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  1. #1
    Thailand Expat misskit's Avatar
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    Police seize 3 baby orangutans smuggled from Indonesia via Malaysia

    Police rescued three baby orangutans, being smuggled from Indonesia through Malaysia into Thailand, from a vehicle in Mueang district of the southern province of Chumphon.

    One Chinese goral and three unidentified species of monkeys were also confiscated from the vehicle. The driver, identified only as ‘Winai’, 63, and a 45-year-old woman were detained by police for questioning.

    The seizure of the great apes follows intelligence received by the Department of National Parks, Wildlife and Plant Conservation from the US Fish and Wildlife Service.

    Police approached a vehicle, parked in front of a gas station in Thung Kha sub-district, at about 9pm wanting to search it. They found six plastic baskets, three of which contained the orangutans, and a wooden box.

    During questioning, the two suspects claimed that they had collected the wildlife from a person in Songkhla to be taken to a client in Bangkok’s Ratchapruek area.

    With the information gleaned from the suspects, police and park officials raided a house in the Ratchapruek area and found several more animals, including seven cotton-top tamarins and two red pandas.

    In December 2022, Thailand returned three orangutans to Indonesia, after they had been kept in the country for about seven years.

    Park officials said that an investigation is under way to determine whether this latest shipment of wildlife is linked to the seizure of about 900 lemurs and rare turtles, smuggled into Thailand from Madagascar, in Chumphon province in May last year.

    Police seize 3 baby orangutans smuggled from Indonesia via M

  2. #2
    Thailand Expat harrybarracuda's Avatar
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    Fucking scum. Make an example of them.

  3. #3
    Member Salsa dancer's Avatar
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    Yesterday @ 04:55 PM
    Three baby orang utans now, and 900 lemurs last year ? That's a heck of a lot of lemurs.

    Follow the network back and find the king pins, then execute them in public. Or starve and suffocate them in the same way the wildlife often does.

  4. #4
    Thailand Expat
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    One heartbeat away from eternity
    Quote Originally Posted by Salsa dancer View Post
    Follow the network back and find the king pins, then execute them in public. Or starve and suffocate them in the same way the wildlife often does.
    Late '80s I had a friend in Bangkok who was much involved in rescuing gibbons which in those days were often found in bars and along Pattaya's world class promenade. She was so well-known that she became the go-to person and when Customs seized a box with three baby orang utans she was the person they called. I went to visit her and she had these small animals in nappies roaming her lounge looking for hugs.
    As it happened, I had a contact who had excellent resources who did some successful enquiries and information was passed back to the authorities. These orangs had been destined for collectors in Europe. It took some time but they were eventually repatriated. The international trade in exotic species is deeply rooted, with middlemen and collectors. Thailand is a regular hub. It doesn't get the enforcement energy it deserves.

  5. #5
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    I had a pet rhesus monkey in laos that my Mrs bought for 500 baht of a bloke at the traffic lights . He sure was a lot of fun and me and him bonded
    Even used to take him bar hopping . Built him a huge cage but I regret having him as a's not like you can tame them. they are still a wild animal and should be left in the wild, btw his name wasn't bubbles before anyone asks. Maybe I saved him from a medical experiment ? Anyway when it became apparent he was a nasty drunk prone to throwing pint glasses about then it was decided he had to go. We gave him to the lao zoo. Funny kunt he was though. He was banned at the highland bar for scaring the publican , banned at the blue banana because the publican reckoned there was enough animals. But he was strangely welcome at the Tex mex despite taking a wee monkey Turd on the bar. Go figure
    Last edited by BLD; 23-01-2025 at 07:25 PM.
    Most people are Kunts.dont believe me? Next time you see a group of people. Shout out OI KUNT watch em all turn around.

  6. #6
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    But yeah. Wild animals. Just say no

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by BLD View Post
    his name wasn't bubbles before anyone asks.
    Cool story. What was the little shit disturbers name?

  8. #8
    Thailand Expat
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