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  1. #1
    Thailand Expat DrWilly's Avatar
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    Brit paedophile paid mothers to watch their children being abused on livestreams

    A sick paedophile who paid women in the Philippines money to watch their children being abused on livestreams has been jailed.
    Peter Swan, 62, made the approaches between 2015 and 2023 using social media and dating apps. He offered the women money in return for either a live stream or video of children carrying out sexual acts.
    In Skype messages, Swan spoke about meeting up with them and their children. Swan was caught when he uploaded an indecent image of a child to the internet, prompting police to carry out a search warrant in Orton Malborne, Peterborough, in February 2023.
    Dell and Sony laptops and a Samsung phone were seized and found to contain almost 3,000 indecent images of children. Swan was voluntarily interviewed and bailed with conditions but was arrested again in November 2023 after the Skype messages emerged.
    However, he continued to view indecent images online as well as using Skype to talk to women and Telegram to pay for indecent images and live streams and videos of children being abused. On Wednesday December 18, at Peterborough Crown Court, Swan, was jailed for 16 years.
    Judge Sean Enright said Swan carried out "a sustained campaign against children in a third-world country", the likes of which he had not seen before in court.

    PC Alex Cochrane, of Cambridgeshire Constabulary, said: "Swan shamefully offered vulnerable women money in return to watch children being sexually abused for his own perverted gratification.

    "Protecting vulnerable people is a force priority and children will undoubtedly be safer with Swan behind bars."
    Swan pleaded guilty to three counts of arranging/facilitating the sexual exploitation of a child under 13 and one count of arranging/facilitating the sexual exploitation of a child between 13 and 17. He also admitted six counts of making indecent images of children and received no separate penalty for these offences.
    Judge Sean Enright said the sentences were rightly consecutive because “each child is a separate catastrophe.”

    Brit paedophile paid mothers to watch their children being abused on livestreams - Mirror Online

  2. #2
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    taxexile's Avatar
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    lets hope your search history is never investigated by the authorities willy.

    you seem to be obsessed with these sorts of crimes.

  3. #3
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    katie23's Avatar
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    Re: the OP, I have heard of parents (in PH) selling their children to prostitution gangs. Sad to see/ hear that they've made the switch to online means too...

    My mom heard of a case in court wherein a man molested a baby (less than a year old). Just hearing the story from her made me ill.

    I hope that man in the OP (Peter Swan) never gets out of jail.

  4. #4
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    malmomike77's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by katie23 View Post
    Re: the OP, I have heard of parents (in PH) selling their children to prostitution gangs. Sad to see/ hear that they've made the switch to online means too...

    My mom heard of a case in court wherein a man molested a baby (less than a year old). Just hearing the story from her made me ill.

    I hope that man in the OP (Peter Swan) never gets out of jail.
    The sentence for scum of this sort should be castration followed by a year in jail while the cons get a chance to help them understand their crimes and then electrocution with a fairly dry skull cap.

  5. #5
    Thailand Expat DrWilly's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by katie23 View Post
    I hope that man in the OP (Peter Swan) never gets out of jail.
    Agreed to that.

  6. #6
    Thailand Expat harrybarracuda's Avatar
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    Old news unfortunately. That ginger off the Beeb did a documentary on it ages ago. The FBI have got a permanent presence there I believe.

  7. #7
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    I had the misfortune of working with this guy, in the late ‘90s, in Bkk. Everyone had heard rumors about him, but never knew the depths of his depravity.

    New York (CNN) — A Canadian man who admitted to running a sex ring involving young boys at his home in Thailand was sentenced by a federal judge in Newark, New Jersey, to 25 years in prison, court officials said Monday.
    John Wrenshall pleaded guilty to three counts, including conspiracy to engage in sex tourism, conspiracy to produce child pornography and distribution of child pornography, U.S. Attorney Paul J. Fishman said in a statement.
    “John Wrenshall created a place where innocent children were sexually brutalized as a vacation pastime,” Fishman said. “It is fitting that a man who has condemned children to live with unimaginable scars for his pleasure and profit should spend decades of his own life in a prison cell.”

    Organizer of child sex ring in Thailand sentenced to 25 years – Stop Child Labor – The Child Labor Coalition

  8. #8
    Thailand Expat DrWilly's Avatar
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    Yikes, glad they got him. Unfortunately plenty more out there.

  9. #9
    MarilynMonroe's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by taxexile View Post
    you seem to be obsessed with these sorts of crimes.

    This is really sick stuff, I never heard of this happening. So sad, glad he got caught. There should be more safety online for children to keep away from these sickos.

  10. #10
    MarilynMonroe's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by beachbound View Post
    “John Wrenshall created a place where innocent children were sexually brutalized as a vacation pastime,” Fishman said. “It is fitting that a man who has condemned children to live with unimaginable scars for his pleasure and profit should spend decades of his own life in a prison cell.
    25 years isn't enough imo. There are many criminals that flee to Thailand trying to hide and when they do get caught their sentencing isn't that much compared to the crime.
    Death penalty should be more like it for stuff like this.

  11. #11
    Thailand Expat DrWilly's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MarilynMonroe View Post
    No. Not really you naive twit.

    Tax is just trying to have a dig because the feels threatened by any bad news posts about Brits having badly, quite why he should take it personally I have no idea. Ask him.

  12. #12
    Thailand Expat misskit's Avatar
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    This is one of those headlines I hope will drop off the front page quickly. Makes my stomach turn each time I see it.

  13. #13

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