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  1. #576
    Thailand Expat
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    Quote Originally Posted by Edmond View Post
    Reckon Nelson would be up on top of that Mendo?
    Nelson would be on and off again in an instant, before she knew what hit her.

    He's a real chip off the old block.

    I have to say, your new 'girlfriend' certainly seems to know a cock when she sees one!

    Anyway, Ootai popped in today as we'd ordered a few new chickens, and went to pick them up during the school run.

    I was nominated driver...

    They only had four left so ootai took them all, seeing as he'd driven over from deepest, darkest Isaan. I can pick some up on Saturday when they should have a new batch. They are usually sold at around five months old and come straight from the rearing station. They should start to lay in the next few weeks.

    Yeah, thanks ootai!

    Sorry, in case of any misunderstanding, it was ootai's new chickens that made the mess, not ootai.

    And off to Buriram they went in the boot of ootai's hatchback, which he'd sensibly lined with a plastic sheet.

    Good luck, girls.

  2. #577
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    I thought I might give you an update on the four hens I bought home last week. They are living the dream and it will only get better once I have kept then in the hen house for a while longer then they will go full free range, hope they don't get lost or eaten by my semi-feral barn cats. I find chickens quite fascinating and have yet to make up my mind whether they are stupid or very smart. Probably the latter since I'm the one who has to do all the work while they do stuff all.

    Anyway once I got home from korat they were put straight into their new home.
    Well I was going to post a few pictures but it seems things are not the same here at TD anymore and I don't have permission to post pictures .

    I will do what they suggested and log off and the try again.

    He's back!!!
    My Splendid Cock-1-jpg
    Checking out the new digs.

    My Splendid Cock-6-jpg

    My Splendid Cock-3-jpg
    This my rooster in the morning he gets up on this old bent over bananna and crows to let everyone around know he's awake

    My Splendid Cock-7-jpg
    On Saturday I build a small outside enclosure so they could experiance grass and they loved it

    My Splendid Cock-4-jpg
    More of the same

    My Splendid Cock-5-jpg
    and still there's more

    My Splendid Cock-2-jpg
    On the first night I went to check that they had made it up onto the perches but they had decided they liked this corner better so i had to pick them up onr by one and put them up on the perch, maybe they are stupid ( maybe their Brits).

    Anyway last night 2 had managed to get up onto the perches and tonight all four had made it. Just another passing comment for those eating their dinner. Today while emptying the rubbish bin I found a plastic bag that had a pile of fresh maggots inside so i took it ove and emptied in for the hens and they went crazy a bit like mendy chasing a ya dong.
    Last edited by ootai; 24-06-2024 at 07:28 PM.

  3. #578
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    Quote Originally Posted by ootai View Post
    so they could experiance grass and they loved it
    Ah yes, the joys of leaving Korat.

    Look like some nice hens, those.

  4. #579
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    Quote Originally Posted by ootai View Post
    I find chickens quite fascinating and have yet to make up my mind whether they are stupid or very smart.
    I would have to say that for you Aussies, chickens must appear pretty smart.

    I personally find them pretty dull but enjoyable and pleasant company, and more stimulating than the average Isaanite around these parts.

    Anyway, today we went to to collect our three new chickens from the shop.

    Probably their first and last experience of aircon.

    Good luck girls. Now that the daughter is all grown up we don't have a naming ceremony any more. She says that it's 'stupid'.

    These three girls remained un-named (and try saying that after a Ya Dong).

    The daughter also says that pulling silly faces for chicken pics is 'stupid'. She was much more fun when she was three years old, instead of this grown up teenager that she has become.

    Mind, even the chickens soon tired of my antics and escaped my grasp. Unlike Ootai's pampered girls, I let mine spend the night at ground level in one of the hutches. I am sure that Nelson will have them roosting alongside him, up in the chicken run roof beams, very soon.

  5. #580
    Thailand Expat klong toey's Avatar
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    Spotted these two heading into the rubber plantation, young lover's off for a bit of fun.

  6. #581
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    ^^Have you decided to take on 5 star chicken, now, after yesterday's lack lustre chicken sausage?

  7. #582
    Thailand Expat DrWilly's Avatar
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    is there anyway of automating the repos so I just green Reg for every picture post he puts up?

  8. #583
    CCBW Stumpy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Reg Dingle View Post
    ^^Have you decided to take on 5 star chicken, now, after yesterday's lack lustre chicken sausage?

    I can't stop laughing. My wife walked by and said "what's so funny?" I said well Dillinger posted some pics about this guy with a handful of chickens with a lady boy and his dog with its nutsack on the cement. Even she laughed and didn't even need to see the pic.

