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Thread: HI everyone

  1. #26
    Edmond's Avatar
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    Why would somebody choose to buy and live in KK.

    You decide where to live, then she follows you there.

    For rent, stay in a hotel for a month and locals on the ground will help you out.

  2. #27
    Thailand Expat AntRobertson's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by taxexile View Post
    fat anti social alcoholics, ignored by their families and marooned in some isaan village surrounded by gormless and feckless natives then he has come to the right place
    Quote Originally Posted by taxexile View Post
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  3. #28
    Isle of discombobulation Joe 90's Avatar
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    Welcome to the forum.

    Why not go on a 3 month holiday and a fixed budget so you don't get carried away with your spending.
    Try a job as an English teacher and experiment living on that income and see if your online girlfriend is still interested in you.

    With the money you are talking about you could live like a Count in the Carpathian mountains.

    Don't leave the UK we need all the truck drivers we can get

  4. #29
    CCBW Stumpy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by taxexile View Post
    i see that the self appointed forum police, those brain damaged idiots with nothing better to do with their sad lives than monitor every post and poster on this dying forum, have given our newcomer the usual warm welcome.

    if the newcomer really wants advice he would be far better off on a forum such as aseannow, but if he just wants to have some trolling fun with a welcoming committee comprised mostly of fat anti social alcoholics, ignored by their families and marooned in some isaan village surrounded by gormless and feckless natives then he has come to the right place.
    So Tax....offer some advice. Would enjoy reading your infinite wisdom and 2 baht worth on the OP's post.

  5. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by Justme78 View Post
    But i dont know what i can grow on that farm and if farming is enough to have a decent life. Thks for advice
    Remember the comment about restricted occupations?

    Largely, farming is one of them (albeit often ignored).

  6. #31
    CCBW Stumpy's Avatar
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    Welcome aboard Justin.

    This can be a rough crowd. But hang in there you will get some info you can run with.

    My few quick comments from your OP. While it is hard not to be cynical being you met her on the internet, it does raise a few red flags. I highly encourage you to find a rental somewhere away from her hometown and you two get to know each other. After time then maybe consider renting a place near her hometown so you have a place to hang out but you can exit if it gets a bit weird. Rent is cheap here. Do not be in a hurry and for god sakes do not have blinders on. Some ( Not all ) have hidden agendas so you need to use your best judgment.

    Good Luck

  7. #32
    Thailand Expat taxexile's Avatar
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    So Tax....offer some advice.
    well, seeing as you asked.....

    here to meet the woman i love after we chat online for almost 4months.
    you have never met her (nor her family) so you don't love her and she certainly doesn't love you, although she is probably attracted to your salary and the salary of all the other men she is online with.

    What jobs you can have as a foreigner in Thailand ?
    with your level of english you should have no trouble qualifying as a tefler (teacher of english) in thailand. otherwise, there is little that you can legally do, unless you open a business such as a bar or restaurant.

    Can you buy or build a decent house around 30.000-45.000 £ in northeastern of Thailand ? Khon Kaen area.
    you can certainly buy a house for 30 or 40k, but you most definitely cannot own a house, it will have to be in your girlfriends name. you will merely be a guest in your own house until she or her brothers kick you out and replace you with the next patsy to come along.

    My girlfriend use to be a sergeant in thai royal army but she quit her job 2 years ago
    correct me if i am wrong, but you cannot just quit being in the army, that might be classed as a criminal offence.

    so, to sum up.

    dont do it.

  8. #33
    Excommunicated baldrick's Avatar
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    and never say how much money you have in the bank

  9. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by Stumpy View Post
    I highly encourage you to find a rental somewhere away from her hometown
    good advice, they are a jealous lot

  10. #35
    Thailand Expat DrWilly's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by taxexile View Post
    with your level of english you should have no trouble qualifying as a tefler (teacher of english) in thailand.
    Possibly even teach Japanese dentists English.

  11. #36
    CCBW Stumpy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by malmomike77 View Post
    good advice, they are a jealous lot
    Its just safer I think. Its easier to visit then be too close. Give that some time. Honestly, you either have a very nice extended family or one from hell. You will not see that in a few visits. For the OP I wouldn't worry about employment at this point. Go slow and get to know everyone. Lots of moving pieces early on.

  12. #37
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    Quote Originally Posted by Joe 90 View Post
    we need all the truck drivers we can get
    Don't be DAF I think he wishes to get of his Lorry and articulated as much in the O Pee,

    Dear Jizzme ignore the knockers rent don't build .

    Once 50 it is poss to get an annual retirement visa by which time you'll know whethe rto make a large deposit in a 3rd world slum where laws change you have no vote , health free access, a frozen pesnion etc. These factors wont seem important now, when divorced and penniless you could end up rent your rear on Jomtien beach for a bag of Mam like so many ere., If it were not for skill as a cat burglar and the Massaman Pussy curry contract with Iceland I'd been on knees.

    Suggest save up for a lottery ticket who knows you could win a thatched gf in the New Forest or enough for a hi-so fridge?

    Truck off , Italian-Sino-Thai BMW on.

