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  1. #51
    Thailand Expat

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    Quote Originally Posted by TizMe View Post
    Can't imaging having to tackle him coming at you at 10+ metres per second.
    Well yeah I can. Tackled Olsen Filipaina and ended up with a concussion. Tackled him well, down around the knees from behind, but he's such a big fkcuk all I did was stop his run and he ended up sitting on my head. 130 kg's dumped down on my head.

  2. #52
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    ^^In a word, nothanks!. Is there a better sight in NRL than a fully fit GI with the ball under his wing in broken play, and he spots a gap or small defender on his own?. I think of all the NRL players, the one you'd least like to have the job of tackling while he's heading straight at you at full-noise would be Jason Taumalolo. Its easy to think the guys tasked with keeping him quiet wouldn't sleep well for the week before game day...

  3. #53
    Thailand Expat David48atTD's Avatar
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  4. #54

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    02-09-2018 @ 07:55 PM
    Kangaroo strikes back against hunters' car, breaks man's jaw

    A man whose jaw was shattered in a collision with a kangaroo in Western Australia's wheatbelt suggests there is malicious intent in his recent interactions with them.
    Joshua Hayden was hunting with his brother in a paddock near Kellerberrin on Tuesday night when the pair spotted three kangaroos.

    The 19-year-old said one of the kangaroos disappeared and as he stuck his body out of the window to have a shot at the other two the hidden menace launched itself at the moving car.
    "It actually collided with the side of the car and smashed the front window," he said.
    "Then it bounced back onto me and headbutted me straight in the jaw."

    Mr Hayden said he was unconscious for about 30 seconds before he came around.

    "I woke up and my brother was trying to tell me what happened," he said.

    His brother took him to Kellerberrin Memorial Hospital where he was told to go straight to the Northam Emergency Department.

    From there he was referred to Royal Perth Hospital where he was told he would have to wait ten days to have surgery because his face was too swollen to operate.

    Mr Hayden and his brother regularly hunt kangaroos for food but said normally they do not fight back.
    "Out of all the times we have been out bush I have never heard of this before," he said.

    The incident has shades of similarity with a collision in 2015 where a cyclist captured on video the moment she was knocked to the ground by a kangaroo while riding in Canberra.

    Bronwyn Calver suffered abrasions when she fell and received treatment from intensive care paramedics at the scene but escaped serious injury.

    On that occasion there was no suggestion of deliberate malice on behalf of the animal.

    Kangaroo strikes back against hunters' car, breaks man's jaw

  5. #55
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    That's not a Storm cloud ... this is a Storm cloud!

    A low-slung storm front approaches Cable Beach in Broome on Thursday.

    Broome has had the first taste of the storm system expected to develop into the strongest cyclone of the season, with a blue alert issued
    for a tropical storm which has already caused widespread flooding.

    The system is forecast to develop into Tropical Cyclone Kelvin, bringing wind gusts of up to 165 kilometres per hour and isolated rainfall of up to 500 millimetres.
    The blue alert applies to people between Cape Leveque and De Grey in the Kimberley and Pilbara, including the tourist town of Broome, with a
    severe tropical cyclone likely to develop later today or tomorrow.

    People in the district are being warned to prepare their properties and take shelter.

    From the 'Only in Australia' File #001-screenshot-2018-2-17-how-rossby

    A tropical low which has been moving parallel to the coast was expected to take a southerly track on Saturday, then intensify and make landfall
    on Sunday.
    If a cyclone does form, it will be known as Tropical Cyclone Kelvin and is set to be the strongest of the 2017-18 cyclone season, potentially
    reaching category three.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails From the 'Only in Australia' File #001-screenshot-2018-2-17-how-rossby  
    Someone is sitting in the shade today because someone planted a tree a long time ago ...

  6. #56
    Thailand Expat David48atTD's Avatar
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    ^ So, from that cyclone and the torrential downpour that ensued.

    The Outback because an inland sea ...

    its been wet! Incredible video shows car caught in Broome floods.
    The video shows a car wading through heavy water as a truck approaches from the opposite direction, splashing water
    across the driver's windscreen as it passes.

