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  1. #351
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    26-09-2021 @ 10:28 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by JPPR2 View Post
    I didn't want just cement because it holds debris and grows mold.
    I have never seen any debris nor mold in my cemented overflow channel D-I-Y (OK, not really by my hands) within 15 years, the water flows happily away even if hindered by a sucking hose I am keeping there.

    Pool Plans-18012504a-jpg

    BTW, since the rain (in Spain falls mainly...) in Thailand falls mainly not vertically - especially the water flowing from roof - a gutter system can be installed - by D-I-Y or by village people...

  2. #352
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    Cement and run off with grating done

    The pebble tech installer hopefully will start next week. I actually look forward to no mud and dust between house and pool and the rain water run off heading out and away from the pool area. My back is a little sore from leaning over and adding mortar cement in-between the metal grate holder and the PVC.

  3. #353
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    Quote Originally Posted by Klondyke View Post
    BTW, since the rain (in Spain falls mainly...) in Thailand falls mainly not vertically - especially the water flowing from roof - a gutter system can be installed - by D-I-Y or by village people...
    Oh I have gutters installed on the front our house Klondyke. While they work well when its not a brutal down pour they also unfortunately make nice home locations for birds which then requires gutter clean outs and my house roof line is 20ft plus up making them more work then they are worth. And if you do not clean them...yep you guessed it all the nest debris plugs the downspout and then it overflows in one spot. Been there done that, no more gutters for me here in Thailand

  4. #354
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    26-09-2021 @ 10:28 PM
    ^There are some clever provisions for hindering the rubbish settling inside the gutters - actually, I do not have anything like this. I doubt that it can catch properly the water flow during downpour.

    Usually, I always try to think on it before the first rain in spring, then flush it with help of long water hose. Also, the harvested water storage helps to reduce other water consumption, helping also to the pool feeding.

    The connections PVC - cement will usually not last forever, unless a special cement is used.

    Then, be careful on toes of yours and of the dogs. when walking over..

  5. #355
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    Quote Originally Posted by Klondyke View Post
    ^There are some clever provisions for hindering the rubbish settling inside the gutters - actually, I do not have anything like this. I doubt that it can catch properly the water flow during downpour.

    Usually, I always try to think on it before the first rain in spring, then flush it with help of long water hose. Also, the harvested water storage helps to reduce other water consumption, helping also to the pool feeding.

    The connections PVC - cement will usually not last forever, unless a special cement is used.

    Then, be careful on toes of yours and of the dogs. when walking over..
    Ohh we have those covers. Had them installed when gutters were installed. The Minah birds love getting in and now their nests are protected. A year or so ago I had them cleaned. Guy had to bring in a big scaffolding to get up. Then spent time taking off those special debris covers to get all the crap the birds put in them. Was actually interesting what Minah birds use. It was a mix of some twigs, plastic bag pieces, plastic bottle labels, pieces of the red and green twine that is used for everything here.

    Before he tore down the scaffolding I fabricated up some aluminum mesh pieces for the end little holes the birds found ways in. Still same result.

    Now I just shoot the bastards once they start nesting. Best prevention method to date. Same for pigeons.

  6. #356
    Thailand Expat Saint Willy's Avatar
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    30-04-2022 @ 02:44 AM
    Quote Originally Posted by JPPR2 View Post

    Now I just shoot the bastards once they start nesting. Best prevention method to date. Same for pigeons.
    Imma gonna call the RSPCA or equivalent!

  7. #357
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheRealKW View Post
    Imma gonna call the RSPCA or equivalent!

    Want the number.

  8. #358
    Thailand Expat Saint Willy's Avatar
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    30-04-2022 @ 02:44 AM
    Quote Originally Posted by ootai View Post
    Then I thought about you making more work for yourself as you seem to have a habit of doing and thought to myself "does this guy ever sit still and relax?
    Spot on, Ootai!

  9. #359
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    Quote Originally Posted by ootai View Post
    I had to laugh about you saying that area got messy as I see you as a neat freak so you couldn't put up with that hey?

    Then I thought about you making more work for yourself as you seem to have a habit of doing and thought to myself "does this guy ever sit still and relax?

