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  1. #201
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    22-06-2024 @ 09:47 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by Cujo
    They also produce a written transcript of each call.
    Official calls that is.
    It gives me a chuckle when people point out the Obama talked to Putin too....they forget it was part of his job description.

  2. #202
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    01-06-2024 @ 11:26 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by CSFFan View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Cujo
    They also produce a written transcript of each call.
    Official calls that is.
    It gives me a chuckle when people point out the Obama talked to Putin too....they forget it was part of his job description.
    Well let's not forget that 'they' are idiots.

  3. #203
    Thailand Expat OhOh's Avatar
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    Was the elected winner of the Presidential race receiving "classified info briefings" from the ameristani 17 "intelligence agencies" prior to being inaugerated?

    If so one could portray any foreign contact or "intelligence" gathered by his own "intelligence agency" would be permitted, yes?

  4. #204
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    16-07-2021 @ 10:31 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by Cujo View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by CSFFan View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Dragonfly
    so by your logic, they would have listened to Obama when he was phoning Putin to negotiate diplomatic deals
    The president's phone calls to foreign government personnel are recorded, by the president's staff. They're always listened in on in case there's a question about who said what or perhaps an imperfect translation that leads to a misunderstanding.
    They also produce a written transcript of each call.
    Official calls that is.
    The CIA is not to listen to calls made by Obama, period. That's not part of their job. What kind of idiot would think otherwise ?

    if you don't get that, start getting an education in US governing principles, from Congress to the office of the President.

  5. #205
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    01-06-2024 @ 11:26 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by Dragonfly View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Cujo View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by CSFFan View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Dragonfly
    so by your logic, they would have listened to Obama when he was phoning Putin to negotiate diplomatic deals
    The president's phone calls to foreign government personnel are recorded, by the president's staff. They're always listened in on in case there's a question about who said what or perhaps an imperfect translation that leads to a misunderstanding.
    They also produce a written transcript of each call.
    Official calls that is.
    The CIA is not to listen to calls made by Obama, period. That's not part of their job. What kind of idiot would think otherwise ?

    if you don't get that, start getting an education in US governing principles, from Congress to the office of the President.
    Calls are openly recorded and transcripts made by both sides so there are no misunderstandings down the line. What kind of idiot wouldn't know that?
    “If we stop testing right now we’d have very few cases, if any.” Donald J Trump.

  6. #206
    Thailand Expat harrybarracuda's Avatar
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    Meanwhile someone thinks Flynn's silence on the issue is down to him doing a deal with the FBI....

    Now wouldn't *that* be fucking funny.

  7. #207
    Thailand Expat misskit's Avatar
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    ^ Saw that on a news show yesterday.

    Juliette Kayyem noted that of the four former Trump advisers who are said to be subjects in an FBI investigation of potential ties to the Russian government, Flynn is the only one who has not volunteered to testify to Congress. The other three advisers, Paul Manafort, Carter Page, and Roger Stone, offered to testify earlier this week.

    Kayyem did not indicate who her sources are. Nor did she say if they are claiming that Flynn has struck a deal or that it merely appears likely that he has.

    Did Michael Flynn Strike A Deal With The FBI? | The Daily Caller

    Also this...

    Donald Trump's staff 'wiping their electronic devices' in anticipation of giving evidence

    White House officials and members of Donald Trump’s transition team are reportedly “purging” their electronic devices to avoid being compromised by subpoenas, it has been claimed.

    The accusation comes just weeks after government lawyers ordered the President’s aides to preserve any materials that could be connected to Russian interference in the 2016 election.

    One legal expert told MSNBC - the channel that first reported the allegations based on testimony from an inside source - there could be “legal ramifications” for staff who destroyed crucial evidence relating to ongoing investigations.


    Donald Trump's staff 'wiping their electronic devices' in anticipation of giving evidence | The Independent

  8. #208
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    01-06-2024 @ 11:26 PM
    What is it nunes has? He's not showing it to anyone but the president it seems.
    What's up with this guy?
    curiouser and curiouser.

    Lawmaker's 'peculiar midnight run' endangers Trump-Russia inquiry
    House intelligence chair Devin Nunes reportedly disappeared from Uber ride, fueling further questions over his role in committee’s investigation
    The House intelligence committee is investigating the Trump campaign’s alleged ties to Russia.
    The House intelligence committee is investigating the Trump campaign’s alleged ties to Russia.
    Sunday 26 March 2017 11.36 EDT First published on Sunday 26 March 2017 06.00 EDT
    The House intelligence committee investigation of the Trump campaign’s alleged links with Moscow looks in danger of unravelling as a result of the unexplained behaviour of its chairman, Devin Nunes, a former Trump adviser.

