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  1. #401
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    [QUOTE=Norton;3679276]The traps should be fine but consider venting as well.

    Figuring Out Your Drain-Waste-Vent Lines - dummies

    Contract looks good.

    Hi Norton... ahh yesssss.. venting.. see? i forgot that.. good call

    Im hoping I end up including most of the good stuff from everyone's experiences and my own wishlist and maybe this can become a sort of template for future builders as a contract reference point - everyone's got to start somewhere, maybe this can help.

    thanks for your input, most welcome. cheers!

  2. #402
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    Quote Originally Posted by Maanaam View Post
    Not sure bout that. "...or equivalent." as in 17 and 18 could be a bit open-ended and open to interpretation. I would qualify somehow. Perhaps with "as shown in manufacturer's specs".
    It takes away an opinion-based idea of what "an equivalent" is.
    Hi Maanaam... the 'equivalent only relates to the actual block - the Q-con block or the 'supablock'... all AAC construction.

    Its not substituting such light weight hi-insulation blocks with red bricks or concrete breeze blocks!!!

    You are right though - clarity is everything, so i will modify that bit to state the type of equivalent

    Thanks for the comment.

  3. #403
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    I just noticed i left out the bit about the termite control pipe network under the floor slab at ground level.....

  4. #404
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dead Metal View Post
    If its to be a legal translation then its gonna cost. I've been down that road ( UK marriage ) expensive . Yours is a rather large document , ouch .

    Hi DM... yeah.. 'rather large' is an understatement 'specially as i noticed a couple of other bits left out, which will need to be included.. don't recommend just using Google Translate then?! lol

    At the end of the day it needs to be properly translated so i guess it will cost what it will cost. dont want any 'mistakes' from Mr. Builder...

  5. #405
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    Quote Originally Posted by mikenot View Post
    16. The rebar mesh re-enforcing within the floor slabs must be raised into the middle of the slab before the concrete is poured by using sufficient concrete ‘chairs’ to support the mesh, so that it can provide maximum slab strength.
    29. All drains from toilets and sinks shall include a U-bend in the system to prevent odour from coming back up the drain pipes and into the house

    What I have been doing in preparation for our build next year is to collect example photos, good and bad, of these sort of things ....bad ones, ie mesh laying on the ground get a big red X, good ones with plastic sheet underneath and using chairs get a green tick. I intend to reference these pics in our contract as an example, and to have a laminated folder of them on the worksite so the actual workers know what I expect ....a picture is worth a thousand words as they say ...maybe much more when talking to unskilled part-time workers from Myanmar or Cambodia !
    great idea. Mikenot and I'm definitely going to copy that!!! as you rightly say, pictures transcend the language barrier and provide a great reference or clarity or direction.

    ...thanks for the suggestion!

  6. #406
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    Quote Originally Posted by Thai Dhupp View Post
    I just noticed i left out the bit about the termite control pipe network under the floor slab at ground level.....
    I did notice not covered but thought would be on plan drawing as electrical and plumbing. Yes the contract is getting very large. Think you could cut way down by having material details on plan drawing. The builder and his team will be using the drawing as their guide and build to it.

    Don't know how much detail your drawings have but I always had a complete bill of material as part of the drawing.

    The contract referenced drawing and mainly covered total price, start/finish date, payment schedule, workmanship and warranty.
    "Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it is time to pause and reflect,"

  7. #407
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    Its a balancing act between getting a good amount of agreed detail into the contract, and not ending up writing a book!

    I'm just about happy with the current content - yes, probably a bit more than others have used, but i am reassured by my inclusions.

    and yeah...i know... it could very well be a false sense of security!

    Once agreed and all signed up, of course the key thing is to make sure Mr. Builder actually does what he agreed he will do!

    This now presents another lil' problem - I really want to get this build under way, but if I do, i will not be local to the site as I'm currently sitting on the new job in Dubai.

    That could mean starting the build without me. I know others have done this, but what were the results? builder given a free hand and no monitoring = a disaster? or.. no... it all went smoothly.

    I always said I would finish here in the Middle East before returning to be on site every day to supervise, but work is work, and I'm not sure how much longer it will be worth coming here after the VAT and income tax kick in imminently and the cost of living here endlessly rising.. i.e. i need to make hay while the sun shines...

