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    Isle of discombobulation Joe 90's Avatar
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    Phuket: even “problem foreigners” must mask up or 20k fine

    CORONAVIRUS (COVID-19)Phuket: even “problem foreigners” must mask up or 20k fineNeill FrondePublished 1 day ago on Sunday, April 25, 2021By Neill Fronde
    Phuket: even “problem foreigners” must mask up or 20k fine

    Phuket government officials have threatened to strictly enforce the 20,000 baht face mask fine and contact consular officials for foreigners that refuse to mask up. The vice governor of Phuket has issued a stern warning that all people are required to wear face masks in public at all times. As Covid-19’s third wave sweeps the country, and Phuket has begun to require Covid-19 tests on arrival as the local government struggles to try to contain infections.

    After an emergency meeting of the Phuket Communicable Disease Committee at Phuket Provincial Hall, the vice governor reminded the public that the order to wear masks in public was issued in January. He requested that everyone, Thais and foreigners, wear a mask to fully cooperates with the mandate now. The vice governor pointed out that Section 51 of the Communicable Diseases Act stipulates a fine of up to 20,000 baht, and Section 18 of the same act states that mask violators are subject to jail sentences of up to 2 years plus up to 40,000 baht in fines.

    He also specifically mentioned the troubling issue of what they labelled “problem foreigners” – those expats and travellers that refuse to wear a mask in public.

    “Cooperation between Thais and foreigners is requested to wear a mask because wearing a mask will reduce the transmission of infection from person to person to a great extent. If everyone participates, wearing a mask will help prevent the spread of Covid-19, thus we are asking for special cooperation.”

    The Phuket government made a 2-step plan to deal with “problem foreigners” who protest mask-wearing. The first step is a meeting with all councils in Phuket and province officials to make sure regulations are clear and understood and then have those rules clarified to foreigners in a public campaign to raise awareness. If that gentle approach proves unsuccessful the next step is to begin to prosecute anyone who breaks the mandate and refuses to wear a mask. That includes contacting foreign consulates for foreigners violating the mandate.

  2. #2
    Thailand Expat Backspin's Avatar
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    I'm not really sure why so many farang think they should be treated as anything more than guests in a foreign county.

  3. #3
    hallelujah's Avatar
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    26-06-2024 @ 12:30 AM
    The absurdity of wearing a mask outdoors.

  4. #4
    En route
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    Quote Originally Posted by hallelujah View Post
    The absurdity of wearing a mask outdoors.

  5. #5
    Isle of discombobulation Joe 90's Avatar
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    The amount of foreign transmissions from farangs is almost nil.
    Most overseas transmissions have come from returning Thais.
    The dirty farangs are being used as scapegoats.

  6. #6
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    Damn, if my wife and I drive together we both must wear masks? Alone okay? Silly ass idea.

  7. #7
    hallelujah's Avatar
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    26-06-2024 @ 12:30 AM
    RIP common sense.

  8. #8
    Thailand Expat Backspin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cujo View Post
    If you were in Thailand right now would you follow the rule or not ?

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    Their stupid little 'sandbox' plan designed to protect past profits is being threatened by the mistakes made in relaxing quarantine before the vaccine programme has been rolled out. Blaming the dirty farang is merely a default response. You must remember, this is a medieval society that wallows in xenophobia but hates the westerner most of all not least because of our inconvenient habit of telling them they are usually talking bollocks and are incompetent.

  10. #10
    Thailand Expat armstrong's Avatar
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    I know more people who have been fined for not wearing a mask in the last couple of days than I do that actually got covid in a year.

  11. #11
    Thailand Expat YourDaddy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by armstrong View Post
    I know more people who have been fined for not wearing a mask in the last couple of days than I do that actually got covid in a year.
    you teach English?

  12. #12
    Isle of discombobulation Joe 90's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by armstrong View Post
    I know more people who have been fined for not wearing a mask in the last couple of days than I do that actually got covid in a year.
    Foreigners or Thais?

  13. #13
    Thailand Expat Saint Willy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by YourDaddy View Post
    you teach English?
    What's wrong with that sentence? It was written in the passive voice? Not an error. The word 'actually' is redundant? Agreed, but again not a mistake.

    What errors do you spot that a teacher should not be making?

  14. #14
    Hangin' Around cyrille's Avatar
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    He's got nothing.

    He's just looking for someone to reply ... then he considers it a 'win' for him.

    A dumb ass troll trait he shares with taxi.

  15. #15
    Thailand Expat Saint Willy's Avatar
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    30-04-2022 @ 02:44 AM
    I should have realised.

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by hallelujah View Post
    The absurdity of wearing a mask outdoors.
    Why? when you are outside you hold your breath?

  17. #17
    hallelujah's Avatar
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    26-06-2024 @ 12:30 AM
    Quote Originally Posted by Buckaroo Banzai View Post
    Why? when you are outside you hold your breath?
    Because it's just about impossible to catch the virus when you're walking down the street in the fresh air and, should you find yourself in the extremely unlikely position of having done so, that would be because you haven't been maintaining appropriate distancing while engaged in conversation, in which case a mask wouldn't make a jot of a difference anyway.

    Covid: Can you catch the virus outside? - BBC News

    Masks not enough to stop COVID-19's spread without distancing, study finds: Even though common mask materials block most of the droplets that spread the virus, that may not be enough at close distances -- ScienceDaily

    You don't really understand this, do you?
    Last edited by hallelujah; 28-04-2021 at 03:25 AM.