    Such behaviour reportedly includes an unexplained disappearance from an Uber ride with a staffer on Tuesday night, described by his Democratic counterpart as a “peculiar midnight run”.

    The investigation subsequently appeared to stall, with Nunes calling off a critical hearing scheduled for Tuesday 28 March, at a time when his Democratic counterpart on the committee, Adam Schiff, said he had seen more than circumstantial evidence of collusion between the Trump camp and Russia.

    At an extraordinary committee hearing last Monday, the FBI director, James Comey, confirmed for the first time that the bureau was investigating Trump associates for possible collusion with Moscow.

    At the hearing, Comey refused to name any of the campaign aides under FBI scrutiny. Schiff, the ranking Democrat, said he and Nunes had been given a classified briefing that involved evidence of collusion that “isn’t purely circumstantial”.

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    FBI director confirms inquiry into Russia and Trump campaign
    Schiff said he had persuaded Nunes to put in a joint request to Comey to share that evidence with the rest of the committee but said he did not know how the FBI director would respond.

    Nunes, who served on Donald Trump’s transition team, subsequently put off the second hearing, which would have heard from former intelligence chiefs and a former deputy attorney general, Sally Yates, who was fired by Trump.

    Nunes said he wanted to postpone the hearing to give the committee more time to confer with Comey and the National Security Agency director, Michael Rogers. Schiff, however, claimed the hearing had been cancelled to to “choke off public information” and avoid any more embarrassment to the White House.

    Nunes has been under scrutiny over the past week for other reasons. He is reported to have gone missing on Tuesday night, under mysterious circumstances. The Daily Beast reported that Nunes received a message on his phone while travelling in a Uber car with a senior committee staffer in Washington, and then left the car abruptly without telling the staffer where he was going.

    The next day he called a press conference, without telling his senior staff what he was going to say, and announced that he had seen “dozens” of intelligence reports that showed US intelligence agencies had “incidentally collected” material on members of the Trump transition team.

    Such incidental collection happens when court-approved surveillance of an intelligence target picks up communications involving US persons who are not the formal target of the surveillance.

    Nunes did not share the intelligence material he claimed to have seen with Democratic members of his committee, and instead outraged them further by briefing Trump. He said later: “I had a duty and obligation to tell him because, as you know, he’s taking a lot of heat in the news media.”

    The president later said he felt “somewhat” vindicated in his repeated claims to have been the target of an Obama administration wiretap, even though those claims have been repudiated by Comey, intelligence chiefs and senior Republicans who said there was no evidence for them.

    Trump and Russia: top Democrat casts doubts over independence of investigation
    Schiff lambasted Nunes for failing to share the documents he said the committee chairman had gone to see in “this extraordinary and peculiar midnight run”.

    “You don’t take information to the White House instead of your own committee if it purports to shed light on one of things we’re investigating,” Schiff told the San Francisco Chronicle, suggesting that the whole incident was designed to provide political cover for Trump’s tweeted claims.

    “It’s hard to have confidence if the chairman is going to be involved in that sort of conduct,” he said.

    Nunes would not say who had shown him the documents – only that they were “legally brought to me by sources who thought that we should know it”.

    Nunes’ Tuesday night foray to see possibly critical documents, his failure to share those documents with the committee, his decision to brief the president instead, and his abrupt cancellation of Tuesday’s hearing have all raised questions over whether the intelligence committee under his chairmanship can continue its inquiry into reported Russian intervention in the 2016 election with any credibility.

    ‘Move fast and break things’: Trump’s Obamacare failure and the backlash ahead
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    “The chairman has to make a decision over whether he is a surrogate for the president, as he was during the campaign and transition, or whether he’s leading a bipartisan investigation,” Schiff told the Chronicle, “because he can’t do both.

    “This week, unfortunately, he behaved like a surrogate and that is a real problem.”

    The California Democrat, however, ruled out a boycott of the committee, arguing that would lead to the complete collapse of the investigation.

    “If we were going to walk away and say the chairman is fatally compromised and we’re not going to participate, then none of this is going to get investigated by the House and that’s just not acceptable,” Schiff said. “So we’re going to soldier on.”

    A separate Senate investigation is due to hold its first open hearing on the Russian role in the election on Thursday, but no serving officials will appear.

    Schiff said Nunes’ behaviour added weight to calls from Democrats and a few Republicans for a special bipartisan commission to be created to investigate alleged Russian interference in the 2016 election and the Trump camp’s possible involvement in it.

