1. #21726
    Hangin' Around cyrille's Avatar
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    Commander in Cheat? Donald Trump's 18 golf tournament wins examined

    In an extract from his book on Donald Trump and golf, Rick Reilly explains why the president’s game can tell us more about him than a roomful of psychologists

    Rick Reilly

    Tue 2 Apr 2019 09.40 BST

    Donald’s Trump’s boast about winning 18 club championships is a lie that’s so over-the-top Crazytown it loses all credibility among golfers the second it’s out of his mouth. To double check, I called the only guy who could come close: George “Buddy” Marucci, of Philadelphia. Like Trump, Marucci belongs to more clubs than you can fit in your bag. Like Trump, he’s in the right age bracket, at six years younger than Trump. Like Trump, he’s got all the money he needs to play as many club championships as he can fly to. Unlike Trump, he’s as fine a golfing businessman as you can find. Marucci took 19-year-old Tiger Woods – 24 years his junior – to the last hole of the 1995 US Amateur before finally losing.
    So, Buddy Marucci, do YOU have 18 club championships?

    “Ha!” he laughed. “No way. I have a few, but nowhere near that many. It’s hard to win a club championship. I might have eight. Tops.”

    This is a guy who’s been breaking par for the past 45 years. He belongs to nearly every creamy course in the world – Winged Foot, Seminole, Pine Valley, Cypress Point. If it’s on a top 10 in the world list, Marucci probably has a locker there.

    When Trump told Gary Player he’d won 18 championships, Player scoffed. “I told him that if anyone beats him, he kicks them out. So, he had to win.”
    Was Trump’s name on the wall of any clubs he didn’t own? Nope. Was it on the walls at Trump Washington in Virginia, a course that was already up and running when he bought it? Nope. Or Trump Jupiter, which was a Ritz Carlton course when he bought it? Nope. Was it on the wall at any of his own courses he’d opened? Oh, yes.

    Trump International in West Palm Beach, Florida, has a plaque on the wall that lists all the men who’ve won the men’s club championship. Trump appears three times: 1999, 2001, and 2009. But hold on. The course wasn’t even open in 1999. Turns out, then White House spokesperson Hope Hicks admitted to the Washington Post, Trump played in a “soft opening” round on 1 November of that year with “a group of the early members,” and declared it the club championship.

    On 17 March 17 2013, Trump tweeted he’d won the club championship again at Trump International. But the plaque for that year lists the winner as “Tom Roush.” The catch? It wasn’t really the club championship at all. Trump won the “Super Seniors Club Championship,” which at most clubs is reserved for players 60 and older. Something to be proud of, sure, but not within a Super Walmart of beating the best young players in the club. The difference between “Club Champion” and “Super Senior Club Champion” is the difference between Vanna White and Betty White.

    “I remember Melania used to ask us ‘What is this ‘Super Seniors’?’” recalls former Trump Westchester exec Ian Gillule. “And Mr Trump would say, ‘Oh, Super Seniors is better than just a regular club championship, honey.’ He was saying it tongue in cheek but she didn’t know the difference."

    At Trump Bedminster in New Jersey, Trump once won a senior club championship from 87 miles away. He’d declared that the club should start having senior club championships for those 50 and up, but he forgot that one of the best players at the club had just turned 50. Having zero chance at beating the guy, he went up to his Trump Philadelphia course on the day of the tournament and played with a friend there. Afterward, according to a source inside the Bedminster club, he called the Bedminster pro shop and announced he’d shot 73 and should be declared the winner. The pro, wanting to stay employed, agreed. His name went up on the plaque. “But then,” says the source, “somebody talked to the caddy up in Philly and asked him what Trump shot that day. The caddy goes, ‘Maybe 82. And that might be generous.’ He pulls that kind of shit all the time around here.”

    More than one source described another time when Trump happened to walk into the Bedminster clubhouse just as a worker was putting up the name of the newly crowned senior club championship winner on a wooden plaque. Trump had been out of town and hadn’t played in the tournament, but when he saw the player’s name, he stopped the employee. “Hey, I beat that guy all the time. Put my name up there instead.”

    Of the 18 club championship “wins” that Trump listed for Golf Digest, 12 are actually senior or super senior club championships. So that leaves six real club championships. One of the six he lists was Trump Westchester 2001, when the club wasn’t officially open yet. That leaves five. The next was Westchester 2002, when the club was only nine holes. If it really happened, you can’t count that. That leaves four, one of them being Westchester in 2004. Could he have actually won that?

    “Well, no, I know for a fact that’s not true,” Gillule says. “He never won any in the eight years I worked there. I mean, I loved working for Mr Trump, but you know, some people take a certain license with the truth.”

    We do know that Trump played in the 2007 Westchester Men’s Club Championship and was knocked out in the first round by a 15-year-old named Adam Levin. Trump was four-up with five holes to play, helped greatly by the 60-year-old calling two ticky-tack rule violations on the kid, one for accidentally touching the grass inside a hazard and one for fixing a small ball mark off the green, both loss-of-hole penalties.

