Language evolves .
It can have different even contradictory usages over time or space.
In Oz everyone is mate , for others it is a job as a seaman or English for chum/pal
Spacing and pronuncitaion or intonation may also be crucial.
Imagine impressing a 19 year old by saying I have a MANDATE as Mao or Trump might boast, However I have a man date may not impress the ladies so much!
Mean many uses
He was a mean host only lavendar tea no biscuits.............NEGATIVE
It was the typical mean Temperature...............................NEUTRAL
He was a mean player of the fiddle and pocket billiards.....POSITIVE
For spell hounds there's a vas deferens between I am going to a reading festival and
Tree huggers may like bark, dog haters not so much
Being vain in the mirror may all be in vain
Our Daily moan column is a famous grouse thread only relieved by THE FAMOUS GROUSE
Playing a bass can be a musician or fisherman
Playing the organ .........................well I leave that up to your imagination
Please ignore this baloney sandwich I blame the sausages and dear hunters