  8. #408
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    Reading you posts about the content of your contract I would just make 2 comments.
    In post #389 you say "exactly follow the plans" I thi k you need a definition in there so they know what exactly means i.e.not close enough will do, or what have I got that I can use instead.
    In post#390 you mention changing dimensionsrequire thicker co crete I have no doubt it also requirez different size rebar steel wbich is critical so I would maybe emphasis that although as pkinted kuf it is covered by tbe word "exactly follow the plans".
    Not actually being on site can be offset to some extent by having someone who k ows how to take pictures of the boring bits and sending them to you. My missus used tosend them everyday. I would then let her know what to check. She would get someone she knew who knew a little bit about the point in question to check for her, not ideal but in the end our house is still standing 7 years later.
    The biggest issue I had was getting the last 20% completed. I am sure you know the 80/20 rule.
    Good Luck and hope it all goes well for you.

  9. #409
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    Quote Originally Posted by Thai Dhupp View Post
    Hi DM... yeah.. 'rather large' is an understatement 'specially as i noticed a couple of other bits left out, which will need to be included.. don't recommend just using Google Translate then?! lol

    At the end of the day it needs to be properly translated so i guess it will cost what it will cost. dont want any 'mistakes' from Mr. Builder...
    My wife is an English teacher and has done a translators course but is not yet licensed. We have done a few translations and find when we work together the result is very very good. We both know that Google translate and simple dictionary use is not in the least bit adequate and spend time discussing the import and context when translating.
    Would be pleased to give you a quote if you like. As I say, she's not licensed, but we work together to produce good Thai to English, and for this (English to Thai) my job would be to explain the techncal aspects of the language. PM me.

  10. #410
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    Quote Originally Posted by Norton View Post
    I did notice not covered but thought would be on plan drawing as electrical and plumbing. Yes the contract is getting very large. Think you could cut way down by having material details on plan drawing. The builder and his team will be using the drawing as their guide and build to it.

    Don't know how much detail your drawings have but I always had a complete bill of material as part of the drawing.

    The contract referenced drawing and mainly covered total price, start/finish date, payment schedule, workmanship and warranty.
    This is good advice. Specs should be on the drawings/plans and the contract should be about timing, following plans, workmanship, price etc.

  11. #411
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    Quote Originally Posted by Thai Dhupp View Post
    builder given a free hand and no monitoring = a disaster?
    Unfortunately usually the above. Perhaps not a disaster but not completely satisfactory.

    You can mitigate somewhat by having your wife on site as much as possible. She can send pics to you as construction progresses and speak with you frequently on progress.

    The first few months should go ok. Mostly putting in pilings and beams. Then putting in AAC. Things tend to go south when roofing, plumbing, electrics and finishing starts.

    With plenty of communication via she who must be obeyed and your good self and as you say up front understanding with the builder should work out fine.

  12. #412
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    Quote Originally Posted by ootai View Post
    Reading you posts about the content of your contract I would just make 2 comments.
    In post #389 you say "exactly follow the plans" I thi k you need a definition in there so they know what exactly means i.e.not close enough will do, or what have I got that I can use instead.
    In post#390 you mention changing dimensionsrequire thicker co crete I have no doubt it also requirez different size rebar steel wbich is critical so I would maybe emphasis that although as pkinted kuf it is covered by tbe word "exactly follow the plans".
    Not actually being on site can be offset to some extent by having someone who k ows how to take pictures of the boring bits and sending them to you. My missus used tosend them everyday. I would then let her know what to check. She would get someone she knew who knew a little bit about the point in question to check for her, not ideal but in the end our house is still standing 7 years later.
    The biggest issue I had was getting the last 20% completed. I am sure you know the 80/20 rule.
    Good Luck and hope it all goes well for you.
    hi Ootai and thanks for the posting...

    Yeah, I'm sure the 80-20 rule is alive and well, but the last payment, the one following the last construction stage is a sizable chunk of change and im hoping that will spur the building crew to complete everything.

    We have of course met with the builder and discussed most of what is now in this contract. He is aware of what the requirements are. Even though it looks like I will not be there for the part of the build, SWIMBO will be in attendance and shes definitely more scary than me!.

    As mentioned by Norton, its later on that it becomes more important to have a close watch on the proceedings, and I go along with that . Im trying to plan my time to be present in those later stages.

    Appreciate your input - many thanks...

  13. #413
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    Quote Originally Posted by Norton View Post
    Unfortunately usually the above. Perhaps not a disaster but not completely satisfactory.

    You can mitigate somewhat by having your wife on site as much as possible. She can send pics to you as construction progresses and speak with you frequently on progress.

    The first few months should go ok. Mostly putting in pilings and beams. Then putting in AAC. Things tend to go south when roofing, plumbing, electrics and finishing starts.

