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  1. #1
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    21-10-2023 @ 08:08 AM
    Way, Way South of the border now - thank God!

    School Holidays in the South Island, NZ

    Seeing as New Zealand's borders are theoretically tighter than frog's bum we decided on another tour of a different part (for me) of the South Island.

    Mrs Hat left a few days earlier to spend some time with her 'family', lovely people with whom she grew up during school.

    So, we flew from Auckland to Christchurch and we still had to wear masks in the plane, but not on the return flight as Auckland was given the all-clear to synch with the rest of the country.

    We like mapping out our trips a bit, which looks something like this - we call it 'primitive art'.

    In actuality it was more like:

    So, really it was just a small part of the south island, from Christchurch to Kaikoura to Blenheim to Nelson and the Abel Tasman national Park for some decent hiking.

    These are the planes for most internal flights

    A 'splash' of NZ humour

    Slightly cramped for taller people . . . and for Skidmark specifically - sorry to disappoint you, there is only one class of travel and even if there were a C-Class I'd still not use it.

    More to come . . .
    Last edited by panama hat; 23-10-2020 at 06:28 AM.

  2. #2
    On a walkabout Loy Toy's Avatar
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    Enjoy your adventure M8!

  3. #3
    Thailand Expat
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    21-10-2023 @ 08:08 AM
    Way, Way South of the border now - thank God!
    Quote Originally Posted by Loy Toy View Post
    Enjoy your adventure M8!
    Thanks, LT - this was two weeks ago but couldn't be bothered doing a thread until now.

    It may be a cold place, but it is very, very pretty in parts.

  4. #4
    On a walkabout Loy Toy's Avatar
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    I look forward to seeing some pictures.

    Never visited NZ and most people I have spoken to that have say it is a beautiful country.

  5. #5
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    21-10-2023 @ 08:08 AM
    Way, Way South of the border now - thank God!
    So, as Christchurch was only for family we didn't do much aside from the ladies going shopping at The Tannery (not my photos), a converted and refurbished . . . umm . . . Tannery. Lots of shops reminiscent of the Victoria Mall in Sydney. (some not my pics)

    I must admit to having gone to have a famed Florentine and a cup of coffee . . . while the girls went shopping.

    So, after a few days there, let's pick up our rental and head north to Kaikoura. Kaikoura was hit by a large earthquake in 2016, which isolated it fro the rest of the country. train tracks destroyed, roads blocked, sea lifted by five metres and the work is still going on. (also not my photos)

    Here you can see one of the places that was just smothered by rocks and the seafloor is now permanently above water

    And the tsunami that followed was seven metres high . . .

    Last edited by panama hat; 23-10-2020 at 02:04 PM.

  6. #6
    Thailand Expat
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    Way, Way South of the border now - thank God!
    Anyhow, Kaikoura is a small place that thrives off tourism, mainly whale watching and hiking - lots of seals around as well

    The backdrop is simply stunning . . . ocean on one side, snow-capped mountains the other - breathtaking. So, after refuelling ourselves with the fantastic seafood on offer . . . crayfish and whitebait fritters.

    . . . we went for a drive to go hiking - a bit dicy were the river crossings - though the Rav4 was an AWD . . . still.

    But, the Toyota did well . . . plus - it's a rental - flog it, don't we all?!

    More after lunch

  7. #7
    Thailand Expat
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    Way, Way South of the border now - thank God!
    Quote Originally Posted by Loy Toy View Post
    I look forward to seeing some pictures.
    Your wish is my command, mate!

    Quote Originally Posted by Loy Toy View Post
    Never visited NZ and most people I have spoken to that have say it is a beautiful country.
    It is, it really is but in patches. The one thing I lament all the time are the tree-less hills and mountains - everything razed for farming and timber, though now it's all sustainable timer
    Last edited by panama hat; 23-10-2020 at 02:42 PM.

  8. #8
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    Nice primitive art.

    NZ is a gorgeous place that I'd love to visit someday. Hope to see more pics. One of my best mates that I met in China is now back in NZ and living in Auckland. I often see her pics on fb. Enjoy your trip with your family!

  9. #9
    Thailand Expat David48atTD's Avatar
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    Ah ... the land of the 'long white cloud'* ... south island ... I've never been.

    Amazing (apparently) it is.

    Where's the Hobbit?

    Thanks for sharing.

