Most interested in any experience and support here in LOS.
There is lots of research on misfolding diseases.
I have no medical qualifications but can and do read serious journals like
What to expect as the person's dementia progresses | Alzheimer Society of Canada
I have no diagnosis but have two friends who had awful situations caring for mothers , both died recently after years with Alzheimer's.
It has just occured it may not be me but my partner and how I may support her through such a difficult process, luckily she is very close to daughter with long daily chats, alas she is 1000km away near Bangkok.
There are new medicines which may be therapeutic but no preventative silver bullet.
From extensive reading an active mind is suggested to help.
The type of tasks descrived vary teh common factor is mental exercise form complex tasks which might include using a bicycle , cooking, poker work,suduko, learning a language or a musical instrument, puzzles, gardening etc