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  1. #76
    Fag an bealac!
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    Could it be that you just want the unattainable?

    I know when i'm interested in a woman its all in the chase, and once things happen for me i get bored very quick.

    maybe you think cause a prostitute has been with so many men if you can capture her heart that it gives you one up on all these other men who have lived out their fatasies with your girlfriend.

    I think you should focus on the girl more than the situation, she is your girlfriend who happens to be a prostitute, not a prostitute who happens to be your girlfriend.

    But you have been around enough corners now to know if someone is taking you for a ride, just watch for the signs and don't have everyone telling you I told you so.

  2. #77
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    I really appreciate the above posts, especially that from shehiredahitman, I have been on the beer again today which is not going to help things, but I will say this to Flash - it's true that I may get bored quick once I have lanced the boil (for want of a better analagy) but it's got nothing to do with one upmanship on paying customers, it has everything to do with relating to a fellow fuck up with too many bedpost notches.

    At this time I have nothing more to add so here's another picture of an accordion.

    Last edited by The Gentleman Scamp; 29-01-2007 at 11:16 PM.
    "I'm an outsider by choice, but not truly. It's the unpleasantness of the system that keeps me out. I'd rather be in, in a good system. That's where my discontent comes from: being forced to choose to stay outside.
    My advice: Just keep movin' straight ahead. Every now and then you find yourself in a different place."

    George Carlin

  3. #78
    Fag an bealac!
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Gentleman Scamp
    it has everything to do with relating to a fellow fuck up with too many bedpost notches.
    So if you didn't class yourself as a fuck up would you lose interest?

  4. #79
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    Now there's a good question.

    Works both ways that - would she look twice at me if she was assistant manageress at HSBC or an MTV presenter?

  5. #80
    I am in Jail

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    If you was an MTV presenter you would need the biggest, shittiest stick in the world to keep her away, until Robbie Williams gave her the nod. That's all women. Flash is right in that this all boils down to your self-esteem.

    Scamp, it's a thin ledge you're walking but don't tell me you haven't walked thinner?

    Sorry I just mis-read that. No, she wouldn't look at you if she was an MTV presenter. Wouldn't look at anyone we know, either. Maybe a rock star or footballer but not us punks.

    But think of this - if you were happy & content & buzzing about life because you were in that movie game you were talking about & not miserable because some pikey fuckers are bringing you down you're more likely be more appealing to a broader spectrum of women who are likely to make you happy. Might still be some bird on the game but that's neither here nor there. Bear in mind that no matter what, after years of marital bliss she'll likely run off with your best mate or something anyway. So actually you (& me) are both in front, in a bizzarre way.

    Fuck, this might be as good as it gets for all I know. I'm staying in the game until the end though because it must get better than this.
    Last edited by shehiredahitman; 30-01-2007 at 12:04 AM.

  6. #81
    Fag an bealac!
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    They wouldn't look at you if you walk around thinking that they are better than you.

  7. #82
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    a friend of mine was engaged to a producer at MTV here and I have met some MTV presenters socially. Believe me you have a lot more going for you than most of them. I would rather have a prostitute for a gf too.

    However I have little experience of HSBC staff apart from the indians at the call centre so cannot comment on that one.

  8. #83
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    Just been online with her and she's changed again, she's not taking anything seriously and she's laughing and trying to fuck my head up so I looged off without saying goodbye and I'm going to bed and if she's here on the 1st like she said she would be, I'll sort it out then, but it's gone from Feb 1st to 9th to 1st to maybe.

    shehiredahitman, like your posts, I'll buy you a beer one day.

  9. #84
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    Indians at call centres at the nicest, sweetest, polite, caring, friendly & utterly incompetent mo' fo's I've ever had the pleasure of doing business with. I'm in insurance & the amount of companies that have switched to Indian call centres in unreal. They don't know shit. Not easy to negotiate blame with someone who has no comprehension what a traffic light, dual carrigeway or roundabout is.

    Anybody in the UK wishing to avoid Indian call centres use Direct Line or a broker.