    Quality stuff.

    Green owed.

  9. #584
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    by the seaside.
    WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!

  10. #585
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    Reg has got d mad skills for sure. Out of greens

  11. #586
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    ^ I don't really think that it's very clever, to be honest.

  12. #587
    Thailand Expat DrWilly's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mendip View Post
    ^ I don't really think that it's very clever, to be honest.

  13. #588
    CCBW Stumpy's Avatar
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    ^ + 1 to that. That's an awesome billboard. Should be on the walk over as you go by "The Mall" in Korat.

  14. #589
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    ^^Sorry for being a cock, mate

    On a serious note...
    .Is that an ostrich egg or some kind of genital elephantiasis?


  15. #590
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    Completely and absolutely FFS... this must be what happens when a forum just breaks down.

    I have actually been accused of having 'genital elephantitis' on many occasions, but not quite like that.

    And where's the relevance to 'My Splendid Cock'? Let's please keep this on topic.

    Oh... I see what you mean now.

  16. #591
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    Candi jism, not Colonel Sander's beard, I presume.

  17. #592
    Thailand Expat helge's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mendip View Post
    Now that the daughter is all grown up we don't have a naming ceremony any more. She says that it's 'stupid'.
    Quote Originally Posted by Mendip View Post
    These three girls remained un-named (and try saying that after a Ya Dong).
    Naming them Jess 1, Jess 2 and Jess 3 would be in order then.

    Have a nice holiday

  18. #593
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mendip View Post
    Completely and absolutely FFS... this must be what happens when a forum just breaks down.

    I have actually been accused of having 'genital elephantitis' on many occasions, but not quite like that.

    And where's the relevance to 'My Splendid Cock'? Let's please keep this on topic.

    Oh... I see what you mean now.
    They have cocked that right up mendy

  19. #594
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    We're off to Ol' Blighty in a few days and I've been busy getting a few loose ends cleared up, and yesterday was the chicken's turn.

    Since I lost almost an entire flock to fowl cholera a few years ago I have religiously vaccinated my chickens every six months, and not lost a single bird since. When I bought the three new egg layers last week I also picked up a bottle of vaccine and a couple of syringes. My entire flock apart from the three new hens needed vaccinating because the young birds are vaccinated on leaving the rearing stations, at around five months old. When I lost all the birds a few years ago, all succumbed to the fowl cholera apart from two new hens I had at the time, proving the effectiveness of this vaccine. It has very good efficacy, a word hardly used in normal conversation any more, after being heard daily during Covid.

    My vaccination kit.

    The vaccine, helpfully labelled in English as well as Thai.

    The dose is 1 cc / 1 ml per bird. I tend to give the smaller, bantams and wild jungle fowl hens slightly less.

    One of the more enjoyable steps is to flick the side of the syringe to get any bubbles to rise, and then squirt out the excess vaccine to reduce to the desired dosage. I am untrained but have seen this done on the telly a thousand times and so just copy.

    Nelson went first to set an example.

    I think it's important to first tend to your cock before moving on to the girls.

    The vaccine goes into the breast (chest?) muscle. This was easy with a young, strong bird like Nelson but not so with some of the old and scrawny retirees we have. This is an intramuscular injection, as opposed to the rabies or parvo vaccines I inject the dogs with. Those are subcutaneous injections which are administered just beneath the skin.

    You have to move aside the feathers, or 'bird hair' as the wife has recently taken to calling them, to expose the skin. I swear that she is regressing more and more, the longer she spends away from Australia. There can't be many parts of the world where that would be the case, but Isaan is certainly not doing her mental acuity any good.

    And then onto the girls.

    They were surprisingly hard to capture, even within the confines of the chicken run.

    The slower and more cumbersome red hens were fairly easy to catch, but not the agile bantams and wild jungle fowl hens, which were not only fast runners but pretty good flyers as well. The gardener was tasked with catching the hens while I reloaded the syringe with another dose of vaccine, and then flicked and squirted!

    As the operation progressed, the hens became increasingly more agitated until with around 5 or 6 to go, I called a halt. The risk of the birds hurting themselves by flying into the wire netting became too great, and with over 80% vaccinated I reckon that herd (flock?) immunity would have been reached.

    Anna came down to join in the fun and I'm sure that would she have joined us, she'd have had no problem catching the last few birds although they wouldn't have needed vaccinating. It was the most animated I've seen her for a long time.

    The routine was to catch a bird, inject it and then stick it in one of the hutches out of the way. At the end of play, the hutches were opened up and within ten minutes, normality was resumed.

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