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  1. #1
    Northern Hermit
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    Artistic License and the Thai Language

    Today it's a beautiful spring-like day in CM. The sun is warm on your back, the air; cool. Days like this, not quite crisp, but with a bright and clean feel to 'em give me reason for a short walk; well that, and I was out of smokes.
    I was walking along and had to smile as a neighbor was trying to cajole her miny-mutt awayfrom sniffing truck tires and the like. I started to say to the lady, "Oh nevermeind, he's just reading he Doggy newspaper." It dawned on me before I spoke (thak god) this lady would most likely look at in a wierd way, shake her head and mutter someting about "crazy farang talkng rubbish." I shut up and walked away.
    Got me to thinkin' the Thais (for the most part) do not seem to use the same colors in language that many western folks do. The language seems to have some idiom, but only commonly accpeted idiom at that. Is the Thai language dead or dying? Are there any lliterary artists among the Thais? Is colorful speech ever used?
    Or am I still such a linguistic neophyte it all passes completely over me head?
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  2. #2
    born of a jackal
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    not sure , my Thai's fairly basic but I feel you're right on this one.

  3. #3
    Thailand Expat
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    One of my students tried to use a Korean idiom in an English essay yesterday. Needless to say, I didn't have a clue what he was trying to say.

    Thai has a wealth of sayings (not that I know any), which can be used when appropriate, but trying to use translated English ones is asking for trouble.

  4. #4
    Thailand Expat
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    I do know they have kill two birds with one stone. And the stones and glass houses one. Shall ask the better half.

  5. #5
    Northern Hermit
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    I've asked mine and get this blank stare...
    get that alot. Just wonder if there is ever some spontaneous colorful speech you know like can any thai appreciate a spontaneous metaphor? not that other kid of colorful speech

  6. #6
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    They have hundreds of them ! (not that i know them all)

    first example that comes to my mind is "to fly a kite" = wanking!

  7. #7
    Thailand Expat
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    25-03-2014 @ 05:29 PM
    That is the problem with those Thai kites, they just won't stay up without pulling them

  8. #8
    Thailand Expat
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    To shoot the rabbit= to be in the great outdoors.

  9. #9
    Northern Hermit
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    yeah The Thai language is peppered with idiom such as these. And I guess it is quite colorful & humorous in it's euphemisms and idiom. Thing is, it appears the approach to idiom and metaphor is quite rigid. Are there Thai poets and writers/comedians that use a less format or approach to unusual, original uses of the language?
    I'm certainly inexperienced in the language, have alot to learn. But trying to intereject humor into a cnoversation has gotten me so many blank stares and quizzical looks I've all but given up.
    Now if I take the time to explain the joke sometimes the little lady gives that 'ahhh ahhh, Kow jai leaw' then walks away muttering. Guess sticking to potty humor is safest. Always tickles the sister un-laws

  10. #10
    Thailand Expat
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    I think it's the fact that their humour isn't very developed.

  11. #11
    Northern Hermit
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    Guess that's what i'm gettin' at. met this Guy they call 'The Nose' here in Chinagmai My GF get all giggley and girlish. She shows me a video of him. The humor was...
    immature, childish. Wonderng will it ever make sense to me Is it a failin on my part? Or is the humor just not developed?
    Are there any Thai poets? anyone here read enoguth Thai to take on a novel? be interesting to see what Thai literature is like. See lots o' them comic book novels though.

  12. #12
    Thailand Expat
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    Mostly in Northern Thailand.
    From what I have seen in Thailand, humour is a participatory sport - so obscure jokes are not appreciated.

    Your metaphor with the doggy newspaper would require the listener to understand why dogs sniff other dogs' shit and piss... and most people here seem uninterested in learning much about their pets as long as they are na ruck in a sweater during the cold season.

    Dunno if it is 'undeveloped' humour, or just different. I do have a problem with it though, because my humour is mostly based on sarcasm and weird connotations - sometimes even my fellow countrymen dont understand what I am on about, so it would be asking for a lot to expect Thais to catch on any quicker.

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