1. #16876
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    Quote Originally Posted by Switch View Post
    Any EU function with the word harmonisation after it. Start with the money printer that is the Euro and work from there. Economic, financial, tax, defence. The list grows every year. They are all socialist ambitions to “level the playing field. Shorthand for centralised control and uniformity in everything. One size does not fit all.
    I can’t wait until they get around to rationalising energy and climate issues.

    Tell me, what good are all these grand social ideals, if they are destined to fail? Serious question.
    You simply cannot distinguish between daft propaganda for the lower end and facts, can you?

    Honestly, you are incapable of intelligent debate.

    If free movement off labour and capital is to function equably then it is only right th same fucking laws apply equally on state intervention and employment, otherwise one member state would have an unfair advantage over another. That isn't "socialism", that is a fundamental tenet of accession to the club, a club no-one is forced to join. In return all men,ber states peddled their wares and services in an economic environment which operates in harmony, sans tariffs and in a single market.

    That is it its greatest benefit and remains the greatest achievement in European history.

    You idiots demean Britain with your arrant nonsense and bigoted Kipper/Nazi Tory shite.

  2. #16877
    Thailand Expat taxexile's Avatar
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    otherwise one member state would have an unfair advantage over another.
    some would call it fair competition, as opposed to an eu imposed sclerosing straightjacket, or more accurately, a cartel to stifle competition.

    That is it its greatest benefit and remains the greatest achievement in European history.

    you've been listening to archbish welby havent you.

  3. #16878
    Thailand Expat lom's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by taxexile View Post
    some would call it fair competition
    Fair competition can only occur if the playing field is leveled, if the rules are the same for every contestant.

  4. #16879
    I'm in Jail

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    25-02-2024 @ 11:45 PM
    Yep JLR definitely weren't given £110m of Slovakian state aid to relocate manufacturing from the UK..there are many other examples. You really do believe the doctrinal bullshit the EU has written down but is very flexible in ignoring when it suits.

  5. #16880
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    Quote Originally Posted by taxexile View Post

    idealistic waffle. reads like a dreamers manifesto.

    democracy my arse. in practical terms the eu dances to germanys tune. they have the most powerful economy, the most powerful lobbyists and the most financially aggressive mindset. so the other countries, especially the minnows dependent on the scraps thrown to them, have no choice but to do as they are told.

    the uk needs anything but paragons of virtue leading them right now. the uk needs determined people, willing to break rules and heads and able to whip the country into shape in order to be able to cope with the undoubted challenges it faces over the next few years. give the police some proper powers, get some hard cases into the judiciary instead of the wet liberal shite that exists at present, streamline and introduce efficiency into the nhs and inspire people to take responsibility for themselves instead of highlighting differences and encouraging victimhood.

    cummings will whittle down the civil service into something that lives up to its job description (servant, to serve) , rather than the bunch of lazy leftist 5th columnists with their own agendas that have gummed up the works for the past few years.

    ..... and most important of all, keep the fucking socialists out of power for the next 20 years.
    More propagandising swill to the grist of Brexit pap, eh Tax?

    Incidentally, Cummings hasn't a clue about government and in view of his recent puerile rhetoric it is evident he has no ideas other than those of a somewhat unhinged eccentric teetering on the edge of a weird Rasputin-like insanity.

    First things first, the Civil Service to which Goebbels Cummings might be referring is in fact a relatively small body of policy administrators numbering around 1,500 based in and around Whitehall who are welded into a functioning executive that is led by the Cabinet Office whose sole function is to to serve the government of the day by supporting its Ministers in any way that is deemed fit by that government through its cabinet, and policy diktat of the PM's office. And there it is. Nothing else. In a nutshell. The same fucking principle that applies in every functioning democratic western liberal state.

    Talk of revolutionising the "civil service" is just gibberish from demagogic apparatchiks churning out rhetoric for saps too stupid to learn from experience.

    Cummings seems to have overlooked the not entirely insignificant fact that "professionalising" the civil service, a euphemism for seconding private sector gurus into key positions, has been operating for decades since Thatcher inflicted Rayner on us and we all had to measure our performance, not by the outcomes, but by efficiency and economy - in the end we were forced to operate a regime that spent more effort in measuring what it was doing rather than doing the job. This stupidity was the key Thatcherite policy of the day when monetisation was the only measurement permitted in the performance management indicator cult that became the discipline for all. The problem with the obsession with private sector primacy over public sector work is that the only measurement that is applicable is of course the level of profit - the more you make, the more successful you are. But that does not apply to government in its management of public policy but what the gurus did decide was that instead of the profit motive we would now adopt as a baseline to all our expenditure surveys the creed of achieving savings, to be cost effective was an aim as important as the function. Eh voilą, the new world according to the Conservative bible circa 1986 onwards.

