Mid Term Results

St Willy's Academy for the terminally Incontinent

Head Girl Harriet has won a scholarship to C Mai old geezafluffing Academy, a big hand

bald Rick will take over after passing a rugs test by Matron Neverna

Snubble Rubblestein Golden Bucket of Chicken Kyiv for a month

Herr Doktor Hat a bra fitting booked

STD clinic recall Messers NoRubbaJohnny, YourFaddy and Hal E Tosis

Lenny Looper wins the top Model prize

Tiddler Tomcat Flower arranging garland

Mendip will have to resit as exam done by Anna see me after recess

Edmundo "Almost upskirt " the C Mai"Lulu of a lunchbreak" Mama noodle bonus

Misskit will again be reality monitor not Simple Rustle as rumoured in Moose News

Jeff Ass Tall award to Sybille superspell who will enter Grammar crammer

Special needs after Weds half holiday in the remove

Sabang Senior Serving Seamen and "Paster " Oh Oh junior Red Star of Hainan

Ms Backspin see me

Professor Cheetycheaty promises to return when Man City win Champions League