I foresee no change in Mid East nor Ukraine
Trump will dispute the election then slink of rinse repeat
Thai inflation due to the 10k give away and floods
Mr Joe69 wins Masterchef with his big sausage
Backspin will finally grow up and TD rumble along with usual suspects, LD comes out , Loopy thrusts in.
MsKit accurately reports rain droughts floods surprise South Middle and Esan , Too foggy to tell in C Mai Feb to April. Katie and MM reach new heights (Twin Peeks)
Shutree spots culture in Esan (Bio actifidus)
London teams Up , Manchester down.
Hal buys a season ticket to beach volleyball instead.
Tommy's new fine dining shirt sets trend in G-Quartier
Camomile tea proven cure for balding midgets , unfortunate side effect impotence and hairy nipples.
New Chinese Map to inc Caribbean Isles, Ireland Sicily and Manhattan
Thai Navy moor new Chinese sub on Ocean floor to avoid sinking feeling.
Sir Keir Starmer donates his Arsenal Directors box seats to the thousands of mentally handicapped gooner supporters.
SA escapes Laundromat and shacks up with Tax and Anna the dog in a menage a trois in Soi Ohboy.
Mendy becomes a troll and pretends to visit rigs while spotted in baNANA Plaza twice nightly presenting Pajama Gal and the dancing Dogs
RedBull Boy says very very solly and to share cell with entire Toxin clan
Reg has room for one on top
RJ is released from mental asylum as indistinguishable now from average local after absinthe enemas
$ 37.69 aka a can of Archa or somtam
UK clam 44.44 aka One DAVE or a pair of Brazilled nuts
Euro one SINGHA or short time BJ
Climate change Stickiness and Ickiness globally, Turkey greasy , Greece battered , Pacific Isles Buggered
Highlight of the year the African Pool,Spa and BBQ opens in Bambia Maitre D' WickyKong invites all members to drop in. Souvenir T shirts of crowning Ms LooseOkker won by unanimoose vote by Miss Ontario
I hope we all survive to see it