1. #17926
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hugh Cow View Post
    I am curious why an African immigrant who is under some delusion that he could possibly understand what it is to be a real european, continually gets his tongue stuck down the pants of an anglophobic bog irish oik in Pattaya whom is equally deluded in thinking he has a grasp of economics and an insight into the E.U. from a flat in a third world oversized sewarage farm.
    I rather think it might be because we both share a healthy disdain for the lower class lumpen English oik whose inability to comprehend the exigencies of life is only exceeded by his inability to express them in terms approximating to any known rules of grammar.

  2. #17927
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    Originally posted by the EU conspiracy theorist:

    ”we europeans”

    bwahahahahahaha What a joker you are. We europeans indeed. lol

  3. #17928
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    Quote Originally Posted by Switch View Post
    I would prefer actual links rather than your biased reference to anonymous, “responsible and authoritative economic institutions”. Otherwise your obvious political bias might be viewed with some scepticism. In other words, I have to assume as usual, that you are making shit up, to fit your vile narrative.

    Council tax capping was a defence mechanism to protect the citizenry following recession. Real world costs are the same for spendthrift local government finances, who must learn to budget more realistically. Local and national governments bend to the tune of senile politics in the same way that you do.

    You can view my posts as vague wittering if you like, but my opinions are just as valid as yours. Mine based on reality, and yours based on future fantasy, as a seriously deranged conspiracy theorist.
    Yet more waffle and piffle.

    CT capping was a means by which central government could counter excessive local spending by authorities which were usually doctrinally opposed to the prevailing government and which sought to by-pass central government strictures through the compensatory mechanism of local rates revenue collection in defiance of national policies.

    Fuck all to do with recessions but certainly over the past decade the Tories depressed CT collection in order to make austerity measures more palatable.

    the consequence of course is an almost national neglect of infrastructure.

    Patrick Jenkin introduced capping to curtail the people's republics of ILEA and Merseyside taking the fiscal piss.

    Projected Brexit induced losses are a matter of record in pretty much every arena from the IMF to the OECD, from the NIESR to the BoE, from Warren Buffet to Morgan Stanly, from Soros to the CBI. It's all there Chas - seek and ye shall find but please, spare me the propaganda horseshit.

    Simply not interested, I do not read cut-n-paste merchants.

  4. #17929
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    ^ Sausages, we will see how it pans out. For you though the UK tax payer will still be picking up the tab for your CS and Govt pensions, neither of which you contributed to nor lived up the bargain that the current working generations pay for those in retirement so for you to be on here running down those who work an honest day in any job just shows what a fuking leech you really are. You seem happy with your lot for what little time you have left, lets hope its not too long as we have to meet the post EU funding shortfall somehow ehh.

  5. #17930
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    UK post-Brexit blue passports made in Polish factory

    Saturday February 22 2020, 12.00pm GMT, The Times

    Boris Johnson brandishes Britain’s new passport for the first time but in a blow for Brexit supporters, the document is made in Poland

    Britain’s new post-Brexit blue passports will be given to applicants from next month, the Home Office announced yesterday.

    What it did not say, however, was that they will be made by a Franco/Dutch company at a factory in Poland, under EU procurement rules.

    In one of the ironies of Brexit, the 11-year, £260 million contract was won by a subsidiary of the French multinational group Thales last year, after its British competitor De La Rue lost out.

    UK post-Brexit blue passports made in Polish factory | News | The Times

  6. #17931
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    ^ yep they fuk'd off De La Rue. Looking back on the past 2 decades i cannot remember how many times the UK has fuk'd over its own companies in favour of EU ones via the European Journal. You'd not see the French or Yermans do it. Mind you when you meet UK Govt CS Commercial staff (the group of desk bound contract managers) you'll know why immediately, they are clueless just like Sausages.

  7. #17932
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    Quote Originally Posted by jabir View Post
    Ever wondered why the frogs want us out, and never in to start with?