    With plenty of communication via she who must be obeyed and your good self and as you say up front understanding with the builder should work out fine.
    Thanks Norton... yeah, with this unplanned new job in Dubai, I'm tied up for the start of the build but planning to be there from mid-build onwards . As you rightly say thats the time I'm going to be needed more. Hopefully that will all work out well. she will be there all the time.

    Oh... and seasons greetings!

  14. #414
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    That last post to Norton reminded me that Christmas is almost upon us. In all the excitement of Dubai construction (its still warm and now its raining) one can forget this.

    So... to everyone who has already posted, anyone else following my thread, and those yet to join in with this epic (!), Princess Joy and I would like to wish you all - whatever your faith or following, a Merry Christmas-time, and all good luck for the coming New Year

    Here's to a good health, success and happiness for us all in 2018!! ...cheers!!!

  15. #415

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    Good luck Thai Dhupp. Looking forwards to the photos!

  16. #416
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    Quote Originally Posted by redhotchili View Post
    Good luck Thai Dhupp. Looking forwards to the photos!
    hey, RedHotChilli...thanks for the encouragement and the stop-by..

    Yeah.. TBH not only the photos.. we are looking forward to get started on the build. Just waiting for the builder to finish off his previous job now. I'm heading back to Chonburi province (from Dubai) this coming Saturday night to kick hi... encourage him to finish quicker 'n' start ours so hopefully, sed photos will start coming!

    Did you ever think about a build in LOS?

  17. #417
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    Hey TD....I've recently seen that my inbox was over-full and that you had sent me a message (which I didn't get).
    Inbox empty now.
    Happy new year.

  18. #418
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    Quote Originally Posted by Maanaam View Post
    Would be pleased to give you a quote if you like. As I say, she's not licensed, but we work together to produce good Thai to English, and for this (English to Thai) my job would be to explain the techncal aspects of the language. PM me.
    Illegal, unlicensed work by an alien.

    One thing to be careful of, in the building industry here is foreigners out there working illegally for shoddy unlicensed, un-certified Thai companies/businesses.

    They risk jail.

    You risk being scammed or your house falling down.

    Good look with the build, looking forward to seeing the afters.

  19. #419
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    Thanks Luigi... my builder is Thai through 'n' through !

    I know that's no guarantee of success but.. this guy is actually a qualified engineer and (from what I've seen so far) well able to do this build.

    Anyway.. we will soon see, as quite a bit had been happening since I have been back in LoS....

  20. #420
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    2,103 it drum-roll time!?

    Lots been happening in the last 7 days.

    We have verbally engaged the builder and we will be formally signing the contract tomorrow 25th January.

    That is the contract as shown in this thread with only 2 minor changes

    One was that we would purchase the AC units and he would fit them rather than supply and fit. Actually I'm OK with that as those Q-Con blocks should reduce the overall outiput requirements and I'm happy to be in charge of purchasing.

    as i said...he will fit.

    The other change was in the payment structure for stage 1 only. I have agreed a small advance on the stage 1 completion payment to help him set up on site and facilities etc. again I am happy having the team living on site for security and headcount purposes.

    So...can I count this as the 'start'? lol...well I am anyway so there!!

  21. #421
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    Let the battle commence! or is it..Let the games begin....

    The builder and team already met us on site this week for a few confirmations and deciding about some preliminaries.

    He set the team on clearing the vegetation ready for marking out. Pictures to follow.

    We were not there the whole day but returned the following day to see the first markout which was zone 1, 2 and 3 ready for piling and base slab. to follow for that too.
    Last edited by Thai Dhupp; 24-01-2018 at 07:56 PM.

  22. #422
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    Quote Originally Posted by Thai Dhupp View Post
    can I count this as the 'start'?

  23. #423
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    Quote Originally Posted by Thai Dhupp View Post
    One was that we would purchase the AC units and he would fit them rather than supply and fit
    Fair nuff if he has experience. Often A/C retailers will include installation in their price. Worth looking into.

  24. #424
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    thanks for that Norton...yeah..will bear it in mind.

    scuse the delay in answering... been shuttling between Bo Thong and BKK last few days

  25. #425
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    OK's where we are up to now.

    *Contracts have been signed.
    *PEA contacted about power supply and also moving 1 pole that would be inside our wall when built.
    *boundary wall construction agreed with builder.
    *water supply for site arranged.
    *we have agreed the start date on site.
    *we have arranged part time project management for while we are not on site.
    *the contract is clear in the important detail and was understood and accepted. Pens went to paper!
    *4 mango trees on the boundary with the adjacent land will be cut down and roots dug up. We have finally been in touch with the owner of 'Plot Mango'!

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