  7. #57
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    That's incredible! The amount of water there, especially when you consider that desert soil would soak up heaps....
    The storm cloud photo will become a classic.

  8. #58
    Thailand Expat David48atTD's Avatar
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    ^ You're correct about the soil usually soaking up the water, but they've had an incredible 'Wet Season' thus far.

    From the 'Only in Australia' File #001-screenshot-2018-2-22-northern-australias

    That's one and a half metres of rain in less then 6 weeks.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails From the 'Only in Australia' File #001-screenshot-2018-2-22-northern-australias  

  9. #59
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    Quote Originally Posted by David48atTD View Post
    That's one and a half metres of rain in less then 6 weeks.
    Open mouth emoji
    Open mouth maanaam.

    That HAS to be a world record!

  10. #60
    A Cockless Wonder
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    Rozzers trying to catch the fishing boaties with the breathlyser but they are headed off at the pass by snagging the attention of a big fish of their own...

    That great white certainly manages to make that po-po inflatable look quite small!

    Police put off their game by great white shark off South Australian coast

    Police wielding breathalysers on the open seas may be an unwelcome surprise for some, but one way to get out of blowing into the tube is to catch the attention of a great white shark.

    Melbourne angler Mark Oaks told ABC Radio Adelaide Breakfast that he was drift fishing at Tapley Shoal, east of Edithburgh on SA's Yorke Peninsula, when his friend suddenly swore and said: "Look at the size of this thing that's come up behind us!"

    He said a shark about "4.5 to five metres long" became interested in their 5.7-metre boat and hung about, "coming up against the motor".

    "We kind of had thoughts of changing our Bonds [underwear] a couple of times," Mr Oaks said.

    "So we powered up and cruised out of there but it just kept following us for 10 minutes.

    "At the same time, the coppers were out there with their big patrol boat and they had another two guys on the inflatable."

    Water Operations Unit police had launched the inflatable and were motoring towards Mr Oaks and his friends to undertake a breathalyser test.

    Police put off their game by great white shark off South Australian coast - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)

  11. #61
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    Waterfront restaurant arms patrons with water guns to combat seagull problem

    From the 'Only in Australia' File #001-9766222-3x2-940x627-jpg

    A waterfront restaurant in Perth has begun arming its customers with water guns to help them fight off flocks of seagulls
    that are defying all attempts to stop them disrupting their dining experience.

    Toby Evans, owner of 3 Sheets pizzeria, said it was a desperate measure, but the seagulls had become so good at stealing food, particularly
    off the plates of children, that it was affecting his business.

    "We wanted to so something humanely and there's not much you can do," he said.

    From the 'Only in Australia' File #001-9766794-3x2-940x627-jpg

    "So we went down to Toys R Us and bought a load of super soakers, we've got one on each of our outdoor tables.

    "We just fill them up with water and when the seagulls get too close the customers unleash Armageddon with water on them."

    From the 'Only in Australia' File #001-9766796-3x4-700x933-jpg

    The customers 'love it'

    Mr Evans said the measure had been greeted with enthusiasm by customers at the restaurant, which is at Hillarys Boat Harbour in
    Perth's north.

    "They love it, especially the blokes, they will sit down with a meal and a beer and they get into the spirit of it," Mr Evans said.
    "The customers appreciate that we are trying to do as much as we can and the customers seem to enjoy it.

    "They go well — we can scare them off a bit and have some fun and the kids love it.

    Waterfront restaurant arms patrons with water guns to combat seagull problem - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)
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  12. #62
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    Cape York killing sparked over funeral location, murder trial hears

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    Indigenous ranger Garry Hudson is accused of driving into a house full of mourners because he did not like the location of the funeral.

    A man accused of killing a woman when he drove into a house full of mourners at his partner's funeral on Cape York, had wanted
    the service held at his house, a court has heard.

    Garry Paul Hudson is standing trial in the Supreme Court in Cairns charged with murder over the 2016 incident.
    It's alleged he twice drove into a house at Kowanyama, where mourners had gathered for his partner, Katherine George's funeral.