    That’s when, according to Levin, Trump said to the small gallery, “The kid put up a good fight, didn’t he?” A small bonfire lit under Levin, who wound up winning hole after hole, tying Trump up through 18 and then winning on the second playoff hole.

    “He didn’t even say ‘Congratulations’ or ‘Good match,’” remembers Levin, now a data analyst. “He didn’t look me in the eye. He just shook my hand and walked off. He’d kind of been a dick the whole day. We were together for five or six hours, so there was plenty of time for conversation with me or my parents, but all he ever said was, ‘Isn’t this course fantastic?’ and ‘Aren’t these facilities the best?’ He’s a total asshole with no character.”

    That leaves three possible club championship wins, all at one course – Trump International in West Palm Beach. But we already know the 1999 win there is a lie, since the course wasn’t open. That leaves two. Of those two – 2001 and 2009 – I have never seen a signed scorecard or spoken to any objective person who remembers him winning or not winning.

    Final score on the “18 club championships”: Lies 16, Incompletes 2, Confirms 0. By this time, Trump’s nose has grown so long he could putt with it.
    The whole thing bugged me so much I started to itch. I wasn’t offended as a voter. I was offended as a golfer. For golfers, the stain of cheating is so much graver than winning or losing that we live in mortal fear of being called a cheater. Tom Watson accused Gary Player of illegally moving a leaf away from his ball at the Skins Game in 1983 and they’ve hardly spoken since. One leaf.

    So here was Trump caterwauling about 18 golf championships that were faker than Cheez Whiz, and it started to make me think. How much of what Trump says about his golf brilliance does the country believe? During the campaign, when Trump stood up in front of 30,000 red hats and bloviated, “When it comes to golf, very few people can beat me,” did people buy that? Because 50 guys at every course in America can beat him.

    When Trump held endless 18-hole meetings at his Florida courses with this prime minister and that emperor, were these leaders returning home to laugh at OUR president the way they laughed at him at the United Nations? Would they think all Americans cheat at golf?

    It got me thinking ...

    Somebody should point out that the way Trump does golf is sort of the way he does a presidency, which is to operate as though the rules are for other people.
    Somebody should explain that facts and truth are to Trump what golf scores and crowd sizes are—“feelings”—malleable and negotiable, flitting this way and that like a car-lot balloon man.

    Somebody should write that the way Trump cheats at golf, lies about his courses, and stiffs his golf contractors isn’t that far from how he cheats on his wives, lies about his misdeeds, and stiffs the world on agreements America has already made on everything from Iran to climate change.

    “Golf is like bicycle shorts,” I once wrote. “It reveals a lot about a man.”

    You could write a book about what Trump’s golf reveals about him.

    Here it is.

    This is an edited extract from Commander in Cheat: How Golf Explains Trump by Rick Reilly. © 2019. Available from Hachette Books, an imprint of Hachette Book Group, Inc.


  2. #21727
    Thailand Expat AntRobertson's Avatar
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    Presidential Golfing By The Numbers:

    • 27; the number of times Trump made critical comments about Obama golfing;
    • 333; the number of times Obama golfed during eight years of his presidency;
    • 178; the number of times Trump has golfed during the current two years of his;
    • 745 days; the number of days Trump will have spent golfing at his current pace over two terms;
    • nearly 25 percent; the amount of time during his days in office Trump has spent at one of his golf properties;
    • tens of millions of dollars; the current cost of his golf trips, some of which goes directly into his own pocket;
    • *Does Not Compute*; the gross GOP hypocrisy for whining about Obama golfing and saying shit now;
    • *Crickets*; Trumpards doing likewise.

  3. #21728
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  4. #21729
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    The recession is coming...

  5. #21730
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    Republicans: Relax, Trump Only Endangered National Security 4–5 Times, Tops


    in February, numerous outlets reported that the only reason Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner received top-secret security clearance last May was because President Daddy demanded it, over the objections of intelligence officials, the White House’s top lawyer, and the chief of staff at the time, all of whom worried that the First Daughter and Son-in-Law’s business entanglements and lack of experience made them prime targets for manipulation by foreign powers. (This was particularly true of of Kushner, whose family recently received a bailout from his new friends in the Middle East.) And now, we’ve learned that Javanka weren’t the only ones who allegedly got the green light to access America’s most important intelligence, despite major red flags in their files. According to whistleblower testimony from a longtime security adviser, overturning clearance denials for individuals with major skeletons in their closets has become something of an official Trump administration policy!

  6. #21731
    Thailand Expat Texpat's Avatar
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    In your head
    A top secret clearance give someone clearance to all top secret classified information? Ooooh, sounds dangerous.

