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  1. #1
    Thailand Expat KEVIN2008's Avatar
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    Give Up The Cigs...

    I stopped smoking about ten years ago. It was one of the few good decisions I’ve made in my life and, since that day, I haven’t missed cigarettes at all. I don’t miss them. I didn't miss them the first day I stopped and I still don’t.

    Let me provide a small bit of context to give you some feeling for the depth of my addiction. I was the person who had three cigarettes before getting out of bed. I was that disgusting bastard who used to wake up at four in the morning and hobble downstairs for a coffee and a smoke. I used to say, Hey! It’s time for a delicious, fibre-rich, vitamin-packed cigarette, bursting with all the essential nutrients and vitamins essential for daily health and vitality.

    Did i like cigs......I fucking loved them.

    If you’re a serious smoker, you’ll recognise this. You know when you have a cigarette on the go, and the idea comes into your mind:.... fuck I’d love a smoke. So you do!! You light up another while the first one is burning away in the ashtray. I was that guy and I understand your experience. But I don’t do it anymore. I don’t smoke......disgusting habit

    Why am I telling you this? Very good question. I don’t give two shits if you smoke or not. It’s your problem. I’m only telling you this because it was the first thing that came into my mind, but it is actually true. I was the worst smoker in the world, and I stopped with no ill effects at all. Send me a million quid and I’ll tell you the secret.

    Ahh shit...... I’m going to tell you the secret for nothing. Do you want to be a non-smoker? Right, then. Here’s the secret. Don’t buy them and don’t light them. Before you know it, you’ll be a non-smoker too.

  2. #2
    Thailand Expat misskit's Avatar
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    Smoking sucks. I quit shortly after looking into a good friend's coffin and seeing him there, with his eyes sewn shut, dead from heart disease brought on by smoking. He was only two years older than me. Started taking Quomem and was rid of the habit pretty soon afterwards.

  3. #3
    Thailand Expat Storekeeper's Avatar
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    There was a long running thread about smoking many moons ago here on TD. Was searching for it a few weeks back but no joy.

  4. #4
    En route
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    01-06-2024 @ 11:26 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by KEVIN2008 View Post
    I stopped smoking about ten years ago. It was one of the few good decisions I’ve made in my life and, since that day, I haven’t missed cigarettes at all. I don’t miss them. I didn't miss them the first day I stopped and I still don’t.

    Let me provide a small bit of context to give you some feeling for the depth of my addiction. I was the person who had three cigarettes before getting out of bed. I was that disgusting bastard who used to wake up at four in the morning and hobble downstairs for a coffee and a smoke. I used to say, Hey! It’s time for a delicious, fibre-rich, vitamin-packed cigarette, bursting with all the essential nutrients and vitamins essential for daily health and vitality.

    Did i like cigs......I fucking loved them.

    If you’re a serious smoker, you’ll recognise this. You know when you have a cigarette on the go, and the idea comes into your mind:.... fuck I’d love a smoke. So you do!! You light up another while the first one is burning away in the ashtray. I was that guy and I understand your experience. But I don’t do it anymore. I don’t smoke......disgusting habit

    Why am I telling you this? Very good question. I don’t give two shits if you smoke or not. It’s your problem. I’m only telling you this because it was the first thing that came into my mind, but it is actually true. I was the worst smoker in the world, and I stopped with no ill effects at all. Send me a million quid and I’ll tell you the secret.

    Ahh shit...... I’m going to tell you the secret for nothing. Do you want to be a non-smoker? Right, then. Here’s the secret. Don’t buy them and don’t light them. Before you know it, you’ll be a non-smoker too.
    The very first thing to do is MAKE THE DECISION and simply abide by the decision you made.
    I gave up in November 2009. Best thing i ever did but man did I go through withdrawal. Those cigarettes REALLY wanted me back and they put me through all sorts of pain.
    I was bloody mental for about a week but it was 'the addiction' or me and I wasn't going to let that fucker win. I had made the decision.
    Agree with Kevin. Best thing I ever did.
    “If we stop testing right now we’d have very few cases, if any.” Donald J Trump.