    *Also known as Australia's South East Island

  10. #10
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    Way, Way South of the border now - thank God!
    Quote Originally Posted by MarilynMonroe View Post
    Nice primitive art.
    I do my best . . . I was going to pass it off as my daughter's but she can do better than that

    Quote Originally Posted by MarilynMonroe View Post
    One of my best mates that I met in China is now back in NZ and living in Auckland. I often see her pics on fb. Enjoy your trip with your family!
    Tah . . . you should visit and stay - lots of teachers required here

    Quote Originally Posted by David48atTD View Post
    Ah ... the land of the 'long white cloud'*
    Kiwi don't like it when I say it's the land of the 'long gray cloud'

    Quote Originally Posted by David48atTD View Post
    Where's the Hobbit?
    North Island, mate . . . near Mata Mata

    Quote Originally Posted by David48atTD View Post
    *Also known as Australia's South East Island
    another thing Kiwis don't like to hear. There's actually a provision in the Oz or NSW charter that leaves room for inclusion

    Quote Originally Posted by David48atTD View Post
    Thanks for sharing.

    Quote Originally Posted by MarilynMonroe View Post
    Hope to see more pics.
    Coming up, have to take the youngest to the hairdresser now . . .

  11. #11
    I Amn't In Jail PlanK's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by panama hat View Post
    So, as Christchurch was only for family we didn't do much aside from the ladies going shopping at The Tannery (not my photos), a converted and refurbished . . . umm . . . Tannery.
    I guess they had to make shops somewhere after they all fell down in the other earthquake.

    Not sure what Bsnub had to do with the Kaikoura earthquake. But he looks happy.

  12. #12
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    @panama hat - thanks for the pics & stories. I liked the primitive art too. I've an ex-colleague who now lives in Auckland. Last time he visited here, he said that in NZ, you can experience 4 seasons in 1 day.

    Re: the mountains used in the LOTR movies - the one wherein they used signal fires in diff towers - were those in the north or south island? Thanks!

    Edit : did no-neck Ed come with you during your family trip?

  13. #13
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    21-10-2023 @ 08:08 AM
    Way, Way South of the border now - thank God!
    Quote Originally Posted by katie23 View Post
    I liked the primitive art too.
    Yipeeeee . . . that's two, both ladies and I'm on a winning streak.

    Quote Originally Posted by katie23 View Post
    he said that in NZ, you can experience 4 seasons in 1 day
    Yes, very true especially now, spring. We start off the day at around 8-9 degrees and end up with 19 during the day - unless a cold front comes in from the antarctic, the it gets freezing again. Wind from the northwest and it's warmer and humid and probably raining.

    Quote Originally Posted by katie23 View Post
    Re: the mountains used in the LOTR movies - the one wherein they used signal fires in diff towers - were those in the north or south island?
    I believe the movie was filmed in both but the mountains would have been in the south from what I can tell by the geography

    Quote Originally Posted by katie23 View Post
    Edit : did no-neck Ed come with you during your family trip?
    What do you mean? That's my wife and I. Oh, she did marry me in the end . . . I've been working out a bit so now have even less of a enck
    (Bloody silly forum software)

    It was supposed to be this:

    Last edited by panama hat; 23-10-2020 at 02:43 PM.

  14. #14
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    21-10-2023 @ 08:08 AM
    Way, Way South of the border now - thank God!
    Walking along the coast, which isn't beachy at all - it's all craggy and rough, and there are many sea lion colonies. The first are we entered we found at least a dozen dead seals, no idea why until it was explained to us that we went walking in the seal cemetery area . . . nice. (decaying seals stink . . . but then I guess everything that is decaying stinks)

    As you walk there are signs everywhere not to get within ten metres of the seals as they bite - and have massive teeth, but they are literally everywhere. We were sticking to the cliff edge for a bit but almost stumbled over a sleeping seal - they seemed rather disinterested in us.

    This was about a four hour hike

    Almost an institution in Kaikoura on the way back from the oceanside hike . . . simply brilliant food . . . but at $120,-/kg for crays, not cheap.

    Shocking photography on my part . . .

    Our B&B was simply brilliant and not that expensive, roughly $185/night . . . but the view and gardens were sublime

    Sitting outside, sipping a nice wine . . . it gets dark and the temperature sinks to lower single digits . . .

  15. #15
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    I want to go back late January, but it looks like there will be a lot of "ifs" to deal with - time off from work, airport opening here, flights available to NZ, quarantine, flights back, quarantining again...and other stuff that will likely crop up.

