I got anally attacked by a vicious predator and ended up with a bloody arse yesterday.
I did not even realise that anything had happened until some time later (much like a Catholic altar boy who has blocked out memories of traumatic events)
I had been working in the forest and then come in and showered and made my evening meal of spicy Tom Yum soup (Blokish batch bucket that lasts a week)
I had finished my spicy soup and I got up to take the bowl to the sink when I noticed that the sofa cushion was covered in copious amounts of blood.
I should have taken a photo but my top priority was preventing the blood stain on the white sofa cushion cover.
And at this stage I had not even realised I was still bleeding since a quick mirror check did not reveal a cut on my back.
It was only when I checked a 2nd time that I realised my brand new dark blue boxers were also soaked in blood.
Anyhoo it appears to have been a leech and this is where the nasty barsteward leeched onto me...
Right in the old builders crack.
Weird thing is he must have been on me throughout my shower and dinner.
When I spotted the wound I could feel a little strip of flesh or something. I pinched it thinking it might be the leech, and a strip of gooey flesh tore off. I don't know it was a bit of the leech or a bit of me. It was light coloured fleshy goo and leeches are dark green or black.
So if he detached in the house then where would he go?
He would be well engorged with amount of time he was probably on me.
Where would be the likeliest spot to find a detached leech hiding inside the house?
How long do they live for indoors?