  5. #5

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    I am currently still stuck in Australia, and my darling wife is due back from hols in LOS on Wednesday. She hates me smoking, when we met I had given up on one of my previous attempts. Anyway she has laid don the law this time, if I haven't given up by the time she arrives home she is not going to talk to me!! I've been on the champix tablets for a couple of weeks and finished the last packet of smokes I'm going to buy this morning ( now A$19 /pkt 25!!) so wish me luck!!!

  6. #6
    Thailand Expat misskit's Avatar
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    ^You can do it, FatOne.

    Good Luck!

  7. #7
    nigelandjan's Avatar
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    Well done Kev and good luck FO ,, its not easy and takes a hell of a lot of willpower.

    I gave up 40 years ago , was a heavy smoker to then , like you I just did it

    I hate the poxy things now , whenever we go motorbike racing theres always a smoker who continually smokes downwind from us , the next day I,m hacking shit out me throat most of the day , best thing ever its not allowed in restaurants anymore in the UK
    I'm proud of my 38" waist , also proud I have never done drugs

  8. #8
    On a walkabout Loy Toy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by FatOne
    Anyway she has laid don the law this time, if I haven't given up by the time she arrives home she is not going to talk to me!!
    Quote Originally Posted by FatOne
    ( now A$19 /pkt 25!!)
    I doubt she will bring you back some duty free ciggies mate.

    My wife and kids are on my back all the time about giving up.

    One day I will and when I really want to.

  9. #9
    Thailand Expat VocalNeal's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by KEVIN2008 View Post
    Here’s the secret. Don’t buy them and don’t light them. Before you know it, you’ll be a non-smoker too.
    When the buying stops the smoking can too.

  10. #10
    I'm in Jail

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    Quote Originally Posted by Loy Toy View Post

    My wife and kids are on my back all the time about giving up.

    One day I will and when I really want to.
    An awareness of the proximity of death, and how fast cigarettes can get you there, gives a person great willpower. Not to mention the other consequences, such as emphysema.

  11. #11
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    I am happy for you kevin. You were in a bad situation.

  12. #12
    Molecular Mixup
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    Quote Originally Posted by KEVIN2008
    Did i like cigs......I fucking loved them.

    having never smoked I'd be interested to hear described exactly what the experience feels like is that makes it so wonderful?
    Guess its hard to put in words.

    I heard a smoker once say if he smoked slow it relaxed him- fast it gave him a pick up ....can that be true .

    Coming from a poor part of south yorkshire as a child, seeing many heavy smokers i never saw the attraction : still young people already with a disgusting constant phlegmy cough, and the grim look of an addict .Pathetically addicted too to the habit of holding one in their fingers or lips , like a baby needs the comfort of a dummy.

  13. #13
    DrB0b's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by blue
    having never smoked I'd be interested to hear described exactly what the experience feels like is that makes it so wonderful?
    Guess its hard to put in words.

    I heard a smoker once say if he smoked slow it relaxed him- fast it gave him a pick up ....can that be true
    It's easy to put in words. There is NO initial pleasure in starting to smoke other than the silly belief that it makes you look cool or helps you fit in with your peer group. Nicotine is addictive, once you're addicted you're subject to withdrawal symptoms - smoking another cigarette alleviates those withdrawal symptoms for 20 minutes or so, then they come back. All the pleasure that's in a cigarette comes from alleviating the withdrawal symptoms. Sure, cigarettes relax you, that's because your need for another nicotine hit made you tense. Sure cigarettes pick you up, that's because your need for another nicotine hit stops you from enjoying whatever you're doing when the need hits you.

