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  1. #51
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    Quote Originally Posted by johnbkk View Post
    Terrible. Between killing a beautiful animal like that 'because it was there haha hehehe' and the barbaric and wasteful way it was cooked, they'd be better off eating people.
    I happen to think that cows are beautiful animals yet Ive eaten roast beef for as long as I can remember. Knowing how Thai people eat I doubt they wasted a thing, eyeballs gut 'n all. Cooking by fire isnt barbaric unless its alive when its thrown on there.
    I dont agree with eating animals that are protected or arent sustainable but some people use the environment around them to survive, animals, vegetation or whatevers at hand.

  2. #52
    Have you got any cheese Thetyim's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by melvbot
    some people use the environment around them to survive
    Our neighbours have recently killed two large Pythons.
    A couple of days later someone saw two more very larger Pythons.
    They live here they now the enviroment and how to sustain it.
    They don't need some office wally with a clipboard telling them to stop because the world average has fallen by more than X %

  3. #53

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    I don't buy that subsistence harvesting of rare animals is what happened there, or that it was necessary at all.

    Tossing something on a burning log is typically how you cook food when you have no respect for it, because it's 'found' food.

  4. #54
    Have you got any cheese Thetyim's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by johnbkk
    Tossing something on a burning log is how you cook food when you have no respect for it, because it's 'found' food.
    So if it was presented in a mornay sauce with aubergines and asparagus that would be OK would it ?

  5. #55

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    Quote Originally Posted by Thetyim View Post
    They live here they now the enviroment and how to sustain it.
    From what I've seen, I don't believe there's much thought given to that.
    Last edited by johnbkk; 20-12-2008 at 11:35 PM. Reason: corrected the quote

  6. #56

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    Quote Originally Posted by Thetyim View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by johnbkk
    Tossing something on a burning log is how you cook food when you have no respect for it, because it's 'found' food.
    So if it was presented in a mornay sauce with aubergines and asparagus that would be OK would it ?
    Well, for me yes But I think they'd prefer a different medley, which is fine too

    I'm not going to argue the point that eating these or any animals, even rare animals, is automatically evil. But it's terrible to see it done like this, with such obvious ignorance and lack of respect.

    Would they throw a cow on the fire like that? Why not? Because you actually raise a cow and it's worth something.

  7. #57
    Thailand Expat jandajoy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by johnbkk
    I don't buy that subsistence harvesting of rare animals is what happened there, or that it was necessary at all. Tossing something on a burning log is typically how you cook food when you have no respect for it, because it's 'found' food.
    I'd suggest, respectfully, that you have no idea of rural life in Thailand.

    Or anywhere else for that matter.

  8. #58
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    it must be fun living there, BKK is so boring!!! I just wish I could join you!

  9. #59
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    Quote Originally Posted by gjbkk
    it must be fun living there, BKK is so boring!!! I just wish I could join you!
    If you can rough it a bit you're more than welcome anytime. Fly to Chiang Rai, hire a car, 2 hours later you'll be eating catfish on the banks of the river.

  10. #60
    Have you got any cheese Thetyim's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by johnbkk
    Tossing something on a burning log is typically how you cook food when you have no respect for it,
    So do you consider cremations disrespectful ?

  11. #61

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    Quote Originally Posted by jandajoy View Post

    I'd suggest, respectfully, that you have no idea of rural life in Thailand.

    Or anywhere else for that matter.
    You'd suggest that, but you'd be wrong. I've lived in some pretty rural parts of Thailand as well as other countries, including my own.

    Have you?

    Understanding does not equal acceptance.

    It's sad what you posted, but I suppose it did have it's entertainment value.

  12. #62
    Thailand Expat jandajoy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by johnbkk
    Have you?

    Quote Originally Posted by johnbkk
    Understanding does not equal acceptance.
    Through understanding we can learn to accept, accommodate and embrace. I hope.

  13. #63
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    Quote Originally Posted by johnbkk View Post
    But it's terrible to see it done like this, with such obvious ignorance and lack of respect.
    I doubt these people even know this is an endangered species on a list somewhere in the western world. I dont think Ive ever shown respect to anyhting Ive eaten, Ive just eaten it.

  14. #64
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    Quote Originally Posted by Thetyim
    They live here they now the enviroment and how to sustain it.
    You are talking about Thais right?

