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  1. #51
    Thailand Expat Boon Mee's Avatar
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    13-09-2019 @ 04:18 PM
    Heh...'ol Ted Cruz has embraced the Social Media with gusto!

    From his Twitter Account:

  2. #52
    Thailand Expat Boon Mee's Avatar
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    13-09-2019 @ 04:18 PM
    I]t’s encouraging to see the President coming to Austin to talk about jobs — perhaps he will learn how to create some from the folks who know how,” Cruz said in a statement.

    Heh...that's gotta zing, eh?

    Cruz: Obama could learn about job creation from Texas | The Daily Caller
    A Deplorable Bitter Clinger

  3. #53
    Thailand Expat Boon Mee's Avatar
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    13-09-2019 @ 04:18 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by sabang View Post
    I'm trying to think- how many guys with a face you just wanna slap have made it to Potus?
    You need to elaborate a bit more on that statement. Why does Ted Cruz's face arouse such anger in you?

  4. #54
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    Dredging up flattering pictures of him is rather facile- naturally his detractors will just do the opposite. Ted Cruz lacks the Q Factor, and US politics is a media circus. Unfair perhaps, but it is a major impediment to his reaching high office in politics. I suppose Cheney made veep though, and who can forget that charmer john 'I am the walrus' bolton- so there may just be hope. I much doubt it though, because he's already considered a bit of a clown, not least by folk in his own party.

    You do get excited by some strange people- blow wave rick, the donald, loopy michelle, now ted redsinthebed. Loopy michelle has q factor though.

  5. #55
    Thailand Expat Boon Mee's Avatar
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    13-09-2019 @ 04:18 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by sabang View Post
    Dredging up flattering pictures of him is rather facile- naturally his detractors will just do the opposite. Ted Cruz lacks the Q Factor, and US politics is a media circus. Unfair perhaps, but it is a major impediment to his reaching high office in politics. I suppose Cheney made veep though, and who can forget that charmer john 'I am the walrus' bolton- so there may just be hope. I much doubt it though, because he's already considered a bit of a clown, not least by folk in his own party.

    You do get excited by some strange people- blow wave rick, the donald, loopy michelle, now ted redsinthebed. Loopy michelle has q factor though.
    Who in the world is 'blow wave rick'?

    Yeah, you're right, Mooch really gets me going!

  6. #56
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    Quote Originally Posted by Boon Mee
    Why does Ted Cruz's face arouse such anger in you?
    Look at the first post in the thread. Dead ringer for Tailgunner Joe.

  7. #57
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    Quote Originally Posted by Boon Mee
    Who in the world is 'blow wave rick'?
    exactly- couldna put it bettter meself.
    all hat, no cattle is his native american name

  8. #58
    Thailand Expat raycarey's Avatar
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    due to demographics, it's possible that ted cruz could be a senator from texas for many years to come, but he'll never hold higher national office.

  9. #59
    Pronce. PH said so AGAIN!
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    Quote Originally Posted by sabang
    I much doubt it though, because he's already considered a bit of a clown, not least by folk in his own party.
    Oh no. See his mum was an American Citizen, even if his dad was a Canadian one, so even though he wasn't born in the US he is CLEARLY a natural-born citizen, unlike Obama who, although born in Hawaii CLEARLY wasn't a "natural born citizen" because while his mum was a US citizen his father was not, and according to the 18th century Swiss legal philosopher DeVatel you only count as a natural born citizen if BOTH parents are citizens of the country you want to claim citizenship of.

    And then there is the fact that Ted Cruz -being a first term senator- hasn't yet been "spoiled" by being a Washington Insider, so now is the perfect time for him to run for President, unlike Obama was as a first-term senator who was WAAAY too inexperienced to be even remotely qualified to be president.

    Let's also note that Cruz is a really smart guy with impressive academic credentials like a Harvard Law degree, unlike that uppity elitist Obama whose schooling at elite universities like that liberal bastion of Harvard Law School put him out of touch with regular Americans and indoctrinated with socialist values.

    And unlike Obama who never had a "real" job other than being a lawyer and never so much as ran a lemonade stand as a small businessman Ted Cruz has an impressive resume, having worked as a lawyer for several federal agencies and the State of Texas.

    Cruz/Palin 2016!

  10. #60
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    Originally Posted by sabang
    he's already considered a bit of a clown, not least by folk in his own party.
    And so the leftist organized hit is unveiled and parroted. Cruz is no more offensive than Chuck Schumer or Al Franken. People wudn't normally bother to take note of it bcz no one on the left has ever childishly thrown a temper tantrum about it, probably bcz Schumer and Franken are Democrats.

  11. #61
    Thailand Expat Boon Mee's Avatar
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    13-09-2019 @ 04:18 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by attaboy View Post
    Originally Posted by sabang
    he's already considered a bit of a clown, not least by folk in his own party.
    And so the leftist organized hit is unveiled and parroted. Cruz is no more offensive than Chuck Schumer or Al Franken. People wudn't normally bother to take note of it bcz no one on the left has ever childishly thrown a temper tantrum about it, probably bcz Schumer and Franken are Democrats.
    Heh...not to overlook that little worm Harry Reid as well...

