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  1. #1
    Thailand Expat
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    My throat and asshole problems

    Not really Thailand related coz I'm in Perth now. Recently I've had trouble swallowing stuff on the last occasion a bit of meat was stuck there for a couple of days I could get a bit of water past the obstruction but it wasn't going down . Day 3 I drank sips of cooking oil and it eventually slid down but this was alarming to me because it's not the first time so I sought out a specialist who booked me In for a gastroscopy in a few weeks time. At the same time my results came back from the national bowel cancer screening dept that send you a kit in the mail for all Australians over 55 every 3 years you simply take a dump stick it in the container and post it back. " brilliant" my result came back as positive for fecul blood occult and they recommended a colonoscopy. I got in touch with theclinic doing the gastroscopy and asked if both could be done at the same time
    Last edited by BLD; 27-02-2023 at 05:31 PM.

  2. #2
    Thailand Expat
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    They said sure . But I requested they do the gastroscopy first if using the same camera. All up it was a pretty simple and painless procedure and a polyp got snipped of but non cancerous ,the throat issue is ongoing , I've been back twice now and maybe 2 more times will sort it out. The basic underlying problem was gastric reflux acid build up.
    They send a balloon down My throat to stretch the esophagus ? They can't do it all at once . Back again 2 weeks time. I'm sedated so don't even know what the fucks going on
    Last edited by BLD; 27-02-2023 at 05:34 PM.

  3. #3
    Thailand Expat
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    I've treated my throat pretty good over the years,kept it well lubricated and surprised the barstard let me down

  4. #4
    Thailand Expat VocalNeal's Avatar
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    Will the two probes meet in the middle?

  5. #5
    Thailand Expat
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    Quote Originally Posted by VocalNeal View Post
    Will the two probes meet in the middle?
    My throat and asshole problems-20230227_180946-jpg
    That's my throat.can see an improvement from the first crack at it.pretty soon I,ll be inhaling t bones

  6. #6
    Thailand Expat
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    Gotta admit I was pretty worried that it might of been throat cancer, that happened to a mate of mine, had to do a bunch of chemo and was life changing. Apparently eating pussy is a factor? Bad clam? Stay safe boys. Follow the rule. Tastes like chicken keep on lickin tastes like trout.get the fuck out. BLD tip #1

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by VocalNeal View Post
    Will the two probes meet in the middle?
    I am a big asshole so it's possible

  8. #8
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    I hope it all works out for you BLD!

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by BLD View Post
    Gotta admit I was pretty worried that it might of been throat cancer...
    You really really don't ever want to get that mate, I've had several friends die from it and it's not a pleasant way to go. Our old buddy from AC Cheyenne was one of them, you remember how huge that guy was but he weighed under 70kg when he died after not being able to eat in his last few months, his last gasps taken from the tube in his throat. 2 packs of Winnie Blues every day for years put him in an early grave

    Anyways, take care of your health BLD because it's our biggest asset.

  10. #10
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    You’ll be fine mate. At least you are getting decent healthcare back home.

    Unlike the sad bitch LD. He is just addicted to misery. His own usually, but he’s good at making shit up about others.

    He even fakes SAD to go with his curtain twitching fishwifery.
    Philosophy is questions that may never be answered. Religion is answers that may never be questioned.

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by Headworx View Post
    You really really don't ever want to get that mate, I've had several friends die from it and it's not a pleasant way to go. Our old buddy from AC Cheyenne was one of them, you remember how huge that guy was but he weighed under 70kg when he died after not being able to eat in his last few months, his last gasps taken from the tube in his throat. 2 packs of Winnie Blues every day for years put him in an early grave

    Anyways, take care of your health BLD because it's our biggest asset.
    Yeah I remember Cheyenne, didn't know about his throat cancer or death though. Sorry to hear that . Recently a Canadian mate of mine Roy in olongapo went through it but had the chemo in Canada, lost his Santa Claus beard but still alive .

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by Headworx View Post
    You really really don't ever want to get that mate, I've had several friends die from it and it's not a pleasant way to go. Our old buddy from AC Cheyenne was one of them, you remember how huge that guy was but he weighed under 70kg when he died after not being able to eat in his last few months, his last gasps taken from the tube in his throat. 2 packs of Winnie Blues every day for years put him in an early grave

    Anyways, take care of your health BLD because it's our biggest asset.
    I was a heavy smoker for years but haven't touched one for 3 years since being back in Oz. It's a coont of a habit that will kill us eventually.

  13. #13
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    In 2 weeks time I go again to stretch that rascal. It's at 14.5 and the doc is aiming for 16.5 . Perfect. I will celebrate with a wagyu steak or a lobster. Or both. Fuck it

  14. #14
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    sounds like an OK outcome - reading it initially sound bad - can't swallow!!
    I've suffered from gastric reflux for quite a while - nexium fro about a decade but thats gone out of favour - evidence that it might increase bowel cancer.
    So I stopped it - managing the diet is the way but that takes a while - cos a lot of good stuff has to go.

    good luck.

  15. #15
    last farang standing
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    What was the diagnosis bld? It could be oesophagial dysphasia. The oesophagus pushes food down to the stomach in a perastaltic action and sometimes this gets out of whack and the food gets stuck in the oesophagus. They check by puting a probe through your nose down through your oesophagus down to the oesophagial sphincter at the top of the stomach. Unfortunately this is done with no sedation at all as you have to be fully awake. They then get you to eat something soft and the probe checks the pressure applied by the muscles surrounding the oesophagus. If you have this problem be careful what you eat. I have been in hospital twice to have food removed.

  16. #16
    Thailand Expat DrWilly's Avatar
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    GWS mate!

    Enjoy that Tbone!

  17. #17
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    Good luck BLD

    could have been worse

    I went in for ingrowing toenail, explaining to the nurse it was hard to change sox, came round todgerless....

    Now I'm Wubba Janey

    My tits have groan , I've become a backseat driver and oddly attracted to Lakorn and ladies dwinks

    If there are spare knobs downunder send asap cash waiting
    Quote Originally Posted by taxexile View Post
    confirming ones superiority over the gutter dwelling pond life

  18. #18
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    Sorry to hear that BLD as difficulty swallowing is no fun. Have you been taking anything like Omeprazole or Miracid for the GERD? How many years?

  19. #19
    Thailand Expat
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    Yes it s a generic omeprazole.

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