  9. #209
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    Something else for your amusement.

    "By James V. Grimaldi, Dion Nissenbaum and Margaret Coker
    Updated March 24, 2017 2:35 p.m. ET Retired Army Lt. Gen. Mike Flynn, while serving as an adviser to the Trump campaign, met with top Turkish government ministers and discussed removing a Muslim cleric from the U.S. and taking him to Turkey, according to former Central Intelligence Agency Director James Woolsey, who attended, and others who were briefed on the"

    Allegedly an illegal delivery of the cleric, a

    "Turkish cult leader Fethullah Gülen could -probably by illegal means- be removed from the U.S. and handed over to Turkey."

    and more

    Flynn's real corruption was on another issue. After having been fired from the Trump administration, Flynn retroactively filed under the Foreign Agent Registration Act (FARA). His lobbying firm had a contract over $530,000 to work for a company near to the Turkish president Erdogan:
    In its filing, Mr. Flynn’s firm said its work from August to November “could be construed to have principally benefited the Republic of Turkey.” The filing said his firm’s fee, $530,000, wasn’t paid by the government but by Inovo BV, a Dutch firm owned by a Turkish businessman, Ekim Alptekin.
    This lobbying, not the alleged Flynn-Putin relation, is the real scandal and part of the Trump/CIA/Clinton deep-state in-fighting."

    This Mr. Fly has obviously taken a page or two out the former Secretary of States handbook. Chapter 4 Pay to Play.
    A tray full of GOLD is not worth a moment in time.

  10. #210
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    16-07-2021 @ 10:31 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by Cujo
    Calls are openly recorded and transcripts made by both sides so there are no misunderstandings down the line. What kind of idiot wouldn't know that?
    you are quite dumb for a cute puppy, and borderline intellectually illiterate

    the calls are recorded and transcripted but not publicly available, and certainly not at the disposition of the CIA or NSA either

    what kind of idiot still doesn't get that ?

  11. #211
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    01-06-2024 @ 11:26 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by Dragonfly View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Cujo
    Calls are openly recorded and transcripts made by both sides so there are no misunderstandings down the line. What kind of idiot wouldn't know that?
    you are quite dumb for a cute puppy, and borderline intellectually illiterate

    the calls are recorded and transcripted but not publicly available, and certainly not at the disposition of the CIA or NSA either

    what kind of idiot still doesn't get that ?
    I didn't say they were publicly available dumbass.
    By openly I meant all involved parties on all sides know it.

  12. #212
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    01-06-2024 @ 11:26 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by Dragonfly View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Cujo View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by CSFFan View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Dragonfly
    so by your logic, they would have listened to Obama when he was phoning Putin to negotiate diplomatic deals
    The president's phone calls to foreign government personnel are recorded, by the president's staff. They're always listened in on in case there's a question about who said what or perhaps an imperfect translation that leads to a misunderstanding.
    They also produce a written transcript of each call.
    Official calls that is.
    The CIA is not to listen to calls made by Obama, period. That's not part of their job. What kind of idiot would think otherwise ?

    if you don't get that, start getting an education in US governing principles, from Congress to the office of the President.
    Just for the record butterbrain.
    No one but you mentioned the CIA, we just said the calls were recorded and transcripted.

  13. #213
    Thailand Expat harrybarracuda's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cujo View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Dragonfly View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Cujo View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by CSFFan View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Dragonfly
    so by your logic, they would have listened to Obama when he was phoning Putin to negotiate diplomatic deals
    The president's phone calls to foreign government personnel are recorded, by the president's staff. They're always listened in on in case there's a question about who said what or perhaps an imperfect translation that leads to a misunderstanding.
    They also produce a written transcript of each call.
    Official calls that is.
    The CIA is not to listen to calls made by Obama, period. That's not part of their job. What kind of idiot would think otherwise ?

    if you don't get that, start getting an education in US governing principles, from Congress to the office of the President.
    Just for the record butterbrain.
    No one but you mentioned the CIA, we just said the calls were recorded and transcripted.
    He's not very bright you know.

  14. #214
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    16-07-2021 @ 10:31 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by Cujo View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Dragonfly View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Cujo
    Calls are openly recorded and transcripts made by both sides so there are no misunderstandings down the line. What kind of idiot wouldn't know that?
    you are quite dumb for a cute puppy, and borderline intellectually illiterate

    the calls are recorded and transcripted but not publicly available, and certainly not at the disposition of the CIA or NSA either

    what kind of idiot still doesn't get that ?
    I didn't say they were publicly available dumbass.
    By openly I meant all involved parties on all sides know it.
    Duh !!! the point is that the CIA is listening in, if someone wants to record their own conversation is irrelevant.

