I was out by the pool taking a late morning nap. In the background I hear the wife sweeping and cleaning up around the patio. I’m guessing she is giving me hints that it is getting time to go somewhere. I doze back off and then I hear a loud shrieking sound that my wife makes when she sees something that scares her. Well it scared me also because I was sound asleep and had no clue what was going on when the yelling started. “Look, look, look” she says. “Over by the pump house”. A snake had just crossed the patio and was crawling into the grass. “Get it, get it out of here!” she says.
I go and get the swimming pool skimmer net and pole and go look for the snake. The wife goes to a neighbors and says there is a snake in her house and needs help getting out.
I can’t locate the darned thing. So the neighbor comes over and we look around for a few a while. And then about 50 meters away the snake can be seen moving even further away in the yard. The neighbor has a long stick and takes chase and wastes no time clubbing it. By the time I get there it is pretty much dead so I drape it over the stick and carry it out to the field across the way. But not before I took a few pictures.
Now this snake is different than the one we saw around the house 2 or 3 weeks ago. Can anyone advise as to the type of snake this is and if it might be poisonous or not? Details: brown and about 1 meter in length. No other distinguishing features that I could note.