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  1. #76
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chittychangchang View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Troy View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by ChiangMai noon
    what's that...about 12 km? that's way faster than i can manage
    I used the running test tables below to judge the speed I should be running, together with a heart rate monitor to make sure I don't overdo things. In fact the monitor is the reason for me slowing down most of the time.
    Running Test

    A lot of the guys at work are using the Runtastic app to log their runs and times. It has been a good way to keep them motivated. I am sticking to the cross-trainer for now because I have a weak knee that used to collapse quite dramatically when playing football (caused me to give up in my early forties).

    I learnt a couple of things about my body when using the heart monitor that I never really understood before.

    Firstly, it always took me 20 lengths of the pool to warm up and I always lost the first set in tennis, squash etc. Now I find out my heart rate goes up quickly to start with and then slows right down again after around 15 minutes. So that's why we were always made to run round the rugby pitch before a game.

    Secondly, my speciality was change of pace on the field or a fast sprint immediately after a stop in the game. When I check the monitor after I stop/start, my heart rate jumps way high at the stop point expecting a quick power cycle very soon and stays there if I exert a lot of power or slows down dramatically if I resume slowly.

    Not sure if this is the same for everyone or something that developed due to use, but a couple of things I wish I'd known 30-40 years ago...
    Going to try the running test and see how i do on the table.
    Will be my warm up before i do some upper body weights.

    Jogging at an average of 6.3 MPH i got
    45 Percentile 14:08 Time
    With the study are you supposed to run flat out?

    Those who do not find time for exercise now will have to find time for illness. --The Earl of Derby, 1873


  2. #77
    . Neverna's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chittychangchang View Post
    Jogging at an average of 6.3 MPH i got
    45 Percentile 14:08 Time
    With the study are you supposed to run flat out?
    Yes. It's a test. Think of it as a race between you and everybody else. The table just gives you a way to compare your time with those of others.
    I should be in the 95 percentile.

  3. #78
    punk douche bag
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    o dan y bryn

    my knee has seized up for the first time since i started running again a few years back

    i had several ligament fixing arthroscopies and cruciate surgery on my left knee way back in my rugby playing days

    i haven't been able to bend it for the last two days

    feels like i would expect arthritis to feel

    not happy

  4. #79
    . Neverna's Avatar
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    Oh dear. I hope it clears up quickly.

    You might need some lubrication ...

  5. #80
    punk douche bag
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    o dan y bryn
    i'm going to drink most of a litre vodka and see how it works out

  6. #81
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    The OP hasn't posted much on this thread.

  7. #82
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    Quote Originally Posted by JPPR2
    Sustainable weight
    I sleep way better
    Lots of energy during the day
    Avoid personal injury as you retain your coordination
    Sex life is WAY better
    I can always see my junk and do not need a mirror over the toilet
    Keeps cost down as I do not need to buy new clothes
    No medical costs
    and overall just feel significantly better.

    I will make my own list up now instead of copying and pasting..

    -I have taken my cholesterol and BP down considerably. I am now in the normal range for all my blood tests. Got a clean bill of health a month ago.
    -I was sick with bad acid reflux and leaky gut as well as muscle back spasms for quite some time this past year...but now it is all gone because of my change in lifestyle.
    -More energy
    -sleep better
    -better sex drive
    -less stress and depression

  8. #83
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    Quote Originally Posted by ChiangMai noon
    i haven't been able to bend it for the last two days

    feels like i would expect arthritis to feel

    not happy
    Shit, sorry to hear that. Rest it up.. have you ever had it looked at by the doctor? Anything they can do about it?

  9. #84
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    Quote Originally Posted by ChiangMai noon
    i'm going to drink most of a litre vodka and see how it works out
    Don't do that... you aren't drinking again are you?

  10. #85
    punk douche bag
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    Quote Originally Posted by MissTraveller
    you aren't drinking again are you?

    i've finished it all and the shops are shut

  11. #86
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mr Lick
    Went for a bracing walk along Bournemouth seafront today. Starting at Boscombe town centre finishing 3 hours later at Boscombe.

    The exercise was later in the day well balanced against 3 pints of Marstons ale
    That's awesome with the walking!

