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  1. #51
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    Quote Originally Posted by katie23 View Post
    So BoJo is mixed race, though he looks very north European
    he's a turk, all turks come from africa, he's an albino african. if he was in africa they'd burn him

  2. #52
    Isle of discombobulation Joe 90's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by katie23 View Post
    ^question is not only for BLD but for those who were "adventurous yoofs"

    The problem is that any offsprings could have a claim on ones estate which is the main reason sperm donations have dropped off in recent years.

    I personally would probably get to know any potential offspring out of curiosity but where do you draw the line?

    When the tenth offspring has knocked on one's door then you probably will have regretted thise knee tremblers around the back of the night club back in the day.

    I know a women who donated her eggs to get free fertility treatment about 10 years ago.

    She will have the consequences of potentially a dozen offsprings knocking on her door in a decade all for the sake of a few grands fertility treatment.

    Funny old world.

  3. #53
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    Well I think there's a lot we can learn from L&F and Eddie's fathers, like it's the kids who suffer and you can beat eggs but you'll never beat a good...


  4. #54
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  5. #55
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    Quote Originally Posted by malmomike77 View Post
    he's a turk, all turks come from africa, he's an albino african. if he was in africa they'd burn him
    If he lived in sub Saharan Africa, he would be chopped and his body parts sold.

    Your former PM is 1/8 Turkish and his surname should've been Kemal. Boris Kemal. Rishi Sunak would not have been the first "ethnic sounding" PM.

    Though on another side of his family, he's related to George II or III (of England), so he's distantly related to King Charles and QE II. So I guess he wouldn't be burned or chopped.


    @Joe - what if the child didn't ask for a part of your estate but just asked to have a relationship with you? (example a few beers or lunch every now & then)

    And btw, are illegitimate children entitled to the same portion of inheritance as legitimate ones? (if there was no will) I don't know the laws re: this in the UK, US, Aus or TH.

  6. #56
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    Quote Originally Posted by katie23 View Post
    So if someone contacted you by email/ text message/ phone call saying that he/ she is your son/ daughter, would you reply? Would you be open to meeting them and/ or having a relationship with them? (as father-child)

    ^question is not only for BLD but for those who were "adventurous yoofs"

    I'm just curious (no judgement). I've seen some vids where the parent was overjoyed to meet the child but there are also vids where the parent didn't want anything to do with the child. (but at least the child/ person got closure, knowing who the dad was)
    Yes I would. After watching those Blair and leah slog youtubes I really was quite moved by the emotion of it all. One guy "Glen " from.olongapo clearly looked amerasian and was already 60. He found his dad through that vlog the dad was a fit 80 year old Harley rider and had no idea he fathered Glen. He and his whole family stepped up to the plate and 100% acknowledged Glen. I thought that was fantastic
    Last edited by BLD; 08-11-2024 at 04:27 PM.
    Most people are Kunts.dont believe me? Next time you see a group of people. Shout out OI KUNT watch em all turn around.

  7. #57
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    Quote Originally Posted by Reg Dingle View Post
    Well I think there's a lot we can learn from L&F and Eddie's fathers, like it's the kids who suffer and you can beat eggs but you'll never beat a good...

    find out you haven't got throat cancer and knocking out a relief wank in the cab.........................priceless

  8. #58
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    Quote Originally Posted by BLD View Post
    Yes I would. After watching those Blair and leah slog youtubes I really was quite moved by the emotion of it all. One guy "Glen " from.olongapo clearly looked amerasian and was already 60. He found his dad through that vlog the dad was a fit 80 year old Harley rider and had no idea he fathered Glen.
    Thanks for the answer. I looked for the vid about Glen. He does look Amerasian/ mestizo. Very touching. I became teary eyed in some parts. I'm glad that his dad is still alive at 81 yrs old. The vlogger (Blair) said in the comments that Glen & his dad are emailing each other. Maybe by now, they've done video calls. It will be tough for them to see each other in person (finance-wise & logistics) but I hope they can find a way.

    This is the vid that BLD mentioned (Glen's story). It's in English.

    I hope that by now, L&F has had a reunion with his bio mum & that it went well.

  9. #59
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    Exactly I wish l&f well it's a difficult subject for sure..

  10. #60
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    As for Blair and his lovely wife leah I know they have kids of there own and put a enormous amount of time into helping the amerasians and Filipinos from all walks of life. I would like to think they do it out of the goodness of there heart rather than you tube salary. Maybe a bit of both?

  11. #61
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    ^I think it's a bit of both. Most ppl who do YouTube (and have monetized channels) are doing it for the money. Those DNA test kits aren't free (although some are donated by viewers, I think). It's a win-win situation if they're able to reunite families. They get the views (and $$$), the person finds his/ her family member(s).

    I've just watched their recent vid. (abt the 68 year old Amerasian) Sadly, her bio dad passed away 2 years ago (at 89) but she was able to get pictures of her dad & was able to video call w/ her adopted brother. Her dad didn't have other bio kids but he adopted 2 children (boy & girl).

    I used to watch other reunification stories done by a TV program here (Kapuso Mo, Jessica Soho). It's done by a TV network, so the DNA tests are paid for by the network. The narrations are in Tagalog.