    It's not just the deluded fool that's ruining your country, but the French establishment in general. Without the UK, France has the largest, most powerful, well organised and efficient military, with nukes thrown in for good measure. These assets and the logistics behind them, would be the basis for any EU vanity project with an -army suffix.
    yes, absolutely

    Quote Originally Posted by jabir View Post

    Now that we've left, under peacetime conditions not what Macron has turned it into, France would be the natural protector of Europe. Question is, which Macron clearly hasn't considered, against whom? Not Russia, which could spit it out for lunch, and certainly not China, so who will the glorious Euro-warriors be defending the continent from? Once you answer that, nobody, and agree it's pointless having a fully fledged military apparatus costing hundreds of billions stuck in barracks scratching their butts, the next question becomes easier: in any order, which weak and vulnerable 3W states are they going to bully?
    Independence, that's the good enough reasons. This is the reason France got the nuke in the first place, so we don't have to take orders from other superpower, like England likes to do with his American cousins.

    Quote Originally Posted by jabir View Post
    Maybe NATO isn't such a bad idea after all; strong enough to defend against both Russia and China, and for you idiots in the EU, also the US.
    NATO is a bad idea, it's there because it's cheap and nobody want to pay for it. Eventually that will need to stop.

  8. #17933
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    16-07-2021 @ 10:31 PM
    and here we have it,

    Brexit: Emmanuel Macron 'not sure' of UK-EU trade deal by end of year - BBC News

    French President Emmanuel Macron has said he is "not sure" a UK-EU trade deal will be struck by 31 December, the end of the Brexit transition period.

    Mr Macron said negotiations starting in March will be "tense", with fishing rights a key point of contention.

    It comes as the UK government signalled it would publish its mandate for the trade deal later this week.

    In the document, ministers are expected to reiterate their desire for a Canada-style deal with few tariffs on goods.

    While a trade deal is hammered out with the EU, the UK is following the majority of the bloc's rules.

    The UK is in this transition period until 31 December following its departure from the EU on 31 January.

    "I am not sure that an agreement will be reached between now and the end of the year," Mr Macron said at a meeting with fishermen in Paris on Saturday.

    "Anyway, it is going to become more tense because [the British] are very hard."

  9. #17934
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    Sharp cookie is micron, he's catching on. Now he just needs to go back to making the EU budget settlement unworkable.

  10. #17935
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dragonfly View Post
    yes, absolutely

    Independence, that's the good enough reasons. This is the reason France got the nuke in the first place, so we don't have to take orders from other superpower, like England likes to do with his American cousins.
    This is surreal, you call it independence to suck Yermin cock? If someone ever pisses on your head you gonna call it rain?

    NATO is a bad idea, it's there because it's cheap and nobody want to pay for it. Eventually that will need to stop.
    Sure it's cheap, everything's cheap when you're not paying for it.

    If NATO ever does disband it won't be replaced by the EU army because a) you can't afford it, b) get yer head around that you can't afford it, c) even if you collect what is owed by the spongers which you won't because they don't have it you still couldn't afford it, d) you're fcuking broke, e) all it would do is kick off squabbles between France and I don't know maybe er Germany or Malta over who gets to push the buttons, f) another squabble over whom to bully first, g) and next, h) you gonna put everything to the vote with 27 vetos , and j) after all that anytime Putin wants to stroll down the Champs half of you will be scrambling to get those white flags out while the other half wonders what kind of fcukwit gives away the only real security they have to satisfy some giant ideological ego.

    In short, you can toss NATO only when you can replace it with an effective deterrent stronger than wishful thinking.

  11. #17936
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    Quote Originally Posted by NamPikToot View Post
    Looking back on the past 2 decades i cannot remember how many times the UK has fuk'd over its own companies in favour of EU ones via the European Journal.
    Favour = best price

    Quote Originally Posted by NamPikToot View Post
    You'd not see the French or Yermans do it.
    Bollox from you again.
    All types of government procurement and the bidding in the member states is registered and so is the outcome, it is easy to verify that all countries loses a bid to another country every now and then.

