As sleepy Joe nods off we are at the Dawn of Trump 2 the revenge.
I recall Hiler's failed coup then taking power as the destruction of the albeit flawed but democratic Weimar Republic.
I think future historians will note this as the zenith of the great American Dream when he talks of invading other allies democracies like Panama and Denmark.
Will he really deport millions, take Panama Greenland?
Many controversial policies planned from Ukraine, Abortion, Winnowing public jobs and perhaps of immediate global influence tariffs.
The only upside I see he cannot run again and 2028 will have a new fresh POTUS.The Dems have plenty of time to select a winner?
Many of Trump's choices seem immature and ill informed. Let us hope the civil servants governors judges congress and diplomats can temper his X fuelled rages and rants.
When we look at his fans from Benji, Marj Taylor Green Orban or Putin I am reminded of a phrase from my schooldays , "You are judged by teh company you keep".
I wish the great Repblic well especially the women, poor and minorities who will be the victims his horrid hubris.