    Really enjoying the South Island pix, PH.
    pues, estamos aqui

  16. #16
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    Way, Way South of the border now - thank God!
    Quote Originally Posted by happynz View Post
    I want to go back late January, but it looks like there will be a lot of "ifs" to deal with - time off from work, airport opening here, flights available to NZ, quarantine, flights back, quarantining again...and other stuff that will likely crop up.
    . . . not to forget the NZD3k pp for quarantine

    Quote Originally Posted by happynz View Post
    Really enjoying the South Island pix, PH.
    I'm glad.

  17. #17
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    Cheers for taking the time to share your trip.

  18. #18
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    Way, Way South of the border now - thank God!
    Quote Originally Posted by Chittychangchang View Post
    Cheers for taking the time to share your trip.
    Pleasure, thank you for looking in.

    Then it was time for a spot of fishing (being a complete non-fisherman I caught nothing but my youngest one, 14, caught a nice salmon . . .

    A healthy weight . . .

    Simply amazing fish . . . to eat.

  19. #19
    Thailand Expat Saint Willy's Avatar
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    Fantastic! Thanks for posting, I'm another Aussie that never got around to visiting. Keep meaning to...

  20. #20
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    Way, Way South of the border now - thank God!
    Quote Originally Posted by TheRealKW View Post
    Fantastic! Thanks for posting, I'm another Aussie that never got around to visiting. Keep meaning to...
    Pleasure. Travel threads used to be the backbone of TD.

    It really isn't that far from Cockie-Town, three hours. The difference, of course, is that the currency here is of a higher value than if you travel in Asia and it isn't cheap by and in itself at all, but still acceptable.

    Our next longer trip we will rent a camper-van, you see them everywhere here . . . there is still a dispute among the Hat family as to who will have to clean the . . . umm . . . 'waste'.

    Quote Originally Posted by panama hat View Post
    Simply amazing fish . . . to eat.
    Half a kg of pure fillet . . . hickory smoked . . .

    . . . and the other half a kg as sashimi . . .

    Food, wine, hiking, fishing . . . time to rest

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    Quote Originally Posted by panama hat View Post
    Our next longer trip we will rent a camper-van, you see them everywhere here .
    Best way to see NZ, a few friends and I hired one in Auckland 20 years ago and spent a memorable month exploring the north island.
    Wish we'd done the South now...

  22. #22
    Thailand Expat Saint Willy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by panama hat View Post

    It really isn't that far from Cockie-Town, three hours.
    Exactly! I'm sure my beloved would love to see it too.

    Possibly next time.

    But then again, I have not even taken her and the littlies to Tassie. or the Center. Or North QLD....

    So much to see, so little time.

    That fish looks magnificent!

  23. #23
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    Way, Way South of the border now - thank God!
    Quote Originally Posted by Chittychangchang View Post
    Wish we'd done the South now...
    At least you've done the north . . . but yes, the south is far more beautiful (imho)

    Quote Originally Posted by TheRealKW View Post
    But then again, I have not even taken her and the littlies to Tassie. or the Center. Or North QLD....
    Yea, the problem is that Oz is so huge and diverse . . . and had I not been here for work and now for our kid's education I probably wouldn't have put it on priority to see . . . we've done a bit of Oz, parts of NSW and Perth/Fremantle and Brissie and heaps of outback hiking . . . but there is so so so much more . . . like: "Tassie. or the Center. Or North QLD"

    Quote Originally Posted by TheRealKW View Post
    So much to see, so little time.
    I can only suggest to use every chance you get as it can all be going down the tube one day

    Quote Originally Posted by TheRealKW View Post
    That fish looks magnificent!
    First time I can honestly say I've had too much salmon <burp>

    Oh dear, it seems chico is anti-Kiwi

    Ah, doesn't matter.
    Last edited by panama hat; 24-10-2020 at 11:55 AM.

  24. #24
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    Way, Way South of the border now - thank God!
    Next stop was Blenheim i the Marlborough region, probably the best known wine-growing area in uNZud . . . some of our favourite wines are made here so it was nice to spend some time at our favourite, St Clair.

    Aside from buying a few bottles we had a looooong and satisfying lunch . . . it was sunny but cold. (not my pics)

    Vineyards simply everywhere . . .

    Can't go wrong with St Claire . . .

    . . .

    Simply lovely

  25. #25
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    ^Wow, lucky you! The wine and food looks fantastic. Salmon is my favorite fish, it looks delish!

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