1. #14401
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    Quote Originally Posted by buriramboy View Post
    As usual you have no idea what you are talking about, Labour have now come out for remain alienating 5 million people who voted for them in the last GE, hence the remain vote will be split in any GE giving the Tories a clear path to a majority as long as some deal is done with Sir Nigel Farage.

    Boris hasn't even assumed the throne yet and already you can feel the upbeat buzz about the country. Obviously whore mongers residing in Pattaya on a state pension wont be sharing the euphoria.
    You stupid spastic, the Labour leavers just wanted to fuck off Cameron, it's a different case in voting for Brexit/Tory scum in your northern heartland where they still burn effigies of Thatcher commemorating her death day, you shit-for-brains travelling salesman.

  2. #14402
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    23-05-2020 @ 05:51 PM
    Boris hating Guardian does a hit piece on Boris for it's ever dwindling readership, what a surprise. Does the Guardian actually report news anymore? Couple of its political activists posing as journalists currently get sued for the crap they write.

  3. #14403
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    23-05-2020 @ 05:51 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by Seekingasylum View Post
    You stupid spastic, the Labour leavers just wanted to fuck off Cameron, it's a different case in voting for Brexit/Tory scum in your northern heartland where they still burn effigies of Thatcher commemorating her death day, you shit-for-brains travelling salesman.
    Never been in sales in my life, but again you show just how out of touch you are comes from solely reading the guardian I presume who have no idea of the mood of the country outside of their westminster bubble. The Brexit party is extremely popular in Labours Northern heartlands and the people want Brexit and wont vote for Labour now they have come out for leave. You also underestimate Boris popularity across the country outside of London and the guardian readership.

    I understand you are bitter and twisted about the £/baht exchange rate even though it isn't solely down to Brexit but that's really no excuse for your ignorance about the state of play in the UK.

  4. #14404
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    16-07-2021 @ 10:31 PM
    bye bye silly old witch, and good riddance for fucking up Brexit, you delusional bitch

    May bidding farewell before new PM takes office

    Theresa May is taking MPs' questions for the final time before Boris Johnson becomes prime minister.

    She told them she would continue as a constituency MP and was happy to hand over to a successor committed to delivering Brexit and creating "a bright future for this country".

    Later, she will deliver a farewell speech in Downing Street before Mr Johnson takes power.

    He will speak outside No 10 then begin announcing senior cabinet posts.

    Mr Johnson is expected to use the opportunity to increase the number of women in full cabinet positions and boost the representation of ethnic minorities - sources say his top team will reflect "modern Britain".

    At PMQs, Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn paid tribute to Mrs May's "respect for public service", but criticised her record on the economy, homelessness and Brexit.

    He asked whether she would consider joining him "in opposing the reckless plans of her successor".

  5. #14405
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dragonfly View Post
    bye bye silly old witch, and good riddance for fucking up Brexit, you delusional bitch

    May bidding farewell before new PM takes office

    Theresa May is taking MPs' questions for the final time before Boris Johnson becomes prime minister.

    She told them she would continue as a constituency MP and was happy to hand over to a successor committed to delivering Brexit and creating "a bright future for this country".

    Later, she will deliver a farewell speech in Downing Street before Mr Johnson takes power.

    He will speak outside No 10 then begin announcing senior cabinet posts.

    Mr Johnson is expected to use the opportunity to increase the number of women in full cabinet positions and boost the representation of ethnic minorities - sources say his top team will reflect "modern Britain".

    At PMQs, Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn paid tribute to Mrs May's "respect for public service", but criticised her record on the economy, homelessness and Brexit.

    He asked whether she would consider joining him "in opposing the reckless plans of her successor".
    It's so kind of you to post these BBC statements of the bleeding obvious, for those who, like you, do not understand Britain or British people.
    Thank you butters.

    Sadly, the BBC is the last place you should be seeking information about the country, other than to confirm your own bias.

  6. #14406
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    you get your news from The Mirror, chass, before you recycle that newspaper in your bed sheets

  7. #14407
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dragonfly View Post
    you get your news from The Mirror, chass, before you recycle that newspaper in your bed sheets
    He's a Daily Express reader, although he denies it.

    Nothing wrong with quoting the BBC. Only those in denial fail to accept the truth about Brexit.

  8. #14408
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    23-05-2020 @ 05:51 PM
    Great speech from Boris and all the remoaner deadweight either resigned or been sacked from the cabinet. Anyone still think the EU wont renegotiate the withdrawal agreement?