  12. #17937
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    Quote Originally Posted by lom View Post
    Bollox from you again.
    All types of government procurement and the bidding in the member states is registered and so is the outcome, it is easy to verify that all countries loses a bid to another country every now and then.
    Erm Lom just stick to Buffets on the murder Isles. The UK, stupidly imo never exercises national priority over the EU journal and we should. You can override the journal and therefore the entries i am referring to won't appear. What time is the buffet?

  13. #17938
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    Quote Originally Posted by jabir View Post
    This is surreal, you call it independence to suck Yermin cock? If someone ever pisses on your head you gonna call it rain?
    I didn't realize we were still at war with Germany,

    should I remind you the real reason the EEC was created was to end wars in Europe by finding a common economic interests among all members,

    Germany is a founding member and was instrumental into ending a century of wars with neighboors, it can't be rejected or be a minor actor in the EU, like France and Italy, all united by the horror of WW2

  14. #17939
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    Quote Originally Posted by jabir View Post
    In short, you can toss NATO only when you can replace it with an effective deterrent stronger than wishful thinking.
    true, hence why we will need to have Russia onboard in some capacity, maybe the UK too

    should I remind you how close Russia and England were before the Bolchevick Revolution, working hand in hand like 2 brothers, 2 societies with a rich history of Empire conquests and dominance and a rich culture based on Royalty and fine Art,

  15. #17940
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    Err, the Crimean War ..........

  16. #17941
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    some progress

    Brexit: EU set to agree UK trade talks mandate - BBC News

    Ministers from the EU are meeting to approve their mandate for post-Brexit trade talks with the UK.

    The document approved by the EU General Affairs Council on Tuesday morning will be the basis for future negotiations, to be carried out by Michel Barnier.

    It says that EU standards should serve as "a reference point" in any future trade deal.

    Meanwhile, UK ministers will also meet at No 10 to discuss the government's opening stance for negotiations.

    The final agreement is due to be published online and presented in Parliament on Thursday.

  17. #17942
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    The contrast could not be starker: on the one side we have a coherent group democratically appointed and mandated by a collegiate process of consultation midwifed by reasoned debate among equals working in consensus for the common good and on the other we have a demented Goebbels propping up a mendacious trickster and buffoon dictating a doctrine of piffle-waffle to a tenth rate bunch of craven lickspittles.

    The Good Guys versus BoJo the Clown and his Orcs.

    Never before have I loathed the British rabble as much as I do now.

  18. #17943
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    Anyway, Sausages mates are clearly opting for a WTO solution given their negotiating stance, its all going swimmingly.

  19. #17944
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    Quote Originally Posted by Seekingasylum View Post
    The contrast could not be starker: on the one side we have a coherent group democratically appointed and mandated by a collegiate process of consultation midwifed by reasoned debate among equals working in consensus for the common good and on the other we have a demented Goebbels propping up a mendacious trickster and buffoon dictating a doctrine of piffle-waffle to a tenth rate bunch of craven lickspittles.

    The Good Guys versus BoJo the Clown and his Orcs.

    Never before have I loathed the British rabble as much as I do now.
    Can we get odds on how many sub groups will emerge from the 27?

    Even your remain support group is split. The Saudi lout guardian reader, too weak to form his own opinions. The euro tramp with his scattergun attention seeking posts, and the festering gypo, caught in negative equity of his own choosing. All completely different opinions.
    Imagine that multiplied by 9, and that’s being generous.
    The EU will assume a united front for Barniers benefit, in reality, they will be more like spaghetti junction. Fuckwits.

