^ thanks, Looper. At one point they said there was serious damage to around 75% of her lungs, they couldn't use any mechanical breathing support due to the damage, and her self-breathing was marginal. They had no choice to put her on some very aggressive anti-viral drips which could be dangerous in themselves, so I had to sign a form off for their use then they had to put a small test-drip of the stuff for 10 minutes while an emergency team watched on in case of a negative reaction. It seemed to do the job along with other medication - she had so many drips and devices... I won't post many pics as it's not the right thread, and I don't wanna do a separate thread, but these are generally indicative:
But, two weeks after these pics, she's just back from a morning shop and making lunch (I've been trying to get her to rest and do nothing at all for a couple of weeks, but she never listens to a word I say...)
I'd like to prosper the suggestion that Peach Boy had a positive effect against the virus ogres.
Cycling should be banned!!!
Did I mention I am not accepting fashion advice on jeans from a Norwich supporter.
I was returning a pair of winter slippers to change the size when I noticed somebody else returning a large trendy looking microwave/air fryer combo, complaining that the plastic was bubbling on the button panel
I immediately had a brain-bomb that I recognise those symptoms being described. I happen to know from experience that the bubbled panel is because they have not removed the protective peeling plastic from the button panel and there is probly nuffink wrong wiv it.
I lived with a similar bubbled and torn plastic panel for 20 years before recently realising that my own 20 year old microwave could be rendered 'as-new' by peeling the bubbled plastic off.
It was swiftly tagged as a 40% mark-down based on the complaint and just as swiftly snatched up by my my good self and whisked to the checkout.
I opened the box on the way and checked that the bubbling was there and then also confirmed with my finger nail that the bubbled plastic could be simply peeled off for a spanky new oven.
I actually have doubts about how effective these combo devices are in reality but I can't resist a mark-down bargain so it had to be mine.
I had this with a new motorbike around 15 years ago.
I got 2 extra decals from Honda and had them applied in house. New Honda bike, OEM Honda decals, applied by Honda staff in their Honda dealership.
A month or so later and they were discoloured and bubbling. I was a bit pissed as they looked terrible and it had all been done by Honda.
I went back there to complain and generally act like they're all a bunch of useless shitheads.
The manager came out and just said, you know you have to peel off the outer film, right? Then put his hand down and did it immediately, leaving behind a perfectly applied and radiant decal on the lovely fairings.
I think my face was redder than the R at the end of the decal.![]()
I am going to look amazing on playground duty this year.
Finally got round to swapping in the discount microwave/grill/oven/air-fryer
You can see the bubbling that got me 41% off. I am thinking I will leave it like that as it gives it character. I might peel it off in about 20 years when it is much scruffier. It is more fun peeling it off when it looks really bad.
It checks a few boxes on my irk-list:
It is bigger internally so all my plates fit in it
The 30 second quick start function is better since it starts with one button press instead of 2 saving me 2.4 seconds of time for each usage
The 30 second quick start multi-press aggregation goes up to 10 minutes instead of max 2 minutes on the old microwave
The beeps stop as soon as you open the door (same as on the old microwave) whereas some new microwaves go ahead with the completed task full 5 beeps once they start beeping, which would shit me as it means I would make more noise in the kitchen when I am trying to sneak around in stealth mode
Quite spanky and inside.
But I anticipate that the air-fryer/oven/grill element is going to get slowly covered in microwave splashes and then generate a cloud of smoke on the rare occasion I go to use it.
Out with the old
I had the old microwave for 23 years and 4 months and I only cleaned it once (about 3 years ago)
I feel disloyal kicking it into touch when it trundled on for so long without fault. Black and Decker don't just make drills.
So I gave it courtesy clean to salve my conscience
The marks on the ceiling are where paint has flaked and it has gone rusty
RIP old trusty friend
^I already have an airfryer inherited from an absconding tenant and I have used it maybe twice in the 3 years since I got it.
Part of my internal dialogue with myself when I was trying to convince myself to buy this fangled fryer was that if it was as handy to use as the microwave and did not require lifting down off the top of the fridge and plugging in then I might use the air-fryer more.
But I suspect my silent monologue was fanciful and this air-fryer function is destined to remain equally unused and this is simply a glorified microwave.
But I get a warm feeling when I look at the bubbled wrapper-peel and think of the $69 I cunningly saved
Just think in 10 years you can peel off the film and get that warm feeling all over again
^My toaster is also a Black and Decker, also bought in 2001. It was only when FF1 remarked upon its odd looking vintage on Sunday when I pulled it out of the cupboard for toasting some bread to go with the covid broth that I noticed this minor detail and realised I must have bought them at the same time. Seems a shame now to break up the vintage set.
My new impulse buy are these Baseus Bowie MA10 Noise Cancelling Bluetooth headphones. Originally intended mainly to try for sleeping as light planes flying overhead sometimes wake me up.
But the noise cancelling function seems to be much less effective than I anticipated or else I am not using them right. Also they would need some kind of auxilliary head cushion strap to make then comfy enough for side-sleepers like me.
Not a total waste as they seem like very good quality headphones for my limited appreciation levels. Although, I am sure they would not cut BettyBoo's audiophile mustard!
Much better than plug in headphones. Ever since phone manufacturers stopped putting 3.5mm socket on the phone the sound quality of headphones that used to sound good has sucked for me. But these bad boys bring back some boogie bass.
Solved with another impulse buy
DragonFire laser: MoD tests weapon as low-cost alternative to missiles - BBC News
Maybe I should go on a summer holiday now I have a trailer attached to my bike.
I got this so I can avoid making trips along the driveway on the scooter while holding loads of items like chainsaws etc. in my fingers. It was for that reason that I went over the handlebars a month ago and lost a fair bit of skin!
^ My word that looks girlie! You'd better check your knackers are still attached...
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