1. #5001
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    Quote Originally Posted by pseudolus View Post
    Now, perhaps Landreth will read this before he pumps up his next cess pitt full of pointless garbage up.

    Killary is taking dropping CLIMATE CHANGE policy.

    So, a vote for Killary is actually a vote against CLIMATE SCAM,

    interesting. Which way will landreth go? Climate scam or Killary?
    Your gibberish might have more veracity if you posted a link.

  2. #5002
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    03-04-2024 @ 08:29 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by MrG View Post
    It's all part of the Big Lie they trumpet. They don't address issues or support accusations with with facts, only demagogary, then default back to repeating the Big Lie. They turn political discourse into liar's poker then brag about how they are going to win as if it's respectable.
    The chairwoman of the convention handled the situation appallingly, she is at the very least incompetent and should be fired.

    The situation escalated because of her bizarre attitude. There was justifiable anger at her, at best you could call it, baffling behaviour.

    Now its your turn lady g, unless you are no lady, show me a video where chairs were thrown like it is endlessly repeated on the news.

  3. #5003
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    03-04-2024 @ 08:29 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by Humbert View Post
    ^Err, the situations were vastly different. On one hand you have Sanders supporters on the floor of the convention in LV disrupting the event, creating mayhem and leaking personal information that led to threats of violence. On the other hand you have a break in where no individuals have been arrested or identified, only suspicion that they were Clinton supporters.
    It doesn't matter that it was not Clinton supporters that fired the shots, its incredible that the DNC and Hellary have not issued a statement condemning that act.

  4. #5004
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    08-01-2024 @ 01:10 AM
    ^Why? Could have been anybody firing the shots, most likely some gun happy right wing nut job or maybe a stray bullet by a toddler whose daddy let him play with a gun.

  5. #5005
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    03-04-2024 @ 08:29 PM
    ^ Wow so arrogant and condescending. Hey berniebots, have the scales dropped from your eyes yet?

    There is still room on the trumptrain, it might be a different route, but we both have the same destination, unlike the shrillbots of the dnc.

    Don't worry we wont say we told you so and laugh at you (much).

  6. #5006
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    Quote Originally Posted by Humbert
    It's all moot anyway. In another month Hillary and Sanders will be on the stage together united to defeat Donald Trump.
    Will it be enough? I'm turning pessimist.

  7. #5007
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    Quote Originally Posted by longway
    Don't worry we wont say we told you so and laugh at you (much).
    If there is anything more laughable than Americans supporting Trump it's brits supporting Trump.

  8. #5008
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    There's something that's going to be more laughable than those two things: the press conferences (a la Geoge W's "Mission Accomplished"), interviews, speeches, townhalls and wherever else the Donald gives a talk.

  9. #5009

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    03-04-2024 @ 08:29 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by Humbert View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by longway
    Don't worry we wont say we told you so and laugh at you (much).
    If there is anything more laughable than Americans supporting Trump it's brits supporting Trump.
    There is nothing more sad than anyone who supports a enabling shill who protected a sexual abuser over decades just for the lust for power.

  11. #5011
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    Quote Originally Posted by longway View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Humbert View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by longway
    Don't worry we wont say we told you so and laugh at you (much).
    If there is anything more laughable than Americans supporting Trump it's brits supporting Trump.
    There is nothing more sad than anyone who supports a enabling shill who protected a sexual abuser over decades just for the lust for power.
    They even start to bullshit like Trump if they watch enough of him.

    I notice he had to get notes out for the NRA drivel.

  12. #5012
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    Quote Originally Posted by longway
    There is nothing more sad than anyone who supports a enabling shill who protected a sexual abuser over decades just for the lust for power.
    As I have said many times, I supported Sanders. I am anti-Trump so I will vote for any Democrat who runs against Trump. That does not mean that Sanders or Clinton are above criticism or should not be defended in the face of slurs and lies. You are Trump supporter which means you have made peace with his lies and deceptions which says a lot about your own character or lack of it.
    This post has not been authorized by the TeakDoor censorship committee.

  13. #5013
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    03-04-2024 @ 08:29 PM
    ^ he has dropped plenty of truth bombs too. You prefer someone who destroyed Libya and whose husband is a rapist over someone who exaggerates a bit.

  14. #5014
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    08-01-2024 @ 01:10 AM
    ^Pivot. So typical of Trumpbots.

    First of all. Clinton is not responsible for 'destroying' Libya. The air campaign against Libya that led to the demise of the Gadaffi regime was initiated by Sarkozy and Cameron and supported by the US. The fact that Libya is a shambles is regrettable but the responsibility does not rest solely with Hillary Clinton. Most Americans hated Gadaffi are happy to see him gone.

    Secondly, Bill Clinton has not been convicted of rape. He was accused by an unbalanced, attention seeking woman who brought no proof.

    You seem to be obsessed with damning Hillary for her husband's philandering. Most Americans do not share your morally superior attitude because they understand that marriage is a messy, private matter and has little to do with how people perform their public duties and responsibilities. Bill Clinton has the highest approval rating of any living president so all this shit has obviously not stuck with most people.

