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Thread: Curious

  1. #1
    Thailand Expat CaptainNemo's Avatar
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    in t' naughty lass


    Just curious...

    ...when they look at your 40,000THB a year the "ngern fahk", are they just looking for a list of months with about 40,000 being dropped in, and not bothered if it all stays there? Do they care about outgoings? makes me wonder... would it make any difference if you just recycled the same 40,000 from foreign bank into thai bank account, then out from thai bank into another foreign bank account, and then back to the first foreign bank count, and then round and round again 12 times?
    Basically set up a round robin of automated payments, with an occasional top up to cover transfer costs? ...just curious.

  2. #2
    Thailand Expat jabir's Avatar
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    Shh, if that works the muppets will insist on seeing details of where each 40k was spent, audited, translated, receipted, 3 copies.

  3. #3
    Thailand Expat lom's Avatar
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    40K baht for what? It may help to get a reply if you tell what they are intended for.

  4. #4
    I am not a cat
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    Quote Originally Posted by lom View Post
    40K baht for what? It may help to get a reply if you tell what they are intended for.
    I think that is the minimum monthly income for a retirement visa if married to a Thai.

  5. #5
    Thailand Expat lom's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by nidhogg View Post
    retirement visa if married to a Thai.
    I don't think there is such a visa.

    Anyway, I can guess but am not wasting time writing an explanation to a guessed question and then be told that my guess was wrong..

  6. #6
    Thailand Expat CaptainNemo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jabir View Post
    Shh, if that works the muppets will insist on seeing details of where each 40k was spent, audited, translated, receipted, 3 copies.
    Well, if you get income paid monthly outside the country, and you happen to perfectly legally transfer your own money between your accounts in different countries, paying a Thai bank a transfer fee to send it out, and it just merges with your money in your other country account, then whenever you transfer into Thailand, you are surely transferring a completely new dollop of 40,000 into Thailand, from your regular monthly income, thus demonstrating that you have a regular monthly income but with a Thai bank logo on the statement, rather than a well-known trans-national bank logo at the top of the statement. It's just that you're using up almost all your income in your Thai bank account every month.

    Not everyone keeps 400k sat in a Thai bank all year, they seem to want it to be in there for 2-3 months either side of the date you show.

    When you have been to your local imm. office so often that you're on friendly terms with the friendly professional staff, they perhaps are professionally satisfied to use their professional discretion to agree that the requirements written in Thai have been professionally met.

    Quote Originally Posted by nidhogg View Post
    I think that is the minimum monthly income for a retirement visa if married to a Thai.
    You mean a family visitor visa extension? You don't need to be married to a Thai for that: if you have multi-national children with Thai ID cards (and all the other Thai docs that having kids' Thai ID cards implies), then the rules in Thai say you can do that, and the imm. staff agree both in CW and in the local imm. office.

    They want you to have photos of you with the Thai-ID-possessing kid(s) at the front of the house with address showing (even if it's on a piece of A4 sellotaped to a papaya plant, apparently).

    I have bilingual printouts of the rules from an imm officer in CW that are what they follow (little different format than the table you might see online or pinned on threads at the well-known farang wanker's forum), The Thai side of the sheets are slightly different than the translations, and the Thai version is what matters to them, of course.

  7. #7
    Thailand Expat
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    ^ The 40,000 has to be derived from income.

    If the 40k is through employment in Thailand, you provide your tax records (PDN1) and work permit.

    If the 40k is from outside the country, proof of pension, investments or how you came into this money has to be provided through official documentation.

    Basically, you cannot wash the same 40k through the banks per month.
    Black diamonds? I shit 'em.

  8. #8
    Thailand Expat CaptainNemo's Avatar
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    OK, I have the income, and as I describe, it wouldn't really be washing anyway, as I have the UK statements showing the income dropping in, and the source easy to show.
    (Not pension or business, but offshore salary).

    The source isn't the problem, it's whether sending most or all of the ฿40,000 back every month is a problem. It wouldn't actually be washing; and each monthly deposit would actually be from monthly income. I don't see this as much different from depositing ฿400,000 for 3 months and then shifting it out.

    The only snag is that I need to send it to pay a regular monthly bill in Thailand.
    Normally it would be quicker and easier to set up a regular payment to my Mrs there, but I want it to land in my account first, then for her to get it to generate the statement they want for the visa extension.
    It looks like I have to get this bill date moved to a week later or so to give time for the steps to happen between payday and bill day.
    TransferWise let's money drop into her Thai account almost instantly, but takes more than 12 hours for me.

    Malaysia seems a bit easier compared to Thailand. Can own land, and send money out via TransferWise. I guess visas are simpler, just more expensive.
    Last edited by CaptainNemo; 27-02-2020 at 08:11 PM.

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