End of Year report 2024
Nursery Division
Bertie Ackspin slight improvement fewer soils since nappy at EIA
Junior School
Headboy Sigh Gentlycheers reports
Reg Dingle always room for one on top
S Eeekingasylum good start came too soon, Wrongamate's loss
T Exile good finish, vocabulary and panache, immaculate cut and pissed.
David44 tries hut butt wheely no improvement
David48 needs more input to offset the Northern Homosphere list
H Cow succinctly bovine
B Aldprick Please rub out the graffiti on cook's rear passage
BLD drinks hard could do better
Joseph Ninety sneaks off to Dance: seeks ball room in porkpie hat
Hal Tefla incurable case of the Old Traffordititz numbed by beerio
Sigh "The lad him elf" was so popular the boys gave him 3 Cheers
Upper School
Borat of Korat M Endsocopy wins the sub aqua/pooscopa prize
H Atrteta-Arriet Servicing over 100k servicemen see matron Katie for dropsy meds
S Hutree messing in Esan Fart ooh sensible
S Tompy missing in action
S Nubby missing in abasement
S Imon43 messing in Candy: Ministry of Silly Moves prize
S Spermberth missing an audience
S Witch Good effort but wrngling with prefects risky
Oxbridge Common Entrance Fast Stream International relations Team
L Ooper regular scorer seldom needs DIY, the cycling lothario of messi endings
Luigi Bedmonde regular DIY seldom scores, the flip flop of lavender enemas
Caretaker the almoist reverand Dr Umbongo of Wiiliamsport mission for Diggers reminds you
Please take your porn home as Senora BLD has to clean the lockers, but lube, grog,Tim Tams and Jim Jams welcome for delapidated dodgy digga!
Praise the Lord , now where's my bong..............................