  15. #65

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    Quote Originally Posted by jandajoy View Post
    If you can rough it a bit you're more than welcome anytime. Fly to Chiang Rai, hire a car, 2 hours later you'll be eating catfish on the banks of the river.
    I would take you up on that JJ, assuming the invite is sincere, as I do enjoy a good catfish. But if it's chucked on a burning log or clowned around with because it's found food, no, I don't think I'd like that.

  16. #66
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    Quote Originally Posted by melvbot
    I doubt these people even know this is an endangered species on a list somewhere in the western world. I don't think Ive ever shown respect to anything Ive eaten, Ive just eaten it.
    Good point well put. I've spoken, through Joy, with our neighbors and near bye friends today. They're of an accord in respect of creatures in their territory.

    "It's our country, where we live. We grow food. We fish. We hunt. The same as our fathers, grand fathers and great grand fathers. ( Bit of a time out whilst names were quoted going back generations, and then a bit of a dispute as to who was the father of who...)"

    Anyway, general consensus that this land has been theirs for a long time. Secondly the whole Thai / Laos thing was invented in Bangkok. Nothing to do with them/us.

    We'll just carry on regardless.

    Question.... "Endangered animals" ? Eat/no eat.

    "What's 'endangered' mean?"

    "errrr well, you know, going to die soon?"

    "Yes, sure. I see, I kill, I eat, dead quick."

    "But maybe the animals die and die completely and don't come back or recover or something.............."

    "No problem. Animals die, animals live, same same people. Everybody eat."

    "Errr OK. err I'll get my coat."
    Last edited by jandajoy; 21-12-2008 at 12:16 AM.

  17. #67

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    Quote Originally Posted by jandajoy View Post
    We'll just carry on regardless.
    That's pretty much the crux of it.

  18. #68
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    Quote Originally Posted by johnbkk View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by jandajoy View Post
    We'll just carry on regardless.
    That's pretty much the crux of it.

    But where's the problem with that?

  19. #69

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    Quote Originally Posted by English Noodles View Post
    I'm very surprised they allow you to document their illegal ativities on-line with photographic evidence.

    Truely, I'm amazed.

  20. #70

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    Quote Originally Posted by Loy Toy View Post
    If any venomous snakes are found on the property then they are taken care of very quickly. I hate to kill them but I have kids and better to be safe than sorry.

    With regard to the constrictors I normally leave them because they clean up the vermin and the only thing that they represent a danger to is my daughters pug.

    Not sure about any such protection laws in Thailand and probably I am breaking the laws as well and by killing the venomous snakes, bearing in mind I only kill the ones which I find directly around or inside the house.

    I certainly don't go looking for them.
    LT, a better chance that the snakes don't want anything to do with you and loved ones. They'll avoid confrontation. Easier on your soul to make sure that your house is 'snake proof', which is not terribly difficult to do.

  21. #71
    Thailand Expat jandajoy's Avatar
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    I hadn't seen Noodles post. Typical towny. No idea. Pathetic.

  22. #72

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    Quote Originally Posted by melvbot View Post
    I doubt these people even know this is an endangered species on a list somewhere in the western world.
    It's on a Thai list as well, from what I understand. Outside of that, I don't see what you're arguing. It's less wrong because of their willful ignorance?

  23. #73

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    Quote Originally Posted by jandajoy View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by johnbkk View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by jandajoy View Post
    We'll just carry on regardless.
    That's pretty much the crux of it.

    But where's the problem with that?
    See the part about killing an endangered species simply because you found it and don't give a sht enough to know more except clowning with the dead animal and throw it on a fire.

  24. #74
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    Quote Originally Posted by johnbkk
    and throw it on a fire.
    and then feed the entire family off it.

  25. #75

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    Quote Originally Posted by EmperorTud View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by jandajoy
    Interestingly, maybe, the cooking technique is exactly the same as the Aboriginal communities I lived in. Just chuck it on the fire.
    They are about as lazy right enough.

    Quote Originally Posted by keda
    but as the man said if they were brought up in the fat West they'd probably be eating roast lamb just like us.
    It wasn't always like that. Europe's poorest nations used to suffer famine and basic food shortages all the time.

    A much harder life than any SEA country has offered I'll warrant, bar the example of the 'new people' under the Khmer Rouge.
    Quote Originally Posted by EmperorTud View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by jandajoy
    Any factual, first person, evidence for that Tuddy?
    Even Rolf Harris recognises Aboriginals are lazy.

    "Let me Abos go loose, Lou… They're of no further use, Lou."
    Lazy Abos? Was that before or after the conscious and deliberate extermination?

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