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Of course, you of all people would fail to notice the tongue in cheek aspect of my post piwi. Merely copying Israeli logic, euphemisms and half truths against them. I no more believe that the UN should resort to the barbarism of bombing Israeli targets, than I approve of the barbarity of the latest Israeli assault on Gaza. Neither do I believe the futile, primitive rocket attacks from Gaza are warranted or a good idea- although I do at least acknowledge that they do help keep the ongoing plight of the Palestinian people in the public eye.
The answers are political, not military. The latest bloodletting (and after all these years, all these repetitions, I think I'm justified in saying "yawwwn", without ignoring the enormous human tragedy, suffering and destruction entailed) merely emphasizes the futility of Israeli violence and carnage. I hardly need point out the 'proportionate response' mantra. Palestine is going nowhere, and neither is Israel- so One State, or Two? The latest outrage should merely accelerate the BDS (Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions) movement. The US & Israel are increasingly isolated on the world stage, and I'm afraid the underlying justification of 'we got the Bombs' will not suffice. Some people compare Israel to apartheid Sth Africa, but it's worse- the saffa's didn't bomb Soweto repeatedly, although there was a massacre or two. But just like Sth Africa, economic, diplomatic and cultural sanctions against Israel should be scaled up until they work towards a solution, and frankly the two state solution (thanks to ongoing & illegal Israeli colonization) looks increasingly untenable.