    It might be worth investing say a tenth of yer wedge say 20k at teh Golden Arches English academy Bornemouth and get a notch top dip lomer
    Quote Originally Posted by cyrille View Post
    been overdoin’ it on the Leningrad Llama cocktails

  13. #38
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    Quote Originally Posted by Stumpy View Post
    Its just safer I think
    he hasn't asked the going rate.

  14. #39

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    Quote Originally Posted by taxexile View Post
    well, seeing as you asked.....

    you have never met her (nor her family) so you don't love her and she certainly doesn't love you, although she is probably attracted to your salary and the salary of all the other men she is online with.

    with your level of english you should have no trouble qualifying as a tefler (teacher of english) in thailand. otherwise, there is little that you can legally do, unless you open a business such as a bar or restaurant.

    you can certainly buy a house for 30 or 40k, but you most definitely cannot own a house, it will have to be in your girlfriends name. you will merely be a guest in your own house until she or her brothers kick you out and replace you with the next patsy to come along.

    correct me if i am wrong, but you cannot just quit being in the army, that might be classed as a criminal offence.

    so, to sum up.

    dont do it.

    Wow didnt know all those details. Maybe its safer to rent only for 1 year at least and buy 2 x 2 bedroom flat in Romania in the mean time. I can get a monthly income from those around 800 euros. Thank you all for advices

  15. #40

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    Quote Originally Posted by Joe 90 View Post
    Welcome to the forum.

    Why not go on a 3 month holiday and a fixed budget so you don't get carried away with your spending.
    Try a job as an English teacher and experiment living on that income and see if your online girlfriend is still interested in you.

    With the money you are talking about you could live like a Count in the Carpathian mountains.

    Don't leave the UK we need all the truck drivers we can get
    Im tired to work every week around 65 to 70 hours and to be treat like a shit. Security moans at you, transport manager moans at you, forklift driver moans at you, even the janitor can take a piss on you. Can you develop that teacher for english idea? Im also study at Bedfordshire university MB for Business management im year 2. Only 2 left to finish

  16. #41
    CCBW Stumpy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by malmomike77 View Post
    he hasn't asked the going rate.
    The Sinsot comes later.

  17. #42
    Thailand Expat DrWilly's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Justme78 View Post
    I can get a monthly income from those around 800 euros.
    Prices have gone up last I was there, then.

  18. #43
    Thailand Expat taxexile's Avatar
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    Im tired to work every week around 65 to 70 hours and to be treat like a shit.
    you earn good money and certainly a lot more than the janitor or the forklift monkey so stop complaining. these are difficult times for everybody.

  19. #44
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    You fukkin idiots..

    This troll is about a fukkin Romanian called Edward who doesn't smoke or drink, works illegal EU driving hours (the max by law is 56 hours a week) and is henpecked by the janitor and forklift driver but wants to be with some Isaan ladybloke who got kicked out of the army

  20. #45
    CCBW Stumpy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Reg Dingle View Post
    You fukkin idiots..

    This troll is about a fukkin Romanian called Edward who doesn't smoke or drink, works illegal EU driving hours (the max by law is 56 hours a week) and is henpecked by the janitor and forklift driver but wants to be with some Isaan ladybloke who got kicked out of the army
    Come on Dil, we are all just having some fun....

  21. #46
    Thailand Expat YourDaddy's Avatar
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    Council flat. Thanks suckers!
    120,000 pounds is not nearly enough to settle in Thailand.

    There is no free healthcare here. Immigration requirements unpredictable in the future. Buying/building a house in Thailand is always a bad idea especially with almost non existent savings.

    If you're really keen on building a house ask your girlfriend to get a mortgage and help with payments. If she works for the government it shouldn't be a problem. That way if anything happens in the future at least you won't feel like a fool

  22. #47
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    I think Reg has him sussed.

  23. #48
    Thailand Expat DrWilly's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Iceman123 View Post
    I think Reg has him sussed.

    Sussed from post one

  24. #49
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    Quote Originally Posted by Iceman123 View Post
    I think Reg has him sussed.
    Sharp as a fooking tac is Dill.

    Quote Originally Posted by YourDaddy View Post
    If you're really keen on building a house ask your girlfriend to get a mortgage and help with payments. If she works for the government it shouldn't be a problem. That way if anything happens in the future at least you won't feel like a fool
    YD wrote the manual on getting a woman to "Take Care". PM him for further advice, although you may need to read round the paragraphs on gastrointestinal complaints.

  25. #50
    hallelujah's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Justme78 View Post
    Im tired to work every week around 65 to 70 hours and to be treat like a shit. Security moans at you, transport manager moans at you, forklift driver moans at you, even the janitor can take a piss on you. Can you develop that teacher for english idea? Im also study at Bedfordshire university MB for Business management im year 2. Only 2 left to finish
    There's a lad on here who just gave up driving a bus in Birmingham, so maybe he can help you out with a new job back in England instead of losing it all to a "cashier" up in Isaan?

    As far as I'm aware, the only issues he had were having his lunch nicked off him and the odd bit of bullying by a couple of gangs of girls on the school run, but he seemed to like it in the main. I think he even found a new boyfriend for a bit of fun on the back seat too.

    His username on here is OLEgend.

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