    What's the next project?

    P.S. Looks good though
    No denial on my part ootai, I do keep things clean and neat. Started as a kid on the farm as I always saw my dad and uncle keeping things cleaned and organized. I never heard them say " where is this or that" as it was always clean and put away and never had some tool or equipment break because it wasn't maintained. Just carried over. I am very organized. I have seen the alternative of what happens when one is a procrastinator or lazy. That actually creates more work in my opinion.

    I guess in the end my way of relaxing is being busy. I enjoy being active and using my mind for projects. Which answers the other part of your question, no I never sit still and have not my entire life. It took my wife and her family some getting used to. They can sit and do nothing all day, I'd lose my mind as there is always something to do and that includes drinking a beer floating in the pool.

  10. #360
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    Quote Originally Posted by JPPR2 View Post
    No denial on my part ootai, I do keep things clean and neat. Started as a kid on the farm as I always saw my dad and uncle keeping things cleaned and organized. I never heard them say " where is this or that" as it was always clean and put away and never had some tool or equipment break because it wasn't maintained. Just carried over. I am very organized. I have seen the alternative of what happens when one is a procrastinator or lazy. That actually creates more work in my opinion.

    I guess in the end my way of relaxing is being busy. I enjoy being active and using my mind for projects. Which answers the other part of your question, no I never sit still and have not my entire life. It took my wife and her family some getting used to. They can sit and do nothing all day, I'd lose my mind as there is always something to do and that includes drinking a beer floating in the pool.

    I am with you on seeing the "alternative" as all my Thai family never ever put anything back in its storage space they just drop it where they finished using it.
    It gets me going and usually ends up in an argument with my Missus. The Thai guy who does a lot of work for us is very good though and he is better than me at cleaning stuff after using it and putting it away.

    When I first went underground working as miner I was not so tidy and as I was always rushed at the end of shift trying to get a blast away before the allowed time frame ran out I used to just throw shit out of the way but eventually i realised that if I made a bit more effort and left it tidy the next day I got away to a great start and had time left at the end to do the tidying up.

    The time I could save not looking for stuff if the lazy bastards just put shit back where it belongs would allow me to have time to relax.

    So in the end the main difference between me and you is I am happy to not have any projects either in progress or planned I enjoy being lazy.

  11. #361
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    Quote Originally Posted by ootai View Post
    I am with you on seeing the "alternative" as all my Thai family never ever put anything back in its storage space they just drop it where they finished using it.
    It gets me going and usually ends up in an argument with my Missus
    Oh Man, when we finally got the house finished and I started landscaping I was pissed nearly every damn day. I'd get up and could not find my shovel, pick, wheelbarrow you name it. I'd spend damn near an hour (maybe more) finding my tools as rather then put them away, they crammed them up in tree branches and my wheelbarrow was always still full of shit. I finally sat them all down and said "Look!! Put stuff away. I do not want be looking for my tools spread out across the property and if you break something tell me, do not just put it away so I go to use it and its broken" (had 2 instances of a chainsaw blade just gone when I went to use it). This is why in the states I NEVER loaned my tools and will not here.

    Funny story. I needed a trench dug out on the back forty to add the wall. So my wife's friend came over with his tractor. I thought, cool. Nice. Day one, it broke a track, was down all day. 2nd day the motor wouldn't start, why??? No water in the batteries. 3rd day a hydraulic line blew. Why?? Yep. old dried cracked lines. I told my wife. "While I appreciate him helping, This could take forever because his tractor is a piece of crap that he never takes care of".

    I can appreciate being lazy ootai. I prefer to stay busy. Its good for the mind, health and having a purpose. I never rush and am not in a hurry and there are no deadlines, probably why they are fun.

  12. #362
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    01-04-2024 @ 03:22 PM
    I'm with you on this stuff JP . Wanting to be busy . Have something to plan and sort and do . And its what really has held me back about living in Thailand . Needing a purpose to the day .
    I always fancied setting up a nice Woodwork Centre but of course if I knock out stuff for the villagers or even just fix something for free I'm probably open to visa problems .
    Oots is a Golfer .
    A pleasant activity that takes all day including a good Lunch , Beer , Swim . I cant do that though because all the swinging ( and missing ) gives me back problems . In the past I've concentrated on the Heat problem ..... though I haven't even lived through a Thai Summer yet ! But heat problems are solvable . Move next door to your pool for example !

