any tariff or quota could have on their economy.

    Fishing (again) The issue of fishing is of huge political significance for France, Spain, Belgium, the Netherlands and Denmark. After Brexit, Britain will have the right to exclude European access to its fisheries to favour the British fishing industry. Such a development could extinguish parts of the European fishing industry, which are highly symbolic in countries such as France. To keep access, the EU will have to make concessions to Britain on a wider trade deal with the danger of creating internal divisions with countries that have no fishing interests.

    Friday, January 31 Brexit
    Early February European Commission to publish draft negotiating mandate. EU governments to internally negotiate with new British cabinet decisions critical for the shape of the final mandate
    Late February Possible EU summit on future of EU spending after Brexit and the trade mandate
    March Trade negotiations begin with a four-month window to get a deal before a decision in June on whether to extend the transition period
    March 26/27 EU summit to assess progress with talks
    June 18 EU summit to decide whether a free trade deal is possible by the end of the year. The European Union will by this time expect a draft agreement on fishing. If there is not one then talks will stall

  23. #16748
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    Tax, I am neither down, nor up, I am a sentient person who in my maturity can assess a situation and arrive at a reasonable conclusion based on its relative merits or otherwise. Brexit is unique in that it is a monumental act of folly without any benefit except possibly to greedy bloodsucking scum obsessed by tax evasion, and therefore I cannot be anything but appalled and the longer the disaster unfolds the more I shall continue to observe its inevitable path towards destruction of the union and its currency.

    I am way beyond the need to cloud my perception of reality by viewing it through the prism of self deception you evidently prefer, Tax, I can still handle the truth and derive some humour from it in much the same way one can mock the fascist who trips himself up on his banner of bigoted prejudice and falls flat on his face.
    I much prefer schadenfreude these days and shall relish the forthcoming misery of the lumpen stupid and the vacuous dross soon to be a-weeping and a-wailing when they plunge deeper into debt.

    But please, Tax, no more drivel from those Times hacks. Britain is fucked, and that is the truth. Back in 2015 most observers acknowledged that the UK was dragging itself out of the 2008 sourced mire and was on the cusp of leading the way out of the bankster morass but with the Brexit madness supplanting Cameron's strategy that recovery has been stymied and the country has slithered back into the pit but this time there are no more lifelines on which to pin a rescue - the metrics of the UK's economy have been embedded in the success of the EU and there is no realistic future global trading relationship on the horizon that equals that success. The so-called enhanced US trading partnership is a mirage no more substantial that BoJo's piffle waffle schtick redolent of a prankster's fart in a whirlwind. Britain's economy is service based and services are not on the trade EU menu unless of course the ERG accept the primacy of the ECJ and free movement. So, that's 80% of GDP fucked up the arse for starters. And 49% of the UK's manufacturing sector contribution to GDP of 10% is sourced from EU trade so even goods are fucked. The City derives over £30 billions annually from passporting its services around the EU but if BoJo follows through with his "fuck-you business and the EU" style of negotiation then it's good bye to that bunce.

    So where the fuck is the good news, Tax?

    Those clowns at the Times have highlighted fishing, for fuck's sake. I mean, do they not know anything or is it simply the case that Murdoch has once again got the Tmes group to dance to his tune flying the banner for the hedge fund tax evaders? Look, mushroom cultivation in Britain is bigger than fucking fishing but the reality seems yet again to be distorted by the British penchant for blinkered jingoism. The EU countries will continue to fish in their traditional fishing grounds in accordance with historical convention and no one is going to stop them.

    BoJo has a choice: he can either listen to the Treasury or he can continue to have his arse tickled by Cummings.

    Anyway, happiness is only misery adjourned.
    Last edited by Seekingasylum; 27-12-2019 at 09:09 PM.

  24. #16749
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    at last some eloquence. thank you.

    but economic predictions are wrong as many times as they are right. there are just too many variables floating around waiting to interfere with the equation to ensure any reliability or accuracy in them.

    i am of the opinion that the eu shackles its members to the altar of regulation, uniformity and compliance and once free of it all, we can do as well if not better. it has changed from a free trading block into an overpowering dystopian bureaucracy intent on subjugation and federalisation, and the english psyche is not suited to that and if brexit fails it's better that we fall on our own sword than theirs.

    but only time will tell, and there is as much chance of your predictions being correct, as there are of mine.

    Anyway, happiness is only misery adjourned

    and actually, happiness is an agreeable sensation arising from observing the misery of another.

  25. #16750
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    Quote Originally Posted by Seekingasylum View Post
    Tax, I am neither down, nor up, I am a sentient person who in my maturity can assess a situation and arrive at a reasonable conclusion based on its relative merits or otherwise. Brexit is unique in that it is a monumental act of folly without any benefit except possibly to greedy bloodsucking scum obsessed by tax evasion, and therefore I cannot be anything but appalled and the longer the disaster unfolds the more I shall continue to observe its inevitable path towards destruction of the union and its currency.
    Such self deception will lead to a cataclysmic shock to the frailty of your beliefs. You have been confounded before, hanging your hopes on the EU flag. A delusion that was prepared for the weak minded such as yourself.

    All you can post here are repeats of your political and economic myopia. You have been subsumed by the depth of your ignorance and ingrained hatred.

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