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  1. #1
    Lord of Swine
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    Indonesian fighter jets were ready to shoot down Australian plane

    Indonesian fighter jet pilots had "locked on" their weapon systems to an Australian light plane on Wednesday before its pilots decided to comply with the order to land, one of the air force pilots has said

    Indonesian pilot Major Wanda Suriansyah was quoted in news portal as saying the two Sukhoi fighters had engaged their weapons systems and taken aim at the Australians.

    "If there had been a command to shoot, I would immediately have shot it down, but thank God the pilot was apparently scared and decided to land the plane in Manado," Major Wanda said.

    The dramatic mid-air chase on Wednesday morning came after radars detected a light plane, flown by Australians Richard Wayne Maclean and Graeme Paul Jacklin, in Indonesian air space without papers or clearance to be there.

    They were delivering the plane to its new owner in the Philippines.

    Major Wanda said the Sukhoi fighters had scrambled from Makassar in south Sulawesi, before escorting the Australian plane for four hours as it flew over Kupang and Ambon.

    He said the first request to land was made as the Beechworth aircraft was over Ambon.

    "But some Australians are stubborn so they ignored the request," he said.

    Eventually the plane was forced to land in the Sam Ratulangi airport in Manado. The air force base commander, Hesly Paath, also alleged that the Australians originally ignored orders to stop.

    Military authorities in Indonesia appear to be searching for a diplomatic solution to the case, with air force spokesman Hadi Tjahjanto saying that airport authorities had contacted the Australian embassy in Jakarta to ask them to help the pair obtain the necessary documents.

    The request suggests that, if the documents are obtained, they may be allowed to leave.

    The Department of Foreign Affairs confirmed that the embassy in Jakarta was in contact with Indonesian authorities to "seek clarification of the circumstances".

    Consular officials had also made contact with the two Australians who were aboard the plane to offer consular assistance.

    However, First Marshall Hadi insisted that a legal investigation was nevertheless still under way. Violations of Indonesian air space carry a sentence of up to five years imprisonment. A group of Australians was locked up under the laws in West Papua in 2009.

    Mr Jacklin's brother, Greg, said Graeme was an experienced pilot and was normally "a pretty big stickler with the paperwork".

    Greg Jacklin said he had no knowledge of this particular flight, but that he could not imagine his brother flying over Indonesia unprepared.

    The brothers had spoken briefly by phone on Wednesday night. Graeme was well, according to Greg, but they had not discussed events leading to the plane being forced down.

    Pilot Ben Wyndham said he had flown "ferry flights" — in which planes are flown to deliver to the people who have purchased them — with Mr Jacklin, and that he was "very meticulous and thorough".

    "It must be mistake, an oversight, a miscommunication," Mr Wyndham said. "This is not something that would happen on a Graeme Jacklin ferry flight."

    "I really have no idea about what's happened here, but Graeme would not have put himself in a situation — for him or his client or the aeroplane — where there was any doubt about the outcome."

    Read more: Indonesian fighter jets were ready to shoot down Australian plane

  2. #2
    Custom Title Changer
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    Fuckin' Australians......

  3. #3
    I'm in Jail

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    Not in jail
    Fuckin Indonesians......

  4. #4
    Thailand Expat
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    Apparently not the first time these Aussies have violated Indonesian airspace, and have even been jailed for it before.

  5. #5
    . Neverna's Avatar
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    I wonder if the plane was carrying any extra cargo.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Neverna
    I wonder if the plane was carrying any extra cargo.
    More than one Australian you mean?

  7. #7
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    Bloody convicts.

  8. #8

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    18-02-2021 @ 04:53 PM
    Trawlland, not Nong Khai
    I think when they jailed teh Aussies in 2009 it was becase they landed in Indonesia, not just because they did not file a flight plan.

    Papua is a bit sensitive.

  9. #9
    Thailand Expat

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    23-10-2014 @ 05:31 PM
    Didn't the missing Malaysian airline plane fly past Indonesia on its way South ? If so why didn't they send up a fighter to investigate that blip on the radar ? If they can detect a small plane surely a 737 should have not easily missed ?
    Why didn't they just ask for permission to use their airspace ? Something dodgy especially if they have previous.
    Treat everyone as a complete and utter idiot and you can only ever be pleasantly surprised !

  10. #10

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    18-02-2021 @ 04:53 PM
    Trawlland, not Nong Khai
    Indonesian military are a bit of a joke.

    They had some success in fighting the commies and a splinter group tried to invade Borneo and they have suppressed internal dissidents but come on, who are they really fighting against?

    The Chinese have territorial ambitions in the South China Sea but Indonesia is not a credible force, an antiquated and corrupt Navy

  11. #11
    Thailand Expat
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Big Fella View Post
    Didn't the missing Malaysian airline plane fly past Indonesia on its way South ? If so why didn't they send up a fighter to investigate that blip on the radar ? If they can detect a small plane surely a 737 should have not easily missed ?
    Why didn't they just ask for permission to use their airspace ? Something dodgy especially if they have previous.
    Probably different circumstances - a scheduled commercial long-haul vs. a private/chartered light craft.

    Airspace authorities worldwide would react the same.

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by BKKBanger
    Papua is a bit sensitive.
    That's where the US moved it's UFO research...

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