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  1. #26
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    21-10-2023 @ 08:08 AM
    Way, Way South of the border now - thank God!
    Quote Originally Posted by pickel View Post
    What has been the governments excuse for not having enough vaccines yet?
    Well, the Jacinda PR machine assures New Zealanders that 'we', the so-called family of five million, are actually ahead of schedule . . . and that everything is going better than planned. That's the spin, and it's quite effective.

    Also, the Jacinda-show announced that other countries who needed it more were given preference by the government, a type of NZ aroha (love and kindness) without detailing that NZ had ordered their vaccine late and didn't get in the 'queue' etc etc etc . . . culminating in only now deciding that those 12+ can get vaccinated . . . a knee-jerk reaction to Delta arriving here.

    Basically the government denies not having enough vaccines and states that the plan is being not only met but beaten . . . 20% of Kiwis are fully vaccinated . . . which in reality means that 20% of eligible Kiwis are fully vaccinated. Key word here is 'eligible'.

    Some things are out of the government's control, like certain population groups having single digit vaccinations despite having millions spent on them. My wife works with/for an NGO/Health Department and is just frustrated at the lack of support from community leaders and their constant whining and excuses.

    All in all I do believe the situation will be brought under control, but it would be good if the government is open and honest about the situation.

    I've been a Labor/left of centre voter most of my voting life but this lot . . . one despairs

  2. #27
    Thailand Expat David48atTD's Avatar
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    Auckland church at the centre of NZ outbreak becomes target of racist comments

    More than 500 people across multiple church groups are believed to have attended a "special event" just two days before authorities in New Zealand discovered the Delta variant had breached the border and was spreading throughout the community.

    Key points:
    • New Zealand outbreak climbs above 200
    • An event at a church in South Auckland has been identified as a location of interest
    • The Samoan community has been the target of racist comments

    Now, there are 105 cases associated with the event held at the Assembly of God Church of Samoa in South Auckland — the largest cluster within New Zealand's outbreak.

    "The concern throughout the community is for the growth of the cluster among the group and then its reach because not everyone is based in South Auckland," Samoan community leader and Auckland councillor Fa'anana Efeso Collins said.


    Meanwhile, in Australia ...

    The NZ Covid Thread-illegal-gathering-sydney-church-png

    Damm God-botherers ... same thing happened in Western Sydney. Illegal gathering, Pastor said that God would save them for the pandemic, GOD must have missed that call, a couple had Covid BEFORE the service, now recognised as a super spreader event.

    Fined $1,000 each attendee and a $5,000 for the Church.
    Someone is sitting in the shade today because someone planted a tree a long time ago ...

  3. #28
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    21-10-2023 @ 08:08 AM
    Way, Way South of the border now - thank God!
    Quote Originally Posted by David48atTD View Post
    same thing happened in Western Sydney. Illegal gathering
    Well, not the same at all because the Samoan church didn't contravene covid restrictions . . . as there weren't any. The only thing Samoans, in general, can be criticised for is their aversion to get vaccinated.

  4. #29
    Thailand Expat Saint Willy's Avatar
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    Agreed, two days before the lockdowns, so just unlucky.

    Quote Originally Posted by panama hat View Post
    The only thing Samoans, in general, can be criticised for is their aversion to get vaccinated
    which is a pretty bloody big deal…if there was any vaccines to be had in NZ!

  5. #30
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    Way, Way South of the border now - thank God!
    Quote Originally Posted by Saint Willy View Post
    which is a pretty bloody big deal…if there was any vaccines to be had in NZ!
    You're right, of course, it is a big deal and it's he second time that a Pasifika church has been a 'super-spreader' - the last time was last April/May. You'd think they would have learned.
    Actually, Pasifika and Mãori have had vaccine supply preference since day 1, before anyone else except front-line workers, I think. All part of the creation of a type of Kiwi-Apartheid . . . sounds crass, but it certainly looks that way more and more.
    My wife and I got our vaccinations at a Pasifika NGO who called us up because they had too many vaccines/not enough Pasifika showing up and had to use them. ut of twenty people in the waiting room there were three Pasifika. Second shot same thing - this time one Pasifika in the waiting area and the staff there (all Pasifika and Mãori) were quite upset at the numbers and blame church and community leaders.