    The thing is, Goebbels 2, in declaring that his new civil service will now be filled with innovative, original and effective thinkers galvanising a dynamic new force facilitating The New BoJo Empire, is talking horseshit. The policy boys in Whitehall are not meant to drive government, that is the function of government itself. The government decides what it wants and then it implements its policies through its executive use of ministers managing their civil servants. The civil servant's function is to ensure the minister is briefed on what is likely to happen, usually by offering detailed synopsises evaluating options. In the end, it is the minister who decides on what policies are adopted,whether it is by themselves or in concert with Cabinet.

    I had to laugh when Goebbels says whole departments will go or be re-invented. This happens every decade or so but in the end it always resolves to the sam thing - someone has to do the same job but wears a different hat, it will cost the same or probably more and there may be another opportunity to privatise a function that inevitably offers a shittier service to the public but makes more money for shareholders and political cronies who gain management posts after retirement.

    His notion that there willl be a new immigration department that will be more effective in keeping coons out is another daft idea rooted in ignorance. The Immigration & Nationality Directorate is already, and has been for decades, an entirely separate and self contained function within the Home Office and has always had its own junior minister. All that will happen is that a new cabinet post will be created and nothing else will change, even its own HQ will remain the same, Lunar House in Croydon.

    BoJo is a hapless bore but Goebbels is dangerous if only as a fucking demented idiot.

    The notion that Whitehall policy wonks and the Cabinet Office is "left-wing" is gibberish.

    With luck this ERG nazi government will die by the Brexit sword and a new energised Labour government led by Starmer, Cooper, Benn et al will deliver us from the madness of Messrs. Corbyn, Mogg, ERG, Davis and all the ragbag numpties that jumped on the xenophobic bandwagon of anti-EU racist fascism.
    Last edited by Seekingasylum; 11-01-2020 at 11:42 AM.

  6. #16881
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    Quote Originally Posted by NamPikToot View Post
    Yep JLR definitely weren't given £110m of Slovakian state aid to relocate manufacturing from the UK.
    The relocation was gonna happen anyway, it was only a question which low wage country would get it, Mexico or Slovakia.

  7. #16882
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    25-02-2024 @ 11:45 PM
    Yes it was and would still happen Brexit aside. But thats OK then, we'll just ignore the state aid angle then..ffs.

  8. #16883
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    Ah i wondered how long Sausages could hold off on his dear friend Dom, jesus this post is going to be rehashed and reposted ad nausium.

  9. #16884
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    pure and utter waffle, in true prolix style by our resident humphrey who has been subjected to a lifetimes forced marination in government phraseology and spin.

    you need an urgent jargonectomy.

  10. #16885
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    Quote Originally Posted by NamPikToot View Post
    But thats OK then, we'll just ignore the state aid angle then..ffs.
    That state aid did not create an unfair competition between EU countries but it was essential for keeping the manufacturing within EU.
    State aid to companies happens all over the world and can take the form of direct monetary contribution, tax exemption, land donation, or infrastructure build-up.

  11. #16886
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    The problem is, Tax, the lower end and the merely stupid actually believe that this comedic light entertainment based on soft racism and invention is actually true.

    And that is the tragedy.

    I look forward to the EU sticking it to the ERG nazis.

    But apropos my post, there wasn't an ounce of waffle in it, it is the truth. The problem with you solitary tooth pullers cloistered in isolation for a lifetime peering into the maw of the hoi polloi, is that you tend to have fixed views unhampered by any knowledge which are generally influenced by prejudice and bigotry formulated by bathchair warriors proclaiming their hidebound punditry from the pulpits of the rightwing press.
    Last edited by Seekingasylum; 11-01-2020 at 12:15 PM.

  12. #16887
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    25-02-2024 @ 11:45 PM
    Sausages, you still haven't addressed why with an Irish passport and all the fair EU privileges it brings why you haven't imported your bloke to the EU - should be easy?

  13. #16888
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    I look forward to the EU sticking it to the ERG nazis.

    so rather than working towards a trading agreement of benefit to all, the eu, led of course by the french, who not yet satisfied with beating themselves up over the past few months, would rather deliver a punishment beating to the uk just because we decided democratically to remove ourselves from their club.

    and your rants about racism and nazism as well as being totally inaccurate are becoming quite tiresome, it is the "lower end" as you disparagingly label those who disagree with your westminster centric view, that make up the majority of the voting population. the so called higher end, the islington, oxford, cambridge lefty crowd, with whom anyone who disagrees is labelled a racist, a moron and a nazi, are just an irrelevance now. yesterdays news.

    it is boris, welcomingly flawed as he is after the intolerant halo wearing remainers, that will lead us to pastures new.

    but your trolling does inject some amusement into the subject

  14. #16889
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    My dear chap, the higher end, as you put it, are those of us with functioning brains capable of distinguishing fact from fiction and arriving at conclusions based on reason, not tawdry xenophobic nationalism and rhetorical pap churned out by the tenth rate, the opportunist and the merely avaricious.