  15. #5015
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    03-04-2024 @ 08:29 PM
    ^ and you are being disingenious

    She pushed for the US to support sarkozy plans, overruling her military advisors, Sarkozy deserves as much or more vilification as killary, but it was something she was deeply involved in and took a major role. yes she was not alone, but then even after the disaster was clear she laughed about having Qaddafi killed on TV; it was a great thrill for her.

    Juanita Broaddrickis not unbalanced or attention seeking, she has a very credible account and there is at least one witness to her bitten lip. She was a successful business woman who was involved in helping Bill Clinton when he was in arkansas. She is not seeking money either.

    Her story is worth reading.

    Clinton rape accuser blasts ?biased? NBC anchor

    He is well liked by democrats and I liked him too, however its now obvious that he has a problem, its a pattern with him, he molests women, that's just part of who he is. However as the truth seeps out, he will not remain as popular. This kind of stuff is being buried and it deserves a national hearing.

    Its disingenuous to try to say i have a problem with his philandering, I have a problem with him molesting and assaulting women. Juanita and other women, specifically pointed out that Hellary was responsible for trying to shut them up or enuring they were vilified. She knew what he did and helped him cover it up.

    All this is very relevant.

  16. #5016
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    Quote Originally Posted by Humbert View Post
    You seem to be obsessed with damning Hillary for her husband's philandering.
    He's a typical dumb Trump follower, and will repeat whatever El Trumpo says regardless of whether or not it bears any relation to the truth (See Republican thread).

  17. #5017
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    08-01-2024 @ 01:10 AM
    Quote Originally Posted by longway
    All this is very relevant.
    Baloney. It's a tactic to win uncommitted votes from evangelicals who supported Cruz. They hate Trump because he's a phony and a pathological liar so he is bringing up this trash to smear Hillary by appealing to their moralistic bigotry. You are a gullible jerk to swallow it.

  18. #5018
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    Quote Originally Posted by longway
    She pushed for the US to support sarkozy plans, overruling her military advisors, Sarkozy deserves as much or more vilification as killary, but it was something she was deeply involved in and took a major role. yes she was not alone, but then even after the disaster was clear she laughed about having Qaddafi killed on TV; it was a great thrill for her.
    In 2011 Trump was advocating a 'surgical strike' to take out Gaddafi. I think you had better take a closer look at the positions your boy has taken in the past.


  19. #5019
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    01-05-2022 @ 06:28 AM
    Hillary will soon be gone.

    Can You Say Biden-Warren? Hillary Is Sinking Faster Than The Titanic
    by Contributor • May 21, 2016

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    By Wayne Allyn Root

    I’ve predicted publicly for a year now that Hillary Clinton, although a prohibitive favorite, still may never become the Democratic Party’s nominee.

    Don’t look now, but at this moment Hillary is still far from a sure thing to become the Democratic standard-bearer. This week, she lost Oregon and barely squeaked by in Kentucky. Bernie has now won 11 of the last 14 primaries and caucuses.

    I ask Democrats, is this your nominee? The winner of your presidential nomination has lost just shy of 80 percent of her races coming down the homestretch. If Hillary were a racehorse with that record, she’d be sent home.

    Call me crazy but don’t presumptive nominees usually win about 80 percent of their races? This has to be the first time in history the leader of her party has lost 80 percent of them. I’m not sure you call someone like that a “leader” or “nominee.” Usually you call someone like that…“loser!”

    Hillary is certainly still the favorite — if only because of the scam of superdelegates. The Democratic nomination is basically rigged. Because of those superdelegates Hillary already has the nomination locked up. But she appears to be crawling on her knees, over razor blades, towards the finish line.

    First, while she’s the clear-cut delegate winner and we all know that everyone loves a winner, it’s gotta be downright frightening for Democrats that she still can’t put away a wild-eyed radical socialist from Vermont who wants tax rates as high as 90 percent and would add an estimated $18 trillion to the national debt.

    Then, there’s the FBI. They are closing in. No matter how many times Hillary or her delusional aides claim the investigation is only a “security inquiry” it doesn’t change reality.

    FBI Director Comey recently set them straight. Turns out the FBI doesn’t do “security inquiries.” Hillary is the subject of a “criminal investigation.”

    Then there’s that millstone hanging around Hillary’s neck — Bill Clinton. Can you become president when your husband’s past behavior with women raises more questions every day? We’re about to find out.

    The stories about Bill’s reckless and possibly criminal behavior keep popping out of the closet. First there’s the beautiful blonde “friend” who got $2 million from the Clinton Global Initiative and another $800,000 in government contracts with Bill’s help. Don’t we all wish we had friends like that?

    Worse, there’s the new disclosure that Bill took 26 flights on a sex offender’s plane, an aircraft actually called “The Lolita Express.” It flew nonstop to “Orgy Island” where old men cavorted with young (13 to 15-year old) girls. Bill flew five times on this aircraft without his Secret Service detail. This isn’t a scandal, it’s a disaster for Hillary.