  12. #62
    Thailand Expat raycarey's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by quimbian corholla View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by sabang
    I much doubt it though, because he's already considered a bit of a clown, not least by folk in his own party.
    Oh no. See his mum was an American Citizen, even if his dad was a Canadian one, so even though he wasn't born in the US he is CLEARLY a natural-born citizen, unlike Obama who, although born in Hawaii CLEARLY wasn't a "natural born citizen" because while his mum was a US citizen his father was not, and according to the 18th century Swiss legal philosopher DeVatel you only count as a natural born citizen if BOTH parents are citizens of the country you want to claim citizenship of.

    And then there is the fact that Ted Cruz -being a first term senator- hasn't yet been "spoiled" by being a Washington Insider, so now is the perfect time for him to run for President, unlike Obama was as a first-term senator who was WAAAY too inexperienced to be even remotely qualified to be president.

    Let's also note that Cruz is a really smart guy with impressive academic credentials like a Harvard Law degree, unlike that uppity elitist Obama whose schooling at elite universities like that liberal bastion of Harvard Law School put him out of touch with regular Americans and indoctrinated with socialist values.

    And unlike Obama who never had a "real" job other than being a lawyer and never so much as ran a lemonade stand as a small businessman Ted Cruz has an impressive resume, having worked as a lawyer for several federal agencies and the State of Texas.
    well done.

    but of course the inherent hypocrisy of those who raised the above concerns about obama will never allow them to acknowledge it.

  13. #63
    Thailand Expat Boon Mee's Avatar
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    13-09-2019 @ 04:18 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by quimbian corholla View Post
    Obama who, although born in Hawaii .
    Heh...maybe The Donald has ceased his campaign regarding Bath House Barry's birth certificate, there's still doubt whether that piece of paper they trotted out is the 'real deal'.

  14. #64
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    There is among some people, and the party that caters to these loons can look forward to a long time in opposition.

  15. #65
    Thailand Expat Boon Mee's Avatar
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    13-09-2019 @ 04:18 PM
    Ted Cruz Delivers a Firm Kick To McCain's Backside

    Tea Party patriot Ted Cruz lays into statist dinosaur John McCain on the debt limit:

    Sen. Ted Cruz This Debate is About One Thing -- The Debt Ceiling - YouTube

    Give Obama another blank check to spend like a drunken sailor on shore leave?

  16. #66
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    Bravo Teanderthals- you are destroying the GOP. It's like watching a car wreck in slow motion, oddly fascinating but disgusting at the same time...

    Tucker Carlson: The Tea Party Has Destroyed The Republican Establishment

    Tucker Carlson: The Tea Party Has Destroyed The Republican Establishment | Mediaite

  17. #67
    Thailand Expat Boon Mee's Avatar
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    13-09-2019 @ 04:18 PM
    Well, our Ted seems to be getting the attention of some high-ranking personages in Washington DC and throughout the USA. They're getting a little worried about him!
    “I’m not talking about the character or even the quality of the minds of the people I’m going to mention. But the last thing in the world we need now is someone who will go down to the United States Senate and support Ted Cruz, support the new senator from Kentucky…
    “Think about this. … Have you ever seen a time when two freshman senators are able to cower the bulk of the Republican Party in the Senate? That is not hyperbole.”

    Biden Warns: GOP Led By Two Young Senators, Ted Cruz and Rand Paul | The Weekly Standard

    Go get 'em Ted Cruz & Rand Paul!

  18. #68
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    Bangkok, the City of Angels!
    ^ You an odd one Boontard. Cheering for the Tea Bagger wacko birds that are destroying the GOP?

    Ted Cruz? Seriously?!

    The Rethuglican Tea Bag senator from the shithole state of Texas?

    The guy so unpopular for his efforts to scuttle the Hurricane Sandy relief bill that fellow Republicans refuse to be seen with him?

    A relief bill, which, by the way, ended up passing both the house and the senate despite Cruz's cynical efforts to kill it.

    Yeah, he'd make a great speaker! Just what the GOP needs!

    Ted Cruz, a guy so unpopular that he's even managed to alienate his own support base back in Texas-

    Source: Video: Texas Conservatives Fund: Ted Cruz should be ashamed -

  19. #69
    Thailand Expat Boon Mee's Avatar
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    13-09-2019 @ 04:18 PM
    I knew I shouda kept my avatar Paul Wellstone...

  20. #70
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    Quote Originally Posted by TonyBKK View Post
    ^ You an odd one Boontard. Cheering for the Tea Bagger wacko birds that are destroying the GOP?

    Ted Cruz? Seriously?!

    The Rethuglican Tea Bag senator from the shithole state of Texas?

