Followed by Chitty’s famous white knuckle porcelain ride
My god, you are utterly clueless. Pretty sad that a man of your age has still not mastered how to cook on an open flame.
Your fellow Brit Chitts. Apparently you were too drunk to catch one of his drunk posts...
So an English Xmas is a plate of slop, nose sherbet and Viagra. I am guessing the two of you hit the car park after that.
Has anybody else got a mouth drier than Ghandis flip flop from looking at those pics of dehydrated meat?
Hey Ciz got bored waiting at the glory hole
No you are wrong you stupid Brit schmuck. Those Kabobs were quite tasty and juicy. Grilling adds a nice flavor. Not everything is cooked on high heat. Grilling is an art and takes some skill. Tossing frozen shit out of a bag and into an oven, cover with foil and wait for the buzzer then open a can of baked beans and warm up frozen peas is lazy fat ass cooking you drunk.
It's not fooking rocket science is it Cowboy
You chuck your meat on the "q" until it's dead then eat it, it all harks back to the colonial Cowboy days, same with the Aussies.
No gas, no cooker,no problem.
Light a fire, burn whatever meat is closest to hand serve with baked beans, job done!
Then snuggle up for a bit of Brokeback action, yeehaa!!
Ya know Joe.... ......... I get it and forget sometimes that you Brits live in probably the worst weather on the planet. Constant overcast, clouds, rain, cold etc. So lazy ass oven cooking is all you know as you probably use the oven heat to warm up your house as well. Grilling is an outside social type activity in countries where the weather is nice which you pasty white Brits don't have.
Grilling isn't "start a fire and torch your food" process. There are numerous ways to cook the food. There is indirect methods, slow cooking method, open flame, low heat and you have to have the skill to know when to pull the meat off the grill to accommodate the folks preferences at your place. Again it takes skill and planning unless you want to have everyone eat the steaks like you cook which are fried to leathery tough.
Oven cooking takes no skill, nor does opening a can of beans nor cooking frozen peas.
Carbonara coming up (and no fucking cream either)!
That does look quite decent, but it certainly ain’t Brit food.
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