  15. #16890
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    The higher end who backed themselves into a cesspit flat with little option but to see the decision you've made through, so clearly reasoning and planning aren't higher end strong points - God but you are a raging bore.

    Its a wonder with your breeding and intellectual prowess you didn't bring this to bear to find some European beauty and by now you could have been ensconced in some coastal idyl sipping good wine and eating only the best. The reality we know from your posts is that no sane woman with any life in her would shackle themselves to such a repetitive dullard.

  16. #16891
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    Laboured, drearily hackneyed, lacking in style and of no literary value - your prose serves you well Numfuktwat.

    Content is of course no more than your own profound inadequacy projecting itself.

    An oik you are, and an oik you shall remain, dear boy.

  17. #16892
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    25-02-2024 @ 11:45 PM
    ^ so still dodging the questions, they are simple;

    1. Why did such an intelligent man, a self confessed one end up in your predicament, instead of the being in the EU with someone more of your social standing.
    2. If you have an Irish passport then why don't you get yourself and your bloke out of there.

  18. #16893
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    29-05-2024 @ 11:24 AM
    Quote Originally Posted by lom View Post
    The relocation was gonna happen anyway, it was only a question which low wage country would get it, Mexico or Slovakia.
    That's probably right, but EU funded is not exactly free-market conditions (unless the same funding is available to all - which it isn't).

    It is becoming increasingly clear that idealism held and enacted upon as a decontextualized concept/vision is extremely violent and corrupt; this is a major problem within the EU and generally with the so-called "progressive" globalists. To have ideals is great, but they must be situated which cannot happen within a federal entity (not just an EU problem, it's a general problem with federal controls) because they are too far distanced from explicit instances of application. As a federal entity grows (say like the US military complex...) it will become more corrupt and more violent until it is eventually overthrown by the people (because they increasingly suffer from decontextualized idealism which empowers the elites and the ever increasing wealth divide). There's no surprise that the EU wants it's own military because this is, at least in part, to defend itself from the populous who suffer the widening wealth gap...
    Cycling should be banned!!!

  19. #16894
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    There's no surprise that the EU wants it's own military
    another wasteful and stupid halo project.

    the russians, if that would be the eu's future enemy, would obliterate any eu army in a microsecond.

    could you even imagine a motley crew of french, german, italian, spanish etc. soldiers, all bickering as to who would command them actually forming a useful fighting unit. mainwaring and pike would do a better job.

    any future serious warfare in europe would be fought electronically. dispensable cannon fodder is for the middle east and africa only.
    Last edited by taxexile; 11-01-2020 at 01:48 PM.

  20. #16895
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    25-02-2024 @ 11:45 PM
    The Russians don't need to do anything, they have a gas tap to turn on and off at will

  21. #16896
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    What a simplistic, simpleton little world you Brexiteers inhabit.

    Russia is a pissant commodity state with a population of serfs selling its resources to the highest bidder because it has no manufacturing base, no trading ethic and no expertise and is utterly dependent on its oil and gas reserves to bolster its fragile currency and even more fragile economy laden down with poverty. The armed forces are mere bravura, its missile sabre-rattling is bunkum and no-one with a functioning brain believes Putin will do anything to the West upon which he is utterly dependent for economic survival.

    For fuck's sake it was dependent upon the EU for its vegetable produce and now after sanctions it's back to fucking tomato, cabbage and potato salads with garlic for taste.

    The trouble with you mofos, you believe your shite Britain isn't irrelevant and the nonsense the EU will be destroyed because it cannot survive the 3% loss in trade with Britain, and its entire socio-economic structure will collapse because the English aren't going to buy any more French cheese.

    You're just so, well, childish.

  22. #16897
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    25-02-2024 @ 11:45 PM
    So the EU, Germany in particular aren't dependant upon Russia for a critical part of its energy requirements, jesus you do ramble.

  23. #16898
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    So what you oaf, the Russians aren't going to cut off supply to their biggest customer, are they? What else are they going to live on, fucking borscht?

  24. #16899
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    Nope of course they wouldn't dare and they just walked back into the Ukraine whilst the EU idly sat back. You are missing the point as most CS do, its security not supply is the issue - what a muppet, you just seem to think this entity that is the good ship EU, a loose association of countries is capable of defending itself outside of making threats over trade. what a laugh.

  25. #16900
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    Quote Originally Posted by lom View Post
    Fair competition can only occur if the playing field is leveled, if the rules are the same for every contestant.
    and we all know Brits don't like it when the rules are the same for everybody, they always want the better rules for themselves

    creepy little cheaters that they are,

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