    The guy so unpopular for his efforts to scuttle the Hurricane Sandy relief bill that fellow Republicans refuse to be seen with him?

    A relief bill, which, by the way, ended up passing both the house and the senate despite Cruz's cynical efforts to kill it.

    Yeah, he'd make a great speaker! Just what the GOP needs!

    Ted Cruz, a guy so unpopular that he's even managed to alienate his own support base back in Texas-

    Source: Video: Texas Conservatives Fund: Ted Cruz should be ashamed -
    and you know... if a tornado hit his district he would be the first line at the FEMA office...

    typical jackass politician!

  21. #71
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    Quote Originally Posted by Boon Mee View Post
    I knew I shouda kept my avatar Paul Wellstone...

    Rand Paul: Another result of inbred Republican racism

    Is that Rand Paul hiding in uniform? Could be him or most any other Republican.

    In an all too typical move by the rabid reactionary Republicans who believe the only future for their obsolete political party lies in a return to the intolerant, racist past, the obsolete leadership of the clan of the elephant is promoting another failure for office — Rand Paul, the lackluster and racially-tinged Kentucky Senator and son of thrice-failed Presidential candidate Ron Paul.
    Paul — who is following in his father’s retarded habits of playing on the GOP’s inbred hatred of minorities, gays and progress — is touted as the GOP’s primary hope for a return to the White House in 2016.
    If Rand Paul is the hope of the GOP, then hopelessness is the result. Like most regressive right wingers who dominate the party Paul may appeal to hardcore racists in Kentucky but — like his father — he will lack the appeal to succeed in a far more demanding national electorate.
    Is Rand Paul as racist as his former Texas Congressman father? Probably. He has stated publicly that restaurant owners should be allowed to refuse service to minorities and he has a long, sordid history of backing legislation that targets and penalizes those are less than white.
    The unwashed and brain dead flock who claim allegiance to Paul and his father claim both are strict Constitutionalists who represent the future of the nation. Is so, that future is warped and repressive. Both want laws that laughingly consider any unborn festus as human being, amendments that limit the rights of gays to marry and other equally repressive laws that strip humans of rights and individuality.
    If Rand Paul represents the future of the Republican Party then the party deservedly has no future. If the GOP rallies around this miscreant then it should — and most likely will — descend into a well-deserved pit of political oblivion — one that has already consumed other failures like Ron Paul, David Duke, George Wallace, and those who deserve to disappear into the morass..
    But while these bastions of inbred Republican racism, homophobia and intolerance will thankfully disappear from the political landscape, the hardcore right wingers will look for another standard bearer for a return to a past that is best forgotten and buried.
    Racism — like gonorrhea and diarrhea — will remain as plagues in this country and will continue to find a home in the Republican party.

    Rand Paul: Another result of inbred Republican racism | Capitol Hill Blue

  22. #72
    Thailand Expat Boon Mee's Avatar
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    13-09-2019 @ 04:18 PM
    Rather dim ain't you?

    Democrats were the original Jim Crow boys who started the KKK.

    Nice try at a failed smear but no cee-gar troll boy...

  23. #73
    RIP pseudolus's Avatar
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    ^^ Didn't troll tony post that rubbish up somewhere else already?

    What's wrong with you hotshot - forgetting which cut and pastes you have used already?

    You can spot commie inspired propaganda because they use a very evocative picture which in actual fact has nothing to do with the person they are trying to attack. But all most Merkins, who don't read so well just like Tony Troll, see is the picture and the name and then put it together to think that Rand Paul is the Hitler saluting KKK member pictured.

    Interesting that low IQ tony troll falls for it as well.

  24. #74
    Thailand Expat Boon Mee's Avatar
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    13-09-2019 @ 04:18 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by pseudolus View Post
    ^^ Didn't troll tony post that rubbish up somewhere else already?

    What's wrong with you hotshot - forgetting which cut and pastes you have used already?

    You can spot commie inspired propaganda because they use a very evocative picture which in actual fact has nothing to do with the person they are trying to attack. But all most Merkins, who don't read so well just like Tony Troll, see is the picture and the name and then put it together to think that Rand Paul is the Hitler saluting KKK member pictured.

    Interesting that low IQ tony troll falls for it as well.
    Yes, we're seen that post before from said troll.

    The only reason Democrats claim the Republicans started the KKK is that the
    Democrats manufacture facts to suit their political agenda - pure & simple...

  25. #75
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    Quote Originally Posted by Boon Mee View Post
    Rather dim ain't you?

    Democrats were the original Jim Crow boys who started the KKK.

    Nice try at a failed smear but no cee-gar troll boy...
    in a historical perspective here....

    yes sir Dems were the southern party of segregation. But after that traitor Johnson gave them darkies the civil rights they changed parties.

    All the old coots I knew down south all were demeeecrats in their youth and all switched to the party of Lincoln after the 60's.

    ironic... ain't it?

    they drop one party for siding with the black man but joined the party that freed them from slavery.

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