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    16-07-2021 @ 10:31 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by buriramboy View Post
    Great speech from Boris and all the remoaner deadweight either resigned or been sacked from the cabinet. Anyone still think the EU wont renegotiate the withdrawal agreement?
    the higher the pride, the bigger the fall

    Merckel said she will give you a bigger discount if you stay with the deal,

    Extension on the way,

  11. #14411
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    Quote Originally Posted by buriramboy View Post

    Boris hasn't even assumed the throne yet and already you can feel the upbeat buzz about the country
    That's the psychosis kicking in as ersatz American fuckwitz mouldering away in provincial British mundanity bond together in their lower class drinking dens next to their social housing ghettoes and high-five each other in celebration of finding a hero to inspire them as they blunder their way through the thickets of English bigotry and prejudice looking for unicorns prancing around golden bowers amid sunny uplands - their new icon, a fat arsed, over-educated, narcissistic buffoon with a worn out line in bombastic cod Churchillian rhetoric incoherently prattled to the bovinely stupid, a randy old git who can't keep his dick in his pants, is as much an inspirational leader as a long wet dribbling fart in a secure ward for the terminally demented.

    Upbeat buzz, my arse, you stupid fucker.
    Last edited by Seekingasylum; 25-07-2019 at 12:01 AM.

  12. #14412
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    ^Not a good evening in soi6? Were you thrown out your favourite ladyboy bar for boring everyone to death going on about the exchange rate by any chance?

  13. #14413
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    Now that's what you call a Cabinet reshuffle. At least everyone knows the way forward now. Full speed my fellow lemmings...

  14. #14414
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    Quote Originally Posted by buriramboy View Post
    Anyone still think the EU wont renegotiate the withdrawal agreement?
    How delusional can one get to believe there is going to be any substantial changes? There will be none. Some cosmetic changes in wording yes. The british parliament is then free to pretend the changes allow them to sign it off.

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    Another witch as Home Sec with Priti Patel and her love of the death penalty...silly bitch

  16. #14416
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    Quote Originally Posted by Takeovers View Post
    How delusional can one get to believe there is going to be any substantial changes? There will be none. Some cosmetic changes in wording yes. The british parliament is then free to pretend the changes allow them to sign it off.
    We will see.

  17. #14417
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    Remainer snowflakes at the Guardian must be losing the plot about racist Boris for their opinion pieces for tomorrow, a Pakistani chancellor, an Indian home secretary, it just keeps getting better and better. But the good news for you remainers is Boris cabinet means a general election very soon is nailed on as he has stuffed the cabinet full of leavers and rightly so and all remoaners been fucked off so going to be some serious butt hurt and want of revenge.

  18. #14418
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    What's the betting on this cartload of a cabinet lasting until October? A huge fail leading to a GE before September is out and another long delay to brexit is on the way.

  19. #14419
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    Quote Originally Posted by Troy View Post
    What's the betting on this cartload of a cabinet lasting until October? A huge fail leading to a GE before September is out and another long delay to brexit is on the way.
    They will last till a general election and by the looks of it Boris has assembled a team round him knowing there is going to be a general election soon. And he will win.

  20. #14420
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    Wait till the latest opinion polls come out after Boris becoming PM, I reckon a good 5+ points to the Tories.

  21. #14421
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    Quote Originally Posted by Troy View Post
    He's a Daily Express reader, although he denies it.

    Nothing wrong with quoting the BBC. Only those in denial fail to accept the truth about Brexit.
    If you want a good laugh, just compare the same stories in the Guardian and the Telegraph. Surprised at a smart chap like you following the corruption of truth at the Beeb Troy. You were better than that.

  22. #14422
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    Re the "fck govt fck boris" protesters in Russell Square and the march on Downing Street. I think this tells you all you need to know (from The Guardian):

    "The Labour leftwing grassroots movement Momentum, the Women's Strike Assembly and Guardian columnist Own Jones were among the event's organisers."

    and from the interviews of some of the attendees, which sounds remarkably like a stereotype put forward by Remainers of those who voted Leave:

    "Lois Ward-Marvin, 23, a tattoo artist, was among the demonstrators. She said: 'I don't want Boris Johnsono to be prime minister - the people that did vote for him were all white men. He's racist, sexist, homophobic, and I don't think he really wants to bring change for good.' However, Ward-Marvin added that she did not know who in politics would be a better fit for the post. 'I'm Jewish, so the antisemitism row has pushed me away from Labour,' she said."

    I find it almost perverse where Johnson is being labelled with so many phobias and yet is in the process of selecting the most ethnic and gender diverse Cabinet in the history of UK Governments.

    One thing is for sure, the days of Cabinet divisions witnessed during May's tenure are pretty much a thing of the past. Everyone, from those around Cabinet and their respective Junior Ministers, as well as the team of Aides and Advisors, are clear what their objectives are, and the timeline to produce them. A classic 'if you're not part of the solution, you're part of the problem'.