    On the news, of course, you have the usual Pasifika and Mãori academics and politicians criticising the government and anyone about the race-bias detrimental to their community.

    It's frustrating, especially when one looks at all the extra efforts being made to protect these communities. Criticise and you're a racist . . . as the opposition party, and others, have found many times now.

    Pasifika are such good people . . . led by their traditional system which is failing them

  6. #31
    Thailand Expat Saint Willy's Avatar
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    Need to engage those leaders then*

    * easier said than done.

  7. #32
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    Way, Way South of the border now - thank God!
    Over 400 now . . . mostly in Auckland and 1 dozen in Wellington . . . I think the government is a bit 'surprised' that they needed to vaccinate the population. 12+ age starts Wednesday and they've effectively run out of vaccines because they were too arrogant, self-important, PR-driven and dense to pre-order the required amount

  8. #33
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    Oh, I dunno. Could be better and should have started earlier...but the numbers aren't that bad.

    COVID-19: Vaccine data | Ministry of Health NZ

    The NZ Covid Thread-0_2021_8_29_12_44_34-2-jpg
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails The NZ Covid Thread-0_2021_8_29_12_44_34-2-jpg  

  9. #34
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    Way, Way South of the border now - thank God!
    Last place in the OECD . . . that isn't stellar, though Happy . . .

    It's still lingering at 23% of the eligible population . . . that's a tiny amount. If only they would have stepped into line and paying the 50Mil to ensure sufficient vaccines instead of the Jacinda PR machine kicking in and wanting to show the world how she is filled with aroha.

    NZ shouldn't be in this situation . . . it simply shouldn't be.

    Only about 23% of its 5 million people have been fully vaccinated, the lowest rate among the 38 members of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD).
    Delta outbreak exposes New Zealand'''s low vaccination rates | Reuters

  10. #35
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    Quote Originally Posted by panama hat View Post
    It's still lingering at 20% of the eligible population . . . that's a tiny amount. If only they would have stepped into line and paying the 50Mil to ensure sufficient vaccines instead of the Jacinda PR machine kicking in and wanting to show the world how she is filled with aroha.

    NZ shouldn't be in this situation . . . it simply shouldn't be.
    I used to be ambivalent over Cindy, now I dislike her immensely.

    In the OECD we are Last...! Jesus wept. We are not even half way up the ladder for vaccinations. At least that numpty in Australia had the gumption to apologise to his country about their slow roll out. I would have a lot more respect for our Government if they did.

    I am sick of the spin and the furrowed brow. The total balls ups in MIQ on a regular basis. These guys are light weights, that's for sure.

    Have we increased our ICU capacity in Hospitals over the last year and a half? Nope. 4.6 beds per 100000 people. Australia has 8.9 and Germany has 38. All our guys have done is tried to screw the nurses on wages... during a pandemic. FFS.

  11. #36
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    21-10-2023 @ 08:08 AM
    Way, Way South of the border now - thank God!
    ^ I agree on every single point.

    Ardern has had the luxury of quietly preparing for the worst to happen, were it to happen - 1 1/2 years of preparation.

    The worst has happened and NZ is caught flat-footed.

    Yup, ICU beds. What a joke. Vaccinations. What a joke. Now finally chemists and GPs can vaccinate. Drive-through - finally. (Over Labor's objections), saliva tests, three-to five day test results, running out of vaccines etc ad infinitum

    They really are a joke - but great at spin and ensuring their next election victory through pandering and snide gerrymandering.

    Quote Originally Posted by Little Chuchok View Post
    I used to be ambivalent over Cindy, now I dislike her immensely.
    Yup. I mentioned similar to a mum of my daughter's friend . . . who told me not to be a misogynist.
    (Oddly enough a poster here said the same thing when I criticised Jacinda)

    Thin-skinned, blame-shoving, criticism-averse . . . Oiwei!
    Last edited by panama hat; 30-08-2021 at 12:23 PM.

  12. #37
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    Way, Way South of the border now - thank God!
    Over 500 now . . . it just gets better and better.