  10. #85
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    this relationship does smell of an esteem issue, I would explore that further if you could. In life we recruit people to act out certain roles from our earlier childhood, so this woman might represent a female figure from your childhood who wasn't as available as she should of been

    I thought the THE FIRST DATE - Early Dec 2006 dialogue was pretty well written IMHO, nice job.
    "I'm never gonna work another day in my life
    The gods told me to relax
    They said I'm gonna be fixed up right
    Monster Magnet

  11. #86
    I am in Jail

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    Quote Originally Posted by bustak View Post
    In life we recruit people to act out certain roles from our earlier childhood, so this woman might represent a female figure from your childhood who wasn't as available as she should of been
    Beautiful analogy but too deep. I think a sweet young thing has got under his skin & that's that. Happening to me now. I'm still carrying pictures of the bitch who tried to have me done in in my wallet & I've even printed off a big A4 & stuck it to my mate's wall (I'm crashing at his gaff for a week or two) to ponder regularly. Fuck, I'm even planning to lurk around where she works & lives & hopefully catch a glimpse when I get to Pattaya even though I know it's going to hurt. The pain fills a gap developed in our adulthood, not something missing since childhood.

    I'm not very good as psycho-babble. I don't know if that makes sense.

  12. #87
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    Quote Originally Posted by shehiredahitman View Post
    I'm not very good as psycho-babble. I don't know if that makes sense.
    yeah, I'm all about the childhood/adult connection.

    Think about it, why do we make the same mistakes over & over, almost as if we don't have any control over this irrational behaviour. I think in a lot of cases it's something we learned @ a early age & it gets so buried in our sub-conscious, that when we act in these crazy ways, & think "why the f*ck do I keep on making the same mistakes over & over again?"

    you could be right, maybe it's not that deep, I mean looking @ his avatar, his girl is hot as hell, so it could be as simple as that!

  13. #88
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    The names have been changed to protect the innocent

    Quote Originally Posted by The Gentleman Scamp View Post
    THE FIRST DATE - Early Dec 2006

    John : Blah blah

    Jane : Blah Blah

    IT'S NOT GOING AS WELL AS I'D LIKE - Late Dec 2006

    John : Blah blah

    Jane : Blah Blah

    IT'S ALL GONE PEAR SHAPED - Early Jan 2007

    John : Blah Blah

    Jane : Blah blah

    MY LIFE'S OVER AT 33 - Mid Jan 2007

    John : Blah blah

    Jane Blah blah
    If you'd like a copy of the next exiting installment, complete with pixelated photo's

    FARANG TAKES A DIVE FROM 8TH FLOOR - available Late Jan 2007

    buy the Pattaya People Newspaper at your local shop.

  14. #89
    I am in Jail

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    Quote Originally Posted by bustak View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by shehiredahitman View Post
    I'm not very good as psycho-babble. I don't know if that makes sense.
    yeah, I'm all about the childhood/adult connection.

    Think about it, why do we make the same mistakes over & over, almost as if we don't have any control over this irrational behaviour. I think in a lot of cases it's something we learned @ a early age & it gets so buried in our sub-conscious, that when we act in these crazy ways, & think "why the f*ck do I keep on making the same mistakes over & over again?"

    you could be right, maybe it's not that deep, I mean looking @ his avatar, his girl is hot as hell, so it could be as simple as that!
    I think so.

    I was missing a dad growing up but never sought anything remotely similar in my adult life.

  15. #90
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    My mum was pretty wild and well known in the Isle Of Wight social scene back in the seventies. She loved me to bits and took me everywhere she went until some brute who had just completed a 14yr jail sentence discovered me in a pram outside a pub one December afternoon while she was inside, shitfaced, dancing on a table.

    About a week later I was snatched, kicking and screaming from her by police and social services but I don't remember, I was subsequently fostered by good but rediculously 'normal' parents who tried in vain to turn me into the normal son they had always wanted.

    Anyway, could that be why I attracted to 'dangerous' women who have good hearts deep down and offer me the challenge to win it?

    My mother by the way, was discovered dead in her mothers spare room six years ago. She just died of an excessive lifestyle and prolonged loneliness.