    Mr Hudson admitted to the manslaughter of Delanne Zingle, but claims he did not murder her.
    Her body was found in the kitchen of the house and she died of severe crush injuries, prosecutor Nigel Rees told the court.

    From the 'Only in Australia' File #001-e0774e85e065a368e9b2dff37052ce40-jpg
    Credit:- The Kowanyama house where a 4WD ploughed into mourners paying their respects to Katherine George.

    On the day of the funeral an enraged Mr Hudson allegedly drove over to the house in his Toyota Landcruiser 4WD
    that belonged to the Kowanyama Aboriginal Shire Council.

    He then drove into the house twice, crashing through a fence and through the front of the building, before reversing out across the road.
    Mr Rees said when Mr Hudson's son ran out to stop him, the accused manoeuvred around him and drove through the house again.

    The court heard the ute came to rest protruding from the rear wall of the building.

    Mr Rees said Mr Hudson told police in the aftermath: "I've killed some people. Do you want to lock me up?".

    Cape York killing sparked over funeral location, murder trial hears - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails From the 'Only in Australia' File #001-7915266-3x2-940x627-jpg   From the 'Only in Australia' File #001-e0774e85e065a368e9b2dff37052ce40-jpg  

  13. #63
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    I don't wont to stereotype anyone,BUT is this another drunken abo story.

  14. #64
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    Bungling in the jungle
    I guess you could say he crashed the party.

  15. #65
    Thailand Expat David48atTD's Avatar
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    ^ Speaking of crashes ...

    Drunk fucking idiot.

    The better video is here ... Dashcam footage shows speeding drunk driver crashing into house - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)

  16. #66
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  17. #67
    Thailand Expat OhOh's Avatar
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    Where troubles melt like lemon drops
    Quote Originally Posted by David48atTD View Post
    they get into the spirit of it
    How does one determine the sex of a seagull or is that something Ozzies just know, are the shooters liquids colour coated to see who gets the "kill" points, do kill points mean prizes, has anyone started a league table and is there an Android app available that supports multiple players?

    Are Ozzies taught how to us apostrophes? Has anyone registered the game name, "Havoc at Hillary's Boat Harbour 1, 2 and 3"?
    Last edited by OhOh; 23-05-2018 at 03:05 PM.
    A tray full of GOLD is not worth a moment in time.

  18. #68
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  19. #69
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    Echidna swimming between mainland Queensland and Bribie Island boards family's boat for help

    Forget snapper and flathead — an echidna has claimed the title of catch of the day after it was plucked from the waters
    halfway between mainland Queensland and Bribie Island.

    Marlyn Rasmussen was out fishing with her husband, aunt and uncle on Pumicestone Passage on Wednesday afternoon
    when she came across the prickly swimmer about 200 metres off the mainland.

    "We saw something, didn't realise what it was until she came closer and she literally swam straight to the back of the boat as if to say 'help me'," Ms Rasmussen said.
    With the help of a landing net they brought the echidna onboard.
    "She went into defensive mode, curled up into a ball. There was a big black rubbish bin on the boat so we put him in there
    to keep him safe till we got back. She seemed OK," Ms Rasmussen said.

    "I thought for an animal to come straight up to the boat, it was as though he was looking for help."
    The Rasmussens left the echidna with Bribie Island Boat Charters, who took it to Australia Zoo Wildlife Hospital for a check-up.
    An Australia Zoo spokeswoman said the echidna has been given the all-clear and released back into the wild.

    If you can't view the original story, below is an Echidna swimming

  20. #70
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    Christmas Island facing economic collapse as mine expansion rejected to save red crabs

    From the 'Only in Australia' File #001-1122202-3x2-940x627-jpg
    Red crabs make their way along a Christmas Island Road during their annual migration from the rainforest to the ocean to mate.

    The community of Christmas Island could face an economic collapse after a proposal to expand the island's phosphate mine was knocked
    back over fears of the impact to the island's wildlife, including its world-famous red crabs.

    Phosphate Resources Limited has been mining on the Indian Ocean Territory for more than 100 years, but claims it needs to clear more
    crown land to access new deposits in order for the operations to remain viable.

