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  1. #76
    Hifaluten Member
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    08-02-2019 @ 10:23 PM
    Fiji Islands
    Next few days I was up around the north of the island. Some more pics.

    ^ This pic is dead in between Phu Quoc Island and the Cambodian coast. The southern tip of land you can see on the left of the pic is the most northerly tip of Phu Quoc Island … the land on the right is Cambodia’s Kampot province.

    ^ Apparently there is a big mountain on the Cambodia side … but these lovely looking clouds covered it up for the whole time I was there

    ^ The coastline up around there is mostly untouched apart from a few small shacks

    ^ The commune of one of the guys with me was up there and we were invited in for lunch … locally caught sea prawns, some of which were still kicking. They caught them by walking along the beach with a cast net

    ^ To save fresh water they cooked the prawns up in coconut water … they were the delicious. I thought it was going to be an alcohol free lunch until this showed up.

    ^ 20 litres of rice wine … it was at this stage I was starting to get worried about what was going to happen next as I was one of the only farang ever to visit the commune and some of the local elders had arrived to come and drink with me.

    ^ Anyway I did my best to line my stomach with prawns and fruit as quick as I could

    ^ The bloke second from right had worked as a fishermen up in Thailand and could speak a fair bit of Thai … fortunately he helped translate when the 20 odd glasses of wine I had started getting on top of me

    ^ The border army bloke from the day before even came to see us – he was really sick from the previous days drinking

    ^ Fortunately by the time we left we’d only got 2/3 of the way through the wine

  2. #77
    Hifaluten Member
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    Fiji Islands
    I was introduced to one of the fellows at lunch as “the local dugong fishermen”. People in this part of the world love to eat dugong and use certain parts of the critter as aphrodisiacs but catching the suckers is outlawed these days. He invited me over to his place to see some dugong parts and to show me his dugong nets and stuff. I guess one doesn’t get to do this every day of the week so off we went … here are some pics of what I saw.

    ^ The dugong fisherman’s home … lovely big balcony looking over the coast

    ^ Wouldn’t mind spending a few days lazing about here

    ^ He quickly produced some dugong parts – these are dugong tusks

    ^ This is some dried dugong skin – 10 grams of dried skin is meant to be better than popping 5 full strength viagra pills

    ^ This is one of his dugong fishing nets. He reckons he hasn’t been dugong fishing for more than 5 years, but I was a bit suss on this. I’ve spent a fair bit of time around fishing gear and looking at the shape the floats and twine is in I reckon it must be less than 2 years. Felt like asking him why he had a new net if he didn’t catch dugong anymore … but hey I’d been kindly invited to his place so just bit my tongue.

    ^ This is his small jetty that they used for pulling the dugongs up out of their boats onto

    ^ This is where they used to clean their nets and slaughter the dugong

    ^ I was told these are for the spirits of the dugong they killed … now apparently some really bad shit can go down if you don’t look after dugong spirits properly

    ^ Nice beach out the front of his place

    ^ Here’s the dugong fisherman and his kids … one of the local guys I was with explained that the community believed that his daughter had been born an albino as their family had pissed off some dugong spirits
    Last edited by Wayne Kerr; 16-06-2007 at 07:52 PM.

  3. #78
    Hifaluten Member
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    Anyway, after that hectic day I was in need of some good food and cold beer. Went for a 2 minute stroll from my hotel and found this seaside restaurant … was a great place to unwind.

    ^ One of the many seaside restaurants in Phu Quoc town

    ^ Seem to have sunsets like this there everyday

    ^ Another sunset shot

  4. #79
    Hifaluten Member
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    I enjoyed all the restaurants I visited on the island so much that one of the guys I met there promised me lunch at his restaurant. He explained that this joint is only used by locals, and as such only have the best seafood, waitresses, and beer at half the price of places targeted at Vietnamese tourists. I was hanging out for this and on the last day sure enough we had an ultra long lunch. Next time they promised to show me some more of the out of the way places on the island. Anyway here are some pics of my now favourite restaurant on the island.

    ^ This is the restaurant proper … but it is better to eat in one of the beach side huts

    ^ A close up of the main part of the restaurant

    ^ The beach side hut where we had our lunch

    ^ They are pretty busy with locals on the weekend so there are quite a few huts

    ^ The beach is bloody magnificent – the staff catch a lot of the seafood fresh as the customers request it

    ^ These mantis shrimp where awesome – not as tasty as crab or prawns but good for a change

    ^ The flies were out in force so they set a couple of chopsticks on fire to ward them off

    ^ Later in the afternoon we felt like some prawns so the owner sent his staff off to catch some – this is part of their catch

    ^ After a cholesterol packed and alcohol fueled lunch, the topic of discussion moved onto massage and as such the old blokes popped out the seahorse liquor. I never really believed this could help you get it up, but after about 10 glasses of this stuff I walked out of the place with a roaring stiffy.

