All 10,000 entitlements under the “50:50” spending program, designed to promote tourism in 17 northern provinces, have been fully subscribed and used, according to Somchai Chomphunoi, director of the northern regional office of the Tourism Authority of Thailand.

He said that most were used for hotel bookings and food and beverages in Chiang Rai, followed by Chiang Mai, Nan, Phrae and Phayao provinces.

The program was jointly rolled out by the TAT and 554 tourism businesses on November 1st. It is scheduled to end on December 31st. Under the program, subscribers are entitled to 50% discounts on hotel accommodation and food.

Warunee Khammeru, the general manager of the Duang Tawan Hotel in Chiang Mai, which took part in the program, said that some travellers with the entitlements complain that the program is not flexible enough, as it requires them to use their entitlements within three days.

As far as the tourism businesses are concerned, she complained that refunds from the government are scheduled for January, which is too slow and may impact on the cash flows of the businesses.

One tourist also complained that the period for registration for the entitlements is too short, leaving him unable to subscribe within the deadline.

Most hoteliers agree, however, that the program does boost their business and they would like a similar program to be launched again in the foreseeable future.

“50-50” tourism promotion program in northern region fully s