  12. #87
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chittychangchang
    Jogging at an average of 6.3 MPH i got 45 Percentile 14:08 Time With the study are you supposed to run flat out?
    Remember it's only a guide and don't overdo it. Much depends on your size (height and build) for running times.

    I posted it for those wanting to get an idea of how they were doing for their age. It helped me judge what was a sensible speed for me at my age but I ensure I never go over 85% of max heart-rate.

  13. #88
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    What model of HRM have you got, Troy?

  14. #89
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    Good convo...keep it going.

    I'm off today to do what I was supposed to do yesterday, but wasn't feeling well.
    Run intervals, tan and sit in the steam sauna and contemplate life.

    Have a fit day everyone! Mwah!

  15. #90
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    Let us know what intervals you did, MisTy. (number, distance, time, rest).

  16. #91
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    Quote Originally Posted by Neverna
    What model of HRM have you got, Troy?
    I've got a chest strap and one of the ones that attaches to the ear. They are for the Kettler CTR3:

    I got it because it was going cheap (out of production due to new models) and it is used at many surgeries for cardio testing. The HRM is very accurate.

    The ear attachment is not as accurate as the chest strap but it's more convenient for daily use and the error is on the safe side (overreads).

    There are quite a few HRMs that can be used with a mobile phone but not sure how good they are.

  17. #92
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    I've got a cheap Polar HRM (FT1 I think). Cost about 40 quid. I haven't used it for a while though. It's OK for the money. I used to own a much better Polar HRM that I used to use a lot. It was the dog's bollocks. They don't make that model any more, unfortunately.


  18. #93
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    ^ looks to be pretty good value for money.

    I was in panic mode when I got my machine and HRM but I'm very pleased with them and I feel a whole lot better now. I posted my sugar levels, when I went to see the Doc, on a different thread and he did a pretty good job of scaring the hell out of me.

  19. #94
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    It's basic but it reads the heart rate, has big numbers for ease of viewing, and has a settable target zone (upper and lower levels). The target zone alarms are great for making sure you stay at the right intensity. Did your doctor give you a target range for your heart rate when exercising?
    Last edited by Neverna; 30-01-2014 at 02:05 AM.

  20. #95
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    Quote Originally Posted by Neverna
    Did your doctor give you a target range for your heart rate when exercising?
    No he didn't. He gave me an ECG whilst I was exercising on a cycle machine once he knew I had started running and results were excellent. He just warned against over doing it without being more specific. The main thing is that from having to see him every other day, I only need to pop in every three months now to get some more diabetic tablets and he's thinking about me stopping them next time as well.

  21. #96
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    Quote Originally Posted by prawnograph
    I logged 5,700km on mapmyride last year, aim for around 500km as each month's target, travel (and last year an accident - 'sidecar hits bicycle') intervene at times
    I have some gut-busting rides where I maintain average over 30km/h, but yesterday's route - apart from the first 20km of highway and traffic - rest is rural and I tend to drift off - take in the scenery. After all, there is no hurry.
    Great job! I didn't know they had that app.... but I've used mapmyrun quite often in the past.

    Quote Originally Posted by Chittychangchang
    Going to try the running test and see how i do on the table.
    Will be my warm up before i do some upper body weights.
    How did it go?

    Did my intervals yesterday at 6.9mph at my fastest for 30 secs, then walked for 60 secs and repeat running fro a total of 20 minutes... as Neverna was asking.

  22. #97
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    Quote Originally Posted by Troy
    , I only need to pop in every three months now to get some more diabetic tablets and he's thinking about me stopping them next time as well
    That is excellent news!

  23. #98
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    o dan y bryn
    the bottle of vodka helped

    my knee appears to be fully recovered and i thought i had a real issue

    did a short walk and jog

    will get back into some real exercise tomorrow

  24. #99
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    Quote Originally Posted by ChiangMai noon
    will get back into some real exercise tomorrow
    ya better, don't wimp out on me now or I'll kick yo ass Jillian Michaels stylee.

  25. #100

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    Let's see....

    About six cigarettes, couple cups of coffee, shot or two, etc.

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