    Comprende ? or you need another lecture on functioning government ?

  15. #215
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    16-07-2021 @ 10:31 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by Cujo
    No one but you mentioned the CIA, we just said the calls were recorded and transcripted.
    see above, who is doing the "listening" of all conversation ? your grand mother ? the WH staff ? or the CIA ? take your time and think before answering

    god you and Harry are really little illiterate chavs, barking like lap dogs when you are exposed as complete idiots

  16. #216
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    01-06-2024 @ 11:26 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by Dragonfly View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Cujo View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Dragonfly View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Cujo
    Calls are openly recorded and transcripts made by both sides so there are no misunderstandings down the line. What kind of idiot wouldn't know that?
    you are quite dumb for a cute puppy, and borderline intellectually illiterate

    the calls are recorded and transcripted but not publicly available, and certainly not at the disposition of the CIA or NSA either

    what kind of idiot still doesn't get that ?
    I didn't say they were publicly available dumbass.
    By openly I meant all involved parties on all sides know it.
    Duh !!! the point is that the CIA is listening in, if someone wants to record their own conversation is irrelevant.

    Comprende ? or you need another lecture on functioning government ?
    The CIA is listening in on SOMEONE else. If the Trump gang calls that someone else they will be overheard. So what's your point?
    That they shouldn't listen to ANYONE in case trump calls or they should tell trump who they're tapping so he knows not to call?

  17. #217
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    16-07-2021 @ 10:31 PM
    hopeless little chav, let me remind you again the point since your chav memory is failing again: they shouldn't use illegal conversation where the POTUS is on it to serve as evidence against the POTUS,

    god, you should marry Harry and have his children

  18. #218
    Thailand Expat harrybarracuda's Avatar
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    I told you he wasn't very bright.

  19. #219
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    01-06-2024 @ 11:26 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by Dragonfly View Post
    hopeless little chav, let me remind you again the point since your chav memory is failing again: they shouldn't use illegal conversation where the POTUS is on it to serve as evidence against the POTUS,

    god, you should marry Harry and have his children
    I'm not sure what you mean by
    they shouldn't use illegal conversation where the POTUS is on it
    Because it doesn't make any sense. How is 'conversation' illegal?

    How is the surveilance illegal?

  20. #220
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    01-06-2024 @ 11:26 PM
    Id love to know what was so important.

    Top Democrat calls for Devin Nunes to recuse himself from Trump-Russia inquiry
    Adam Schiff demanded Nunes step aside from inquiry into Kremlin interference in 2016 election ‘in the interests of a fair and impartial investigation’

    The top Democrat on the House intelligence committee, Adam Schiff, has brought the controversy over the erratic behavior of its Republican chairman to a head by calling for Devin Nunes to recuse himself from the investigation into alleged links between the president’s associates and Russia.

    Schiff’s demand that Nunes step aside from the politically charged investigation into Kremlin interference in the 2016 election “in the interests of a fair and impartial investigation” takes the dispute to a new level of intensity. It raises the prospect of the governing party being forced to make a second humiliating concession after US attorney general Jeff Sessions was forced this month to stand back from all Russian inquiries after he failed to disclose meetings with Moscow’s ambassador to Washington.

    The ranking Democrat on the committee drew a parallel with the Sessions recusal and said in a statement: “I believe the public cannot have the necessary confidence that matters involving the president’s campaign or transition team can be objectively investigated or overseen by the chairman.”

    The open partisan split within the powerful intelligence committee came as Schiff complained that members of the panel continue to wait for Nunes to present them with documents ostensibly relating to intelligence collected on Trump days after he had briefed the president. The embattled committee chairman raised further questions when said he had no choice under classification rules except to view the sensitive intelligence at the White House, a statement likely to intensify speculation that the Trump administration fed Nunes the material.

    The source who made the materials available to Nunes “could not simply put the documents in a backpack and walk them over to the House intelligence committee space”, Nunes’ office said on Monday.

    In his statement on Monday night, Schiff tore into the chairman’s explanation. “There was no legitimate justification for bringing that information to the White House instead of the committee,” he said, adding: “That it was obtained at the White House makes this departure all the more concerning.”

    Further pressure on Nunes to stand down from the Russian investigation came from the top Democrat on the CIA subcommittee of the House intelligence committee, Eric Swalwell. The chairman should “no longer be anywhere near this investigation, let alone leading it”, he said.