    I regret not having a normal life but then I wouldn't be me, and I hold no grudge against the woman who brought me into the world just because she was no good at being a mum. What counts is that she intended to be and was a good human being, she was just immature and irresponsible, much as I am.

    Grandma? Well losing your daughter when you're almost 90 and your daughter is sixty something doesn't do much for your will to live. They were re-united in October 2005.

    Anyway I am willing to get Sandra a job on the funfair and she is willing to take it on. They will probably put her on Stick-A-Card or possibly Hook-A-Duck but I doubt we will be in the same neighbourhood... I am on Mystical Hoops over by The Wild Mouse and the log flume.

    What if we have a tiff and she sleeps with one of my mates? ...That's the risk I am taking on here, but if she goes back to work in Neptunes while we get to know each other a bit more, she could end up shagging one of my colleagues anyway, or worse still - my fat cnut of a boss.
    Last edited by The Gentleman Scamp; 30-01-2007 at 05:16 AM.

  16. #91
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    Quote Originally Posted by bustak
    you could be right, maybe it's not that deep, I mean looking @ his avatar, his girl is hot as hell, so it could be as simple as that!
    In that photo I think she looks like a psychopath, look at her eyes and the way she has her arm around me as if she has 'got me'.

    I look innocent and helpless - especially in that silly hat.

  17. #92
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Gentleman Scamp View Post

    I look innocent and helpless - especially in that silly hat.
    yes i was wondering if that is your hair or some kind of hat with spaniels ears attachment. It is difficult to tell from the picture

    Take no notice of me. I am just a boring old square.

  18. #93
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Gentleman Scamp View Post
    Now there's a good question.

    Works both ways that - would she look twice at me if she was assistant manageress at HSBC or an MTV presenter?
    Look at it this way - would an assistant manageress or MTV presenter be interested in a guy who dates whores?

    Me thinks you need to grab a hold of yourself, straighten yourself out, stop feeling sorry for yourself, and then when that task is completed, set your sights a bit higher when it comes to women.

    Cutting drown on your drinking sounds like a good first step.

    Sorry if I come across as a little bit hash, but I think most other posters here are pussyfooting around. This is your life, and you can make it a success or a failure. Be a man, for fucks sake!
    Any error in tact, fact or spelling is purely due to transmissional errors...

  19. #94
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    Why isn't this thread in the trolling section ?

  20. #95
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    Quote Originally Posted by lom View Post
    Why isn't this thread in the trolling section ?
    because this isnt thaivisa, so we can just take it as a real story or just entertainment. or both

  21. #96
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    ^ You tell 'im, Fatty!

  22. #97
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    Quote Originally Posted by Marmite the Dog View Post
    ^ You tell 'im, Fatty!
    i was going ask you not to call me Fatty, but the state of my gut is indeed shameful. I really have to do something about it.

  23. #98
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    Quote Originally Posted by bustak View Post
    In life we recruit people to act out certain roles from our earlier childhood, so this woman might represent a female figure from your childhood who wasn't as available as she should of been
    Bustack - spot on. I'm fucking impressed.

  24. #99
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Gentleman Scamp
    Anyway, could that be why I attracted to 'dangerous' women who have good hearts deep down and offer me the challenge to win it?
    I think they simply find you amusing, for a while.
    It's not about "why", anyway, it's about you recreating the situation you were in with your mother, subconsciously setting yourself up to lose her again. Or something like this. Reflecting on this alone won't change anything, individual therapy might, if you wanted to break out of the cycle.

  25. #100
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    Quote Originally Posted by bustak View Post
    this relationship does smell of an esteem issue, I would explore that further if you could. In life we recruit people to act out certain roles from our earlier childhood, so this woman might represent a female figure from your childhood who wasn't as available as she should of been

    I thought the THE FIRST DATE - Early Dec 2006 dialogue was pretty well written IMHO, nice job.
    I always believed that when people seek out bad people as partners (Not saying that yours is bad either Scampy),or people that treat them like shite,it means that they are only confirming to themselves their own self loathing etc.

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