Do you have any possessions that were given to you from someone special or as a family heirloom to be passed down?
I have two things that are quite special to me, my Canon DSLR camera that I bought for a discounted prize from a good friend. He not long after passed away from cancer at age 52. He was a videographer/photographer with his own business. He taught me a lot and I worked with him at times doing weddings mostly. When I use it, I am reminded of our friendship and his knowledge.
I also have a diamond ring that was passed down to me by my dearly departed grandma. It was the ring that my grandfather gave to her when they first got engaged in the 1930's. They were married over 60 years. She told me it was mine before she died, but I ended up getting it as a college graduation present after she had died by my mother. It was really something when I opened that up as I was close to her and wasn't sure if I would really get it after all because it was a very big family. May post pics after...
Over to you.... any special objects/possessions that have meaning or memory to you?