  13. #363
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wasp View Post
    I'm with you on this stuff JP . Wanting to be busy . Have something to plan and sort and do . And its what really has held me back about living in Thailand . Needing a purpose to the day .
    I always fancied setting up a nice Woodwork Centre but of course if I knock out stuff for the villagers or even just fix something for free I'm probably open to visa problems .
    Under the latest regulations, you do not have to worry about needing a work permit if you are making or fabricating stuff, so long as you are not receiving a wage. If you do a google search on "Thailand work permit regulations 2020" you will find a number of well established law firms interpretations of the latest government regulations.

    An example would be from Narit Law; (it's worthwhile subscribing to their newsletter).

    1. New Definition of Work

    First, the new definition of “work” means regardless of whether a foreigner uses physical strength/knowledge or not to engage in an occupation, it must be deemed “work” under the new definition. So in this regard, the definition of “work” is expanded a bit.

    Second, in order to be deemed “work” under the new definition, a foreigner must do it as an occupation to earn a wage. This is the good news for many foreigners. If any foreigner does any work not as an occupation for no wage (i.e. working as volunteer for the benefit of general public), the foreigner’s activity shall not be deemed the “work” under the Emergency Decree No. 2.

    For instance, Mr. Anderson volunteers his time to work as an unpaid interpreter at a local police station. Mr. Anderson’s activity does not fall under the new definition of “work” because he does not receive any wage from this activity regardless of whether he receives something else intangible or not. So he does not need any work permit to do this volunteer work.

    2. Nature of Work

    The DOE emphasizes on doing as an occupation and must receive the wage for the activity to be deemed the “work” under the new definition. This new definition of “work” will not cover a foreigner who serves on an unpaid basis on any committee of any nonprofit organizations like associations/clubs, chambers of commerce, and condominiums so on. Of course, Mr. Anderson may get free coffee/drinks, connections and pleasantry/courtesy from local police officers, but free coffee/drinks, connections and pleasantry/courtesy from the police station are not considered the wage. And getting them does not make Mr. Anderson’s activity work under the new definition and he does not need a work permit. This is a good development that is largely unknown.

  14. #364
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    01-04-2024 @ 03:22 PM
    Well Barty that's an excellent thing to know!
    I remember someone wanted to assist with English lessons at a school . No wages . Just voluntary . And there was strong opinion that he shouldn't do that .
    But there can be arguments too .
    If I totally voluntarily fix something - no payment - have I deprived a Thai of some paid work ?
    But thanks for this , Barty . It's encouraging .

  15. #365
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    @JP - just saying hello & looked at your thread to see the latest pics. Congrats on the pool build, it looks mighty fine.

    Btw, the pic with your golden looks great, very Instagram-ish. You could set up an IG or YT account for your dog & you'd have tons of views & likes.

  16. #366
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    Thanks Katie. We are enjoying the pool a lot. Surprisingly neither dog has done a belly flop yet. I did have tortoise walk to the edge but they have that sensory mechanism where if their foot pad doesn't touch ground they walk away and it did. However that hasn't stopped the frogs.

    Never thought about a Dog account. They do enough silly stuff around here I could start a page.

  17. #367
    Hangin' Around cyrille's Avatar
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    I suspect more than one account here has posts typed by a household pet.

    What human being would type 'carnt'?

  18. #368
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    Final touches...

    Well the pool project is just about done. Last few weeks have been a few more additions and some final touches. I will plant grass around the Sala when rainy seasons comes as planting it now would take a lot of water to get it to take off.

    Few final pics

    Side of house with pebble tech surface all done. Followed same pattern as we did around the pool

    They did some really nice touches we didn't ask for to help the water run away from the pool

    They sloped it slightly to the drain and did a nice job around the grating

    Wife wanted a design at the front stairs to break up the gray and black pebble surface

    Planted some shrubs this morning so there is a bit more privacy from the driveway view in.