  7. #21732
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    Quote Originally Posted by Texpat View Post
    A top secret clearance give someone clearance to all top secret classified information? Ooooh, sounds dangerous.
    Well, yes, extremely dangerous.
    Quote Originally Posted by TizMe View Post
    the First Daughter and Son-in-Law’s business entanglements and lack of experience made them prime targets for manipulation by foreign powers. (This was particularly true of of Kushner, whose family recently received a bailout from his new friends in the Middle East.)

  8. #21733
    Thailand Expat AntRobertson's Avatar
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    Trumptards: 8 yrs peddling bullshit about Obama being an undercover Muslim trying to grab their guns etc.; actual national security issues under Trump... *Crickets*

  9. #21734
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    Quote Originally Posted by cyrille View Post
    Commander in Cheat? Donald Trump's 18 golf tournament wins examined
    LULZ What a douche bag he is.

  10. #21735
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    01-06-2024 @ 11:26 PM
    Texpat's not a patriot that much is obvious.

  11. #21736
    Thailand Expat AntRobertson's Avatar
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    So this is simultaneously one of the least important but also most odd of Trump's many, many lies... the repeated claim that his father was born in Germany.

    It's just such a dumb, pointless and easily refutable lie so why even bother.


  12. #21737
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cujo View Post
    Texpat's not a patriot that much is obvious.
    No trumpanzee is. They do not care about the constitution, the bill of rights nor the system of checks and balances that makes the country what it is. They are the opposite of patriots. Which makes it all the more ironic when they wrap themselves in the flag.

  13. #21738
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cujo View Post
    Like beauty it is in the eye of the beholder. A word often used to describe a person by folks who feel the need to label someone in a positive light. There are patriots on all sides of the political spectrum. Right and left wing extremists invariably see themselves as patriots. If doing what is best for ones nation regardless of ones tribal affiliation, then not many patriots to be found these days.
    "Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it is time to pause and reflect,"

  14. #21739
    Thailand Expat harrybarracuda's Avatar
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    He's not called baldy orange cunto for nothing you know......

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    Quote Originally Posted by harrybarracuda View Post
    He's not called baldy orange cunto for nothing you know
    Yet ANOTHER verbal fvck-up indicative of the onset of dementia.
    I'm waiting to see drool dribbling from the side of his mouth while speaking at a podium. It really could happen, and if it does, that meme will go on for longer than the numerous village idiot Dubbya memes.
    Unless the peepee tapes get leaked, they will surely supercede every meme ever produced.

    Speaking of the peepee tapes, I wonder why nobody has started a gofundme to offer a bounty for the tapes. If it reached a couple of mill, I reckon some Kremlim underling could take the gambit by obtaining the tapes and doing a runner for the reward.

  16. #21741
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    So Trump's Education Secretary proposed a budget cut for the Special Olympics that she said she was personally against but had to implement. Trump later states that he didn't know anything about it (his own budget mind) and has overridden his people and directed it be funded. He then claims that he has personally saved the Special Olympics. From being de-funded. By his own administration.

    Just so much about this typifies the utter clusterfuck doesn't it.

  17. #21742
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    Quote Originally Posted by AntRobertson View Post
    He then claims that he has personally saved the Special Olympics. From being de-funded. By his own administration.
    Not the first time he has done something like that.

  18. #21743
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    19-06-2024 @ 09:25 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by AntRobertson View Post
    So Trump's Education Secretary proposed a budget cut for the Special Olympics that she said she was personally against but had to implement. Trump later states that he didn't know anything about it (his own budget mind) and has overridden his people and directed it be funded. He then claims that he has personally saved the Special Olympics. From being de-funded. By his own administration.

    Just so much about this typifies the utter clusterfuck doesn't it.
    Amazing how inoculated everyone has become, isn't it?

  19. #21744
    Excommunicated baldrick's Avatar
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    but he is very smart

    President Donald Trump-9djpm71kywp21-jpg
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails President Donald Trump-9djpm71kywp21-jpg  

  20. #21745
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    01-06-2024 @ 11:26 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by baldrick View Post
    but he is very smart
    There's no one smarter, just ask him. He knows words, lots of words.

  21. #21746
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    Quote Originally Posted by harrybarracuda View Post
    He's not called baldy orange cunto for nothing you know......

    Funny that...and if you look at what Boon Mee and Texpat post its similar as they talk in circles using regurgitated babbling nonsense. Might explain a lot. You know what they say about birds and flocks ya know...
    Last edited by Stumpy; 03-04-2019 at 02:39 PM.

  22. #21747
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    01-06-2024 @ 11:26 PM
    To be fair it was probably about nap time.

  23. #21748
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cujo View Post
    To be fair it was probably about nap time.
    True point, Boon, Texpat and Trump are all about the same age. Nap time for the 3 clowns....

  24. #21749
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    Speaking of senile trump,

    Why is that America only brings old coffin dodgers to the table? Man there has to be some young, intelligent leaders out there. Maybe that's it though, They are young and intelligent and know being the President is a thankless type job that pays very little.

  25. #21750
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    ^^They'll wake up when Fox has given them their new cloud to shout at.

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