I'm a bit lazy, so I'm not going to edit for spelling or grammar (both of which I'm crap at...):
The first few sights inside the old city walls (well... built by the Ottomans after the Romans destroyed the second temple in the first century (70CE). Of course you will remember that the Babylonians destroyed the first temple in 586 BC. Then King Cyrus the Great (a Persian who defeated the Babylonians) gave the money to rebuild the temple (called: The Second Temple) while supporting the Jews to return to Judea, in 350BC. Many changes were made at various times, but Herod the Great (a Roman proxy much hated by the Jews) made major improvements to the second temple during his reign (40bc to 4 ad).
^ There are four main areas of the old city; Armenian (most of the above pictures are there), Jewish, Arab and Christian (mostly Orthodox - six orthodox groups came together).
Many parts of the city, over the three major building times, were built atop previous structures/foundations, etc, built in different places, and there are lots of discussions about this - for example, is the current Temple Mount Al-Aqsa mosque actually built atop of King David's tomb? You can imagine why this causes issues...
The First Temple (of the mount) was built in 990 - 930 BC by Solomon, the son of King David (you know, the fella with the sling shot).
The next couple of pictures are at a lower level foundations, from around the first century (although some murials, etc, were added later, the flooring is original (probably) from over 2000 years ago.
^ this is how the old city would have looked back in the day... The map was (if I remember correctly) done by the Egyptians and found in Jordan before being relocated here.
^ this area was the market, and this is an "everyday" scene. It's most notable as the only goat on this entire thread!
You can see Tal, the tour guide.