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by hallelujah View Post
    Because it's just about impossible to catch the virus when you're walking down the street in the fresh air and, should you find yourself in the extremely unlikely position of having done so, that would be because you haven't been maintaining appropriate distancing while engaged in conversation, in which case a mask wouldn't make a jot of a difference anyway.

    Covid: Can you catch the virus outside? - BBC News

    Masks not enough to stop COVID-19's spread without distancing, study finds: Even though common mask materials block most of the droplets that spread the virus, that may not be enough at close distances -- ScienceDaily

    You don't really understand this, do you?
    Some one does not understand, so from the articles you provided.
    First paragraph:
    "Researchers say infections can happen outdoors, but the chances are massively reduced. "
    Covid: Can you catch the virus outside? - BBC News

    Also from the link you posted.
    ""A mask definitely helps, "
    http://Masks not enough to stop COVI...- ScienceDaily

    So in conclusion, Can you catch Covid 19 outside YES!! ,is it as dangerous as inside? No!!
    Out of respect for others, Wear your damn mask, and stop making excuses.
    The sooner you fall behind, the more time you have to catch up.

  19. #19
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    26-06-2024 @ 12:30 AM
    Quote Originally Posted by Buckaroo Banzai View Post
    Some one does not understand, so from the articles you provided.
    First paragraph:
    "Researchers say infections can happen outdoors, but the chances are massively reduced. "
    Covid: Can you catch the virus outside? - BBC News

    Also from the link you posted.
    ""A mask definitely helps, "
    http://Masks not enough to stop COVI...- ScienceDaily

    So in conclusion, Can you catch Covid 19 outside YES!! ,is it as dangerous as inside? No!!
    Out of respect for others, Wear your damn mask, and stop making excuses.
    Jaysus Christ. The cult of COVID is strong in this one.


    Even the BBC, one of the chief proponents of project fear, are telling you that sunlight and the air will disperse the particles and kill the virus and that only a handful of cases have been recorded from millions worldwide, and these occurred when people were talking to one another face to face (for at least 15 minutes) and not social distancing. The 2nd link also explains that a mask will not fully protect you if you are speaking in close quarters.

    You're not in danger from walking down the street or being sat on the beach without a mask on. Wash your hands and keep a safe distance from people if you're gonna engage them in conversation. Similarly, a mask is not going to protect you if you are flouting social distancing rules.

    A flimsy mask is not our silver bullet and you are not a rabid dog. Show some common sense.

  20. #20
    Thailand Expat Backspin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Seekingasylum View Post
    Their stupid little 'sandbox' plan designed to protect past profits is being threatened by the mistakes made in relaxing quarantine before the vaccine programme has been rolled out. Blaming the dirty farang is merely a default response. You must remember, this is a medieval society that wallows in xenophobia but hates the westerner most of all not least because of our inconvenient habit of telling them they are usually talking bollocks and are incompetent.
    So are you a problem farang when you go for your evening strolls ?

  21. #21
    Thailand Expat armstrong's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Joe 90 View Post
    Foreigners or Thais?
    Mostly Thai.

  22. #22
    Hangin' Around cyrille's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Buckaroo Banzai View Post
    Some one does not understand.
    Something's gone wrong with hal.

    Perhaps the idiot virus is being blown down from the southern US.

  23. #23
    Thailand Expat YourDaddy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by cyrille View Post
    He's got nothing.

    He's just looking for someone to reply ... then he considers it a 'win' for him.

    A dumb ass troll trait he shares with taxi.
    I must have made you trigger cuz now you are proxy replying.

    Next, you will log into Pat's youtube channel to reply to my teakdoor posts.


  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by hallelujah View Post
    Jaysus Christ. The cult of COVID is strong in this one.

    Even the BBC, one of the chief proponents of project fear, are telling you that sunlight and the air will disperse the particles and kill the virus and that only a handful of cases have been recorded from millions worldwide, and these occurred when people were talking to one another face to face (for at least 15 minutes) and not social distancing. The 2nd link also explains that a mask will not fully protect you if you are speaking in close quarters.

    You're not in danger from walking down the street or being sat on the beach without a mask on. Wash your hands and keep a safe distance from people if you're gonna engage them in conversation. Similarly, a mask is not going to protect you if you are flouting social distancing rules.

    A flimsy mask is not our silver bullet and you are not a rabid dog. Show some common sense.
    Non of what you are saying is true.
    all that it is saying is that catching covid outside is significantly reduced for obvious reasons but not eliminated, the "handful of cases have been recorded from millions worldwide " is, to be polite . WRONG!!
    as far as I know, there is no way to tell where someone has cough the virus.
    No one has said that masks in themselves will eliminate the danger of infection, and every professional in the field has said masks in conjunction with social distancing, hand washing and other measures, Will REDUCE . the chance of being infected. NOT ELIMINATE IT . REDUCE IT. you can still get infected, and guess what? if you do, I can guarantee to you, truly guarantee. You will not know where you got infected.
    Our fathers , and grandfathers would throw themselves on a grenade to protect their country man and loved ones , It is sad that we have got to the point where some are so self observed, that they will not even wear a flimsy mask for a few minutes.
    Sad Very Sad.
    So yes my friend, the force is strong with me, I suggest you try and connect with it also, you might have cookies in the dark side, but we have integrity , cookies will turn to shit after you eat them, integrity lasts for a lifetime.

  25. #25
    กงเกวียนกำเกวียน HuangLao's Avatar
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    Obsessively Compulsive Anxiety Syndrome.
    Much more of a detriment to one's well being.

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