  20. #17945
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    Quote Originally Posted by Seekingasylum View Post
    Your gibberish becomes evermore impenetrable but it seems that in your obtuseness you have failed to comprehend that the EU ministers have signed off a jointly agreed negotiating policy for Barnier.
    The thing is, Chas, when the EU agree something, it's an agreement, when the Tory Brexit louts agree a deal, it's a fart in a breeze.
    Amusingly, the Tory Brexit Orcs are continuing their theme that sovereignty and independence are core factors in the process. Poor old Barnier had to rmnind them that the rhetoric of 2016 -2019 is now redundant and the negotiations are about trade, not wankspeak.

    I truly feel sorry for the EU team in having to deal with these Tory numpties.
    The resulting inflexibility will be their downfall, when the 27 learn that they have been duped by their EU puppet masters.

    Can you hear that noise SA? That’s the sound of the EU splintering like a felled Redwood tree.

  21. #17946
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    Quote Originally Posted by Seekingasylum View Post
    The contrast could not be starker: on the one side we have a coherent group democratically appointed and mandated by a collegiate process of consultation midwifed by reasoned debate among equals working in consensus for the common good and on the other we have a demented Goebbels propping up a mendacious trickster and buffoon dictating a doctrine of piffle-waffle to a tenth rate bunch of craven lickspittles.

    The Good Guys versus BoJo the Clown and his Orcs.

    Never before have I loathed the British rabble as much as I do now.
    Really? Are the "good guys" perchance the same mob who cant even agree over a budget now the gravy train no longer stops at London station.
    You have 27 states, all with their own agendas most of which are going to have to take a dole cut, while the rest are going to have to suffer a "tax" increase other than the "frugal four," all trying to negotiate with one government with one Agenda and a majority big enough to ignore the loony labourites or the lib dims. Then you have Macron who thinks he can dictate the trade terms based on fishing rights in Brit waters. I'm sure Bojo will use this. He knows Macron has painted himself into a corner on fishing when Bojo holds all the Aces. He could grant more licenses to Belgium, Spain and Netherlands and less to France. He has endless options to play one country against another.
    Bojo knows there cant be a deal in 12 months. It would take the E.U. 5 years and cost 10 million Euros just to get an extra toilet installed in the E.U.parliament. By the time they made sure it was carbon neutral, made from recyclable material, it was non gender specific, with the piss recycled into drinking water and the waste used for organic fertiliser, let alone do a complex trade deal in one year.
    The EU need some sort of trade deal in a stagnating europe, whereas Bojo will have every excuse to take his preferred WTO option.
    The E.U. and the Brits are playing poker. The problem is Barnier has 27 people looking over his shoulder, all squabbling over what to keep and what to throw away. Bojo can keep or throw away as he pleases.
    Unfortunately, for all our Prince of Pattaya's protestations and his sycophantic sidekick, the Algerian ankle biter's affirmations, he has overestimated th E.U. and underestimated Bojo.

  22. #17947
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    Way, Way South of the border now - thank God!
    Quote Originally Posted by Hugh Cow View Post
    Bojo can keep or throw away as he pleases.
    Unfortunately, for all our Prince of Pattaya's protestations and his sycophantic sidekick, the Algerian ankle biter's affirmations, he has overestimated th E.U. and underestimated Bojo.
    That's a very pro-Brit optimism . . . I guess we'll see.

  23. #17948
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    I think the EU negotiating wish list is an excellent document, it has crystalised pretty much every reason the UK left and offers a clear indication that "No Deal" is the only workable solution. Its incredible that it taken 3 years to arrive at what i always thought would be the outcome now we have got rid of the remainers interference.

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    I'm Dead

  25. #17950
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    In the EU
    Quote Originally Posted by NamPikToot View Post
    I think the EU negotiating wish list is an excellent document, it has crystalised pretty much every reason the UK left and offers a clear indication that "No Deal" is the only workable solution.
    Quite simply, 'No Deal' is not a workable solution. That has to be obvious by now to everyone that has followed Brexit since the 2016 referendum...

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