    Swalwell added that “too many people in the White House and administration, and now, the chairman of the House intelligence committee, have betrayed their duty to conduct an independent, bipartisan inquiry into the Trump team’s ties with Russia”.

    Spicer repeatedly refused to offer any details about why Nunes was on the White House grounds and whom the California congressman was meeting with. “I’m not going to get into who he met with or why,” he said, while insisting the White House “was not concerned” over the possibility of classified information being leaked to Nunes.

    Nunes, a member of Trump’s national security transition team, has come under sustained criticism that he is obstructing a high-profile investigation into Trump’s ties to Russia that he is running – a charge likely to intensify over the coming days.

    On Wednesday, he stunned Washington by suggesting that communications from Trump’s associates were incidentally collected as part of “lawful” surveillance, with their identities insufficiently masked.

    Contradicting testimony from the FBI and NSA directors, Trump claimed Nunes’ remarks provided a modicum of vindication for the president’s baseless claim that Obama placed Trump Tower under surveillance, something even Nunes continues to deny. Nunes has said the intelligence collection that “alarmed” him did not concern Russia.

    Before making his statement calling for Nunes’ recusal, Schiff had publicly doubted the impartiality of the House inquiry. Those concerns escalated after Nunes abruptly canceled a public hearing scheduled for Tuesday into the Trump-Russia question.

    Nunes has dodged questions, primarily from CNN, that his source came from the White House, and intimated that whistleblowers from the intelligence agencies brought the surveillance documents to him. Nunes told Bloomberg View on Monday that his source was an intelligence official and not a White House staffer.

    But Nunes’ office has acknowledged that the chairman viewed whatever surveillance documents he has acquired on the White House grounds, apparently at the Eisenhower Executive Office Building, where the National Security Council staff works.

    Viewing the documents at the White House came under immediate scrutiny, since the House committee possesses secure facilities where it frequently accesses classified information as part of its routine responsibilities.

    But Jack Langer, Nunes’ spokesman, told the Guardian that Nunes saw at the White House “executive branch documents” that Congress does not have.

    “The White House grounds was the best location to safeguard the proper chain of custody and classification of these documents, so the chairman could view them in a legal way,” Langer said.

    It remained unclear why, if Nunes’ source did not originate from the White House, viewing the documents had to occur at the White House complex. His explanation to Bloomberg was that the White House was the closest available location to access a classified computer network hived off from Congress. Nunes appears not to have paid visits to intelligence agency locations where the information would be accessible, including the offices of the director of national intelligence, FBI and NSA.

    Langer did not immediately respond to a follow-up question about whether Nunes had in effect confirmed that his source for the documents came from the White House itself.

    Nor did Langer respond to a question about whether Nunes would resign from his position.

    Earlier on Monday, a Democrat on the House intelligence committee, Jackie Speier, called on Nunes to recuse himself from the investigation.

    Trump-Russia inquiry in 'grave doubt' after GOP chair briefs White House
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    “Through his bizarre and partisan actions over the last week, Chairman Nunes has demonstrated to the entire nation why he is unfit to lead our critical investigation into ties between President Trump’s administration and Moscow,” Speier said in a statement.

    Nunes has been a consistent ally for Trump on Capitol Hill. He was an ardent defender of Michael Flynn, the national security adviser who had to resign after misleading the vice-president over conversations with the Russian ambassador concerning sanctions easement.

    During last week’s hearing, Nunes geared his questioning of the FBI director, James Comey, and the NSA director, Michael Rogers, about leaks alleged to have come from the intelligence agencies, not the intelligence agencies’ assessment of Russian interference in the election to benefit Trump.

  21. #221
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    08-01-2024 @ 01:10 AM
    ^Nancy Pelosi and Jackie Speier D HR CA have also asked for him to recuse himself and be replaced on the House Intel Committee. He is obviously colluding with the White House on trying to derail the investigation.

  22. #222
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    ^^ From CNN

    Who cleared Devin Nunes into the White House? -


    A former government intelligence official told CNN on Monday that members of Congress, like the general public, must be cleared and escorted into facilities on White House grounds.

    "Every non-White House staffer must be cleared in by a current White House staffer," the official said. "So it's just not possible that the White House was unaware or uninvolved."

  23. #223
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    01-06-2024 @ 11:26 PM
    Seriously, WTF is going on here? Snakes the lot of them.
    Last edited by Cujo; 28-03-2017 at 11:41 AM.

  24. #224
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    ^ Not all of them are snakes. Some are weasels!

  25. #225
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    Quote Originally Posted by Humbert
    Nancy Pelosi and Jackie Speier

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