  13. #38
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    Quote Originally Posted by panama hat View Post
    Over 500 now . . . it just gets better and better.

  14. #39
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    Quote Originally Posted by panama hat View Post
    Over 500 now . . . it just gets better and better.
    Sorry to hear that.

  15. #40
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    21-10-2023 @ 08:08 AM
    Way, Way South of the border now - thank God!
    There's been some nasty-arsed weather with flooding in parts of Auckland, coupled with lower testing rates has resulted in inaccurate latest numbers.

    Jacinda is becoming TrumpII by holding up little colourful graphs showing something . . . and not understanding/spinning over that lower testing numbers also equal lower reported infection rates.

    I'm quite confident that this will pass without too much pain - the population is quite good at following restriction regulations. I'm also quite confident that this will happen time and again . . . to the extent that Kiwis are actually starting to look at ScoMo's plans and liking them

  16. #41
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    Way, Way South of the border now - thank God!
    Over 600 ... but the government tells us it's under control ����
    Last edited by panama hat; 01-09-2021 at 04:10 PM. Reason: edit sp.

  17. #42
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    ^And now they do not have enough nurses for Auckland ICU beds.

  18. #43
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    ^ Not enough preparation time, clearly . . .

  19. #44
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    Quote Originally Posted by Little Chuchok View Post
    ^And now they do not have enough nurses for Auckland ICU beds.
    A further five years training for an ICU nurse, it's not just a matter of swapping them off a ward.

    The issue pre-dates C19 by a long time.

    New Zealand doesn't have enough ICU capacity, even without the effects of a pandemic

  20. #45
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    Way, Way South of the border now - thank God!
    Quite a few nurses are 'imported' from the Philippines, leaving a shortage back on the islands - another disaster (not limited to NZ, of course). Highly qalified nurses in NZ then bugger off to Australia to join the other 20% of the population who 'fled', the US or elsewhere to earn more . . . it's truly a cycle.

    Not a fan of the DHB system at all . . . too many accidents and malpractice events which can't be litigated

    Anyway, that's another story

  21. #46
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    ^Yep. I get that, but they certainly didn't help things by trying to freeze nurses wages. By doing that it certainly made a few more jump to Aussie for a big pay increase and better conditions. I know of one that did.

  22. #47
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    Way, Way South of the border now - thank God!
    Quote Originally Posted by Little Chuchok View Post
    freeze nurses wages
    That plus not placing police as 'front-liners' for vaccination - incredibly stupid, short-sighted and downright mean. Focussing so much on teachers and their constant whining. Why? Tens of thousands of votes.

    Quote Originally Posted by Little Chuchok View Post
    I know of one that did.
    Same here. One of my daughter's friends from school. Left about two months ago for Melbourne and another for Brisbane. Both specialty nurses, one Filipina the other Kiwi.
    It would be impossible to match salaries from overseas but at least give them respect and don't auto-freeze them out.

    My eldest is doing medicine at a Uni in Brisbane and spends quite a bit of time now at various hospitals - lots and lots of Kiwi nurses and Filipinas)

    Another coup by Jacinda and her brainless minions.

  23. #48
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    Way, Way South of the border now - thank God!
    760-odd as of yesterday . . . all but 15 in Auckland, the rest in Wellington.

    All's well, says she

  24. #49
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    Quote Originally Posted by panama hat View Post
    760-odd as of yesterday . . . all but 15 in Auckland, the rest in Wellington.

    All's well, says she
    Don't be desperate (aren't you the expert on depressive suffering? Perhaps, an expert offering the help to others, not to yourself):

    Luckily, there might be a help on horizons from the Aussie cousins: See what the Senator Malcolm Roberts is saying and what cure is recommending. However, not the cure offered by the Big Pharmas, for them he has no nice words, nor for PM...

    (Wondering what ugly circumstances will be recovered about him...)

  25. #50
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    Quote Originally Posted by Klondyke View Post
    See what the Senator Malcolm Roberts is saying and what cure is recommending.
    Is he a doctor? If not why should anybody listen to him?

    Malcolm Roberts is a far-right politician, nationalist, conspiracy theorist, anti-vaxxer, and a denier of climate change.

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