    Under the expansion, the company wanted to clear an additional 6.83 hectares of land to undertake exploration drilling to determine the
    extent of more phosphate resources, in what has been described as a pristine area of the island.

    From the 'Only in Australia' File #001-8088234-3x2-940x627-jpg
    Christmas Island's Dolly Beach was rated the 7th best beach in Australia in 2016.

    From the 'Only in Australia' File #001-7142794-16x9-940x529-jpg
    The baby crabs spend around nine days making their way inland to a plateau where they spend several years.

    The annual crab migration has been featured in countless nature documentaries, and been highlighted by Sir David Attenborough as one of
    nature's most astonishing sights.

    Where is Christmas Island?

    How, on earth this place is considered part of Australia is beyond my humble understanding.
    Geographical proximity screams a stand alone Island Nation or part of the Indonesian Archipelago.

    It was a magnet for asylum seekers who travelled from Syria and other Northern Hemisphere locals who
    journeying half way around the world to pay people smugglers thousands of dollars to take a boat from
    Indonesia to Christmas Island throwing their Passports into the Ocean en-route and claim asylum in Australia
    by landing on Christmas Island

    ... but this is a story, not about people smuggling but a migration of a different type and the preservation of a
    unique habitat of the ubiquitous Christmas Island Red Crab

    Christmas Island facing economic collapse as mine expansion rejected to save red crabs - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails From the 'Only in Australia' File #001-1122202-3x2-940x627-jpg   From the 'Only in Australia' File #001-8088234-3x2-940x627-jpg   From the 'Only in Australia' File #001-7142794-16x9-940x529-jpg  

  21. #71

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    02-09-2018 @ 07:55 PM
    A handful of 7 year old children in Australia were asked what they thought of beer. There were some interesting responses, but the last one is especialy touching.

    'I think beer must be good. My dad says the more beer he drinks the prettier my mum gets.' --Tim, 7 years old

    'Beer makes my dad sleepy and we get to watch what we want on television when he is asleep, so beer is nice.' --Melanie, 7 years old

    'My Mum and Dad both like beer. My Mum gets funny when she drinks it and takes her top off at parties, but Dad doesn't think it is very funny.' --Grady, 7 years old

    ''My Mum and Dad talk funny when they drink beer and the more they drink the more they give kisses to each other, which is a good thing.' --Toby, 7 years old

    'My Dad loves beer. The more he drinks, the better he dances. One time he danced right into the pool.' --Lily, 7 years old

    'I don't like beer very much. Every time Dad drinks it, he burns the sausages on the barbecue and they taste disgusting.' --Ethan, 7 years old

    'I give Dad's beer to the dog and he goes to sleep.' --Shirley, 7 years old

    AND THE BEST RESPONSE 'My Mum drinks beer and she says silly things and picks on my father. Whenever she drinks beer she yells at Dad and tells him to go bury his bone down the street again, but that doesn't make any sense.' --Jack, 7 years

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  23. #73
    or TizYou?
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    Quote Originally Posted by birding View Post
    A handful of 7 year old children in Australia were asked what they thought of beer. There were some interesting responses, but the last one is especialy touching.

    'I think beer must be good. My dad says the more beer he drinks the prettier my mum gets.' --Tim, 7 years old

    'Beer makes my dad sleepy and we get to watch what we want on television when he is asleep, so beer is nice.' --Melanie, 7 years old

    'My Mum and Dad both like beer. My Mum gets funny when she drinks it and takes her top off at parties, but Dad doesn't think it is very funny.' --Grady, 7 years old

    ''My Mum and Dad talk funny when they drink beer and the more they drink the more they give kisses to each other, which is a good thing.' --Toby, 7 years old

    'My Dad loves beer. The more he drinks, the better he dances. One time he danced right into the pool.' --Lily, 7 years old

    'I don't like beer very much. Every time Dad drinks it, he burns the sausages on the barbecue and they taste disgusting.' --Ethan, 7 years old

    'I give Dad's beer to the dog and he goes to sleep.' --Shirley, 7 years old

    AND THE BEST RESPONSE 'My Mum drinks beer and she says silly things and picks on my father. Whenever she drinks beer she yells at Dad and tells him to go bury his bone down the street again, but that doesn't make any sense.' --Jack, 7 years

    For those with normal eyes

    A handful of 7 year old children in Australia were asked what they thought of beer. There were some interesting responses, but the last one is especialy touching.