    It’s already May and now the question is: Can Hillary crawl past the primary finish line? And if she does, will she be so crippled for the general election that she becomes a sitting duck for Donald Trump?

    Have you seen the latest polls? Last week the experts were shocked to see Hillary tied with Trump. This week it got even worse. In the latest Fox News poll Trump leads Hillary.

    I have close friends in high Democratic Party circles. Trust me, they are beginning to panic. They are starting to think about Plan B… and that doesn’t include either Hillary or Bernie being their nominee.

    So let me lay out a very plausible scenario. What if Hillary’s approval ratings slide continues? What if over the next 60 to 90 days she finds herself down by 5 to 7 points to Trump? What if she goes down by double digits? Would the panic become hysteria?

    What if the FBI recommends indicting Hillary over the email scandal — my law enforcement sources tell me this is a very real possibility.

    But it gets worse. Have you heard that Russia claims to have 10,000 of Hillary’s hacked emails? They say they will release them. If this is the case, Hillary better stop worrying about the White House and start worrying about the Big House.

    Would President Obama allow the Justice Department to indict his former secretary of state? I used to think “no.” But I now believe the answer to that question depends on only one factor — is Hillary beating Trump?

    Every Washington insider knows that Obama has no love or loyalty for Hillary.

    I’m betting if Obama senses Hillary is a sinking Titanic — and he still has time before the convention — he will throw her under the bus.

    At this point, I would guess the president gives Hillary a choice that is no choice at all. Be indicted, lose the presidential race, and risk a long jail term, or announce to the world that your cough has become a real medical issue and you will have to decline the nomination, then receive a presidential pardon.

    That means all her delegates become free agents and a new nominee can be substituted at the Democratic convention in July.

    I’ve always predicted Obama would prefer Joe Biden or Elizabeth Warren as the nominee, or the combination of Biden/Warren. He may yet get his wish. But this much I know:

    Hillary is sinking faster than the Titanic.

    Why Hillary Clinton is sinking faster than the Titanic | Fox News

  20. #5020
    Pronce. PH said so AGAIN!
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    Quote Originally Posted by RPETER65
    By Wayne Allyn Root

  21. #5021
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    01-05-2022 @ 06:28 AM
    Quote Originally Posted by Humbert View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by longway
    There is nothing more sad than anyone who supports a enabling shill who protected a sexual abuser over decades just for the lust for power.
    As I have said many times, I supported Sanders. I am anti-Trump so I will vote for any Democrat who runs against Trump. That does not mean that Sanders or Clinton are above criticism or should not be defended in the face of slurs and lies. You are Trump supporter which means you have made peace with his lies and deceptions which says a lot about your own character or lack of it.
    The same can be said about you as a supporter oh Hillary.

  22. #5022
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    01-05-2022 @ 06:28 AM
    Quote Originally Posted by slackula View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by RPETER65
    By Wayne Allyn Root
    That's all you have. Can you refute the talking points, maybe even try?

  23. #5023
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    Quote Originally Posted by RPETER65 View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by slackula View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by RPETER65
    By Wayne Allyn Root
    That's all you have. Can you refute the talking points, maybe even try?
    I'd say that since he's a conservative god botherer, it's just a shitty opinion piece and is about as worthless as a Focks News "poll".

    That really should be enough.

  24. #5024
    Pronce. PH said so AGAIN!
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    Quote Originally Posted by RPETER65
    That's all you have. Can you refute the talking points, maybe even try?
    For you? No. Here's why:

    Every time you puke one of your trite talking points here it gets knocked down and you never even acknowledge that you might, just maybe, have to re-think something.

    Remember back when you said Trump was worth something like 10 gazzilion dollars and I said he wasn't and you asked me to prove it so I posted links to forbes.com and the WSJ which backed up my assertion and you immediately returned and thanked me for taking the time to show you something that you had not seen? Nope, neither do I, well, not the last bit at least.

    So do your own homework; I'll continue to point and laugh at how incredibly stupid your posts are.

    And Wayne Allyn Root is a shill.
    bibo ergo sum
    If you hear the thunder be happy - the lightening missed.
    This time.

  25. #5025
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    Quote Originally Posted by slackula View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by RPETER65
    That's all you have. Can you refute the talking points, maybe even try?
    For you? No. Here's why:

    Every time you puke one of your trite talking points here it gets knocked down and you never even acknowledge that you might, just maybe, have to re-think something.

    Remember back when you said Trump was worth something like 10 gazzilion dollars and I said he wasn't and you asked me to prove it so I posted links to forbes.com and the WSJ which backed up my assertion and you immediately returned and thanked me for taking the time to show you something that you had not seen? Nope, neither do I, well, not the last bit at least.

    So do your own homework; I'll continue to point and laugh at how incredibly stupid your posts are.

    And Wayne Allyn Root is a shill.

    What you are really saying is you will take the easy way out.

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