    I smoked cigs for 30 years, it's a mugs game. The only pleasure they provide is the pleasure of staving off withdrawals caused by that last cigarette you smoked. What's amazing is the justification that smokers will come up with to disguise that simple, medically proven, fact.

    Think about it, Blue. Are you, of all people, saying you wonder what the pleasures of sucking on a fag might be like?

  14. #14

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    Quote Originally Posted by FatOne
    she has laid don the law this time, if I haven't given up by the time she arrives home she is not going to talk to me
    Win win

  15. #15
    splendid and tremendous
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    I smoke two cigarettes a day - one in the morning, one in the evening.

    Costs me about 8 pounds a month. Probably the same as a 20 a day habit in Thailand.

  16. #16
    Thailand Expat Storekeeper's Avatar
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    OK DR Bob ... I shall give it another try starting tomorrow morning.

  17. #17
    Thailand Expat KEVIN2008's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DrB0b View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by blue
    having never smoked I'd be interested to hear described exactly what the experience feels like is that makes it so wonderful?
    Guess its hard to put in words.

    I heard a smoker once say if he smoked slow it relaxed him- fast it gave him a pick up ....can that be true
    It's easy to put in words. There is NO initial pleasure in starting to smoke other than the silly belief that it makes you look cool or helps you fit in with your peer group. Nicotine is addictive, once you're addicted you're subject to withdrawal symptoms - smoking another cigarette alleviates those withdrawal symptoms for 20 minutes or so, then they come back. All the pleasure that's in a cigarette comes from alleviating the withdrawal symptoms. Sure, cigarettes relax you, that's because your need for another nicotine hit made you tense. Sure cigarettes pick you up, that's because your need for another nicotine hit stops you from enjoying whatever you're doing when the need hits you.

    I smoked cigs for 30 years, it's a mugs game. The only pleasure they provide is the pleasure of staving off withdrawals caused by that last cigarette you smoked. What's amazing is the justification that smokers will come up with to disguise that simple, medically proven, fact.

    Think about it, Blue. Are you, of all people, saying you wonder what the pleasures of sucking on a fag might be like?

  18. #18
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    About 12 years ago I was doing 3 packs a day.

    I got hypnotised here in Pattaya (not for the first time) by a Scouser called Chris, I've never smoked since.

    Thanks Chris.

  19. #19
    nigelandjan's Avatar
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    Did you check your hubcaps were still on your car ^ before you went home ?

  20. #20
    Thailand Expat Storekeeper's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Storekeeper View Post
    OK DR Bob ... I shall give it another try starting tomorrow morning.
    Felt good ... felt strong and then gave in at about 1300. No joy today.

  21. #21

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    With the help of the tablets I've ben giving up slowly. Was a 25 cig pkt a day habit, last week took me 7 days to smoke a pkt. Wife comes home today so haven't had one for 3 days. Still have some cravings, but not too bad.

  22. #22
    Thailand Expat Boon Mee's Avatar
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    Never really took up the habit.

    Smoking those Way-Out Woodbines was enough for me!

  23. #23
    Thailand Expat KEVIN2008's Avatar
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    The Bible was a consolation to a fellow alone in the old cell. The lovely thin paper with a bit of matress stuffing in it, if you could get a match, was as good a smoke as I ever tasted.

    Brendan Behan

  24. #24
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    I've tried and failed a few times.

    Been on the dreaded affliction since I was 24, still at it 20 years later.

    For me it's a stress releaver that's mine and only mine.

    I enjoy the odd menthol low strength cig (5 times a day) when needed.

    i'd like to give up but I enjoy it.

    Yes I think of my family etc but I keep an active life and my grandmother lived to be 86 and smoked 40 woodbine a day.

    I reckon the governmen's just need to ban tobacco sales outright-problem solved.

    If it was not there then I wouldn't do it.

    My take on it and congratulations to everyone on here who has kicked this terrible afflication.


  25. #25

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    The Govt will never ban a really good revenue raiser! The hospital system would collapse without cig taxes!!!

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