    However, there was a crossover/ collab program between Jessica Soho (the TV host) and "60 minutes Australia" . It was about a Filipino boy who was adopted by an Australian couple. The guy went to PH to search for his birth mom. He found her & later on, he accompanied his Aussie mum to meet his bio mum. Then later on, he sponsored his bio mum to visit him in Aus. There's also a vid of the story from 60 min Australia YT channel - don't know the title but it's about Joel/ search for birth mum. Happy endings all around.
    Last edited by katie23; 08-11-2024 at 07:50 PM.

  12. #62
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    Will find out just how much Scottish DNA I have in me soon enough, I suspect more than first thought, as I saw that it was free shipping if you buy two, so bought one for the kid and one for me maa. That's the ol' dear's Crissy present sor'id.

  13. #63
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    Quote Originally Posted by katie23 View Post
    Happy endings all around.

    This thread has certainly picked up since I last clicked on it.

    *Pushes to the front of the queue*

  14. #64
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    I drove up to meet my mum yesterday. Just under three hours. I had said I'd call when I was on my way. I din't know why, i didn't want to make the call.

    We had an afternoon together. Then dinner. She enjoys a glass of wine :-). Our lives have had so many parallels. We both had significant successes in property and hospitality related businesses. We both have a work ethic driven by a fear of failure, we both lived in France. Her home is filled with seascape paintings; I live beside and overlooking the sea.

    I'm home now. Exhausted, but overjoyed at the prospect of being a part of my birth mother's life for the limited time left to her. Mercifully, I believe she no longer has money or assets of any consequence. She carried me for nine months and she had the pain of delivering a 10lb + baby that she was forced to give away. I hope I can repay the favour as she deserves.

    Oddly, she was also illegitimate. My grandfather (her father) was a Czech diplomat in London with a German mother. He became a post war minister in Czechoslovakia, apparently. So my DNA test with its E European and German connection now makes sense.

  15. #65
    Isle of discombobulation Joe 90's Avatar
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    Interesting that the apple didn't fall far from the tree.
    Glad it was a success for you!

  16. #66
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    In the interests of geographical accuracy, Yemen isn't in North Africa.

  17. #67
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    ^^^ thanks for the update, L&F. I'm glad that you had a good meetup with your bio mum. Another happy ending (or new beginning).

    Funny about leading "parallel lives". I re-watched the episodes re: Boris Johnson. His Turkish great grandpa (Ali Kemal) was a journalist turned politician. Boris had the same path.

    There's also an Amerasian lady from the 'Leah & Blair slog' . She's now 50+ and her dad was a US serviceman stationed in PH. Unfortunately, her dad has passed but they were able to connect her with some of her paternal cousins. Two of her cousins are nurses in the US and Elizabeth (the Amerasian) is also a nurse (in PH).

  18. #68
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    My brother in the UK is in genealogy - he has managed to trace our family tree back several hundred years, and he has also had a DNA genealogy test to identify regions of our ancestors. Turns out that a major DNA line comes from Roumanian Jews. My father's ancestors lived in the Middle East for several generations (my father was born in Alexandria, Egypt). All interesting stuff (for me).
    Groping women when you're old is fine - everyone thinks you're senile

  19. #69
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    Quote Originally Posted by Neverna View Post
    In the interests of geographical accuracy, Yemen isn't in North Africa.
    In the interests of geological accuracy, it was until 25 million years ago, prior to the rifting of the Red Sea.

    However, I take your point Nev.

    The strange thing is, I'd always assumed that the swarthy good looks I inherited came from from my mum's side (my maternal Nan had a bit of a hooked nose) and a couple of cousins from that side look a bit 'Araby', but my mum's DNA indicated nothing of that type. The North African DNA in my daughter wouldn't have been a surprise if it also showed in my mum's profile, but it doesn't, so very strange.

    This has got me thinking and I'm going to order a test for myself for Christmas.

  20. #70
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mendip View Post
    In the interests of geological accuracy, it was until 25 million years ago, prior to the rifting of the Red Sea.

    However, I take your point .
    Bloody geos

  21. #71
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mendip;

    ... a couple of cousins from that side look a bit 'Araby', but my mum's DNA indicated nothing of that type. The North African DNA in my daughter wouldn't have been a surprise if it also showed in my mum's profile, but it doesn't, so very strange.
    You could also ask your paternal aunts/ uncles or cousins to take a DNA test. (or gift them the test kit) If the N African ancestry also show up in their results, then it will confirm that it's from your dad's side.

    From the genealogy vids that I've watched, 5% (in your daughter's result) is a significant number. If it's 1% or less it could be due to errors or trace/ unassigned which they just lumped into the nearest category. You may have had an Arab great grandparent if your result turns out with ~12.5% N African.

  22. #72
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lostandfound View Post
    I drove up to meet my mum yesterday.
    So glad it went well for you L&F.

  23. #73
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mendip View Post
    I'd always assumed that the swarthy good looks I inherited came from from my mum's side (my maternal Nan had a bit of a hooked nose) and a couple of cousins from that side look a bit 'Araby', but my mum's DNA indicated nothing of that type. The North African DNA in my daughter wouldn't have been a surprise if it also showed in my mum's profile, but it doesn't, so very strange.

    This has got me thinking and I'm going to order a test for myself for Christmas.
    With you being from the West Country, shouldn't you have bought your sister a test kit?

  24. #74
    Isle of discombobulation Joe 90's Avatar
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  25. #75
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    Harsh, but probably true.

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