    Finally found a home for my big leaf plants. I had been moving them all over to find a place they like.

    My wife and niece have the orchids looking really good.

    Time for a dip.......Weather has been perfect.

  19. #369
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    14-10-2022 @ 11:11 AM
    Hey JP the pool area looks great mate.

    Did the pool team come back & install a new suction & pump for the fountains.

  20. #370
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ratchaburi View Post
    Hey JP the pool area looks great mate.

    Did the pool team come back & install a new suction & pump for the fountains.
    Thanks Ratchaburi. Yes they did. All works as expected. They even completely re did the plumbing as I showed the Tech when he was here that it wasn't really laid out making it user friendly for backwashing and rinsing. Now its a cake walk.

  21. #371
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    Quote Originally Posted by JPPR2 View Post
    I'd spend damn near an hour (maybe more) finding my tools as rather then put them away, they crammed them up in tree branches and my wheelbarrow was always still full of shit.
    I was reminded of your post yesterday, Day 3 of my search for the Isaan spade. It's that thing with a heavy wooden shaft and a relatively small, somewhat curved metal blade. I wonder if it has an English name. Anyway, I wanted to use it and I wandered about the place on and off over the course of two days hoping that I'd find it. I didn't. Now this is only 2 rai of flat land, how hard could it be?
    On Day 3 I asked the gf where she had put it. She couldn't recall but she did have the courtesy to wander around looking for it for a while. Unsuccessfully. So yesterday evening I ventured out again, determined to find the thing. Having ruled out all the obvious places I took a lead from Sherlock Holmes: “Once you eliminate the impossible, whatever remains, no matter how improbable, must be the truth.”
    So I turned my attention to the scrubby, uncultivated weed jungle at the back of the garden and, sure enough, there, on the ground, amongst the weeds, was my spade. Success.
    I haven't asked the gf what it was doing abandoned in the middle of the burgeoning jungle, that can only lead to a domestic issue. Just grab the spade and move on.

    In a related story, my wheelbarrow was full of weeds that the gf had spent hours removing from what will one day be a lawn. They were those prickly little bastards with the touch-sensitive leaves. She did a good job and I don't want to discourage her so I didn't mention the wheelbarrow that had stood in the middle of the garden full of prickly weeds for a week. Last night I tipped them out and burnt them. The interesting thing is that my ex-wife in the UK was exactly the same. She would fill the wheelbarrow with a mountain of weeds and cuttings so high that it was next to impossible to move it. Then she'd leave it. Sometimes I'd look at it for a couple of weeks before finally giving in and moving it to the compost heap. Then she'd fill it up again. Divorce I thought had fixed that problem, until I looked out on my Isaan wheelbarrow full of Isaan weeds and the thought struck me that maybe a Phuket condo is the final solution.

  22. #372
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    26-09-2021 @ 10:28 PM
    ^Beside the troubles with gf, how are you happy with the wheelbarrow? Do you have the model usual in Thailand with the 2 supporting legs distanced 1 ft? So, with any one shovel loaded in it collapses to one side, in some case right on your foot?

  23. #373
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    Quote Originally Posted by Klondyke View Post
    ^Beside the troubles with gf, how are you happy with the wheelbarrow? Do you have the model usual in Thailand with the 2 supporting legs distanced 1 ft? So, with any one shovel loaded in it collapses to one side, in some case right on your foot?
    The one I bought was the least worst I could find. The leg spread is a bit narrow but so far it has not fallen sideways.
    However, the tray is a bit higher than I'd like and it is set too far back over the legs so that two bags of compost loaded at the rear will make it flip backwards.
    The wheelbarrow was one of many Chinese inventions. You might think that after 1,800 years of wheelbarrow design they'd be close to perfect by now.

    Pool Plans-wheelbarrow2-jpgPool Plans-wheelbarrow1-jpg

  24. #374
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    Quote Originally Posted by JPPR2 View Post

    My wife and niece have the orchids looking really good.
    Congratulations, it has all come together very well. The orchids are wonderful. Maybe you can offer some tips to Mendip's gardner.

  25. #375
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    "Buy them, then chuck them away" might be the first tip.

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