    It is highly likely, with his current stated strategy, any potential General Election in the near future is going to bring a swathe of current Brexit Party supporters (both former Conservative and importantly Labour supporters) into the Conservative fold. Labour will risk being reduced to third place, and on a par with the SNP, and with Jo Swinson likely facing Johnson at PMQ's.

    For sure, the days (or nights) of a UK Prime Minister being kept waiting for hours sitting outside an EU HOS meeting waiting to hear their gracious verdict are well and truly over.

    Again interestingly, watching the events unfolding on Sky News, the pound was up against both the dollar and the Euro. Early days I'm sure, but with a clear plan, and what is still a sound economy, the predictions of a dramatic fall in sterling, above what has already taken place may not in reality occur. More risk to the Euro I think, with the likelihood of substantial support required for the Irish economy, as well as the demise of the UK's' contributions to their budget, to say nothing of the with holding of the financial settlement.

    Interesting days ahead, not least for the incoming heads of the EU Council, EU Commission, EU Parliament, and of course not least for the head of the EUCB.

    Next interesting appointment will be who Johnson selects to succeed Mark Carney as BOE Governor next February.

    Last edited by PAG; 25-07-2019 at 08:39 AM.

  23. #14423
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    Quote Originally Posted by PAG View Post
    Re the "fck govt fck boris" protesters in Russell Square and the march on Downing Street. I think this tells you all you need to know (from The Guardian):

    "The Labour leftwing grassroots movement Momentum, the Women's Strike Assembly and Guardian columnist Own Jones were among the event's organisers."

    and from the interviews of some of the attendees, which sounds remarkably like a stereotype put forward by Remainers of those who voted Leave:

    "Lois Ward-Marvin, 23, a tattoo artist, was among the demonstrators. She said: 'I don't want Boris Johnsono to be prime minister - the people that did vote for him were all white men. He's racist, sexist, homophobic, and I don't think he really wants to bring change for good.' However, Ward-Marvin added that she did not know who in politics would be a better fit for the post. 'I'm Jewish, so the antisemitism row has pushed me away from Labour,' she said."

    I find it almost perverse where Johnson is being labelled with so many phobias and yet is in the process of selecting the most ethnic and gender diverse Cabinet in the history of UK Governments.

    One thing is for sure, the days of Cabinet divisions witnessed during May's tenure are pretty much a thing of the past. Everyone, from those around Cabinet and their respective Junior Ministers, as well as the team of Aides and Advisors, are clear what their objectives are, and the timeline to produce them. A classic 'if you're not part of the solution, you're part of the problem'.

    It is highly likely, with his current stated strategy, any potential General Election in the near future is going to bring a swathe of current Brexit Party supporters (both former Conservative and importantly Labour supporters) into the Conservative fold. Labour will risk being reduced to third place, and on a par with the SNP, and with Jo Swinson likely facing Johnson at PMQ's.

    For sure, the days (or nights) of a UK Prime Minister being kept waiting for hours sitting outside an EU HOS meeting waiting to hear their gracious verdict are well and truly over.

    Again interestingly, watching the events unfolding on Sky News, the pound was up against both the dollar and the Euro. Early days I'm sure, but with a clear plan, and what is still a sound economy, the predictions of a dramatic fall in sterling, above what has already taken place may not in reality occur. More risk to the Euro I think, with the likelihood of substantial support required for the Irish economy, as well as the demise of the UK's' contributions to their budget, to say nothing of the with holding of the financial settlement.

    Interesting days ahead, not least for the incoming heads of the EU Council, EU Commission, EU Parliament, and of course not least for the head of the EUCB.

    Next interesting appointment will be who Johnson selects to succeed Mark Carney as BOE Governor next February.

    nterestingly, he has a lso invited 3 remain politicians into the new cabinet. Morgan, Leadsom and Rudd.

  24. #14424
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    [QUOTE=PAG;3977328] For sure, the days (or nights) of a UK Prime Minister being kept waiting for hours sitting outside an EU HOS meeting waiting to hear their gracious verdict are well and truly over. [/QUOTE]

    This and the complete lack of any explanation of BoJo’s ‘clear plan’ and how it will work tells me all I need to know.

    It’s just more of the BREXITer bluster and baseless bravado that we’ve been reading for three years now.

  25. #14425
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    An unexpected further change. Martin Selmayr has been demoted from his position as Junker's right hand man in the form of EU Commission Secretary General, and has been banished to a EU Delegation role in Vienna. Selmayr was responsible for much of the EU strategy during the Withdrawal Agreement negotiations, as well as being widely acknowledged as being the damaging leaks that weakened the UK's negotiating position in 2017.

    Nicknamed 'The Beast', Selmayr would appear to have lost that mantle to Dominic Cummings, Johnson's new chief advisor.

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