    ^ The track out of the place – I will be certainly be back on my return trip next month

  5. #80

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    24-09-2007 @ 05:41 PM
    Klong, I have to apologise that i didn't call you, and I didn't get to Jomtiem to see DD either. I will call you as soon as I arrive in BKK next trip, probably won't be till Jan. All the best to you & yours, mend

  6. #81

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    24-09-2007 @ 05:41 PM
    Khun kerr, great thread...!!! I made my first trip to Vietnam this past March and had a great time. You have sold me on this place, it's got everything I need, Fresh seafood, cold beer, and Sexy Local Sand"...!!! I will need to go over this again to find the best hotel, and best "Sand" on the island. Being a photographer, I also loved all the colour of the fishing boats etc. Maybe I will try to get DD to join me on this trip, it looks like his kinda place>>>>ROAD TRIP!!!!

  7. #82
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    This is kin amazing!

  8. #83
    Jock Itch's Avatar
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    05-09-2019 @ 09:37 AM
    Another fantastic trip to top up a great thread Wayne !!

    Some amazingly remote spots so close to such huge populations !!

    .............. I'll keep my eye out for a spare liver for ya !!


  9. #84
    Hifaluten Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by mend
    Being a photographer, I also loved all the colour of the fishing boats etc.
    Yes, would be a photographers wonderland there . All the pics in this thread were taken with my mobile phone and I wish I had a decent camera with zoom.

    Quote Originally Posted by Jock Itch
    .............. I'll keep my eye out for a spare liver for ya !!
    Thanks JI ... look forward to seeing you in September. Happy to show you guys around the island if you wanna extend your stay .

    Had some time to frig around on Google Earth today and the image below shows how close the island is to places like Koh Chang, Phnom Penh, and Bangkok even.

  10. #85
    Hifaluten Member
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    To mark my 1000th post on this forum I've bumped my favourite thread ... hope you enjoy.

  11. #86
    patsycat's Avatar
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    I'm glad you bumped it - i really enjoyed reading it, thanks!

  12. #87
    Thailand Expat
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wayne Kerr
    To mark my 1000th post on this forum I've bumped my favourite thread ... hope you enjoy.
    Now you can add your own personal message under your username. I bet you're really excited about that.

  13. #88
    Hifaluten Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Marmite the Dog
    Now you can add your own personal message under your username. I bet you're really excited about that.
    Well in my drunken state last night, I was kinda hoping DD would send a gaggle of nubile young virgins over. Instead I got a nasty red for my drunken "bump".

  14. #89
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wayne Kerr View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Marmite the Dog
    Now you can add your own personal message under your username. I bet you're really excited about that.
    Well in my drunken state last night, I was kinda hoping DD would send a gaggle of nubile young virgins over. Instead I got a nasty red for my drunken "bump".

    Getting a red from Pommy Noodle is like having a poodle with a pink bow in its hair bark at you from behind a gate.
    I doesn't mean a lot, and more importantly you got a green from me, now that is valuable.

  15. #90
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    ^^fine thread wayne. congrats in order

  16. #91
    boatboy's Avatar
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    Over there.
    Thanks for bumping and a great thread Wayne, another place on my list of spots to go to.

    Looking at flights now

  17. #92
    Thailand Expat
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    A great thread thank you.

    Definitely a place I will consider going to now. Thanks.

  18. #93
    filch's Avatar
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    In yer eyeballs
    I missed this the first time around, so I'm grateful for the bump. It's an excellent thread!

  19. #94
    Hifaluten Member
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    A few posts gone missing from this thread from the past day including mine ... bit disappointing given the time put into writing it

    Must be the slap on the back mates again
    Last edited by Wayne Kerr; 08-05-2010 at 07:04 PM.

  20. #95

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    29-01-2016 @ 05:41 PM
    No wonder the cambodians are so pissed off that the viets stole it from them.
    have a look at the map and see how the border winds around phu quoc.
    they call it vietnams koh samui,not sure of that but it does look nice.
    I love vietnam especially the beautiful women and their well practiced customs.

  21. #96
    I'm in Jail
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    This thread needs to be a sticky, took me 20min to find it with TD infamous search function

  22. #97
    Henrie's Avatar
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    Great thread. I'm planning a trip there. It looks like no visa is needed too.

    No visa required for tourists to Phu Quoc on short stay. Vietnam visa embassy, Vietnam visa on arrival

  23. #98

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    10 years later this island is another $hithole...

  24. #99
    Hangin' Around cyrille's Avatar
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    Bit harsh to blame that all on smeg.

  25. #100
    R.I.P. Luigi's Avatar
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    ^^ Any pics?

    Of the shithole. Not of Smeg.

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