    'I think beer must be good. My dad says the more beer he drinks the prettier my mum gets.' --Tim, 7 years old

    'Beer makes my dad sleepy and we get to watch what we want on television when he is asleep, so beer is nice.' --Melanie, 7 years old

    'My Mum and Dad both like beer. My Mum gets funny when she drinks it and takes her top off at parties, but Dad doesn't think it is very funny.' --Grady, 7 years old

    'My Mum and Dad talk funny when they drink beer and the more they drink the more they give kisses to each other, which is a good thing.' --Toby, 7 years old

    'My Dad loves beer. The more he drinks, the better he dances. One time he danced right into the pool.' --Lily, 7 years old

    'I don't like beer very much. Every time Dad drinks it, he burns the sausages on the barbecue and they taste disgusting.' --Ethan, 7 years old

    'I give Dad's beer to the dog and he goes to sleep.' --Shirley, 7 years old

    AND THE BEST RESPONSE 'My Mum drinks beer and she says silly things and picks on my father. Whenever she drinks beer she yells at Dad and tells him to go bury his bone down the street again, but that doesn't make any sense.' --Jack, 7 years

  24. #74

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    02-09-2018 @ 07:55 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by TizMe View Post
    For those with normal eyes

    A handful of 7 year old children in Australia were asked what they thought of beer. There were some interesting responses, but the last one is especialy touching.

    'I think beer must be good. My dad says the more beer he drinks the prettier my mum gets.' --Tim, 7 years old

    'Beer makes my dad sleepy and we get to watch what we want on television when he is asleep, so beer is nice.' --Melanie, 7 years old

    'My Mum and Dad both like beer. My Mum gets funny when she drinks it and takes her top off at parties, but Dad doesn't think it is very funny.' --Grady, 7 years old

    'My Mum and Dad talk funny when they drink beer and the more they drink the more they give kisses to each other, which is a good thing.' --Toby, 7 years old

    'My Dad loves beer. The more he drinks, the better he dances. One time he danced right into the pool.' --Lily, 7 years old

    'I don't like beer very much. Every time Dad drinks it, he burns the sausages on the barbecue and they taste disgusting.' --Ethan, 7 years old

    'I give Dad's beer to the dog and he goes to sleep.' --Shirley, 7 years old

    AND THE BEST RESPONSE 'My Mum drinks beer and she says silly things and picks on my father. Whenever she drinks beer she yells at Dad and tells him to go bury his bone down the street again, but that doesn't make any sense.' --Jack, 7 years
    Apologies, I can assure you it didnt look like that when I posted it.

  25. #75
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    Man dubbed Australia's 'poo jogger' resigns from corporate role

    Andrew Douglas Macintosh allegedly caught in a sting operation by a Brisbane resident

    A Brisbane corporate manager who is alleged to be a serial public defecator after being photographed with his pants down on a suburban street has quit his job.
    Andrew Douglas Macintosh, 64, was dubbed the “poo jogger” after a story in the Courier-Mail on Thursday morning generated enormous interest on the internet.
    Macintosh was also a member of a Brisbane council advisory board.
    He came to the attention of police after a sting operation by a local resident, who set out to catch a jogger suspected of relieving himself on the footpath outside an apartment block more than 30 times.
    Macintosh was photographed on 11 May outside the Logan Road block in the southside suburb of Greenslopes. He has been charged with one count of public nuisance.
    His former employer, the retirement village operator Aveo, confirmed in a statement that Macintosh had resigned. “Until yesterday, Aveo Group was not aware of the charges laid against Mr Macintosh,” a company spokesman said.
    “Aveo Group is distressed and disappointed at the alleged incidents concerning Mr Macintosh. He has tendered his resignation to the company today and is no longer an employee of Aveo Group.
    “Aveo will continue to extend its support to Mr Macintosh for help that he may require.”

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